MTL - Dragon Who Controls Time-Chapter 444 War, war, sacrifice my dragon clan with the blood of giants!

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【The Dragon Who Controls Time】【】

"So that's how it is."

"If we can hide it from the Lord of Storms, we will definitely be able to surprise her when a war breaks out in the future, and catch the giant gods by surprise."

"If it works well, it can even win the game in one fell swoop at a critical moment."

After listening to God Gallon's explanation, Metal Dragon God's eyes lit up, and he said in an excited tone.

There is no doubt that if the Lord of Storms thinks that Garen can no longer use Time Dragon Reverse Current, and therefore treats Garen as an ordinary god, he will suffer a big loss and learn a **** lesson in the end.

God Gallon smiled slightly, and said: "This quick-witted response is very good, but I don't know if this performance can fool the Lord of Storms."

Metal Dragon God narrowed his eyes slightly, and said: "Then, we need to make some reactions to increase the credibility."

God Gallon showed curiosity and asked, "What's the reaction?"

The metal dragon **** grinned and said, "Of course it is a matter of course to take revenge and bloodbath some giants in the main material world to express the anger of the dragon gods."

After a pause, Metal Dragon God continued: "The one who understands us best is often our enemy."

"The Lord of Storms is this kind of enemy. This giant **** knows the nature of our dragon gods very well."

"If your potential is really abolished, even if it happened during the appointment, the gods of the dragon gods will not sit idly by, and they will definitely vent their anger afterwards."

"If you don't move violently, it will make the Storm Lord suspicious."

"At the same time, this can be a reason to go to war with the giant gods. It is justifiable. Even if other gods want to stop it, it is inconvenient to intervene."

"Since the Lord of Storms dares to do this, he definitely has the idea in his heart that he will not be afraid of war as long as he succeeds."

God Gallon nodded slowly, and said in a deep voice, "Although I successfully resisted this attack, the process was not smooth."

"I don't know where the Lord of Storms found the mysterious thunder against me. If I hadn't reacted quickly, I would have laid down a lot of defenses immediately. But if there was some negligence, she would have succeeded."

After defending against the attack of the God of Time Thunder, Garen carefully estimated the consequences of being hit.

First of all, because the power of time is eroded, his life level will drop significantly, and it is very likely that his divine power will decline from the weak to the demigod level.

In addition, due to the time-breaking thunder in his body, before it is completely expelled, Garen will use the time-system ability with twice the result with half the effort, especially if the connection with the long river of time is weakened, it will make it difficult for the time-dragon countercurrent to work.

"This kind of thing is probably not much in the hands of the Lord of Storms."

"Otherwise, such a good opportunity shouldn't be used just once."

"But what it is and where it came from seems to have some connection with the long river of time."

The time of contact with the God of Time Breaking Thunder is only a split second, and there is no time for Garen to analyze its source carefully. However, Garen vaguely feels that although this thing is rejected by the long river of time, it seems to be inseparable from the long river of time.

"After killing Annan, the Lord of Storms, the patricide, led the giant pantheon into silence for a long time."

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【The Dragon Who Controls Time】【】

"Even in the face of the dragon's active provocation, I can't bear it."

"However, it seems that the Storm Lord has absorbed and digested part of Annan's authority, and his power has increased greatly, and he can no longer restrain his eager ambition."

Metal Dragon God said slowly with cold eyes.

"Since the Lord of Storms wants war, give her war."

"If we can defeat our former enemies one after another, our dragon clan will rise again and become the hegemony of the multiverse will come true."

Deep in the heart of every dragon god, they miss the era when the ancient dragons ruled the sky and the earth, and dominated the multiverse.

"It just so happens that the people of my Dragon Clan have been stable for a long time after the glorious war, and they are eager to fight and more glory."

God Gallon nodded approvingly, and said with sympathy: "For example, the arena of Dragon Court has never stopped in the past few years, and the exuberant energy of the legendary dragons has almost nowhere to vent."

After winning the Glory War, and developing steadily for a period of time.

Today's dragon clan can be said to be as imposing as a rainbow, and each of them is eager for a greater victory in their hearts.

"If you try to defeat the giant gods in one go, the belief in the dragon race will inevitably rise to another level."

"Afterwards, the strength of all the gods of the Dragon God Department will be improved. If you succeed in resurrecting the Nine-faced Dragon God, Garen, your strength will increase again, and there will be no other **** department that can match my Dragon God Department."

Metal Dragon God said with a look of expectation on his face.

Today's dragon gods are no longer weak, and the strength possessed by all gods is also among the best.

The Metal Dragon God, the Immortal Dragon Queen, and the first Ferrous Dragon King are three powerful gods.

Gallon, who can summon a powerful god-like time dragon, can barely be counted as one.

In this way, the Dragon God Department now has four powerful divine powers.

This is not a small amount.

In the vast majority of **** systems, there is often only one powerful divine power, that is, the main **** of the **** system. The more powerful ones can have two powerful divine powers, such as the main elf **** and the goddess of life in the elf **** system.

It can be seen from this that the current Dragon God Department has indeed possessed a good comprehensive strength.

