MTL - Dragon-Marked War God-v2 Chapter 204 Death calls!

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Long Yang's power is constantly soaring, and the power of qi and blood is also increasing. On his body, a layer of golden dragon scales emerges.

This gorgeousness made Long Yang's figure much taller, and there were two horns on his head, and a pair of golden wings behind him.


The golden dragon spear waved again, Long Yang made bursts of roars, his figure swayed, and he came towards Man Jiang. The dragon's spine in his hand was also trembling frantically, and golden arcs were wrapped around the gun shaft. A silver snake flashed at the tip of the spear.

"Bang bang bang..."

Long Yang kept waving the dragon's spine and fighting with Man Jiang.

The dragon leaped and the tiger leaped, and Long Yang flew in the void, constantly waving the dragon's ridge, fighting with Man Jiang.

Longyang is the body of a dragon and horse, while Manjiang is a mysterious barbarian bloodline. Both are the top fighting bloodline, with amazing talents. They constantly collide and explode in the void. Every time they collide, they make space. There was a mess, and in the void, black space cracks were constantly produced.



The blood energy on Man Jiang's body became blood red, like a huge blood pool, exuding a strong blood evil energy, and the fourth rune on his body lit up.

His power instantly quadrupled! The huge body was covered with black thunder, and he stepped into the void. Suddenly, the void shattered and turned into a little powder.

Long Yang's speed is also as fast as lightning, and every time he stabs the dragon's spine in his hand, it goes straight to Man Jiang's eyebrows.

Long Yang's figure crisscrossed in the void, constantly bombarding Man Jiang, each blow contained endless power, and each blow contained the momentum of destroying the sky and destroying the earth.

The two were fighting in the void, and every collision caused a tremor in the space, and there were more and more cracks in the space.


Man Jiang roared, the blood flames burned more vigorously, and the power on his body continued to skyrocket.

Man Jiang's speed is getting faster and faster, and every time he attacks, there will be a whistling wind, making people dazzled.

"Blood Wave Dragon Hammer!"

The fourth rune on Man Jiang's body fluctuated, and the giant hammer in his hand danced, turning into a rain of blood, and bombarded towards Longyang. A blood-colored beam of light turned into a wave that covered the sky, submerging the void, and colliding with terrifying power. To Longyang.


"Golden Dragon Shield!"


On the surface of Long Yang's body, golden light flickered, and streaks of golden light turned into shields, blocking the impact of the blood tide.

"Bang bang bang..."

Long Yang and Man Jiang kept colliding, and every time they collided, there was a thunderous sound, the space was torn apart, and the void was constantly collapsing by bombardment.

The two fought fiercely in the void.

One after another attack, one after another of blood, burst open in the air, turning into an extremely foul-smelling blood rain.

Man Jiang's complexion gradually turned hideous, blood red covered his eyes, the wind was blowing, and the moonlight was dyed red.

"Blade of Blood Sea!"

Man Jiang roared, and in the void around him, a blood-colored long sword appeared. On the blade, blood-colored rays of light filled the air. The sound of the sound seems to be that the glass has been cut. However, the power of this blood sea blade is too great, even if it travels through the cracks in space, it is not blocked.

With a wave of Man Jiang's palm, the Blade of the Sea of ​​Blood instantly drew a circle, wrapped Long Yang into it, and strangled it towards Long Yang.


A golden light film appeared on the surface of Long Yang's body, blocking the strangulation of the Blade of the Sea of ​​Blood. Then, with a twist of his body, he rushed out of the range of the Blade of the Sea of ​​Blood again, getting closer to Man Jiang, and Panlongji stabbed again. out.


Man Jiang waved the huge 'Death Summoner', blocking the Dragon's Back, and swayed towards Longyang.

The two were in a fissure in the space, fighting frantically. Every attack would cause the space to vibrate, causing the void to shatter.


Man Jiang kept roaring, the breath on his body was rising sharply, and his body was also expanding. Originally, he was more than ten meters tall, but now, it is directly over two hundred feet high.

