MTL - Dragon God’s Dumb Lover-Chapter 205 discredit

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After knowing that Liu didn't know what happened that year at all, Ada and Xiaoya, who also didn't know what happened back then but thought the dragon was not pleasing to the eye due to various aspects and reasons, moved and bent Liu The mind of the dragon worldview.

Liu, who had been lying in the transparent egg, looked at Ah Da and Xiao Ya, who were silently looking at each other, completely confused why they were silent after listening to her own words. Although they had inherited memories, they were still just a bird in terms of practical theory. Liu, the newly born baby dragon, suddenly became a little nervous, and even more anxiety filled Liu's heart: "Why don't you talk anymore? Could it be... something happened to my parents?"

Although Liu knew who his parents were only through the inherited memory, he still hadn't really gotten along with his parents after all, so his feelings for his parents were not very strong and dependent, but after all, they were all his parents. It would be a lie to say that you are not worried or afraid that something will happen to them.

Thinking that what I saw at the moment when I opened my eyes was not my parents, and that I didn't break out of the egg when I woke up, the uneasiness in Liu's heart gradually increased. The eyes are gradually replaced by fear.

Seeing all the changes in Liu, Xiaoya reached out and stroked Liu's head through the transparent egg, with a gentle and loving smile on her face.

Sometimes silent consolation is more soothing to the soul than vocal consolation. Seeing the gentle and loving smile on Xiaoya's face, Liu gradually let go of the uneasiness in her heart, and her round golden eyes opened up under Xiaoya's gentle expression. He yawned and closed it slowly, and within a short while Liu had curled up again in the transparent egg──slept soundly.

Looking at Liu who was curled up into a sleeping ball with a small air bubble hanging from his nose, Xiaoya frowned and turned to look at the one who was leaning on the window sill with one hand and her chin with the other while looking at the scenery outside the window. She didn't know what she was thinking. Ah Da waved his hand a little worriedly: Ah Da, look at what happened to Liu, she just fell asleep as she said, there must be some problem, wasn't everything fine before?

Ah Da, who has been upset since Xiaoya showed a gentle expression to Liu, glanced at the transparent egg, and said in a lukewarm tone: "It's okay, it's just because there is magic in the seal that makes him fall asleep, plus his The power he absorbed before could not be used freely, so he couldn't resist the power of the seal when he just woke up, and he will be normal when he adapts to his own power."

After getting Ah Da's no-problem answer, the reassuring Xiaoya carefully placed the egg on the side of the pillow, then turned to look at Ah Da's slightly dark face, and the originally gentle expression gradually changed. I'm a little excited.

Ah Da, to be honest, are you thinking now...

Facing Liu Shi, who had a gentle and loving expression on Xiaoya's face, when she waved her hands and said this, the expression on her face was as shameless as she could be.

Withdrawing his gaze into the distance, Ah Da stretched out his hand to pinch the smirk on Xiaoya's face, and raised his eyebrows dumbfoundingly and nodded as he answered Xiaoya's question.

Knowing what Ah Da was thinking, Xiao Ya squeezed into Ah Da's arms with a smile, and waved excitedly: I don't know what those giant dragons will think when they know that Liu is full of resentment towards them? I really want to see the expressions of those giant dragons immediately after they know that Liu's heart is not on them, it will be very exciting! Are you going to write this into a song? Hmm...forget it, it doesn't seem very good to include Liu in it.

Xiaoya, who had completely regarded Liu as her own, decided to give up this tempting idea after thinking about it for a while. And Ada didn't expect Xiaoya to make such a huge "sacrifice" for Liu. You know Xiaoya likes these things the most, so Ada is jealous again!

"You paid too much attention to that guy, you should only care about me." Ah Da hugged him tightly, his golden eyes were full of jealousy: "You I'm not happy that I care about him so much."

Ada, what are you thinking about? That is our child! Xiaoya glared at Ah Da angrily.

"Not yet, that guy hasn't agreed yet." Ah Da retorted unwillingly: "And if it wasn't for you, I wouldn't want to take him in as my son."

