MTL - Dream is King-Chapter 122 Who can tell whether it is a human or a ghost (please subscribe)

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   Ten minutes later, the five people had returned to the street.

  Morning Bull was almost paralyzed on Bai Haonan's back as if he had lost his soul. The scene he saw at that moment might have formed a psychological shadow for the rest of his life.

  Li Lin was held hostage by Chen Meijuan and the two of them. The young female college student who was taller than them was so frightened that she shouted at her mother: "You, you, you Gaha, Mom, what are you doing..."

   Bai Haonan impatiently grabbed a T-shirt that Morning Bull was holding in vain and stuffed it into the girl's mouth!

You can imagine the smell of the clothes that were carried by the cow. Li Lin might have fainted. The two women were like accomplices. They even increased their strength and dragged them away. Li Lin wanted to resist, but She must have been frightened by the sudden change in the environment, her legs were softening, and the taller Northeastern girl couldn't use any strength, and she was simply covering her head with clothes.

   Meeting other MLM distributors this time, Bai Haonan is confident: "I want to run! Mad!"

   put on the fierceness of a law enforcement team, and no one asked.

But I didn’t walk into the fast-food restaurant that is open 24 hours a day. It was originally a stronghold where MLM distributors often gather for brainwashing or reception of newcomers. In a normal-looking commercial supermarket building, it’s hard to make newcomers suspicious. I felt that through the glass window, I could see a group of girls sitting at the table without a glass of water. Bai Haonan asked Chen Meijuan to call someone out: "Go to the underground garage, I'll wait for you there for a meeting, don't let other groups see it. arrive."

The inexplicable female MLM distributors came down a few minutes later and saw Bai Haonan's large dark green off-road vehicle with the door open. Will hold Li Lin, hold the girl to sit beside the rear wheel.

The whole garage was actually empty and there were no cars. Bai Haonan deliberately parked at the corner at that time, and now pointed to the door: "I'm here to save my brother, what is pyramid selling? I won't argue with you, in a word, I'm willing to come with me. , get in the car and leave here immediately, I can give you a job, even give you a new identity, forget everything before, if you don't want to leave, stay in this place where no one is a ghost or a ghost, please, I count three..."

Being brainwashed by pyramid schemes cannot be explained in two sentences. Only those who have experienced brainwashing know how those things that are repeated in one's ears every day like a spell will change a person's cognition, Bai Haonan I have never tried to persuade anyone. No matter how good at rhetoric and eloquence, people who debate with these pyramid-selling people may be persuaded by the other party's clear logic, clear regulations, and clever language.

  Because they sit and study together every day, they are practicing how to correct other people's prejudice against MLM, and they have long since convinced themselves.

  Only after getting out of this environment, see if you can slowly return to the cognition of a normal person.

   Not everyone resists all preaching like Bai Haonan.

   Now he looked at the women with complex and changeable expressions in front of him, and raised the middle three fingers of his left hand coldly: "Three...two..." He bent a finger every time he said it.

   It surprised him a bit, but Chen Meijuan was the first to stand up!

He didn't say anything, he just came over silently, stretched out his hand and pulled Li Lin, who had fallen on the ground, into the back seat together. Bai Haonan actually really wanted to save people. : "This is a seven-seater car, and I can take five people with me, but in fact, all of you want to follow along, no problem, look at this college student who doesn't understand anything, he will soon become like you. , do you still want to become a normal person again, all the past is just a dream, whether it is a dream of getting rich, a nightmare, or a spring dream, anyway, you can be a person again, willing to go home, no I hope I can provide a decent job when I go home, and find an honest man to marry!"

  Bah! Why are honest people so aggrieved? Anyway, there were silent tears of pain in the eyes of the morning bull sitting in the co-pilot.

   Just when Bai Haonan was a little disappointed and decided to put away his last finger, Xiaowan walked out and climbed into the back of the car without making a sound. Then three more people followed silently and hesitantly.

   There are just a few people, and the rest seem to have lost their ability to think. There is a chance to escape, but they are still obsessed. Maybe they still believe that the pie will fall from the sky.

  Bai Haonan shook his head helplessly, and without any hesitation, he reached out to close the car door and climbed into the driver's seat. For a moment, when he looked back, the girl who introduced the job change actually took out her cell phone and was making a call.

   In addition to calling other MLM distributors, what other possibilities are there?

Bai Haonan pressed the door lock and drove off without pity. Finally, in the rearview mirror, he saw the women standing in the corner of the empty garage like corpses. Two of them seemed unable to support him. body, sitting directly on the ground.