The bloodline of the barbarians was constantly stimulated by him, and the surging fighting spirit surged from his body, causing the space around his body to continuously collapse, and his body kept moving in the void, punch after punch, Constantly smashing towards Longyang.

Every punch contained infinite power, hitting Long Yang, making it difficult for him to resist.

Long Yang's face was dignified. This person deserves to be the person that Bitao Immortal and Whale King are afraid of. No one in the entire Atlanta Trench can match his fighting ability.

Longyang roared again, and Panlongji swung out again.

"Three broken, Meteor Chi!"

This time, Panlongji turned into a sky-filled meteor, swept away towards Man Jiang, densely packed, covering the entire void and blocking Man Jiang's path.


Man Jiang sneered, raised his arms above his head, and stamped on his chest. Then, at the chest, a huge vortex appeared. The whirlpool rotated, absorbing the elements of heaven and earth, making the space distorted, and the meteors were absorbed by Man Jiang. Go in, turn it into vitality, inject it into Man Jiang's body, and make his power surge in an instant.

The clothes on Man Jiang's body were scraped up with strength, making a sound, as if it were about to be torn.

"Bang bang bang..."

A wave of blood slammed into the Dragon's Backbone, causing it to fly out, and the fifth rune on Man Jiang's body lit up.


Man Jiang roared in the sky, and an incomparably violent aura was released from him.


Man Jiang smashed the top of the Coiling Dragon's Back with a punch, and the Coiling Dragon's Back was dented, but it was not damaged, but a big pit was dented, and Man Jiang's arm was also bounced out, blood spurting wildly.

Man Jiang's eyes were full of anger and bloodthirsty, and his body was like lightning, and he attacked Longyang again.


Long Yang was hit by Man Jiang's fist.

Long Yang's body was rolling in the air, the surface of the body was full of golden light, and terrifying fluctuations of Qi and blood erupted from his body. The golden scales on his body were also rapidly falling off, revealing golden skin. His hair, golden blood vessels, and the blood vessels on his body boiled again, causing golden dragon patterns to appear around his body.


Long Yang roared angrily, turned around in the air, and stabbed the dragon's back again, stabbing towards Man Jiang.


Another terrifying collision.

Panlong's spine was shaken back, and Long Yang's wrists showed slight cracks.

"Barbarian God's flesh and blood!"

Man Jiang shouted angrily, kicked his legs, and his body shot out like an arrow from the string, hitting Long Yang.


Long Yang was smashed back out again.


Man Jiang's 'Death Comes' fell down again, hitting the Coiling Dragon's Back savagely, and the Coiling Dragon's Back made bursts of humming.


Long Yang roared, and the golden dragon phantom appeared behind him, turning into the real body of a dragon and horse, and the endless holy light condensed on his dragon horns.

Long Yang rammed Man Jiang directly.


Man Jiang was knocked flying, his body slammed into the void in the distance, his body rolled and stood up, and **** blood appeared on his body again. wrapped in it.

The aura on Man Jiang's body is constantly improving, becoming more and more terrifying, more and more astonishing, and more and more terrifying.

"Ha ha!"

"Boy, your blood is very sweet, I like it very much!"

Man Jiang shouted, his mouth opened, and a terrifying blood-colored mouth appeared in the air.

The huge mouth was filled with a strong **** smell, and terrifying blood pythons were wrapped around the blood mouth, exuding a trace of blood-red light. the sound of.

The fangs in the blood python's giant mouth are twenty centimeters thick. The **** mouth is wide open, and the fangs inside are more than a foot long. They are constantly swallowing the surrounding vitality, a trace of blood-red light. Around the mouth of blood kept flashing, exuding a terrifying breath.

Man Jiang opened his mouth and took a breath, and an extremely terrifying suction force came from the giant mouth, and everything around was attracted by it, slowly moving towards the giant mouth.

