MTL - Duel Monsters of Global Cards-v2 Chapter 420 self-destruct

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If it was the beginning of the battle, the little guy who was targeted by the crime would probably be startled, but at this moment, instead of being afraid, he was very excited.

Continuing to taste delicious food from the other party, how can you still be afraid, and it's too late to rejoice!

Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh!

The goddess of nature and the two-gun monster are still on the offensive.

Their offensive does not seem to pose any threat to Sin, but it can consume some of the energy of the black and white vortex, especially the former's attack.

Suddenly, Sin Zhen reached out and pressed into the black and white vortex.

The black and white vortex began to shrink at a speed visible to the naked eye, and a large number of pitch-black particles began to pour into its body.

Obviously, the massive loss of energy, coupled with the existence of the little guy, made Sin Zhen simply withdraw the black and white vortex.

Not to mention that his own ultimate move did not work, but instead dragged down the battle situation, which made Sin Zhen unexpected.

Seeing the disappearance of the black and white vortex, the little guy looked regretful.

It's such a pity and sad that the rare delicacy was taken away like this.

Lin You also felt that it was a pity, but what he wanted to know more was what would Guizhen do after recovering the energy.

In addition, there is always one thing in my heart.

What happened to the light ball that Fang Ye and the three of them turned into.

Judging from the initial state of the three light balls, Fang Ye might be fine now, but the other two had a very weak aura at that time.

It was also the worst that had happened, but Lin You quickly put aside these thoughts.

The most urgent task now is to solve the crime!

Sin is immortal, nothing is conclusive.

Although the other party is in a hurry, the other party may take advantage of this to make some threats.

But sin really used them as a bargaining chip to make threats, which can also explain a lot.

To live is to have value.

Right now, Sin Zhen has no intention of doing that at all, and the energy quickly returns to the body.


Lin You's eyes moved, and he noticed that the wounds on Guizhen's body had not been fully repaired, and there were still some bloodstains left.

Has this powerful man finally learned to "frugal housekeeping"?

The previous battle had really consumed him a lot, and he wouldn't waste any extra energy.

After all, there are some injuries on his body, which have a limited impact on his combat power, and it is not necessary to consume energy to repair.

Sin Zhen's eyes still fell on the chestnut ball, and black and white light and shadow appeared behind him.

The next moment, disappeared in place in an instant.

But at the same time as he disappeared, the super magic dragon knight had already left.


Meng Li's punch slammed into the super-magic dragon knight's flipped gun, and the air waves spread out for thousands of meters.

There was a trace of fluctuation in the eyes of the sinister.

He didn't seem to believe that the super magic dragon knight kept up with his movements.

However, with the super-fast speed of the super-magic dragon knight and the little guy's perceptual warning, even if the speed of the crime is equally astonishing, it is still not troublesome to intercept it.

On the Guizhen Fist Peak, black particles appeared again.

But acting on the fist peak, Guizhen can't mobilize the "super source power" as freely as the previous black and white vortex.

Zizi Bang!

On the black dragon war gun, the power of super source also emerged again.

The upper limit raised by the little guy after absorbing the dark particles formed the activation of the super source power.

The two energies collided with each other, forming a more intense air wave.

This time, the super-magic dragon knight did not collide with the opponent to the end. After using up part of the super-source power, he took advantage of the opponent's failure to mobilize more energy and actively opened the distance.

Guizhen's eyes changed slightly, but he could still explode the power of super source?

Still thinking, a wide river falls from the sky, and the river will directly swallow the sin.


Black and white light and shadow stimulated the river instantly.

But following closely, the guardian beasts of nature and the sacred trees of nature also took action.

The former roared and pushed hard, while the latter transformed into a large number of branches, attacking each other from different angles.

The purpose is clear, delay time.

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With the current situation, every time the super magic dragon knight bursts out with special effects, it is a big threat to Sin Zhen.

What's more, it can explode twice a minute.

The most terrifying thing is that, for Lin You to explode twice, it is only a consumption of 2000 mana points.