  Life may not be what you want, but it is definitely your choice.

The 4.6-liter Land Cruiser off-road vehicle is definitely not as eye-catching as the Hummer, but its power and strong capabilities are not inferior. Bai Haonan didn't even bother to pay the parking fee, so he took out a red ticket from his wallet and looked towards him from the car window. The toll booth was thrown out, and then banged off the crossbar, leaving only a roar of the engine roaring in the garage and jumping onto the highway, because some figures had already started shouting and running over.

  To be honest, Bai Haonan really wanted to hit these people with his car for a moment, so he just made a big deal of it so that everyone could notice this place, and let everyone know about such a MLM area that has basically wiped out human nature.

   But how funny this thing is, it is still someone who is messing around to expose it?

   is outrageous!

  Bai Haonan had no anger, no impulsiveness, just with a sarcastic expression, whizzing past these people, everyone probably knew that as long as they dared to rush to the front of the car, the car would not slow down at all.

   MLM distributors are still not afraid of swords and guns as they have not practiced Yihequan.

  The city is not big. Bai Haonan has walked many times within the range. Now that he is skilled and rushes directly out of the city and onto the high-grade highway that is not blocked, basically no one can change the fact that he escaped.

   In fact, I don’t really care about escaping here. The premise is that I can go quietly, but don’t try to incite and take away other people, it will definitely be attacked by all the crowd.

   It seems that everyone is covering their ears and stealing bells, wishing to drag more people into their own situation, and no one can escape from the sea of ​​misery.

  While waiting for his mobile phone to turn on, Bai Haonan reached out to turn on the dome light and looked at the carriage from the rearview mirror.

Although one of the six girls was overloaded, they still looked very loose in this large off-road vehicle. Except for Li Lin, who was inexplicably terrified, the other five were indifferent, as if their escape was more because of Bai Haonan, while the other five were indifferent. It's not that he left the MLM. This is especially obvious on Xiaowan's face. It's the kind of follower who is trying to find Bai Haonan's eyes in the rearview mirror.

   Well, it's actually a bit like the look in Ada's eyes just now.

Bai Haonan missed Ada a little at this time, and his expression softened a lot. He stretched out his hand to turn on the stereo on the center console, and played any music. In the pyramid selling place, except for the news station of the national TV station, all entertainment equipment was prohibited. Singing was only allowed. It's those inspirational songs, so after hearing the voice of Wei Mi that I haven't heard in a long time, Bai Haonan finally smiled: "Okay, do you know how much this car is worth? 1.2 million, according to the five-level three promotion system, the general manager can As much as you take, the manager can take as much..."

   This lame joke has not been finished yet, Xiaowan has already said silently: "The general manager gets 540,000, and the manager gets 198,000."

   Another girl added to her: "At least 7420 yuan can be gradually distributed at all levels."

   This is not a talent, it is a calculation and sharing model that is recited every day, constantly brainwashing newcomers, tempting them to deceive them and how much they can get after they come.

Bai Haonan, whose computing ability is far inferior to his memory ability, is stunned: "Okay, you two will be the cashier, will Chen Meijuan receive the reception at the front desk? The monthly salary is about two or three thousand, and it will gradually increase in the future. I am not very clear, I am willing to live like this. Not a day?"

Chen Meijuan's head was actually turned to open the pitch-dark wilderness outside. When Bai Haonan came here, he remembered that this place should be all low depressions and tropical rain forests, and the female voice was also faint, a bit like a female ghost: "You lived together, no money. Anything."

   It sounds like a very friendly sentence, but the atmosphere is terribly weird.

  Bai Haonan laughed hahaha: "Why do you know that returning to normal society means you will be arrested and sent to prison!"

   Unexpectedly, there was a girl in the last row with a distant voice: "As long as you don't get two marriage certificates, and the parties don't sue and ignore it, there is no bigamy crime, and no one will come to arrest you."

  Damn it, Bai Haonan remembered that the girl seemed to be studying law, and then he took the "Report on the Operational Possibility of Private Capital" to study the relationship with law.

At this time, he definitely didn't have the sweet feeling of floating, and he stretched his head out to look for the mud next to him: "Niu'er, don't be like this, I told you a long time ago that there is no serious love, and you still think that woman is really …”

   Morning Glory is short and clear: "Go away!"

  Bai Haonan was even happier: "Don't, I'm asking you a key question, what did you do?"