Pinching Ah Da's strong arm vigorously, Xiaoya looked at Ah Da who couldn't hold back and waved: I said yes! Liu is now our son! And you obviously like it!

Looking at the persistent Xiaoya, Ada, who didn't know what to say, couldn't continue to fight with Xiaoya, so he could only grunt helplessly and said, "Whatever you want." Then he continued to look at the scenery outside the window I was in a daze and didn't know what to think.

Knowing that Ah Da is really unhappy this time, Xiao Ya nestled in Ah Da's arms and looked up at Ah Da, seeing the occasional depression on Ah Da's expressionless face, Xiaoya who was still very persistent Ya felt a little distressed, thought for a while and waved: Well, if you really don't want to, then we won't raise it. Don't be unhappy.

Hearing Xiaoya's words, Ada couldn't help but secretly delighted: This trick of retreating into advance is really effective!

Suppressing the corners of his mouth that wanted to turn up, Ada looked at Xiaoya seriously, and said, "No, let's raise it, you like it very much."

Unexpectedly, Ah Da still cared about her at this time. Xiaoya, who has always been willful, had a rare thought at this time that she was really willful. She gently held Ah Da's hand, and Xiao Ya moved to Ah Da. Da waving: Ah Da! thank you! I will treat you well in the future!

"As long as you are happy, I will be happy." Ada gently touched Xiaoya's head, seeing Xiaoya insisting on saying that she would be good to herself, Ada cheered excitedly in his heart, but his face was still gentle Said: "I really don't need it, I just want you to be happy. But..."

But what? Xiaoya, who was moved by Ah Da's repeated gentleness, heard that Ah Da seemed to need help with something, Xiaoya immediately looked at Ah Da with shining eyes, as if she was courting her master and asking for credit Like a puppy.

Ah Da slowly lowered his head to Xiaoya's ear, bit the tip of Xiaoya's ear and whispered, "However, we haven't seen each other for a long time..."

Ada almost said the following words in his mouth, but it seemed that because he was talking close to Xiaoya's ear, Xiaoya still listened to all of them without missing a word, and his fair face gradually became stained. A charming pink.

Ah Da! You... looked shyly and naively at Ah Da who raised his head and looked at him innocently after finishing speaking. After Xiaoya glanced at Liu who was asleep, she still couldn't resist Ah Da's temptation, or in other words In fact, he himself held back for a long time, and finally waved to Ah Da: Ah Da, Liu will not wake up.

Xiaoya's expressionless face showed a seductive smile as Xiaoya waved his hands. He picked up a piece of clothing, made gestures on it a few times, made a formation, and then threw it on the transparent egg, covering the whole transparent egg. Afterwards, Ah Da immediately listened to his head and kissed the slightly parted lips that had been tempting him all the time, while responding to Xiao Ya's previous worries in a low voice: "Don't worry, even if he wakes up now, he will never see us." , let alone our… voices.”

The word "voice" is extremely ambiguous. Although Xiaoya knew that it was impossible for her to groan, but...every time Ada would make a loud noise, especially when it was combined...

The more she thinks about Xiaoya's face, the redder she becomes, and after thinking of the past, Xiaoya is aroused by those passionate memories, and her body that has been holding back exudes a strong invitation to Ada .

Looking at the golden eyes full of desire like her own, Xiaoya smiled and stretched out her arms to hug Ah Da's shoulders, and even hooked her legs around Ah Da's waist to send a signal that they could dance together. Ah Da, who had been suffocated by Xiao Ya and was about to die, suddenly transformed from a dragon into a hungry wolf, raised his waist and slammed into the place that gave him the ultimate happiness, and the long night full of passion began. up.


The next night, Xiaoya, who did not rest until the next morning, sat on the bed with her waist supported, watched Ada tidy up the dinner on the small table, smiled and took the transparent egg covered by the clothes on the head of the bed. , opened the clothes and saw Liu who was still sleeping unexpectedly.

Seeing Liu who was still sleeping, Xiaoya was stunned, looked up at Ada and asked: Why is Liu still sleeping?

