MTL - Dream is King-Chapter 96 Finally someone who knows

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  Yu Jiali is not as white and rich as Bai Haonan thought... fat.

According to the report of the fake team leader who wanted to support Bai Haonan as the concubine, although Yu Jiali has just graduated from college for two years, he is now the general manager of a family investment management company, because Lao Yu is mainly responsible for the relationship between the person in charge and Xiao Caili. Deciding how to invest the current assets and how to do it, Lao Yu has completely let go of his daughter, the key is that Yu Jiali did not mess around for two years, and the profit performance is not bad, so the company all respect the president, but it may be It was because his family conditions were very good since he was a child, and Yu Zong was very careful when he was in college, for fear that people would find out about his family conditions and covet family money, and he was even more kind and unwilling to lose friends for such a thing...

I didn't dare to say what happened later, Bai Haonan can guess it. He must be a female college student. Many people like to bring a girlfriend or something when they meet for the first time. They are usually a little fatter and less beautiful. Anyone who walks along the way will feel that It is the life of a maid, and she will always be the foil of beautiful female classmates. The key is that there are many beautiful girls who like to find such fat girls as sisters. They can set off their beauty. Sister Qiuxiang needs a group of ugly girls to be a foil, so this The chubby rich girl has always been missed.

   If Yu Jiali's male classmates knew that they had missed a rich girl, would they spit blood with regret?

   Bai Haonan took it as a joke.

For him, this kind of girl can be eaten twice for a different taste, but after three days of long-term eating, it will get tired. The most important thing is that this girl is a bit reluctant at first sight, coupled with her powerful family background, As long as he can't control his crotch, it's definitely a cat stealing the glutinous rice cake, and he can't get rid of it.

   Absolutely impossible!

Although he didn't express a clear rejection to this distant subordinate in Jiali, Bai Haonan didn't answer at all. He explained a few words on the side of the small field of people, and took a ball and simply fell to them a few times. It is considered that he is familiar with the strength of this specification and needs to be controlled. He has a lot of experience in medical school, but he was rarely in professional teams before. Playing a game with this number of people seriously is a game at most, and some tips can be shared.

They all know family members. After listening to Brother Jianguo's introduction, he immediately knew that what he said made sense. These six were originally considered by Bai Haonan to be better conductors and have a bit of talent. The last few people sat on the venue with a smile. Waiting for the owner on the steps, I didn't bother to go over to prepare for the afternoon game.

It turned out that after about two o'clock, the game over there was estimated to have started, and people were seen one after another. A black van parked silently next to these young people wearing yellow jerseys. When the electric sliding door opened, Showing the standard of this nanny car, which looks ordinary but is actually high-end, Bai Haonan is showing off his knowledge to the young players: "Nissan's nanny car, noble, costs 700,000 to 800,000..."

But he saw that Teddy, who had been **** by Ada, jumped and got out of the car, and then Yu Jiali got out, and walked over with a more business smile: "I didn't see you guys playing there, so I asked. , I know you're here again."

If it was an ordinary girl, even if she was prettier, and came over to talk to Brother Jianguo, these young players would definitely be laughing and watching the fun. There was also the black suit sitting in the co-pilot who was focused on this side. The huge class difference immediately made them stand up respectfully: "Brother Jianguo, let's wait there first, here's a call!"

Bai Haonan can also choose to go with him, but he thinks it is the most effective to clarify and solve the problem, especially if Chen Sufen and Isa can be told to go away by himself, this should not be difficult, and the dazzling white teeth still look up. Grinning: "Yes, I'm just a chuanchuan, do you know what it means?"

   Actually, at this time, the matter is not Ada's unilateral problem. The Teddy came over and sniffed the small steps around the broken leg dog, especially between the broken legs. Bai Haonan laughed even more when he saw it.

  Yu Jiali followed the direction of his sunglasses, and his expression turned a little blushing: "It seems to be a statement from Sichuan and Chongqing, the meaning of a middleman?"