  This question made Morning Glory even more painful, closing his eyes and turning his head.

   As a result, the following people who came over were not affected by Bai Haonan's sloppiness at all, and their expressions did not change.

It made the driver seem to be playing a one-man show by himself, so he had to pick up his mobile phone angrily and call: "Ah, it's me, no problem, no problem, really no problem, someone was rescued, and I'll tell you something else, I I brought a few people out by the way..."

   Yu Jiali over there just heard Bai Haonan's tone of voice: "Female?"

   Bai Haonan was very embarrassed: "Uh, yes..."

   Yu Jiali has no emotion: "What to arrange? Food, clothing, housing? How many people?"

In the rearview mirror, Bai Haonan finally noticed Li Lin, who was gagged and pinned by Chen Meijuan and Xiaowan: "Ah, it should be five, and there's another unlucky one, I'll ask her parents' phone numbers. number, see if you can come and pick it up yourself."

   Yu Jiali was ready to hang up the phone, and Bai Haonan finally asked about his work: "How is the fitness center?"

   The voice over there was finally a little sullen: "You still know how to ask the fitness center?! You'll know when you come back and watch it!" He hung up the phone.

Bai Haonan felt that the joy he had just escaped had vanished. He lost his phone and scratched his beard a little speechlessly. Except for the melodious music in the carriage, no one said anything until Li Lin finally started humming, and Bai Haonan thought apologetically. She got up and motioned Chen Meijuan to pull the clogged clothes: "Nothing else, call your parents and ask them to bring your household registration book and ID card to the provincial capital to pick you up." He picked up the phone again. Looking at the ladies in the rearview mirror: "Do you want to go home and need to contact your parents?"

   The five MLM girls who have been tempered to the point of disregarding their relatives, didn't even blink their eyes and felt no pain.

   Only Li Lin finally said timidly: "What's wrong?"

  Really, this girl is fine if she doesn't open her mouth. The moment she opens her mouth, the scene turns into a comedy. Even the painful morning bull opened her eyes and closed them again.

Bai Haonan's depression disappeared, and he began to tease the girl: "What's the matter? What are you talking about, MLM, you don't know it's MLM? Oh, you've already arrived at the second day's class, and I've already told you that this is MLM, But the real MLM is not understood by the world, it is a humiliating career, what the fuck, do you believe this kind of nonsense?"

  What Li Lin cares about is: "Then how to pinch it? Zhang Yan pinch, she told me that you can make money, why don't you bring her with you?"

Bai Haonan felt that talking nonsense with this idiot was more tiring than persuading the pyramid salesman: "she lied to you, what obligation do I have to save her, alas, forget it, don't talk nonsense with you, has your mobile phone been confiscated, mine is in Here, call your parents and let them fly over to Guicheng to pick you up immediately, your classmate is going to run away and let her parents find it by herself, I'm exhausted!"

   This girl once again revealed that her IQ needs to be recharged: "I dare not! I secretly took my family's money to buy a plane ticket, and I also wore my work clothes..."

Bai Haonan wanted to ram the off-road vehicle into a roadside telephone pole: "Fuck you, uncle, it's a big deal compared to being deceived by a pyramid scheme, do you know what will happen if you stay in a pyramid scheme? "

   Li Lin, who is actually the tallest among the six women, cautiously tried to turn her head to glance at the five MLM women surrounding her in the shape of a door, and then pouted, "What's the matter... the chicken head and the white face!"

   Bai Haonan can only fight with poison: "What did you see when the door opened at the end?"

  Li Lin immediately raised her hand to cover her face with a wow, but the girls on both sides pressed her down tightly and did not allow her to move!

  Execution is so good!

   Bai Haonan was supposed to frighten the three-year-old child: "Then are you still willing to stay there?"

   Li Lin kept shaking her head, but she still didn't call her parents.

Bai Haonan is really too lazy to talk about it. Everyone has their own fate. Anyway, this meal is not bad for the time being. He continued to ask a few other people: "I can't remember this silly girl, the Spring Festival is approaching, you need to contact your family or It's okay to go home, I'll pay for the journey."

   Brother Haonan is really lavish, but there is still silence in the back seat of the car.

   After a long time, almost everyone opened their eyes silently, only the silly girl Li Lin fell asleep leaning on Chen Meijuan's shoulder, and the brightly lit provincial capital finally appeared in front.

   Contrast that night with the ghost town-like MLM area.

   The past moments are like a lifetime away!