MTL - Dragon God’s Dumb Lover-Chapter 154 On the Road to the Ice and Snow World (Part 1)

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Seeing Ah Da take out the soul-suppressing pearl, not only Xiaoya, but even Kailian and the four fellows also understood how they can enter the northernmost snow field that is currently blowing a strange snowstorm.

Nestled in Ah Da's warm embrace, Xiaoya stretched out her hand to touch the soul-suppressing bead in Ah Da's hand, looking at the soul-suppressing bead that was faintly shining with light inside the bright yellow bead, Xiaoya then remembered I seem to have forgotten to ask Ada—why this time I am more interested in the northernmost snowfield than I am in the northernmost snowfield.

Looking up at Ah Da who was expressionless but looking at her tenderly, Xiao Ya pouted and remembered how she was fooled by Ah Da before, and said in her heart: Even if you don't tell me, do you think that at that time I will Can you still not know?

Xiaoya, who was spoiled by Ah Da, completely forgot about some things, and it was already too late when she found out about some things.

Taking Xiaoya's expression into his eyes, Ah Da smiled and didn't explain anything, but stretched out his hand to hold Xiaoya tightly in his arms, and said to Kailian and the others behind him without looking back: "Don't leave the range of fifty meters away from me."

After Ada's words fell, everyone immediately followed closely within the 50-meter range of Ada. Even though the small 50-meter range became crowded because of the size of the mount, there was still no one there. Dare to complain, of course, this is an obvious problem, who would make trouble with his own life?

After everyone quieted down, Ah Da, who was too lazy to look back at the situation, didn't care whether those people listened to his own words or not, so he led a group of people across the strange dividing line that made people turn into ashes! But even though Ah Da didn't look back, he wasn't worried at all whether someone would take this opportunity and not follow the brigade, because with the Soul Requisite Orb in his hand—who else could escape?

In the eyes of those in Jialian who did not have complete confidence in Ada, they originally planned to take this opportunity to leave with their master, and those who flinched but were still loyal saw Ada taking the lead. When walking ahead, I was thinking that no matter how powerful Ada is, it is impossible to survive after entering the northernmost snowfield, at least even if he survives, he will not have the strength to care about their movements. However, these people did not expect that when Ada entered the northernmost snowfield, his body was completely out of his control, completely against his will, and even drove his mount into the northernmost snowfield with Ada!

God! Are they... are they really going to die here? !

For a long time, the feeling of ashes has never appeared on his body. People who were full of fear for this strange northernmost snowfield slowly opened their subconsciously closed eyes. It's a weird clear sky, but a world full of howling wind and snow!

Looking at the blizzard that was isolated by the soul-suppressing beads within a range of 50 meters and could instantly reduce people to ashes, I kept my eyes wide open to see how I crossed that weird boundary and entered this weird world of ice and snow. Looking at those blizzards that suddenly appeared in front of them after crossing the strange boundary and were isolated by invisible energy, Xiaoya reached out and curiously touched the town that Adana was holding in his hand, which was emitting a small amount of heat. The soul bead, the golden eyes looked at Ah Da curiously: Ah Da, can this soul suppressing bead form an independent space by itself? Like that home in our forest? Completely a world of its own?

"No. It just stops the time around us." Ah Da tenderly looked at Xiaoya in his arms. After he lowered his head and kissed Xiaoya's lips, those golden eyes full of majesty turned straight. Looking straight ahead, that expression seemed to be watching an interesting clown drama instead of the roaring snowstorm in front of his eyes!

As long as the surrounding time is stopped, what can this weird snowstorm do to Ada and the others? No matter how powerful things are, they can't compare to the time that never stays for anyone!

Ah Da, what are you looking at? Pulling on Ada's clothes vigorously, Xiaoya turned her head and widened her eyes and tried to follow the direction of Ada's line of sight, but it turned out that it was still a white blizzard, and she couldn't see what was happening in front of her at all. How is the scenery different from the blizzard that surrounded them at this moment.

"Once you get there, you will know." Ah Da smiled and touched Xiaoya's head, kissed that face that was so angry because of his foolishness, and without looking back at the people behind him who were suddenly "normal" in front of him. The scene of the blizzard waking up, and the people who were shocked by the thought that they were still alive said: "If you want to die, just stay in a daze."

After the words were finished, Ah Da didn't respond to everyone, and walked slowly in the direction of his goal.

Hearing Ah Da's words, people who were still shocked or stupefied immediately followed Ah Da closely on their mounts. At the same time, everyone realized that they were Once again I can control my body!

Thinking of the body that was completely out of her control before, Kailian wiped her face and rode the monster to the side of Ada and Xiaoya, and smiled bitterly: "Ada, you didn't have to play so big just now, did we? so unbelievable?"

Looking at Kailian with a bitter look, Ada hugged Xiaoya tightly and did not intend to respond to Kailian's words. Instead, Xiaoya, who was nestled in Ah Da's arms, held up a sign: Kailian, it's not that Ah Da and I don't believe you, it's just... don't you think this will be more interesting?

Maybe it was because she had thought about such an answer a long time ago, or maybe she was used to the tyranny of Xiaoya and Ada, so after seeing such an angry but helpless answer from Xiaoya, Kailian did not show any regrets. What kind of strange reaction, just shook his head and sighed heavily, then turned his head to look at the team of Jia Lianna who was shocked by Ada so that he didn't dare to have any more disagreements , I don't know whether to sympathize with them or lament that they are a bunch of broom stars.

If it weren't for their presence, maybe they didn't need to suffer the previous "tragedy".

Seeing the expression on Kailian's face, Xiaoya smiled and stretched out her hand to comfort Kailian's shoulder: "Okay, it's okay, anyway, it's good to have Ada in control, so that you don't all have to do something subconsciously because of fear." Any cheating behavior is not good.

Reaching out and tapping Xiaoya on the head, Kailian, who was angry and had nowhere to vent, complained to Xiaoya angrily: "Is the word cheating used in this way? Where did all the knowledge I taught you back then go? "

Hehe~ Xiaoya rubbed her head and smiled indifferently.

"Speaking of which, why did you bring Jialianna in?" Kailian looked at Jialianna, who seemed to be really frightened at the end of the team, and looked a little downcast at this moment.

Because he can suppress Wayne! Speaking of Jialianna, Xiaoya excitedly held up the sign, and finally someone asked him why he wanted to keep Jialianna!

Obviously this month there are many opportunities for people to ask themselves why they want to keep Jialianna, but no one jumped out to ask themselves why, not even Wayne, who was made so pitiful by Jialianna, did not ask himself Because of this, she even seldom talked to herself, which made Xiaoya feel depressed when she won the first place but no one congratulated and shared her joy with her.

Didn’t it mean that Ah Da was there?

That guy... Oh, Xiaoya is speechless.

Guys who like to sleep late, what do you say this can make people say?

So seeing that someone finally asked her the reason at this time, Xiaoya told Kailian the reason why she kept Jialianna without thinking: You don’t know, seeing Wayne being killed by Jialianna How interesting it is to eat to death but make Galena look helpless! And the number of times that Wayne has suffered from boredom in the past month or so is more than the time that Wayne and I have been together for so long! In this case, how could I miss this opportunity! and…

Seeing Kailian looking at herself with an expression of "as expected", Xiaoya continued with a wicked smile: "And don't you also like to see Wayne suffer? Don't tell me you don't, I don't believe it!

Kailian blushed embarrassingly when Xiaoya pointed out her thoughts.