MTL - Dressed As a Farm Boy, He Cheated on His Way Out of the Desert.-Chapter 1095 The dead make way for the living!

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Chapter 1095 The dead make way for the living!

She looked at everyone blankly before remembering what had just happened, so she lay on the coffin and cried loudly.

 “Mother, mother, woo woo!”

At this time, twilight has enveloped the earth, and everything is dark.

The girl who lost her mother cried so hard that it made people feel sour in their hearts.

 The emperor sighed, stepped forward and patted his daughter on the back, comforting her.

"Okay, don't cry. Your mother has been ill for so long and the oil lamp has dried up. Now she is relieved. I will give her a decent funeral, and she will not lack the honor of the queen. It's just..."

"Just what?" The third princess raised her head and looked at her father with red eyes. Suddenly, there was a suspicion in her heart that made her shudder.

The emperor was a little afraid to face his daughter's gaze. He turned his head and coughed twice, and said, "The ceremony for the crown prince's conferment is coming soon, and the selection of the prince's concubine is also related to the stability and inheritance of the entire Tianwu. At this time, if there is a funeral, just fight There are too many arrangements.

“So, I have to ask your mother to stay here for a few more days and keep it secret from the outside world. After the crown prince ceremony and the selection of the crown princess, I will give your mother a good funeral.

"Your mother is a queen and the mother of a country. She will definitely understand what I am doing. After all, the most important thing is..."

The third princess did not speak. Two lines of tears, faintly bloodshot, slipped quietly from her eyes.

“Father, my mother has been married to you for twenty years and has given birth to children for you. Even if she makes mistakes, she will always be your first wife!

“Even if you don’t like her and blame her, she is already dead. Isn’t it worthy of letting her rest in her grave?!

“Must she be left here to rot and stink, must she wait until the right day to ‘die’?”

The third princess didn't cry hysterically, she was just like a child who didn't understand anything. She asked every word, which completely hurt the emperor's heart and exposed his face.

He didn’t know how to answer, or couldn’t answer at all.

 In the end, he could only choose to escape.

"I know that you are too sad and have no rules. I will not argue with you, but don't say this. In addition to being your mother's daughter, you are also the princess of Tianwu. For Tianwu, you and your mother are destined to achieve something. sacrifice.

"I'm going back first. If you are willing, you can stay here and guard."

 With that said, he flicked his sleeves and went back to the imperial study.

The third princess did not salute or ask any questions. She slowly turned around and continued to cry while holding the coffin.

The prince was silent for a long time, then knelt down and said, "Don't be too sad. Your mother has a spirit in heaven, and she always hopes that you will take good care of yourself."

The third princess wiped away her tears fiercely and retorted angrily, "Your mother is dead, won't you be sad?"

The prince lowered his eyes and responded softly, "My biological mother passed away so early that I don't even have the slightest memory of her. And even if I want to worship her now, I don't know where her bones are."

The third princess choked, but the kindness in her heart did not allow her to say anything else.

The prince didn't care about her. He patted her shoulder and said, "I will send someone to pick up the princess and bring her into the palace to accompany you. You... have my condolences."

After saying that, he got up and left the palace gate. As soon as he turned the corner, the little fox jumped down from the side courtyard wall and fell into his arms.

The prince smiled helplessly and said while tracing his smooth neck hair, "Your master will enter the palace soon. Then you must not forget the little fried fish in Xilong Pavilion. Remember to come and see me from time to time."

 The little fox immediately raised his neck and looked around, looking guilty as if he had been caught slacking off.

The prince smiled so hard that he kept walking back with the little fox in his arms.

Eunuch Feng followed a few steps away with the young eunuch, not daring to speak or listen.

We are about to arrive at Xilong Pavilion, and the prince finally spoke.

“Eunuch Feng, go to Suijintan to invite the princess to the palace to accompany the princess. Remember to explain the matter clearly and don’t let the princess be frightened. The princess is smart and knows the importance, so there is no need to worry about her leaking the secret.”

"Yes, your highness, don't worry, I will take care of it now." Eunuch Feng didn't dare to delay, so he quickly prepared his carriage and horses and left the palace quickly.

  Good news is very relaxing because a major issue on my mind has been solved.

Even though he was tricked into a clown by the third princess, he was still in a good mood. On the carriage back to Broken Gold Beach, he was humming almost the whole way.

Shui Ling and Shui Yun were happy to see their master rarely.

Shuiyun smiled and said, "Princess, it's much cooler after the sun sets. I'll cook some good dishes. Would you like a glass of wine?"

Jiayin nodded and agreed happily.

“Okay, I happened to make a lot of wine last year, so I’ll open a jar and taste it. Remember to prepare ice cubes and let the wine sober up for a while.”

Shui Ling joined in the fun and begged greedily, "Miss, can you give us a drink too?"

Jiayin hit her and said jokingly, "Okay, as long as you don't get drunk and act like a drunkard."

Shui Ling blushed and twisted around in protest.

 Last year during the Mid-Autumn Festival, she was greedy and had a few more drinks. As a result, she went too far and went to the house, climbed a tree, and struggled so hard that she was knocked unconscious and thrown back to the room before the family could calm down...

As he was talking, the carriage arrived at the village, and from a distance, the village was very lively.

At the entrance of the village, Jiayin jumped out of the carriage and asked a few questions. It turned out that there was an old man in the village celebrating his birthday.

The old man didn’t make any special arrangements at home. He just cooked some good food and invited the village chief and Uncle Zhao and others to have a drink, just as the old brothers got together.

 Over the years, life has been better in the village. The elderly are well fed, clothed and warm, and enjoy many blessings.

 But no one can escape birth, old age, illness and death.

One after another, four or five old people who had fled over the mountains and ridges together left.

 So, the rest of us cherish the time we spend together more and more.

They all look forward to seeing more of their children and grandchildren’s future and the good days of Broken Gold Beach.

Jiayin doesn’t want to join in the fun with the old men. After all, her identity is here, and in the past, it would only make everyone feel restricted and uncomfortable.

So, she opened the warehouse directly, took out two jars of good wine, two pieces of material suitable for making clothes for the elderly, added two boxes of snacks, and two baskets of fruits, and quickly asked Shuiling to lead people to deliver them.

It’s not that she is reluctant to give wine, it’s because old men like spicy wine and dislike wine that is sour and not strong enough!

Needless to say, receiving a birthday gift from the host’s family made the gathering of the old men even more lively.

The old man who passed his birthday also asked his son to come to his old house to express his gratitude and sent back a plate of longevity cakes.

Jiayin ate a piece and packed it up, planning to have someone deliver it to Yuanyuan tomorrow.

This kind of longevity cake is actually an ordinary shortbread with sugar and sesame fillings.

  But because it is used by the elderly to live their lives, it has the implication that children who eat it will live a long life.

 Such a good thing, so good news cannot forget my nephew!

 After nightfall, the evening breeze cooled down completely.

On the small stone table in the backyard, there were delicious dishes carefully prepared by Shui Yun. Shui Ling smiled and took out the white jade wine jug from the broken ice basin.

As a result, just after pouring three glasses of purple-red wine, the front courtyard door was knocked!

Two updates today~

 (End of this chapter)