30,000 points of magic power combined with the magic shell of breaking eight, which was a shortcoming compared to others in the past, is now a huge advantage.

It is not even an exaggeration to say that it is not a problem for Lin You to spend freely.

Under the sufficient supply of magic power, the terrifyingness of the super magic dragon knight is self-evident.

But it is not without weaknesses, the body is the problem!

The body of the dark red star, in the past, may be extremely powerful and perseverance.

But for Sinzhen, the destruction may be the outbreak of one or two "super source power".

The special effect of the super magic dragon knight can achieve self-destruction if it can be released on oneself and forced to destroy it once.

He has stood firm until now, and he is almost unscathed, and he also benefits from the super source power that the little guy continues to transmit.

Of course, the super magic dragon knight has its own super source power, and can carry more super source power, which is incomparable to other dark red star monsters.

But now, the little guy is running out of ammunition.

Although it is still digesting, in the end, it will only be 80 points if you die.

And of these 80 points, half of them have been consumed first.


The black and white light and shadow spread, knocking the guardian beasts of nature flying, and shattering a large number of branches.

Ye Qingyi immediately said, "Lin You, he seems to be reaching his limit."

"I see."

Lin You chuckled and said, "I won't be willing to use the super source power more than this."

As soon as the voice fell, the little guy sensed something.

Sin Zhen suddenly consumed a large wave of super source power!

And this level of super source power should not be what he can mobilize now.

Lin You's eyes changed slightly, does this guy still have something behind him?

Where did this sudden burst of super-source power come from?

The dark particles surged wildly, and the black and white light and shadow behind Sin Zhen suddenly dispersed and turned into dozens of shadows.

From the outline, these shadows seem to be born based on the truth!

That big wave of super source power has also merged into the many shadows.

More than a dozen shadows, each exuding an aura no less than a dark red star!

These shadows, invariably stared at the little guy.

The little guy suddenly jolted and felt a strong danger.

"Damn, what the **** is this?"

Watching this battle, Yue Yongmingdou couldn't help but let out a foul language.

Originally thought he was going to win the crime, but he didn't expect that he would be able to complete such a counter-intuitive event.

"From a duel point of view, these shadows can only be tokens."

Lin You activated the card while analyzing it.

Seeing his unhurried analysis, Yue Yongmingdou was somewhat impressed.

What time is it, there is still time to analyze this!

Those are more than ten shadows of dark red stars, and judging from the breath, they are not ordinary things.

Maybe every shadow, the combat power can be comparable to the dark red star monster of the middle and upper level.

Such a dark red star monster, one may not be anything, a dozen or so, it is a bit terrifying!


Li Zihan gritted his teeth and shouted in a low voice, the shadows all set off!

But at this moment—

In a towering green gate, the vortex energy fluctuated, and a black figure walked out.

This figure is very tall, and the upper body looks like an inverted triangle, giving people a strong feeling.

The lower body is a pair of slender looped legs, which is a little funny as a whole.

But even if he walked out of the door, no one could see his specific appearance, but there were bursts of white cyclones from his body.

These cyclones instantly found more than a dozen shadows of departure.

They, who were entangled in the cyclone, stopped for some reason, but one of the shadows was still rushing forward.

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But the super magic dragon knight shot quickly, the black dragon gun in his hand flipped over, and it was another sharp shot.

The spear shot out like a dragon and immediately pierced through the opponent's body.

The shadow's breath fluctuated, and his footsteps stopped.

The super-magic dragon knight decisively pulled out his spear, and after bringing out the splash of pitch-black blood, he shot one after another.

Seeing this scene, Sin Zhen, who was still in doubt, was about to leave.

But just as he set off, the white cyclone also came to the door.

Sin Zhen's eyes were cold, but his eyes fell on the black shadow of the circle legs.

"This is... a battle restriction?"

Li Zihan was stunned for a moment, and quickly saw the clue.

"Permanent Magic Card Dark Portal."

