MTL - Duel Monsters of Global Cards-Chapter 34 talent and quality

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Monster cabin.

The new training mode has not affected the normal opening of the monster cabin.

Dueling class students can still use the monster cabin according to their previous duel rankings.

This is very good news.

The monster cabin can help dueling-level monsters awaken their own skills faster, and the practicality of the combat skills awakened by monsters is even better than Lin You imagined.

This can be verified from the Evil Beast King.

Even if a big move like 'Phantom Hunt' needs to consume an extra 20 mana points, the effect is quite remarkable, allowing it to instantly explode with power comparable to 2000 points of attack power.

It's equivalent to a full 500 point increase in attack power, even if it's only temporary, it's scary enough.

As for now, Lin You chose the silent magician.

In the screen of the screen, the Silent Magician was actually standing on a blue ocean. There was no sound of wind and no circling of seagulls. Instead, it was absolutely vast and still. Only her footing could be seen. Slowly swaying in a circle of ripples.

Amidst the ripples, the gorgeous staff in the silent magician's hand, and the aquamarine gem at the top, seemed to sense something and shone slightly.

Compared with the wild awakening process of the Beast King, the awakening mode of the silent magician is completely opposite.

This is not surprising.

Each monster card has different abilities that can be awakened, even if it is the same monster.

The way to awaken skills is naturally all-encompassing.

"Lin You, this card seems to have never been used by you. Could it be that it was specially prepared to deal with Hu Yu?" Gao Jianxiang glanced at the silent magician who was quietly awakening and asked curiously.

Lin You just smiled, Gao Jianxiang clearly misunderstood something, what he did was to improve his strength with all his strength, not to deal with or surpass anyone.

When it comes to the goal, it must not be the sea of ​​stars, ahem, it should be said to be the top of the duelist world!

In order to achieve this goal, Lin You is destined to leave many people behind, and Hu Yu is just one of them.

The Silent Magician continued to perceive, and the awakening progress bar jumped from time to time.

Five minutes, eight minutes.

Awakening progress bar successfully exceeded 10%.

Seeing this, everyone in the dueling class was surprised. This awakening progress seems to be a little overspeed, right?

"So fast." Pei Fei pushed his glasses, and even he couldn't help expressing his amazement.

"The awakening talent of this card is a bit rare." Wu Jiayuan also commented for the first time, and inadvertently looked at Lin You with a little more appreciation.

Wu Jiayuan was not very optimistic about this student who temporarily joined the dueling class just in time for the graduation sprint due to the uniqueness of the chestnut ball army.

The 'chestnut ball army' is very unique, especially the visual effects, but as a glorious duelist, he can be said to be experienced in hundreds of battles, and he has a wealth of knowledge and knowledge of more magical card combinations.

This trick alone gave Lin You a temporary place to enter the class. Although it was understandable, it could not prove how good he was.

But in less than a month after entering the class, Lin You fully proved his strength and potential.

What's more, he is the second Origin Card Awakener in the class.

Wu Jiayuan has a hunch that this class of students is likely to become the strongest class in the history of Jianghua High School!

It even surpassed the one that Gu Hui was in!

The awakening continues.

The awakening progress bar, which should have been more difficult, was still rising.

fifteen minutes.

The Awakening progress of Silent Magician rushed to 18%.

Sixteen minutes, seventeen minutes, eighteen minutes!

When the awakening time is over, the progress bar of the silent magician is finally fixed at 20%.

"This, just finished one-fifth of it?" Gao Jianxiang was dumbfounded.

It wasn't just him who was dumbfounded. The expressions on the faces of most of the dueling class were obviously stunned.

It reached 20% on the first day. What monster talent does this card have?

It seems that no one has such a talent for cards before, right?

Lin You actually didn't know much about the card talent, but when he noticed the expressions of the people around him, he immediately smiled, which seemed to be an achievement worth pretending to be.

"This card should have a good chance of awakening powerful combat skills." Wu Jiayuan patted Lin You on the shoulder and gave him good news.

"Mr. Wu, is the battle skill of the monster card awakening strong or not related to the speed of awakening?" Lin You didn't look happy, but seized the opportunity to ask.

However, Wu Jiayuan shook his head and said, "It's not absolute, some powerful monster cards often take a lot of time to complete the awakening because the combat skills to be awakened are too powerful."

"Then what did you mean just now?" Lin You asked in confusion.

"I also said that it is a powerful monster card. Your duelist career has just started. The cards you use are still at the White Star level for the time being, and the cards at this level, the faster you awaken your skills, the faster you are. A powerful skill may be awakened."

"The awakening talent of your card is quite impressive, so the quality of the awakened skills can be predicted, not too absolute, but at least not bad." Wu Jiayuan explained patiently.

Lin You understood this time, and quickly nodded his thanks: "So that's the case, thank you for your advice."

A slight smile appeared on Wu Jiayuan's face, looking at Lin You, it became more pleasing to the eye.

Lin You, who retrieved the cards and completed the training, simply said hello to the others, and then he was a flash person.

Lin You still has something to do today. After returning to the classroom and grabbing his schoolbag, he went straight out of the school gate.

Instead of going home, he took a taxi to Jiangbei Mall.

After arriving at Jiangbei Mall, he glanced at the floor distribution map placed in a conspicuous place. After confirming a certain location, he went straight to that place.

Lin You came here specially, naturally, not to buy a card.

When you become a duelist in the future, you can go up to the second floor to see the cards that are exclusive to duelists, but it is not as good as the boutique cards that can be exchanged in duelists high school.

The place Lin You found was a shop that specialized in providing 'Soul Sense' services.

The signboard of this shop is engraved with all kinds of strange card souls.

With such a brand name, combined with the content of the service, it is not difficult to guess that the service provided here is related to the card soul.

The so-called 'soul feeling' is actually the 'content' of the sensor card soul.

Card soul, it can almost be said to be a necessity for making cards in this world.

But before that, it is often necessary to take a 'soul sense' to confirm whether the card soul can be successfully made into a card, the level of the card, and the level of manufacturing cost.

The card soul originates from the monsters in the secret realm. After any monster in the mysterious realm is broken, the card soul will definitely explode.

The card soul that can be exploded still has the concept of 'fragmentation'.

The fragmentation degree is less than 30%, which is the bottom limit of the card soul made into the card.

But generally speaking, only card souls with a fragmentation rate of less than 20% are in the ideal cost category.

And if it is less than 10% fragmentation, it will be an extremely high-quality card soul.

This kind of monster card made of card soul, just the starting point, directly stands at the duel level!