MTL - Dressed Like the Scum In the Ancient Bloody Text A-Chapter 40

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Because of the phone case, Lin Qinghan didn't want to talk to Shen Xian all the way. Does this person really not understand, or is he pretending not to understand? Lin Qinghan was very puzzled along the way.

Shen Xian sent Zai Zai and Lin Qinghan to the place as usual, but Lin Qinghan didn't want to talk to her, and Shen Xian only thought that he made Lin Qinghan angry.

I didn't go to the company all day yesterday, Shen Xian arrived at the place early today, Jiang Xi made an appointment with her before, and said he would come over to take a look, when Shen Xian arrived, several employees hadn't arrived yet.

After a while, four people came over one after another, greeted Shen Xian, and they went to work.

About half an hour later, Jiang Xi and Mu Siyu came together. Shen Xian did not expect Mu Siyu to come with him, "Xiaoxi, Miss Mu, I will show you my small company."

Shen Xian said as he led the two of them around, and then returned to his office.

Jiang Xi smiled and said, "Sister, you are not bad here, but it looks a bit small."

"Yeah, I don't have that much money on hand, otherwise I wouldn't just help others with their financial management, but directly invest in venture capital."

Mu Siyu glanced at Shen Xian, thought for a while and said, "Does Miss Shen have a detailed plan for the company's subsequent development?"

"Of course, I have even thought about several companies that I want to invest in, but I don't have enough funds at hand." Shen Xian said with a smile, got up and took out a document from his desk and asked: "Miss Mu is interested ?"

Mu Siyu nodded and said, "I'm a businessman. If I can make a profit, I'm certainly interested." Mu Siyu's ability to secure a foothold in the Mu's Group is not only good at doing business, but also accurate at judging people. She always feels that This Shen Xian is not as simple as it appears on the surface.

"Ms. Mu, is she interested in seeing my plan?" Shen Xian handed over the folder in his hand.

Mu Siyu nodded, "Okay, if it's good, I think we can cooperate."

Shen Xian puts his investment targets on some newly established small companies. In this world, card games, turn-based mobile games, and short video websites have not yet become popular. Shen Xian thinks this is an opportunity, so he also After paying attention to a lot of companies, I finally selected a few game companies that are just starting out. As for short videos, Shen Xian wants to create an app by himself.

After reading Shen Xian's plan, Mu Siyu thought for a while and said, "How many shares can I invest at most?"

Shen Xian smiled and said: "I accept the investment, but the company has the right to speak in my hands." Shen Xian has no plans to work for others.

"Okay, then let Xiaoxi and I participate in the shareholding. You first draw up the contract, and if there is no problem, we will sign it." As if thinking of something, Mu Siyu continued: "But your place is too small, we If two investments are made, the staff must be strictly recruited, and the office area must be expanded, occupying at least half a floor."

Shen Xian nodded and said: "Of course, if you have funds, you must be complete in all aspects, but when the time comes to recruit employees, I wonder if Mr. Mu can lend me a few interviewers?"

"No problem, we are partners." Mu Siyu got up and shook hands with Shen Xian.

Jiang Xi looked at the two of them and muttered, "Sister Mu, the two of you made it like a business meeting. Didn't you agree to see friends? Seeing you like this reminds me of my dad and me. Mom educated me, and I was trapped to death."

After listening to Jiang Xi's words, Shen Xian and Mu Siyu looked at each other and smiled, and Mu Siyu comforted him softly, "Okay, we made a mistake and made an old mistake again and wanted to discuss business as soon as we met."

"Hey, compared to the two of you, I'm no different from a salted fish. I followed my brother as an intern in the company for a few days, and my head was about to explode." Jiang Xi grumbled and complained.

Mu Siyu looked at Jiang Xi with a smile and said, "It's okay, you have me."

Jiang Xi blushed at Mu Siyu's words, a little embarrassed that Mu Siyu always looked at her like this.

Shen Xian sat at the side already understood, it seems that the two reconciled on Jiang Xi's birthday.

Shen Xian took Mu Siyu and Jiang Xi around the small company just now, several of Shen Xian's employees also saw Mu Siyu and Jiang Xi, Mu Siyu is a very famous beautiful president in Linhai City , several employees knew about Mu Siyu, just as Shen Xian sent Mu Siyu and Jiang Xi away, several people in the office got a little excited.

