MTL - Dragon Who Controls Time-Chapter 426 Odd Demon

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【The Dragon Who Controls Time】【】

"With the fourth authority, the **** Gallon will soon be promoted to medium divine power."

In the depths of the Eternal Hall, Garen looked away and thought silently in his heart.

In today's entire dragon **** system, only the Metal Dragon God and the Immortal Dragon Queen have medium divine power. The other dragon gods are currently at the peak of weak divine power, but it is still far away to break through the level and reach the middle divine power.

God Gallon is the biggest beneficiary of the Glorious War.

Just as he ascended to the gods, he directly reached the peak of weak divine power. Now, with the birth of the dragon magic net, if there is no accident, he will break through the current level and go one step further, becoming a medium divine power.

"It's easy to become a middle-level divine power, because you have fallen from the middle-level divine power."

"However, if you want to become a powerful **** again, you don't know how to do it."

For Garon, the most ideal future vision is that while he becomes a powerful god, the **** Gallon can also reach the level of powerful divine power, and he can stand at the top echelon among the gods in the sky, and both the main body and the **** clone can block each other .

Gallon was convinced that he could become a supernatural power, and would soon surpass the **** Gallon.

But God Gallon is more difficult.

Unless........ There are several more situations similar to the Glorious War, and you have to gain a lot from it, then you will have a chance to break through and reach the powerful divine power.

"But it's not impossible."

The silver dragon's eyes moved slightly, revealing a thoughtful look.

"Resonance casting, and the heavy magic power mentioned by Yin Aureum when he left the Netheril Empire...bring all these good things to the main timeline, and God added Long is responsible for perfecting and promoting it, and it may be like the dragon magic net, creating more power for the **** Gallon."

"Even if resonance casting and heavy magic power are far from enough, there are countless similar products buried in endless time."

"Go to different time and space more, collect more, and sooner or later the **** Gallon will also obtain the potential qualification of powerful divine power."

Garen thought so.

However, he won't act immediately.

These ideas will wait until he has enough strength, and God Gallon can't keep up with his own strength before implementing them.

Garen was still able to distinguish between priorities. For him, the most important thing was his own body. It was more appropriate to deal with his own affairs first, and then cultivate the **** clone when he had spare energy.

Moving his body, Garen looked under his body.

Under the cover of layers of gold, silver and precious stones, Yuna, who was in a deep sleep, breathed evenly, closed her eyes, remained motionless, and her breath became more stable.

Yuna, who is sleeping, is adjusting her state.

With the passage of time, her spiritual will and physical condition are developing towards the most perfect and peak condition at the current stage, preparing for the next star core tempering.

Only through Yuna's description, Garen has a certain understanding of star core refining, but it is not specific or detailed.

Seeing Yuna's serious preparation with all her strength, she knew that the so-called star core tempering was not something that could be done casually.

However, according to Yuna, there will be a powerful powerful dragon secretly protecting him at that time. Gallon thinks that there should be no major problems. After all, according to the episode that happened to Yuna during the War of Glory, there is a high probability that there will be a The existence of a powerful supernatural power dragon.

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【The Dragon Who Controls Time】【】

Looking at the quietly flowing river of time, the silver dragon's eyes were slightly closed.

Garen invested his spiritual will in the river of time, and at the same time burst out the power of time, injected it into the river of time according to his own will, and blended into it bit by bit, deepening his connection with the river of time, so as to exert a better influence, Even master a part of the river.

The power of time is a special kind of divine power formed by Garen absorbing the invisible water from the long river of time.

In Garen's understanding, it was essentially a refinement and purification of the River of Time.

In the long river of time, there is no power of time itself.

As for the effect of the power of time, through the connection with the long river of time, it can exert influence on the long river of time in turn, and do all kinds of incredible things.

For a long period of time, Garen's power of time can only make the river water in a certain area speed up, slow down, or stand still.

In Garen's view, the qualitative change in the influence of his own power on the long river of time lies in the ability of the barrier of time, because the barrier of time can attract a weak tributary of the long river, making it surround Garen, forming an extremely powerful defense.

This made Garen wonder.

Since he can control the tributaries, as long as he is strong enough, he can control the entire river of time freely after all.

What he is doing now is to turn his power of time and spiritual will into anchor points and imprints one by one, injecting them into the river of time, in an attempt to completely master the incredible creation of the river of time.

However, even for Gallon now, the river of time surrounding the world of endless planes is unimaginably huge.

Even if all the power of time and spiritual will are exhausted, the condensed brand is only a drop in the ocean, like a drop of water in the river and sea, completely unable to shake the long river of time itself.

