MTL - Eighteen Years of Cheating, I Entered the Horror Game-Chapter 448 : Lord of Instance Appears

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【Eighteen years of cheating, I entered the horror game】【】

The daytime passed quickly.

During this period, the favorability between Lin Chen and the procuress Luo Jin increased again.

Of course, the biggest reason was that Lin Chenhao spent a lot of money and kept buying wine for fun. This kind of demeanor, even among the guest officials, was very rare, and it attracted the attention and discussion of many other guests.

However, Lin Chen didn't care about these people's attention.

Most of these so-called guests are not even ghosts, they are just projections of traces from the past.

Attending tonight is another oiran named Yelan. She is dressed in purple and covered with a purple gauze, like an orchid blooming in the dark, with a mysterious color.

She is dancing.

Her body was extremely light, weak and boneless, and her skin under the purple clothes was fair and tight. While dancing and circling on the stage, a servant threw down the petals she had prepared earlier, like a fairy descending to earth.

It attracted countless applause.

The mental power in Lin Chen's body was vibrating at a high frequency, and he was watching the situation of other people at the same time.

He has already discovered that this oiran is just a native ghost who has not awakened and is in a hazy state, but her dance has the same effect as when Ningxiang played the zither yesterday.

It's easy to get caught up in it.

In this regard, Lin Chen had no choice but to continue to wake everyone up.

At this moment, everyone was no longer skinny and skinny, and there was a trace of rosiness on their faces, and a trace of blood appeared on their faces.

The six-star player has a strong physique, and with the help of medicine, he recovers naturally and quickly.

"The more you look at this place, the more it looks wrong, everyone be careful." The old man said with fear on his face.

Although there is no real danger, this is the first copy that can silently bring people into special emotions.

Everyone nodded silently, they were not good-looking when they said twice in a row.

Fortunately, nothing happened in the end, and Ye Lan stepped back from the stage after the dance performance.

At this time, Luo Jin, the old bustard, suddenly stepped onto the stage, suppressed the noise, coughed lightly and said:

"Everyone, are you satisfied with the dance performed by our Yelan girl?"

Naturally, everyone applauded, and some people were even more unsatisfied, hoping that Ye Lan could return to the stage and perform another dance.

Luo Jin smiled and said: "Everyone, our flower house has its own rules, and the time for Miss Yelan is over, but if you still have something to say, today we will choose a guest for Yelan to enter the curtain."

"it is good!"

"As expected, except for Ningxiang and Miss Mu, the other oirans are still recruiting guests."

"If you can become Miss Yelan's guest of honor, see her beauty, and kiss her beauty, you will have no regrets in this life."

All the guests were excited.

"I'm willing to give fifty million coins."

At this moment, a wealthy businessman spoke, which attracted the attention of others.

These guests who entered the flower building were different from those peddlers, and were deeply influenced by the dungeon. The coins they recognized, like the old bustard, were actually ghost coins.

"I'll pay 60 million!"

A rich man shouted.

"Seventy million!"

Looking at this scene, Lin Chen couldn't help laughing: "It seems that no matter what world or dynasty, raising the price is a man's instinct."

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【Eighteen years of cheating, I entered the horror game】【】

Everyone smiled and shook their heads.

But Lin Chen said: "Are you interested? One oiran's favorability task is equal to ten small tasks. If you can complete it, I guess you only need to lie down in this dungeon."

Everyone's eyes flashed, and they were obviously moved, but they finally gave up.

In their thinking, the female prostitutes are already too ferocious, what will happen if they are the oiran, if they don't keep them all.

One oiran task is equal to ten small tasks, which already shows that the oiran task is not so easy to do.

Lin Chen also gave up competing with the crowd after thinking about it for a while.

He was going to hunt ghosts tonight, there was no need to contact the oiran now, and there was more than one oiran.

In the end, a rich man won the top spot with a price of 200 million ghost coins, which attracted everyone's envious eyes.

The guests in the field slowly dispersed, just like yesterday, they either left the flower building, or walked up the corridor with the prostitutes around them.

Naturally, Lin Chen and the others did not stay here.

The Grave Man and the others continued to attack yesterday's prostitute, while Lin Chen invited Luo Jin into the room.

"Come on, ma'am, drink..."

Lin Chen smiled authentically, repeated the old trick, and successfully knocked Luo Jin down with a bottle of obedient water.

The door opened.

In the dead of night, Lin Chen left the room sideways.

Since Mr. Li left last night, he hasn't appeared again today. Lin Chen glanced around and walked upstairs.

The sound insulation of Hualou is not very good, especially Lin Chen's hearing is amazing, and the sound of coffee fans can't stop, it is inevitable to make people hot.