Waiting for the **** Garon to be promoted to powerful divine power, Garon himself has achieved powerful divine power, the Nine-faced Dragon God has been successfully resurrected, and the Metal Dragon God and the Immortal Dragon Empress will also recover powerful divine power........Complete The dragon **** system with a single body can even rival the gods of an entire outer plane with a single **** system.

At that time, the dragon hegemony will come again.

"If you start a formal war with the giant **** system, you can only win, not lose."

"If you lose, and lose to your old enemy, the aura of the dragon people will plummet to freezing point."

"If you want to restore the glory of the Dragon Clan, you will not know how many years it will take."

Metal Dragon God said seriously with a solemn expression.

Compared with the elf gods, the relationship between the giant gods and the dragon gods is more special.

Intelligent creatures on almost all planes know that dragons and giants are eternal enemies, and when they meet in the wild, conflicts will inevitably erupt, and often end with one party dying or fleeing.

"You are not injured, it's just a disguise. Except for the dragon gods, other creatures must not know."

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【The Dragon Who Controls Time】【】

Metal Dragon God exhorted.

God Gallon nodded, and said seriously: "Of course I know that."

After a pause, the **** Gallon asked, "In this case, are we going to formally start a war against the giant gods?"

Under God Gallon's gaze, Metal Dragon God thought for a while, then shook his head, and said, "Wait a little longer, if you can kill a giant **** before the official war, and reduce the number of giant gods again, then we will continue to fight." It couldn't be better."

"Even if our clan doesn't take the initiative to declare war at that time, the giant gods will no longer be able to bear it, and can only choose war."

"It's just that the Lord of Storms will definitely restrain the giant gods during this period of time, making them more vigilant, and it will not be so easy to succeed."

After thinking about it carefully, the Metal Dragon God said in a deep voice: "After three years at the latest, if you haven't found an opportunity, you will start a full-scale war with the giant gods."

Hearing the metal dragon god's words, the **** Gallon thought thoughtfully, and said, "In this way, Solem, the **** of frost giants, is a good target."

"She still doesn't know that her spouse is a **** we buried, and it is easy to design it."

Metal Dragon God's eyes moved slightly, and said: "In this case, you need to communicate more with the Goddess of Cold, grasp the whereabouts and thoughts of Solem, and look for opportunities to take the banner of this frost giant **** of medium divine power."

God Gallon shook his head and said, "Leave it to me."

After a pause, the **** Gallon raised his chin and said: "In addition, after the main body came back from different time and space this time, it brought two kinds of secret arts, which can also be popularized to the people of the dragon clan before the war with the giant gods. use."

The metal dragon **** showed curiosity, and said, "Secret technique? What kind of secret technique."

God Gallon smiled slightly, and said in a leisurely manner: "Heavy magic power, and resonant spellcasting."

After explaining for a while, the metal dragon **** laughed, and his voice echoed in the temple, saying: "As expected of you, the lost secret technique brought back from different time and space is enough to double the strength of the dragon clan as a whole."

In the endless passage of time, I don't know how many short-lived but extremely effective lost secrets have been buried.

Being able to collect these secret arts from a different time and space and bring them back to the main timeline is Gallon's unique special ability.

"With heavy magic power and resonant spellcasting, the winning rate of an all-out battle with the giant gods will increase again."

"At that time, the dragon clan will use the powerful secret technique you brought from different time and space, and will give the giant gods an unexpected surprise."

God Gallon shook his dragon wings, stretched his waist like a big cat, and said, "It would be great if I could give birth to two authorities like the dragon magic net."

Metal Dragon God said: "As long as it is widely recognized by the people of the Dragon Clan, the probability is not small."

She smiled and said: "If you continue to develop like this, you may even have a chance to become a powerful divine force ahead of me and Tiamat."

"I'm looking forward to that day."

God Gallon nodded slightly, and said, "Me too."

at the same time.

On the plane of Dragon Court, Garen, who had returned from the desert world, seemed to be carrying thunderous rage all over his body. He had just returned and entered the Hall of Eternity, attracting the attention of many legendary dragons.

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【The Dragon Who Controls Time】【】

The members of the ancient council asked to see him, but Garen also refused on the grounds of retreating to heal his wounds.

The ancient dragons learned about what happened in the desert world after a little inquiring, and then, the news spread, and the legendary dragons in Longting also understood the situation.

After a brief lull, some of the furious dragons traveled to the Prime Material World to take revenge on any giant territories they could find.

Faced with the sudden attack of the legendary giant dragon, many weaker giant tribes were quickly burned to the ground.

At the same time, because of this conflict, more intelligent creatures realized that Garon Aurelion, who was finally attacked by the angry lord in the desert world, seemed to have a serious problem, otherwise the dragons would not have this reaction.

For the active attacks of many legendary dragons, under the leadership of the Lord of Storms, the giant clan, who had endured and avoided the battle for a long time, reacted strongly this time.

Afterwards, many closed giant territories were opened again, and they frequently rubbed against the surrounding dragons.

After a period of time, I don't know where the news came from, saying that the sudden death attack of the angry lord was the mysterious thing given to the Time Dragon by the Lord of Storms, which made the Time Dragon's ability of the time system worse than before. For a long time, it can be said to be abolished.