Lin You explained: "With this card, that guy can only choose one monster to attack at each battle moment. He is also within the range of the effect, and I am the same."

The effect of the Gate of Darkness also restricted Lin You. Even so, as the voice fell, a vortex of fusion appeared on the field.

This fusion is not the second fusion in the deck, but a fusion recovered from the graveyard based on the effect of the fusion recovery of another card that was quietly activated just now.

Also picked up, there is the true red-eyed black dragon.

In the fusion vortex at the moment, among the two silhouettes that flashed, there was a black dragon with red eyes.

Soon, the figure of the Dragon Destruction Swordsman appeared in the field.

Li Zihan's face froze, and he was a little stressed.

Especially after the Qingbing Baiyelong and the other-dimensional space dragon were both uncontrolled and had a sense of defense, they almost scolded.

But reluctantly held back.

I also knew in my heart that Ssangyong's role at this time was limited, at least it would not pose any threat to Sinzhen.

As for the Dragon Destruction Swordsman... Maybe he has reached the duel level and mastered the awakening combat skills?

In terms of breath, I'm not quite sure about this, but since Lin You chose to summon, there should be his reasons.


The super-magic dragon knight shot out again, knocking the shadow sinzhen in front of him flying again, but after this blowing, a white cyclone appeared on his body again.

This also means that the effect of this stage of the Gate of Darkness is over.

Sin can really start the attack again, but if he attacks, the rest of the shadows will also be in a state of attack ban.

Sin really's face finally looked a little ugly.

According to his original idea, exploded "Source of Sin" to conjure enough sin tokens to attack them in a group, killing the unsightly little guy first.

Unexpectedly, it was restricted by the gate of darkness.

Pfft, puff!

At this moment, two strange sonic booms came again.

Hearing this voice, Sin Zhen's eyes changed slightly.

The next moment, two blood holes were blasted open on the body again, and black and white blood flowed out.

Jet-black particle energy emerged, but this time, even less.

Lin You was surprised. He thought that the crime had triggered some backup hidden energy or something. After all, the super-source power of that level was released just now, and many shadows were transformed.

But now it seems that the power of sin is really beyond the source, and it is still very tight.

This is not normal.

If you want to talk about the newly added super source power, because the more than ten shadows are summoned, it will be exhausted, which is not in line with common sense.

Unless the sin is really an idiot.

Knowing that the special effects of the super-magic dragon knight can continue to be stimulated, but all the power of the super-source is consumed to the summoning of those shadows.

Even if you need some helpers in order to quickly eliminate the chestnut ball, you can still retain about half of the super source power.

From the current situation -

Lin You recalled the broken black and white light and shadow. Perhaps the energy stored in the light and shadow was not supernatural power, but more magical power.

Therefore, these energies cannot be used by the true sin in the same way as the power of the super source.

These shadows summoned are the embodiment of its value.

But most of this energy is not magic power, and it is consumed, and most of it has some kind of influence on sin.

Otherwise, he wouldn't have waited until this time to get excited.

Of course, also

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It's hard to say, after all, when maintaining the black and white vortex, Sin Zhen couldn't stimulate this power at all. At the beginning of the battle, he may not have the idea to stimulate this power.

Lin You didn't think much about it, no matter what, the power of Sin Zhen's super source still failed to recover, which was a happy event.

At this moment, there was also some impatience and hesitation in the eyes of Sin Zhen.

He seemed to be making some kind of decision, and after a while, his eyes returned to indifference, and a large number of dark particles appeared in his hand.

These jet-black particles turned into black and white lightning.


Lightning flew out in a strange posture, landing precisely on the door of darkness.

The magic light was dim, and the figure with the round legs suddenly dissipated.

The Gate of Darkness was shattered on the spot!

Seeing this scene, Li Zihan and Yue Yongmingdou's expressions changed greatly.

It's over, the attack limit is about to be lifted!

Li Zihan subconsciously planned to let Ssangyong deal with several sin derivatives, but found that Ssangyong was motionless, and then he remembered that the Swordsman of Dragon Destruction was still on the field!