It's just that Lin Chen turned a deaf ear to these noises, as if he didn't hear anything.

"How can a woman have fun?"

The lofty Lin Chen finally stopped in front of a room, which was the residence of a certain ghost player he had observed during the day. As a professional ghost dealer, if he did some pre-work, he would not be left behind.


In the dead of night, the sound of the wooden door opening was very ear-piercing, with an inexplicably weird atmosphere.

It's just that the flower buildings at night are immersed in their own worlds, and no one has noticed this.

Lin Chen slipped into the room, took a look around, and suddenly sighed softly, secretly thinking that it was true.

In this room where the ghost player was supposed to live, there was no figure at this time, and it was empty.

"It seems that it should be the same as Gu Yehan's situation. These ghost players who did not spend the night with prostitutes are not in the guest rooms at night." Lin Chen thought so, and opened the doors of other ghost players one by one, quickly It proves it.

"I have no choice but to use the tracking technique, and it's also a good time to see what conspiracy is hidden behind this."

Lin Chen whispered, then closed his eyes slightly, and opened them suddenly.

In the next moment, countless lights and shadows appeared in the world in his eyes. These lights and shadows were the traces left by the ghosts and humans that Lin Chen had come into contact with.

Lin Chen found ten of them, and found that they were indeed extending in the same direction, so he walked up directly following the guidance of the lines.

The line leads to the downstairs, so when Lin Chen went downstairs, he also took a special look at Gu Yehan's movements.

It was found that he was not in the room, and his position at this time was probably in the same place as the ten ghost players.

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【Eighteen years of cheating, I entered the horror game】【】

As for Zhou Geng, who wanted to check on Gu Yehan's situation at night, it was the same.

Lin Chen followed the thread all the way, and finally left Hualou after seven turns and eight turns.

Instead, they went to the garden behind the flower building.

"Sure enough, it has something to do with the oiran."

In the dark environment, Lin Chen walked alone, without the slightest discomfort or fear on his face, instead it was like strolling in a garden.

At this moment, Lin Chen discovered that the lines in his eyes had all disappeared, and the tracking technique failed for the first time!

"how is this possible?"

Lin Chen was a little surprised, and turned on the tracking technique again, but the result was the same as before. When he looked back, he could see the lines behind, but there was nothingness in front, and a breakpoint appeared.

"Have you entered another dimension?"

Lin Chen thought about it, but quickly shook his head. Even if the tracking technique entered a special space, he could still see the clues.

There is a high probability that this situation is happening because he does not meet the conditions for entering the land ahead!

Lin Chen stepped forward, trying to pass by himself. However, the space in front of him had no resistance to him, but after he passed, nothing happened, and he saw nothing.

There is actually a rule of ghost hitting the wall effect here.

And Lin Chen felt that those people and ghosts were not far ahead!

"The way is blocked."

Lin Chen thought.

However, in this case, it may be difficult for others to enter, but Lin Chen is not necessarily.

"The rules are reversed."

Lin Chen used this red product ability.

Immediately, in front of him, a huge wall with radiant light appeared, with extremely powerful rule power attached.

Lin Chen absorbed the surrounding rules and plundered, trying to **** up the rules here, create a crack, and then forcibly cross over.

The invisible power of rules began to turmoil in front of Lin Chen.

A rule is an unsolvable existence, a law, and an order.

It is extremely difficult to break through the rules with combat power, because that is an act against the sky, so a dungeon boss with the power of rules is invincible even at the same level.

And the barriers of rules in front of Lin Chen are too thick.

Even Lin Chen couldn't guarantee that he could easily break the previous rules when he broke out with all his strength.

But the rule reversal skill can!

It allows Lin Chen to drive the rules of the same level, plunder, and act on other individuals.

Lin Chen was like a transfer station, absorbing the wall in front of him, and bless this powerful rule force on a piece of grass beside him.

By constantly performing rule reversals, he finally succeeded in opening a thin crack.

But Lin Chen found the right time, and his body instantly entered the virtualization of the ghost body, and directly drilled into it.

Looking up again, a brand new environment appeared in Lin Chen's sight.

The breeze blows the light, with a faint fragrance, refreshing. The lights here are brilliant, and they are not dimmed by the darkness. The colorful veils make the lights shine in different colors. On the pond, there is a faint white mist. Step by step, It was like entering the land of the fairy family.

"What a Chinese Ghost Story!"

Lin Chen couldn't help but mutter to himself.

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【Eighteen years of cheating, I entered the horror game】【】

The next moment, he turned his gaze to a greenhouse in the middle of the pond.

The sound of the piano there curled up, bringing a beautiful melody into the mind, which made people unable to help but feel a little intoxicated.

In addition to the sound of the piano, there were bursts of laughter.