Bai Haonan looked at the girl's black lace-trimmed half-sleeve shirt and white knee-length skirt. She was thinner than the black dress in the morning. Her waist, round shoulders, wide breasts, but not so big. With the high heels, she was a little more slender. In fact, she was more plump. If it was more appropriate, he smiled and patted the cement steps next to him: "Would you like to come and sit?"

   After seeing the group of players scattered away, the two men in the front row of your nanny car, seven or eight meters away, got out of the car and turned to the side of the car. Not only did they show that they were not peeking, but they seemed to be helping to keep watch.

   So in this corner of the stadium, there are only two men and women left.

Yu Jiali pursed his lips, which actually made his apple-like face even more chubby, but he decided to come and sit down, and there was no extra provocative action. He just found that the skirt might be missing, so he quickly stretched his legs together. Straight, but with a very straight back.

Bai Haonan turned his head and did not turn around again. He took off his sunglasses and sniffed a little closer. In fact, Yu Jiali was twenty or thirty centimeters away from him when he sat down. , remembered, but held on stiffly.

Bai Haonan is not the mother Teddy: "You are a girl who doesn't mess around. It smells fragrant. I can't describe it, but I can tell the difference, so you should try to stay away from me, who likes to have sex. It's really not worth it for a man like YE Qing to be ruined by me, the love didn't work out, and it made me cry, why bother."

   Yu Jiali was shocked by Bai Haonan's vulgarity and outspokenness. He stared at him and looked at the distance between the two, confirming that he would not get pregnant just because they were sitting on the same concrete steps: ""

Bai Haonan didn't stare at the girl, he turned his head and stared at the stadium in the distance as if he was saying to others: "It doesn't matter what company your father has. When I saw you in the morning, I knew we were not the same people, but you obviously like watching handsome guys. , that's why I told you directly, I'm not humiliating you, you should find someone with good character..." He actually burst out laughing at this point, and then he didn't say anything.

   Yu Jiali didn't hear the back, and seemed to think that Bai Haonan was indeed not in danger: "What are you laughing at?"

Bai Haonan said: "I suddenly thought of those who are of good character, at least they seem to be of good character, and have money in their pockets, this afternoon sitting in a luxury car suddenly a little irritable, will they just drive? Going to a nightclub or doing a big health care thing to go to the fire, anyway, the managers and bosses I know who look serious, are no different, for them to go to a prostitute or have a **** or something, it is more than ordinary It's easier for the working class, oh yes, they have a little secret."

   The girl in the black and white dress looked at the profile of the tall man beside her, and actually said, "You... so philosophical!"

   The former professional player froze and turned his head: "What? I told you that I didn't finish junior high school, so don't scare me with things like college students."

Yu Jiali looked back in a panic and looked at his twisted legs: "My dad didn't even finish elementary school, but he is the man I admire the most. Some truths don't have to be read to learn, but reading is just to make We know how to sum it up and discern the truth.”

   Bai Haonan sneered: "Ah, I don't understand, I don't understand."

  Yu Jiali put it another way: "I mean you may... Dasu is Dae."

   Bai Haonan laughed loudly: "I'm still elegant? Girl, I've been a girl for twenty years. You're the first to say I'm elegant. Generally speaking, I'm fierce."

Yu Jiali was a little tired of dealing with Bai Haonan's fierce style of speaking, and his shoulders shrugged a little: "That kind of vulgarity that is covered in golden light and wishing the world would revolve around him is a kind of vulgarity, but some people don't deliberately pursue elegance. , and don't care about other people's worldly vision, just live with the flow, and act spontaneously... Well, you may still be a little indulgent, but it is really natural in your heart. This kind of vulgarity is Taiya. I listened to it in the Sinology course. The professor said it."

   Bai Haonan can only admire: "You scholars are just idle, and you can find such a scrumptious statement as a **** like me. It's incredible!"

Yu Jiali finally dared to look into his eyes face-to-face, and she bravely looked straight at him and didn't look away, as if her wealth couldn't smooth out the pit in her heart: "Is it because you think I'm a little fat? "

  In the afternoon sunshine in Guixi in early November, what Yu Jiali said to Bai Haonan was similar to a confession.