MTL - Dragon Dragon Dragon-v3 Chapter 153 terror

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According to regulations, each department must prepare at least one program for the celebration. The students of history department choose drama. Extra-curricular books W! WΔW. KanKeWaiShu. O "RG

It was initiated by Nick, who was nearing graduation, and the script was written by Sayah, who had some literary talent in the history department, rushed to work overnight, then quickly cast and rehearsed, and now it is presented to everyone.

Because Saya is currently studying the history of the demons, she uses the script under her hand to intercept the background of the invasion of the demons more than a thousand years ago, but the emotional girl does not want to simply write as written in the textbook. Victory and sacrifice in battle, she fictionally created a powerful but accidentally injured demons who lived alone in the human world. From the initial disregard for humans, she gradually came into contact with this group and finally fell in love with a girl in the human world When he met the Demon again, in order to protect the girl, he gave his life.

The plot is not complicated, but it is full of racial hatred, war, love, adventure, sacrifice. Saya skillfully connects these elements, with beautiful lines and beautiful music, and handsome actors, even if it is from Yi Longlong. From the perspective of people from a culturally diverse world, it can be regarded as good.

The actors were carefully selected by Saya from the inside of the history department. Each of them must meet the requirements of the role. Even the history department has insufficient staff. She also borrowed a large number from the outside department. With the luxuriant cast lineup, The drama has attracted many people's curiosity long before the show, and even one of the dragon killers, who has only one side exposed, is also guested by handsome men and assassination students at the level of Timothy.

Originally, Saya wanted to invite the blue knights to participate in the performance, but it is still open to think about the acting skills carefully. In addition, its mount has been lost, and it cannot reproduce the appearance of the Dragon Knight. Only the painful deletion of this character.

Yi Longlong sat on Lin Qi's shoulder and looked with interest at the sound and light effects made by magic on the stage. Although not as thrilling as Hollywood movies, he couldn't be too picky in another world.

The performance of the history department was a great success, and the end of the performance was on the vast wilderness. The corpses of the surrounding demons fell to the ground, among them the protagonist of the story. The girl leaned over and hugged the demons who died. The sunset was shining and lonely, and there were a lot of girls crying at the moment.

And when the curtain came up. When all the actors came out of the curtain, there were waves of applause from the stage. But at this time, Yi Longlong and others have left the stage and continue to leisurely go elsewhere.

Not all students in other departments are as connected as Nick and are not going to be too extravagant. After all, the cost of the show must be collected by themselves, so there are endless small programs with characteristics.

The students of the security department simply put down a table and chairs and compared their wrists with others. Those who won a few games in succession could get a small gift from them as a memorial.

There are also cavalry students performing wonderful equestrian riding around the driving range.

There are maids in the housekeeping department. The tray is full of exquisitely prepared food, dressed in blue and white maid dresses, and distributing snacks along the way.

Walking and walking, more and more remote, Yi Longlong walked to a small building painted with paint. A large wooden sign stood on the roof. It crookedly read: Magic Adventure House.

Judging by its shape and location, the predecessor of this magic adventure house should be a two-story small dormitory provided by the school. I don't know which classmate contributed it to use as a public place.

The door of the dormitory was also closed colorfully, and the inside was not visible. Just two students wearing mage robes stood on both sides of the door. They should be relevant persons in charge. Yi Longlong casually said: "Magic adventure What is the house doing? "

The student on the left said with a smile: "Little sister, this is very fun, let's go in and play."

The student on the right looked at Yi Longlong, but she expressed a worried expression, and yanked the person on the left, so that he would not be encouraged to continue: "Miss Heinne, I suggest you better not go in, although it will not really It was hurt, but it was scary. "

Yi Longlong looked at the left and right reactions, and combined with the name, there was roughly a spectrum in his heart, and he took the initiative to push the open door and stepped in without hesitation, and Jade and Lin Qi followed closely.

As soon as he entered the house, he was surrounded by a heavy darkness. The emerald used lighting technology, and the light emitted was swallowed up by the darkness for the first time.

This is a dark space created by magic.

If it is an ordinary person, it may only be groping forward, but Yi Longlong's racial talent for this body just has the ability to see things in the dark. Although not as clear as looking in the sun, at least they can clearly distinguish the objects Outline shape.

After asking Jade and Lin Qi, they were sure they could also see clearly. After whispering together, the three talents moved around the room.

The space inside the house is divided into narrower zigzag passages by magical walls, and the originally small interior space is arranged into a small labyrinth. The three people walk freely in the labyrinth with a very relaxed attitude.

The three people, Yi Longlong, were very leisurely. The people who watched their actions with magic outside the house couldn't relax. The maze was full of mischievous magic traps. For example, when stepping on a ground, a puddle suddenly appeared at the foot. Or scary snakes appeared, but these three people have walked for so long, why nothing happened?

Did something go wrong while setting up the trap?

They carefully designed this magic adventure house, but because the place is too remote, they waited so long to finally wait for the first victims to come to the door, but did not expect that the traps originally set up would not work at all, which made them look forward to hearing The screaming teenagers were frustrated.

"How to do?"

"Will you? Let's just go in and see?"

"I happen to have some props on hand. UU reading books Everyone has a monster mask. Let's go in to scare them."

Several people sneaked in from the entrance reserved for them on the second floor. Everyone was wearing a fierce monster mask on their faces. When they planned to wait for the three of them to come up, they suddenly withdrew the darkness and let them see the terrible look. To achieve a scary purpose.

The sound of footsteps going upstairs is getting closer from light to heavy, and the pranksters are getting more and more excited. When the three of them are sure to come up, they suddenly shout, and the room is bright.

Both sides face up.

When looking at the three in front of them, the teenagers who were expecting each other to scream screamed fiercely, and then scrambled to win the window.

"Okay, Lin Qi, remove the illusion." Yi Longlong shook his lips and said, "I know, this is a haunted house with magic characteristics."

What are some monster faces? She was seduced by horror movies. * This book is collected and organized by (). For more beautiful books, please visit