MTL - Eight Desolate Sword God-Chapter 1146 Man-made dead birds for food and death

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"Innate poison, activate!"

The two did not tirelessly practiced in the bedroom for three days and three nights. Finally, they combined a lot of erystrophic burglary, activated the innate poison, and successfully broke through to the two-star realm.

The breakthrough of the realm, the rosy skin of the skin fell in the arms of Ye Chenfeng, and the tired eyes were full of excitement.

"Stealing the sky, you take a good rest, I will study the piece of jade that I just got!"

Ye Chenfeng gently kissed the forehead of stealing the sky, and thoughtfully covered the quilt for her, dressed and came to the window, took out the hundreds of millions of pounds of dark green jade. .

"What is the source of this seal in ancient jade?"

Ye Chenfeng released a powerful power, and collapsed the ancient jade a little bit to see the ancient jade.

When a crack in a road spreads deep into the ancient jade, a powerful source of power spreads through the ancient jade.

"This, this is... the source of God!"

Feeling the vast power of the ancient jade, Ye Chenfeng’s brows reveal an incredible color.

The Protoss was destroyed, and the virtual world has long since disappeared from the origin of God, but he did not expect that he would find the origin of God in an ancient jade.

And according to Ye Chenfeng’s induction, this ancient jade, which weighs hundreds of millions of pounds, contains a lot of God’s original strength. If it is used to shape the body, it is enough for him to transform the nine transformational gods into the last one. God's body.

"I don't know how much I can improve my strength by practicing in the realm of God!"

Although Ye Chenfeng forced most of the erysipelas into the body of the thief, he knew that it was almost impossible for him to step into the peak of the virtual **** in a short time. He wanted to improve his combat power. change.

"I still have some time, it is better to cultivate the body to the stars first!"

After the decision, Ye Chenfeng entered the Qiankun environment and took out a star dragon ball, practicing nine transformations in the flow rate of fifty times and transforming the body.

Star Dragon Ball contains a very powerful star power, and Ye Chenfeng still has a lot of quenching artifacts. When he runs nine transformations, he will melt a star dragon ball and quench body into the wilderness. In the body, the body of the wilderness began to change, and the physical strength continued to increase.

One hundred days in the territory of Qiankun, the outside world only passed two days.

After a hundred days of cultivation, Ye Chenfeng refining two star dragons and a large number of quenching gods, successfully cultivating the body to the star body, and the physical strength reached 55 trillion jin.

When Ye Chenfeng was preparing to continue refining the Star Dragon Ball and attacking the star body in double heaven, he perceives the voice of death, and his mind moved, leaving the Qiankun environment and appearing in the outside world.

"Ye Shao, this person is looking for you!"

Come to Zhengtang, Ye Chenfeng saw a hair white, his body slightly awkward, and the seemingly compassionate old man was waiting for himself.

"What are you looking for?" Ye Chenfeng glanced at the old man and recognized that she had participated in a private trade fair and guessed her intentions.

"The son, we found the person you are looking for, I don't know if the son is willing to go see it with me?" The white-haired old man stood up and showed a loving smile and whispered.

"Well, I am going with you!" Ye Chenfeng nodded. "Let's go now."


Seeing Ye Chenfeng’s trust in himself, the white-haired old turbid scorpion shot in the middle of the road, carrying a snake-headed cane, leaving Ye Chenfeng to leave the lakeside mansion and heading to the city of the gods. Outskirts.

"Not yet?"

Ye Chenfeng followed behind the white-haired old man, releasing a powerful soul to cover all around, and found that along the way, many people followed themselves in the dark, revealing a sense of killing in the eyes, deliberately asked.

"Quick!" said the white-haired old man: "The man that the son is looking for, the hidden place is more remote. We have spent a lot of effort to find him."

"Well, as long as you can help me find that person, the best artifact is yours!" Ye Chenfeng nodded, no longer talking, followed by a little white-haired old man who was quick-paced, came to the suburbs. A group of hills stacked like a dragon.

At the foot of the mountains, Ye Chenfeng saw a small courtyard surrounded by ancient woods, surrounded by wildflowers, and the blue smoke floated in the air.

"When it is, the man that the son is looking for is hidden in the small courtyard!" The white-haired old man pointed at the small courtyard in front and said slowly.

