MTL - Eight Desolate Sword God-Chapter 1172 No one can save you

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"Is it... What are you looking for?"

Ye Chenfeng glanced at the charming woman, and under her body, she was enchanting, reaching the white tiger demon king in the late stage of the virtual god, faintly said.

"Hey, what do you say I am looking for?" The charming woman hated and looked at Ye Chenfeng: "The tiger king, he was bullying me, snatched the treasures of me, and asked the tiger king to be the master of me." Revenge for me." The charming woman said with tears.

"Hey, give it to the king!"

The white tiger demon king screamed, staring at the **** red eyes, staring at Ye Chenfeng, murderous.

"How far is it to go if you don't want to die!"

Although Ye Chenfeng did not know how the charming woman used the method to turn the white tiger demon king into a group, but he was not interested in the charming woman, the white tiger demon king, said coldly.

"Looking for death!"

Touching the cold color of the eyes of Ye Chenfeng, the white tiger demon king was irritated. It cracked the **** mouth and made a fierce roar. The billowing demon spurted out and bombarded. Ye Chenfeng.

But the horrible demon has not yet hit the body of Ye Chenfeng, and it is shattered by the power of his body.

"Well, you are a virtual god!"

The white tiger demon king tiger eyes smashed, cracked the **** mouth, spit out a gossip map, evolved the mysterious meaning, attacked Ye Chenfeng.


After being attacked by the Eight Diagrams, Ye Chenfeng did not evade and rushed to the top.

Terrorist fists with unparalleled destructive power, a fist smashed the attack of the gossip map, bombarded on the gossip array, the instantaneous burst of power will break the gossip burst.


The Eight Diagrams is the first treasure of the White Tiger Yaozu. The power is comparable to the virtual artifact, but it can't bear the power of Ye Chenfeng. This makes the white tiger demon king's heart smash the big waves and look at Ye Chenfeng's eyes. Great changes have taken place.

"Who are you?"

The White Tiger demon king found that Ye Chenfeng was far more horrible than his own imagination, and he did not take the initiative to provocatively, and his voice was low.

"I think about asking my identity now, is it too late!" Ye Chenfeng sneered, showing a dazzling afterimage in the original place, appearing in front of the White Tiger demon king, slap, one The slaps flew out of the huge white tiger demon king fan.

"No, don't come over!"

Seeing Ye Chenfeng, a slap in the palm, flying the white tiger demon king, and gazing at himself, the charming three souls scared the two souls, said in horror.

"I didn't want to kill you, but you really don't cherish your life!" Ye Chenfeng stepped on the heavy pace and stepped toward the charming woman who was eclipsed by the flowers. The horrible physical pressure made her suffocate. .

"Wait, this is my fault, as long as you let me go, I am willing to promise you any conditions!" The charming woman was scared, and she pityfully prayed.

"Taiwan patriarch, help!"

When Ye Chenfeng prepared to kill the charming woman and the white tiger demon king, the white tiger demon king suddenly found a figure shining with the light of the Tao, piercing the sky, deep inside, cracking the **** mouth, shouting for help. Road.

"Too God!"

After a crack in the ancient wood, Ye Chenfeng saw the appearance of Taishentian, and the corner of his mouth was slightly upturned, revealing a cold smile.

"Tiger King!"

When you hear the cry of the white tiger demon king, wearing a dark golden robes, the wheel of the heavenly road, more than the sun, the eyebrows of the gods are slightly wrinkled, thinking of the cooperation between the Tianzu and the white tiger family. He quickly flew down.

And because the beads of Ye Chenfeng cover his breath, Taishen did not find the existence of Ye Chenfeng.

"The priest of the gods saves lives, this person wants to kill us, and also asks the princes of the gods to be the masters of us!"

The desperate and charming woman sees the gods appearing in the sky, regardless of the image, squatting on the ground, letting the collar fall down, revealing beautiful ditches.

"You have to be disappointed, too God is afraid that you can't be the master!"

Ye Chenfeng carried his hands and looked at the arrogant look of God, faintly said.

"Ye Chenfeng, it is you!"

Looking at Ye Chenfeng, Taishen’s face changed slightly, and several thoughts flashed in his mind.

Although he has gained a lot of opportunities in the Starry Road, his strength has further improved, but he found that Ye Chenfeng’s strength has also improved significantly, and he is only half a step away from breaking through the peak of the virtual god.

And it’s not wise to fight with Ye Chenfeng at this time.

"Yes, it's me!" Ye Chenfeng nodded. "Too God, I don't know if you are willing to give them a head, do you fight with me in advance?"

"Ye Chenfeng, don't be arrogant, wait for the Emperor to become a god, you will destroy your family!"

Tai Shen Tian’s mind flashed several thoughts, and eventually the rationality defeated the impulse. He left a swearword and immediately flew away.

"Taiwan patriarch, don't go, you can't leave us alone!"

Looking at the gods, I didn’t dare to leave quickly. The white tiger demon king, the charming woman suddenly panicked and shouted.

"You don't shout, shouting your throat is useless, it provokes me, no one can save you!" Ye Chenfeng looked at the back of the gods, showing a sly smile, indifferent .

Perceived the horror of Ye Chenfeng, the White Tiger Demon King did not hesitate to burn a powerful qi and blood, and raised his own speed to the extreme, turning into a demon light and quickly escaping.

The white tiger demon king escapes quickly, but the swordsman attacks are faster.

In the twinkling of an eye, the sword spirit of the three-footed sword is turned into a sword. The sword is on the body of the white tiger demon king, and its huge body is split into two halves. The demon and the soul are broken at the same time. Zhonghua became a **** fog and died on the spot.

"No, don't kill me, beg you not to kill me!"

Seeing the scene of Ye Chenfeng’s attack on the white tiger demon king, the charming woman scared her courage. In order to let Ye Chenfeng spare her life, she did not know the shameful shattering of her clothes, revealing a graceful A beautiful body.

In the face of the fatal temptation of a charming woman, Ye Chenfeng was unmoved, and the mind controlled the soul of the sword fell down, and a sword killed her.

The white tiger demon king and the charming woman were killed. Ye Chenfeng immediately took away their relics and flew to the depths of this broken medicine garden.

In the depths of the medicine garden, Ye Chenfeng discovered several precious **** grasses and encountered more than a dozen horrible grass dragon attacks.

Although the strength of the grass dragon in the broken medicine garden is comparable to the late power of the virtual god, there is no threat to Ye Chenfeng.

Ye Chenfeng controls the soul of the sword, attacking all the way, and constantly killing a ferocious grass dragon, and getting a precious six-color light pearl, refining into the body.

At the same time refining more than a dozen six-color light beads, Ye Chenfeng's own divine power has reached saturation, but the virtual **** is full of impact on the peak of the virtual **** is not difficult, Ye Chenfeng tried a lot of methods, all of which are delayed. Break through the bottleneck of the realm and step into the peak of the virtual god.

"Forget it, first enter the Shenxu and say, it is impossible to try the spirit of the gods!"

There is no way to break through, and Ye Chenfeng has no choice but to give up. He took away the gods in the broken medicine garden and quickly came to the depths of the medicine garden, broke the strong prohibition, and launched the starry sky transmission of the medicine garden seal. Array, came to the depths of the ancient sky, was intercepted by a long river composed of billions of stars.

Besides this galaxy, there are a lot of masters who are full of horror and horror, among them, Shenhuang, Emperor, Mogu and others are in the list.