But Garen wasn't discouraged either.

He's just getting started.

As the Immortal Dragon, he has endless time to pursue his goals.

In the quiet Dragon's Nest, Yuna was sleeping to adjust her state, while Garen devoted himself to in-depth communication with the long river of time, extending the power of time like a spider's web, and expanding his sphere of influence.

Just like that, time flies by.

In a blink of an eye, it was more than two months later.

Pan Heng was in the lair, and the serious and solemn silver dragon moved slightly, and slowly opened the pair of platinum dragon boys as deep as the starry sky.

"My lord, the information on the demon fortress held by the Lord of the Shadow Shoal has been collected. At the same time, the mechanical army is ready to launch a war against the demon at any time and lure the snake out of the hole."

The voice of the mechanical Tianzun, as cold as metal electronics, rang in Garen's ears.

"very good."

"Wait for now, stand still and wait for my order."

"I'm going to set a trap for this hunt first."

The giant dragon grinned, revealing sharp dragon teeth, gleaming and sharp.

"As you wish."

After finishing speaking, the mechanical Tianzun fell silent.


The silver giant dragon unfolded a pair of huge dragon wings with strong muscles and bones, engraved with ring-like textures, and at the same time stretched its body and moved a little. The silver-gray dragon scales were deep and dull, full of a sense of calm and time.

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【The Dragon Who Controls Time】【】

After reciting the spell silently, Garen cast a spell.

Eight-ring spell: transformation of demons.

This is a transformation spell that allows the caster to transform into a demon within a certain period of time. The ring level is not high, but it is very suitable for what Garen is going to do next.

This is the charm of spells, and spells that are not advanced often have unique effects.

In an instant, twisted and evil textures climbed onto Garen's scales, adding layers of chaotic and evil aura representing demons to his body.

While using demon transformation, under the cover of the abyssal power condensed by spells, Garen then used the advanced transformation technique naturally mastered by dragons, turning into a nerubian.

Because I have seen the most nerubians, it is easier to change.

Immediately, the long river of time fluctuated.

Gallon cast time teleportation, and the nerubian's body gradually disappeared, disappeared from the dragon's lair, and then descended towards the bottomless abyss through the long river of time.


The first floor of the bottomless abyss, Wanyuan Plain.

In this place of no morals and ethics, only betrayal, evil, war........ The never-ending killing ground, the blood-red light fills every inch of space that the eyes can see.

Hot winds with a **** smell rolled up dust and blew across the earth. The surface was barren and cracked. Dry and blackened blood, weathered bones, broken armor, and the fortress that stood silently on the barren plain could be seen everywhere.

A demon figure dedicated to death and destruction loomed.

In a barren land where there is no demon fortress stationed, the figure of a nerubian gradually emerged.

Garen lowered his head and looked at his body at this moment.

The spider legs with bristles like steel needles are like pitch-black spears, and because of the multi-joint structure, they can stab in all directions sensitively, and the whole body is covered with a thick carapace like steel armor, so it doesn't look like a mess object.

Among all the tanar'ri demons, the nerubian's status is considered to be upper-middle, and at the same time not top-notch.

While this status can avoid unnecessary trouble, it will not attract too much attention.

The Abyss is not a place of goodness.

If he arrived here rashly without any disguise, a creature of Garon's strength would instantly attract the prying eyes of countless demon lords, and he would be in a passive state.

Turning his gaze, Garen looked at the devil's fortress closest to him.

The ultra-distance vision spans the space distance, and it covers an area of ​​thousands of square kilometers. It is not so much a fortress as it is a demon city.

Shadow Blood Fortress.

This is the largest demon fortress under the Lord of Shadow Shoals. It is powerful and inhabited by many demons. It's not among the best in Devil's Fortress, but it's not too bad either.

Like this super-large demon fortress, there are hatches for demon eggs, cultivation bases and other buildings inside, and low-level demons can be mass-produced for **** battles.

After just a brief glance, Garen looked away.

Immediately, he selected a spot, and moved his limbs to approach it without haste.

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【The Dragon Who Controls Time】【】

During this period, some low-level demons came out of the cracks in the surface of the Wanyuan Plain. They glanced at Garen, looked away in fear after seeing the size of the Nerubian, and immediately went back.


Garen arrived at an area almost full of dry blood and bones, stopped, and dived into the ground like an ordinary Nerubian.

Here, he spent several days reusing his old tricks to set up the countercurrent magic circle. Without disturbing the demons, he quietly cast his ability on the spot for use when the countercurrent magic circle broke out.