"Two six-star ancestral powers, three big five-star ancestral powers... I want to rob me of this strength?"

Although there is a ban in the hospital, the strength of Ye Chenfeng’s soul is easily infiltrated into the hospital and found the five great ancestors hidden in the dark.

The ambush was discovered, and Ye Chenfeng’s look did not change, nor was it exposed. He followed the white-haired old man to the small courtyard.

"The son waited a moment, I went to buckle the door!" The white-haired old man came to the small courtyard and gently moved the courtyard door.

Soon, a frivolous footstep sounded in the courtyard. A man wearing a gray robes, similar in appearance to the Shenjiu Emperor, deliberately concealed the strength of the six-star ancestral home and broke the courtyard. Prohibited, opened the courtyard door.

"It's you...what are you coming again!" The old man glanced at the white-haired old man and angered.

"Predecessors don't get angry. I really have someone looking for you. I brought him. Did the seniors know him?" Baifa Laojiao whispered.


The old man's gaze moved, looking behind the white-haired old man, and found wearing a white robe. The appearance is clear and beautiful, the body is straight and loose, and the brow is slightly wrinkled.

"Let's go, let's go in and talk!" Ye Chenfeng smiled slightly.

"Well, you all come in!" The old man deliberately hesitated and turned and walked into the small courtyard.

And Ye Chenfeng, when Baifa Laojiao entered the small courtyard, the prohibition in the hospital was started, and the entire space was directly banned.

"Primary, what are you looking for?"

The old man carried his hands and looked at Ye Chenfeng, asking for the voice.

"A fake, you don't need to know so much!" Ye Chenfeng's mouth was slightly upturned, and he said with amazement.

"Primary, what do you mean by this?" The old man’s eye muscles twitched slightly, pretending to be calm.

The face of the white-haired old man has changed. She secretly accumulates her strength and is ready to launch a fatal blow to Ye Chenfeng.

"The show is good, but it's a pity that you shouldn't lie to me!" Ye Chenfeng said faintly: "Don't hide, let's come out."

"Interesting, I didn't expect you to see through our plans?"

Feeling the atmosphere of Ye Chenfeng locked himself, and the six-star ancestral power hidden in the dark and the five-star ancestral environment came out and intercepted Ye Chenfeng directly.

"I said, I deliberately came here with him, do you believe it?" Ye Chenfeng smiled and said.

"Kids, don't let go of the mystery, and hand over the treasures on your body, maybe we are in a good mood, you can spare your life!" Wearing a dark blue robes, a strange totem on the left face, a plaque on the arm The six-star ancestral home of the wolf head can be said with sorrow.

"The six-star ancestral environment only dare to speak to me like this?" Ye Chenfeng's pupils shrink, and a strong breath erupts in his body, like a mountain, suppressing the six-star ancestral power.

Breakthrough to the virtual god, the strength of Ye Chenfeng's breath is so strong, don't say that the six-star ancestral power is great, the lower-level virtual gods can't resist.


As the horrible bones of the road smashed.

The six-star ancestral power that had just been arrogant, the momentum released by Ye Chenfeng directly crushed the bones of the whole body and turned into a mass of rotten meat, lying on the ground.


Seeing the morning wind alone, the six-star ancestral power was crushed to death, and all the people present were stunned, revealing the color of fear.

"Before, the seniors were forgiving, we got it wrong!"

At this time, Baifa Laojiao and others are very certain, Ye Chenfeng is a virtual god, scared to fall on the ground for mercy.

"Many dead birds are eating and drinking. When you want to rob me, you should think of this ending!" Ye Chenfeng said indifferently, easily control the white hair and other people, borrowing the brain They searched for souls.

After the soul search, Ye Chenfeng unexpectedly learned that hundreds of thousands of years ago, the city of the gods had come to a big man who was strong in the sky, and that person was suspected to be the **** of the nine.

"I hope that in the next life, you can polish your eyes and behave, and some of you can't afford it!"

Ye Chenfeng glanced at the people who fell to the ground and kept asking for mercy, releasing the power of God, shattering the body of the white-haired old man and so on, penetrating the prohibition in the courtyard, and slamming the ancestors Kill, go back to the lakeside house,

Read Lord of Flames