After washing the dishes and chopsticks, Ah Da, who was very happy after being fed by Xiaoya, sat next to Xiaoya, looked at Liu who was sleeping in the transparent egg, and explained to Xiaoya: "Because there is a seal, and he And adapting to the forces in his body, so every time he sleeps for a long time."

To adapt to the strength in the body? But after absorbing the power that belonged to the giant dragon, didn't he also sleep for a long time, why did he still need to adapt? Xiaoya was puzzled.

Holding Xiaoya in his arms, Ah Da said while playing with Xiaoya's long hair: "His previous strength has been fighting against the seal, and there is no day when he is full of power. Now the soul of the dragon, Both vitality and strength have been replenished into this guy's body, giving him a chance to replenish energy. Moreover, waking up and sleeping are always different. When he is sleeping, his power is at rest, and when he wakes up, his power will follow. Waking up, and there is still a seal to fight against, naturally it takes time to get used to it."

Hearing Ada say such a long list, Xiaoya, who was a little confused and somewhat understanding, shook his head and waved: Then when will he wake up?

"You want him to wake up?" Ada looked at Xiaoya.

Um. I want to brainwash him and make him hate those giant dragons, hehe~ Xiaoya laughed secretly.

Apparently, Ah Da, who had thought this way yesterday, agreed with Xiaoya's actions and relieved his anger, so he didn't mind that Xiaoya wanted to wake Liu up, and even offered to help Liu wake up.

After a while, Ah Da put his hand on the transparent egg, the small air bubbles on Liu's nose burst, and Liu's sleepy eyes woke up dimly.

Rubbing her pair of big golden eyes that were still sleepy with her two little paws, Liu looked at Xiaoya and Ada greeting them with immature and sleepy voices: "Xiaoya, my lord, good morning! it is good."

Seeing the cute Liu's series of cute and explosive movements, Xiaoya couldn't tell him that it was already night, so she held a sign and said to Liu: You have to call me Dad, Ada's father.

Thinking of such a lovely Liu calling her father with a childish and lovely voice, Xiaoya was overjoyed.

Speaking of the topic of father and father, the sleepiness in Liu's eyes disappeared without a trace, and he remembered the things about his parents before again. It's not that he didn't want to call Xiaoya and Ada to be fathers and fathers, but Liu was really worried. My parents: "...where are my parents?"

As a child who was also "abandoned", Xiaoya knew Liu's mood very well at this time, but because she wanted to make Liu feel disgusted with the dragon family, Xiaoya still hardened her heart (Xiaoya: Well, I admit that I am actually I was very happy) and said to Liu with a heavy face: "Liu, to be honest, we didn't tell you yesterday because we felt... If your parents are either dead, or they are not worthy to be your parents at all."

Liu was not surprised by Xiaoya's first guess, but Liu was a little puzzled by Xiaoya's second guess: "Why?"

Looking at the puzzled Liu, Xiaoya pointed to the seal under the transparent egg that Liu had never discovered (Liu: It's normal to not find it, who would keep looking down at himself?), holding a sign and saying: Because of this seal , this seal was jointly sealed by the seven dragon kings.

Xiaoya's words dealt a big blow to Liu, because how could he, who possesses memory inheritance, not know what the seven dragon kings represent? And such an existence teamed up to seal him? !

Liu lay under the transparent egg and stared blankly at the seal on it for a long time, unable to regain consciousness, and even murmured: "Why..."

"Why is this happening?!" Unable to bear such a stimulus, Liu asked Xiaoya excitedly.

Ah Da, who never liked and did not allow others to question him about Xiaoya, saw that Liu was talking loudly to his Xiaoya, and immediately said coldly: "I don't know, the matter of the dragon has nothing to do with us. And we When we found you, it was in the claws of a giant dragon's corpse. At that time, we found that the giant dragon wanted to absorb your powerful strength and life force as its own, and even wanted to occupy your body with its own soul. ,so…"

So what Ada didn't say clearly, but sometimes such things that are not said in the middle of the sentence are even more fascinating.

Thinking of Xiaoya's second guess, Liu sat in the transparent egg in a daze, shedding tears the size of beans.

"how so."