For Garen, the longer the time interval, the greater the consumption of going back in time.

That's why he was getting ready to set up the countercurrent magic circle on the eve of the battle against the Shadow Blood Fortress.

At the same time, Garen gave an order to the Mechanical God.

"It's time to start."


Distributed in various mechanical bases, the Artificer players, eager to try their hands, received the system notification that the mission was officially opened at the same time.

[After several years, the development of the mechanical legion began to stagnate and hit a bottleneck, and several large bases were destroyed by the demon lord]

[The devil's arrogance is getting wilder day by day]

[In order to change the status quo and revive the might of the machinery, all players are requested to prepare for battle in accordance with the decree of Tianzun, aiming at the blood of the shadow of the super-large demon fortress, destroying the fortress, killing all the demons, and letting the demons remember the mechanical army again Power】


[The Demise of the Blood of the Shadow—this quest officially begins]

This mission was warmed up two months ago, but it has not officially started. Due to the generous rewards, all Artificer players are preparing for it, and have withdrawn their forces against other demon fortresses, ready for battle.

Surrounding the Blood of Shadow Demon Fortress, thousands of miles away, space quality changers and demon communication blockers have been quietly laid out for a circle, which can send large-scale troops to arrive at any time, and cut off the blood of Shadow Demon Fortress and Links to other Demon Fortresses.

The Blood of Shadow Demon Fortress is huge, but it is only a Demon Fortress.

The mechanical legion is mobilized, and in the absence of a demon lord, it still has the power to capture such a demon fortress.

Kacha Kacha.

Surrounding the Shadow Blood Fortress, at intervals of several thousand meters, square metal short pillars engraved with mechanical textures and magic patterns broke through the ground, and then lit up with a faint blue light, and at the same time shot out lines that were difficult to see with the naked eye They are intertwined in series, forming a barrier with a strange frequency.

In the war against demons, with the research on demons, more and more targeted contraptions have been developed.

The Devil Communication Blocker is one of them.

The remote connection between demons basically uses the power of the abyss as the medium, and the spells mastered by the demons form a ripple signal carrying a message, but the blocker can distort this signal through a unique frequency, thereby destroying the communication .

Moreover, the devil communication blocker is not the invention of the mechanical god.

No matter how powerful the calculation power of the Mechanic Tianzun is, it is impossible to cover everything. This is also the reason for introducing Artificer players.

Because the authority of many construction units including the Odd Equipment Technology Laboratory has been unlocked, Artificer players can create Odd Equipment props according to their own ideas with the intelligent assistance of the construction units. Although there are many failures, there are also excellent results.

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【The Dragon Who Controls Time】【】

The blocker was originally produced by a small guild player.

At the same time as the signal was blocked, round metal spheres also flew out from the ground, and then pulled away to form a regular plane cube, and then shot out rays of light, closing each other, and in the tremors and fluctuations of space, formed a ghost visible to the naked eye. Blu-ray curtain.

Just like Surrounding the Blood Fortress of Shadows, the gates of space slowly opened one by one.

This undoubtedly attracted the attention of many demons.

A demon looked into the distance and saw countless space gates unfolding one after another, his expression changed drastically.


After a moment of silence, the roar of the engine sounded from behind the space door.


The first to bear the brunt was the steel behemoth that flew out from the large portal in the sky.

A series of mechanical dragons with a length of more than 100 meters and different shapes burst out of the air. The dark red light pumped by the real dragon engine rose from the gaps in the metal armor, spreading all over the body like magma.

Among them was the Tyrannosaurus True Dragon controlled by Garen.

There are also follow-up creations of the same series developed by Mechanic Tianzun, all of which are given extremely arrogant names by Mechanic Tianzun, for example, the blood-red painted Tianslaying Dragon, the gold and silver intertwined Yaotian Zhenlong, and so on.

Behind these ferocious mechanical dragons, there is a strange mechanical angel.

And, it looks similar to the strange angel, but with devil horns on the head, black energy wings suspended behind, loaded with a devil engine, which can drive the power of the abyss, a new series of devil machines that perfectly adapt to the abyss environment.

The total number of mechanical units that appeared first in the three categories was around twenty.

Odd Machine Angels are the most, followed by Odd Machine Demons, and then Mechanical Dragons.

These are created by combining the high-level resources obtained in the abyss in the past few years, and are the highest combat power units currently owned by the mechanical legion.

Remember the domain name when watching the first release of the dragon that controls time: .w.8.2...m. 82 Chinese mobile phone domain name:

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