Long Yang frowned and his eyes were solemn. This Man Jiang was indeed extremely difficult to deal with, but this time, he absolutely couldn't back down.

If he retreated, Wang Dachui would not be able to escape this terrifying suction.

The golden light on Long Yang's body erupted, and streaks of golden lightning wrapped around his body, and the ground under his feet was trampled out of several deep pits.

In his eyes, there is also a golden light. If you look closely, you can find that his eyes have turned golden, without a trace of black and white.


A dragon roar came from Long Yang's mouth, and the ground under his feet was instantly trampled with many holes, and several large pits appeared. Around his body, several huge golden lightning bolts appeared, like a giant dragon. Generally, wrapped around him.

Long Yang's figure quickly approached Man Jiang.

"Death Verdict!"

Long Yang roared, his body turned into a bolt of lightning, and flew towards Man Jiang.

Man Jiang also launched an attack, the strength of his body skyrocketed, the space around his body was distorted, and many ripples appeared.

"Bang bang bang..."

A series of bombardment sounds spread over a hundred meters.

The battle between the two was in full swing.

Man Jiang's physical strength surpassed Long Yang, and every time he collided, Long Yang was blasted out.

However, above Long Yang's body, it still exudes a golden light, which seems to be eternal and immortal. No matter how Man Jiang bombards it, it can never be completely shattered.

The golden power exploded from Long Yang's body, and outside his body, countless golden thunders appeared, illuminating the surroundings.

Man Jiang's attacks all fell on Thunder and were blocked, but they couldn't hurt Long Yang at all.

Although Longyang's strength is not as strong as Manjiang's, but after turning into his body, he has a strong defensive ability. Even Manjiang's attacks cannot break through Longyang's defenses. Moreover, Longyang's speed is extremely fast. Fight more bravely.

The two collided frantically, constantly clashing in the air, and every impact could produce astonishing fluctuations, distorting and shattering the surrounding void, making a clicking sound.

"Death Dragon Hammer!"

Man Jiang roared angrily, and the 'Death Summoner' in his hand suddenly swelled, turning into a dragon's tail as long as a thousand meters, waving in the air, driving the endless sound of wind, and flapping towards Longyang.


Long Yang slammed into the 'Death Summoner', but was unscathed, and instead knocked Man Jiang's giant hammer into the air.

'What is this kid's head made of? Why is it so hard? ’

'What the hell! ’

Even the existence of Man Jiang's strength was shocked by Long Yang.

Long Yang became more and more brave.

"Dragon elephant subdues demons!"

Long Yang roared, his body expanded again, and Long Mazhen exuded endless holy light, like a giant mountain, his body and limbs were like dragon claws, and his body was covered with a layer of golden scales. Shining bright golden light, exuding the terrifying power of dragon and horse.

The 'Death Summoner' in Man Jiang's hand waved again, the sixth rune on his body lit up, and his strength had been activated six times!

Six times the combat power, his power is already comparable to a Jinxian level powerhouse!

The giant hammer seemed to have merged with Man Jiang, turning into a terrifying beast with monstrous aura, opening its **** mouth and biting towards Long Yang.

The giant hammer contained a huge aura of death, which made Long Yang's heart shudder.

The dragon horse collided fiercely with the alien beast hammer.


The sound of a huge impact sounded, Long Yang's body was smashed into the ground, a large hole was smashed out of the ground, the ground cracked, and the entire hall shook violently.


The huge roar of the alien beast resounded through the entire space, and the blood river was shaken to the contrary, the earth was in a mess, and the endless mud splashed, like a doomsday scene.

Long Yang was knocked thousands of meters into the air. Man Jiang, who had six times the combat power, was too terrifying, but Man Jiang still had three runes that did not light up.

And the terrifying totem on his head was gradually awakened, exuding an endless savage aura.

But **** is not good either.

He vomited blood and flew out after being hit by Long Yang's headbutt.

The scales on his body were shaken off by Long Yang, and the hardness of Long Yang's head was unimaginable.