Many intelligent beings agree with this news.

If it weren't for this, it would be difficult to explain the fury of the Dragon Clan.

Today, the Dragon God Department has not yet expressed its position.

There has not really been a large-scale war between the two races, but the atmosphere has intensified.

"...Dragon and giants........The world has only been peaceful for a long time, and the sky is about to change again."

There are wise men who are restless.

The sun is still bright now, but the dark clouds in the distance have gathered together and rolled in.

A country that has been devastated by the aftermath of the Glory War, it is very rational to choose to close its doors. This time, it will not get involved in any matter between dragons and giants, for fear of being affected.

In the eyes of most intelligent creatures, elves are generally kind, while dragons and giants are powerful and brutal races.

Facing the feud between two powerful and brutal races, the most sensible thing to do is to stay far away and never get close.

"That's it, it's best to think that I'm abolished."

In the Dragon's Nest of the Palace of Eternity, Garen, who was mistaken for being seriously injured and secretly healing his wounds, was happily admiring the reaction from the outside world, shaking his head, unable to restrain his joy, he looked a little bit seriously injured.

at the same time.

In a dimensional space of Gallon, a black-purple abyss crystal trembled.

Garen moved his eyes slightly, took it out, and injected his own spiritual will at the same time.

"I heard that you were abolished, is it true?"

The rough voice came from behind the chaos, asking straightforwardly.

After the scepter was traded with Empress of Chaos last time, because of Garen's request, the two maintained a certain amount of communication.

Regarding this, Garen snorted coldly, flicked his tail, seemed a little angry, and said in a deep voice, "What does this have to do with you?"

"Hahaha, you are in a hurry."

"There is a high probability that the recent rumors are true. I am really happy...No, I am saddened by what happened to you."

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【The Dragon Who Controls Time】【】

After Chaos, he made no secret of his gloating.

"Hey, the time dragon with a smooth future, but because of the death plot of an ordinary frost giant god, his personality fell, and his potential was damaged."

"What a bad, what a pitiful outcome."

Garen said: "How do you know that my potential is damaged? It's just some rumors. Whoever believes it will only suffer the consequences in the end."

Hearing what Garen said, the Queen of Chaos sneered and said, "Yes, yes, yes, it's just a rumor, you are still a time dragon with a bright future, I believe your words."

The giant dragon was displeased, and his tone was tinged with anger. He didn't give Chaos Empress any face, and growled, "Are you contacting me just to ridicule?"

"Your goal has been achieved, now get out."

With that said, Garen was about to cut off communication with Empress Chaos.

After Chaos didn't taunt anymore, he hurriedly said, "Don't worry, I have a deal, you should listen to it first."

Garen narrowed his eyes slightly, and said, "What deal?"

After Chaos said calmly: "You killed Koschurch in the battle, then, according to the rules in the abyss, you can replace Koschurch and become the ruler of the frozen wasteland on the 23rd floor of the bottomless abyss." By."

Garen chuckled and said, "Do you think I don't understand the abyss?"

"The abyss level that has lost its lord is unowned. Although I have the most suitable reason to forcefully occupy it, other demon lords will not just watch me take over the frozen wasteland."

After Chaos, he said in amazement: "It seems that you are really injured. The Garon Aurelion in my impression is very confident and arrogant, it is impossible to have such fear."

Garen chose to remain silent.

At the same time, after Chaos revealed his true purpose, he said, "What I want is for you to hand over the frozen wasteland to me for the sake of a deal."

"In this way, I will save a lot of unnecessary trouble by occupying the frozen wasteland."

"In return, I will give you some of the rare resources of the frozen wasteland afterwards."

"Anyway, with your current state, it is impossible to become the Lord of the Frozen I guarantee that once you settle in the Frozen Wasteland, before the demon lord arrives, Solem of the giant gods will take the lead arrival."

"This guy has been trying to **** Koschurch's territory for a long time."

After hearing Chaos' words, Garen's eyes moved slightly, thoughtful.

Destiny is amazing. Gallon didn't expect that the God Gallon hadn't heard the reliable and effective news from Aurul that he could deploy Solem, but he made progress from Chaos.

"Hmph, an abyss level, do you think I will give it to you so easily?"

"Don't be delusional."

After Chaos was furious, he said: "Damn junior, I am willing to trade with you to save face. When you come to the frozen wasteland, I will be the first to tear you apart, and then occupy this level!"

Garen was not in a hurry, and said calmly, "I know you are in a hurry, but don't be in a hurry."

"Unless, you are not afraid of the Styx contract at all."

After the chaos, his tone was suffocated, and then he said displeasedly: "It doesn't matter, even if I don't make a move, you can't occupy the frozen wasteland safely. If you don't believe me, just wait and see, this level will eventually fall into my hands."

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【The Dragon Who Controls Time】【】

Soon, Garen and Chaos broke off this contact.

"Soliem........The Frozen Wasteland......"

"This is a good opportunity."

"It depends on whether you dare to come or not."

In the silent dragon's lair, the silver giant dragon was entangled in the body and whispered to himself, with bright eyes.