Zhou Geng, Gu Yehan, and ten ghost players were among them.

What Lin Chen didn't expect was that these people seemed to get along pretty well!

The sound of the piano stopped, the jade hand pressed down the restless strings, and looked back at Lin Chen, as if a little unhappy to be disturbed by this unexpected guest.

These eyes are like autumn water, under the moonlight, they are strangely bright, very energetic, such perfect eyes are just a small foil on her face.

Lin Chen swore that he had never seen such a beautiful person in his past and present lives.

Just a face gave him endless reverie.

Enchanting, charming, pure, glamorous.

All kinds of different temperaments are actually blended together, and Lin Chen can fully experience it just by meeting each other.

"It's charm!"

Lin Chen was vigilant in his heart, and his mental power surged wildly, but soon his expression changed slightly.

Because he found that he was not affected by any spirit.

The beauty of this woman lies only in her appearance, without any other factors!

"Since the guest officer is here, please take a seat."

A voice like the sound of heaven came from the woman's mouth, inviting Lin Chen.

"It's him!"


"Morning boy!"

Zhou Geng, Gu Yehan and ten ghost players also found Lin Chen.

A trace of surprise appeared on Zhou Geng's face, while a trace of vigilance flashed in Gu Yehan's eyes, but he quickly recovered his calm.

As for the ten ghost players, their hostility was directly written on their faces.

Lin Chen glanced at the situation in the greenhouse, and then

With a slight smile, he flew up into the air and landed in the guest seat. Everyone's expressions didn't change at all.

And the woman in the hall looked at Lin Chen with a smile, and there was nothing unusual about it.

"Boy Chen, come and sit down. You came out at a bad time. After all, Miss Xuanmu agreed to play for us, but you interrupted me as soon as the piano sounded twice." Zhou Geng said with a smile, his tone sounded mild. There was a hint of complaint, and Lin Chen couldn't help rolling his eyes.

This man with strong bones has also fallen.

At the same time, Lin Chen couldn't help but secretly sighed.

He deliberately flew up to remind Zhou Geng and Gu Yehan that this woman is not an ordinary native ghost, but has recovered, knowing that she is already a ghost, which is very dangerous.

But Zhou Geng and the two didn't respond to this, and they were obviously immersed in it.

"That was my fault." Lin Chen laughed.

"It's nothing. Miss Xuanmu has extraordinary bearing, so I won't blame you." Zhou Geng smiled while pouring wine for Lin Chen.

She actually looked like she met a stunning beauty and asked her brothers to admire her together.

"Well, then I'll punish myself three cups."

Although Lin Chen said so, he didn't move his hands at all, but squinted his eyes at Xuanmu Huakui.

Here, Xuanmu is not the only one, there is another beautiful figure, it is Ningxiang who performed Zheng art on stage for the first time.

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【Eighteen years of cheating, I entered the horror game】【】

At this time, she also took off her veil, UU reading www. revealed a beautiful face that is all over the country and the city.

However, compared to Ningxiang, everyone's eyes still fell more on Na Xuanmu.

"So this is Mr. Chen. Yesterday, I heard Gu Daxia talk about many of your deeds." Dong Mu smiled and opened his mouth. He didn't answer Lin Chen's words, but crossed the topic.

"Hero?" Lin Chen was taken aback, looking at Gu Yehan.

Gu Yehan blushed, and hurriedly drank a glass to cover up the situation.

Lin Chen was delighted, but he didn't expect that a cold swordsman like Gu Yehan would have such a side.

Sure enough, the sword fairy in fluttering white clothes is secretly a sullen type, which cannot be avoided whether it is a human or a ghost.

For example, the sword ghost Wuxin... "What does Gu Yehan say about me?" Lin Chen asked.

"He told me an epic love story. You are willing to burn the sea of ​​flowers for your love, and you are the enemy of the world. This little girl admires you." Xuan Mu said.

Lin Chen's eyes widened, looking at Gu Yehan, wishing he could just kick him up.

He never expected that Gu Yehan would brag about himself in front of a beauty.

Gu Yehan covered his face with wine, he was so embarrassed that he wanted to crawl into a crack in the ground.

Lin Chen wrote down this angrily, and was going to settle the score with him after the guy regained his sanity.

In fact, in Lin Chen's eyes, Gu Yehan was the one he valued more among those six-star players. He was a master who didn't care about his gains or losses for the sake of Blue Star. As for the trace of vigilance in Gu Yehan's eyes when he first entered , it just happened naturally because he was brainwashed by Xuanmu and worried that Lin Chen would **** Xuanmu away.

Afterwards, Lin Chen solemnly raised Xuanmu, the real dungeon master in this Hualou dungeon!