"I'll go. Mr. Shen is fine. Even the president of Mu's Group knows him. Let's take advantage of this time." Li Xing said excitedly, knowing that it is very difficult to get into Mu's Group. A few sporadic people can enter the M Moser Group for internship.

"Yes, Mr. Shen is also very kind. He is willing to teach us anything we don't understand. I think our company is a good one, and it is a potential stock." Song Min also said happily.

"Yeah, now I'm even motivated to work." Yan Qiang also said with a smile.

Yuan Zhenzhen also echoed a few words, but looked at Shen Xian's office, wondering what she was thinking.

A week later, Zhao Jianye confirmed the time for the operation, and Shen Xian and Lin Qinghan also came to the hospital.

After a while, Shen Xian's aunt and uncle also came over. Fang Jingping was afraid of affecting the family's work, so she hurriedly said, "You don't need to come, just me and Xiaoyan, you all go to work."

"Third Aunt, we have time if we can come, you don't have to think too much, femoral head replacement surgery is very common now, there will be no problem, we will go up together to accompany you in a while." Shen Xian comforted.

Shen Xian's aunt Fang Jingchun also heard from Fang Jinglan and Fang Jingping that Shen Xian has changed. Seeing Shen Xian today, she really feels that Shen Xian is a little different, and the point is that Lin Qinghan also came with Shen Xian. Fang Jingchun suppressed the doubts in her heart, I'm going to call and ask Fang Jinglan later.

Around 9 o'clock, the master who pushed patients up to the operating room on the 17th floor came. Zhao Jianye lay down on a bed with wheels and was pushed away. Shen Xian and his family members also went up to the 17th floor.

The wait lasted nearly 5 hours. In the end, Shen Xian and the others were only here to help, and it was Fang Jingping and Zhao Xiaoyan who were really upset.

Shen Xian reckoned that the time was almost up, and said to Lin Qinghan who was sitting beside him: "Qinghan, I think the third uncle should come out in another hour, and everyone hasn't eaten yet, so I'll go out and pack some food and come back. Call me if you need anything."

"Well, okay, you go, I'll wait here." Lin Qinghan nodded and said.

Sure enough, just as Shen Xian said, Zhao Jianye was pushed out of the operating room after a while, and the doctor pushing the bed was still talking to Zhao Jianye, because the anesthetic had just passed and he was still not so awake. , to do so is to ensure that the patient is conscious.

When Fang Jingping and Zhao Xiaoyan saw Zhao Jianye coming out, they still couldn't hold back their tears. After asking the doctor, the doctor said that the operation was a success. Only then did Fang Jingping and her daughter feel relieved, and everyone followed them back to the ward.

Lin Qinghan talked to Shen Xian, and Shen Xian took all the food he bought back to the ward, "Auntie San, I bought food, and it's almost two o'clock, everyone, let's have some food first."

Because of the anesthetic, Zhao Jianye had fallen asleep again, and in the end, no one stayed in the hospital to eat, leaving all the food to Fang Jingping and Zhao Xiaoyan.

After confirming that Zhao Jianye was fine, Shen Xian and the others left.

"Little aunt, little uncle, are you going home? I'll drive you back first." Shen Xian said to the two of them.

Fang Jingchun was also a little curious about what kind of car Shen Xian bought, so she nodded and followed. Shen Xian first sent Fang Jingchun and the others home, and then she and Lin Qinghan returned home.

Shen Xian's little uncle likes cars very much, so knowing that Shen Xian drives more than 400,000 yuan, he asked curiously: "Where did Shen Xian get so much money all of a sudden? This car is not cheap at more than 400,000 yuan."

"I don't know, I'll call my second sister and I don't think Shen Xian and Qing Han are divorced." Fang Jingchun called Fang Jinglan as she spoke.

Speaking of Fang Jingchun, Yuanshen did not cheat Fang Jingchun. Once before, Yuanshen lost money in a bet outside. He searched a photo of a severed hand from the Internet and sent it to Fang Jingchun and his wife, saying that he lost the money by gambling. If there is no money to pay back, one hand is chopped off, and if the money is not paid back, the other hand will also be chopped off. At that time, the whole family knew that Yuanshen cheated money, so Fang Jingchun didn't send money to Yuanshen, and Fang Jingchun couldn't sleep for several days afterwards, fearing that something might happen to Yuanshen, I blame myself.