Long Yang roared and got out of the ground.

At this moment, all the scales and armor on Long Yang's body were shattered, blood was flowing, and his body was shaking, as if he had suffered a certain degree of damage.

However, his eyes were sharper, and his unyielding fighting spirit was burning.

In Long Yang's eyes, a golden light burst out, and the golden brilliance turned into a huge 'dragon seal', pressing away towards Man Jiang.


Man Jiang roared, and the 'Death Summoner' in his hand emitted a black beam of light that shot straight into the sky and collided with the dragon seal.


A huge roar came out, and Man Jiang was actually knocked away by this huge dragon seal!

Longyang's power is getting stronger and stronger, and the more he fights, the more courageous he is!

Long Yang's body moved again, turning into a stream of light, rushing towards Man Jiang.

The 'Death Summoner' in Man Jiang's hand slashed again, driving a black lightning bolt of 10,000 feet, and smashed it towards Long Yang.

Long Yang howled furiously in the sky, burst into laughter, and a strong golden light appeared on the dragon's horns, slamming towards Man Jiang.


Man Jiang snorted coldly. Countless 'death' patterns appeared on his body again, like countless grievances crying and roaring, rushing towards Long Yang, shrouding Long Yang in it.


Long Yang's body was blasted out again, and countless wounds appeared on his body again, bleeding profusely.

However, Long Yang's body is getting stronger and stronger. The dragon scales on the surface of his body are glowing with a faint light. The dragon scales are emitting a golden light, constantly repairing his injuries and allowing him to recover. extremely fast.

And Man Jiang was also knocked flying by Long Yang's terrifying forehead 'Dragon Horn Wave', spitting out a mouthful of blood.

The two almost completely gave up their defense, punched to the flesh, and recruited blood!

"Boy, let's give you some more color to see!"

Man Jiang shouted loudly, and the seventh rune on his body lit up, exuding a boundless terrifying breath, turning into a hurricane, wrapping Long Yang in it, and Long Yang was shaken out again.

He was blasted out, and blood overflowed from the corners of his mouth, but the light in his eyes was brighter, and he was full of fighting spirit, full of fighting spirit, as if the pain on his body was nothing to him.

"Haha! Good! Come again!"

Long Yang roared, his figure flashed, and he rushed to Man Jiang's side again. Above the dragon's horns, the golden rays of light rose sharply, and the golden light swelled, like a star meteor, with an aura of destruction, and went straight to Man Jiang.

Man Jiang dodged again, the eighth rune on his body flashed, the 'Death Curse' on his body flashed a strange brilliance, and above the giant hammer, a huge 'death' character was constantly changing.

Man Jiang's figure disappeared, he teleported behind Long Yang, and the giant hammer in his hand slashed heavily.


Above the giant axe, endless black energy surged, turning into a huge black blade, with a terrifying death energy, bombarding Long Yang's back, Long Yang's body vibrated violently, he again Spit out a mouthful of blood, and there were several more shocking wounds on his body. Long Yang's body fell back hundreds of feet again. The dragon scales on his body were somewhat broken and blood dripped.

"Haha, come again!"

Man Jiang laughed and killed Long Yang again.

Long Yang was beaten and flew out again, spitting out a few mouthfuls of blood again.

Long Yang was beaten and vomited blood again and again.

"Why is this guy's body so hard! My 'Death Summoner' can't stop cutting it!"

Man Jiang frowned when he saw that he couldn't injure Long Yang after several consecutive bombardments, feeling a little tricky.

Long Yang shouted, turned into a golden light and rushed over again, and there were several shocking wounds on his body again, but his charge did not stop.

He seems to have forgotten life and death, and in his eyes, only fighting.

A flash of surprise flashed in Man Jiang's eyes, and the ninth rune lit up on his body.

This rune was actually the pattern of the 'Death Summoner'. Countless 'gas of death' filled his body, forming a huge 'death vortex' that enveloped Longyang.