He cursed in his heart, then looked at Lin You again, just as he was about to say something, he saw a trap card opened in front of him.

The moment this trap card was lifted, the Swordsman of Dragon Destruction suddenly swung his epee and swept away!

The seemingly simple and unpretentious swept, but it broke through the void in an instant, and the golden light surged, and a golden arc slashed out like lightning.

At this moment, time seemed to freeze.

Because of the disappearance of the Gate of Darkness, the dozen or so sin derivatives that had just resumed their actions stopped in unison.

Not only them, but even Guizhen himself, his eyes seemed to be distracted for a moment.


A slight but distinct sound came, and more than ten golden rays of light flashed across the field.

Those brilliance flashed from those more than ten sin derivatives.

In the twinkling of light, those sin derivatives quietly disappeared without a trace.

There is also a brilliance flashing on Sin Zhen.

He didn't disappear like those sin derivatives, but inexplicably, he seemed to be a bit transparent.

The real sinner, even more clearly experienced.

Just now, he was attacked by some kind of attack, and that attack caused a lot of damage to him!

A special effect comparable to the super magic dragon knight!

"This is…"

Li Zihan's eyes were dull, just about to say something to Lin You, he swallowed his stomach silently, "Except for the group!"


At this time, Sin Zhen was half-kneeling on the ground in vain, blood was still flowing out of his body, and the blood hole that had exploded in his body before was not fully recovered.

And now, in the face of the transparency of the body, the pervading dark particles are even more pitiful.


Sin really let out a slight gasp, breath, and for the first time there was turmoil.

Everyone looked tense.

It is not difficult to see that the current sin is the end of the shot!

The super source power in his body can no longer even support him to recover.

In this way, once he is bombarded by the effect of the super magic dragon knight again, he will surely die!

But because of this, everyone was even more nervous.

At this time, the enemy is more likely to fall into madness, and most of them will choose to die.

It is true that they are not threatened, but the light **** that Fang Ye and the others have transformed are still under his control!

At this moment, Lin You waited intently, staring at Sin Zhen's every move.

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, Guizhen, who was gasping for breath, suddenly threw his hands.

Along with this action, three **** of light shot out unexpectedly.

Lin Youtong's hole shrank, and even the little guy could not have predicted this action.

But the moment he saw the light ball, he made the super magic dragon knight react.

The figure flickered, and almost in an instant, it took away three light balls.

The super magic dragon knight took away the three light **** so smoothly, but Lin You frowned.

Is the ball of light cheating?

He thought that Sin really planned to destroy the three light **** before he died, but after throwing those light balls, Sin really only

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He was half-kneeling and gasping for breath, with no intention to act at all.

This guy... what kind of medicine is sold in the gourd?

The atmosphere became extremely depressed for a while.

The super magic dragon knight successfully obtained those light balls, but it made everyone more uneasy.

Maybe now, the light ball is just a cover, and everything has already been settled.

"We lost the battle..."

In the incomparably quiet atmosphere, Sin really clutched his chest and opened his mouth with dazed eyes, but deep in his eyes, there was a faint hint of darkness.

The dark particles appeared again, but they were no longer as thick as before, but scattered and gathered together.

These scattered super-source powers seem to be all that is left of Sin Zhen.

Soon, UU Reading gathered into a pitch-black sphere of light, and in the sphere of light, a clear word "sin" was engraved.

Sin really grabbed the ball of light in front of him, and said sternly, "This is what I should welcome... the judgment of sin!"

The moment the words fell, Meng Ran pushed the pitch-black ball of light into the blood hole on his body with his backhand.


A violent explosion sounded, and Sin Zhen exploded like this under the shocked gaze of everyone!

The place where the crime is really broken is presented in black and white light and shadow.

Seeing those lights and shadows, the little guy seemed to see the full feast of Man and Han, and almost flew over with drool.

As soon as he flew over, he swallowed without saying a word.

The super source plate, followed by a tremor!

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