In the end, the original body wasted all the money outside, and when he couldn't borrow the money, he went home again. He was healthy and healthy, and there was nothing wrong with his hands. When he met Fang Jingchun, he still had plausible words, as if nothing happened. , just like the photo of the severed hand was not sent to Fang Jingchun by her.

After a while, Fang Jinglan's call was connected.

"Second Sister, what happened to Shen Xian and Qing Han? And you didn't pay for Shen Xian's car again?" Fang Jingchun asked.

"Shen Xian bought the car by herself. As for her and Qing Han, I can't tell. Anyway, they seem to have a good relationship now, and they live together to take care of Tiantian." Fang Jinglan said.

"Yeah, my third brother-in-law, Shen Xian, and the others also came today for their surgery, and bought food for them. Zhang Luo, who ran before and after, hope this time it will get better." Fang Jingchun said with a sigh. My daughter really suffered a lot.

"Well, looking at it this time, Shen Xian must have really changed." The two sisters chatted for a while before hanging up the phone.

Two weeks later, Shen Xian signed a detailed contract with Mu Siyu and Jiang Xi, and Shen Xian also rented out the entire right half of the 10th floor as an office area. He is more happy than anyone else to invest in their company.

After finishing the work at hand, Shen Xian received a call from the gold shop in the afternoon, saying that the bracelet had been delivered, and after explaining a few words to Li Xing and the others, Shen Xian left the company in a hurry.

After entering the gold shop, the teller who was in charge of receiving Shen Xian came over, "Hello, the bracelet you ordered has arrived, please come and have a look first." Shen Xian looked at the bracelet and confirmed that it was the same as the one given by the system before. The one in my photo almost said, "Okay, what's the final payment."

"The current price of gold is 420 grams, including the crafting fee. This bracelet is 60 grams, and you still need to pay 20,200 yuan." The teller put the bracelet on the scale and asked Shen Xian to confirm the grams.

Shen Xian paid the money and went to Fang Jinglan's place. He was busy working with Mu Siyu and Jiang Xi for the past two weeks. Shen Xian hadn't come back for about two weeks. Fang Jinglan and Shen Wenkang were there when they knocked on the door. Seeing Shen Xian coming, Fang Jinglan got up happily and asked, "Why are you back at this time, didn't you go to the company?"

"Well, mom, I've been a little busy these two weeks, why don't you take some time to come over and see, are you and dad okay?" Shen Xian asked with a smile.

"Well, we're all fine, so you can go about your business at ease."

Shen Xian took out the bracelet from her bag, sighed, opened the lid and said to Fang Jinglan: "Mom, I can't find the previous bracelet. I ordered a similar one. Like the one before, it's not the one that grandpa bought for you, Mom, I'm sorry about the previous thing, I can only buy this."

Fang Jinglan's eyes were a little red, she thought Shen Xian had forgotten about the bracelet a long time ago, and now she bought the exact same one for herself, she still remembered how angry she was when the bracelet was lost, she wished she could call the police and have Shen Xian arrested , but in the end Shen Xian is still her daughter, even if she does something wrong again, Fang Jinglan will never stop being ruthless, and in the end it's nothing.

Fang Jinglan picked up the bracelet in the box and looked at it. The style and brand were from a gold shop, and even the words engraved inside were similar to the previous bracelet. She held back her tears and said, "Why did I remember that this bracelet is here?" ?”

"When I was holding your wrist that day, I always felt that something was missing on my wrist, and I remembered the bracelet. Mom, don't worry, those things will never happen again. I really grew up. I really want to take good care of you and Dad." Shen Xian said that his eyes were a little red, although they didn't get along for many days, Shen Xian already regarded them as family members.

"Hey, mom and dad both believe in you, as long as you are good, you are better than anything." Fang Jinglan held back for a long time, but she still couldn't hold back her tears.

Shen Xian hurriedly found a tissue to wipe Fang Jinglan's tears, put the bracelet on Fang Jinglan's wrist, and talked with Fang Jinglan for a while, before Shen Xian left. Before leaving, the virtual number on Fang Jinglan's head had risen to 65, and Shen Xian The string of virtual numbers above Wenkang's head also rose to 70.