MTL - Eighteen Years of Cheating, I Entered the Horror Game-Chapter 510 : Strange rules, the flesh and blood of an 8-star player.

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Walking into the inn, Lin Chen could obviously feel that all the eyes staring at him disappeared at this moment.

This made him sneer inwardly.

I really want to give these ghosts a favorite saying of ghosts.

When you gaze into the abyss, the abyss also gazes into you.

It seems to be a problem with the light. After entering the inn, the surrounding environment is not completely dark except for some dimness.

The interior space is not very large. There are tables and chairs in twos and threes downstairs. Except for Lin Chen, there are no other guests.

Just as Lin Chen was looking at the surrounding environment, the five ghosts behind him hesitated for a moment, and then walked in.

The pale and weird little ghost glanced at Lin Chen with a half-smile, and then said in a sharp voice: "Guests, we have a rule here that there can be no more than two ghosts in a room, but no less than two ghosts." Two ghosts."

The expression of the five ghosts changed slightly.

Lin Chen turned his head even more aggressively, staring at the brat, narrowing his eyes slightly: "What did you say? Say it again."

The little ghost turned his head 360 degrees again, giggling strangely, not afraid of Lin Chen at all.

However, when he was about to speak, he suddenly felt a chill on his back, and there was a feeling of a glow on his back, which made his hairs stand on his head!

It seems that as long as I say the wrong thing, extremely dangerous things will happen at any time.

The source of this sense of danger is Lin Chen.

The ghost dealer's eyes were intimidating to Guiben, like a murderous look. Once Lin Chen became serious, the Tongtian Ghost City Lord, who had been staring at the palace level, felt very uncomfortable.

Not to mention this mere king-level ghost!

"I..." The little ghost tried to speak, but before he knew it, cold sweat was seeping on his forehead. Only he could feel this sense of danger.

At this moment, a pleasant and enthusiastic voice suddenly sounded upstairs, breaking the special atmosphere.

"It turns out that there are guests here, please come inside, Leng Ying, don't neglect the guests."

"Miss Boss." Seeing the visitor, the little ghost finally felt a sense of relief in his heart, so he didn't continue talking.

The ghost that suddenly appeared was a beautiful female ghost with half-exposed breasts.

The age she showed was not very old, she was only about twenty years old, but between her eyebrows and eyes, she gave people a sense of maturity, and she really had a strange charm.

"I am the owner of the barren inn. Since you are here, please come in, Leng Ying, and open three rooms for the guest officials."

The proprietress has a sweet voice, exquisite facial features, and strange purple eyes, and she is looking at Lin Chen and the other five ghosts.

"I don't know them well. I came here alone. If I'm on my side, I need a room alone." Lin Chen volunteered.

The proprietress' expression remained unchanged. Obviously, she had already seen what happened just now.

"May I ask the proprietress, why is there such a rule? If there are not enough rooms, the five of us can have two rooms, or one room." The old ghost asked.

He knew more about the ghost market than Lin Chen, and he knew that since the shopkeeper mentioned it, there was a deep meaning behind it, so when he was uncertain, he had to ask.

The proprietress smiled brightly: "This is the rule in our store. In the ghost market, any rules must be followed. Two ghosts live in one room, which can also guarantee your safety. If there is one more ghost, if something happens, we will It doesn't matter, one less... If you don't worry about an extra strange ghost in the room in the middle of the night, I won't mind either."

The expression of the five ghosts changed.

"In that case, let's take our leave, and leave now to disturb the lady boss." The old ghost said without hesitation.

The proprietress didn't mind, she just reminded: "Our store does not force ghosts to stay, but if you leave, there may be no place to stay today. Other inns will not accept guests who walk out of our store, but our store, The same is true, this is the rule of the ghost market."

The old man's face darkened.

"You don't even think about leaving the ghost market. Even in the daytime, this ghost market only has an entrance and no exit. Only after the ghost market at night is over, will the passage to leave be opened before dawn." The proprietress continued.

"Well, by the way, ghost markets don't happen every day, and there are still three days before the next ghost market."

As soon as these words came out, the faces of the five ghosts suddenly became tense.

They knew that the ghost market was dangerous, but they didn't expect it to be so scary. They encountered such a crisis as soon as they entered.

If they stayed in the inn, they had to separate out a ghost. If they left the inn, they would have no place to live, and it would be even more dangerous.

Although their overall strength is not weak, the old ghost is only at the beginning stage of good fortune. If the evil ghosts at the middle or high level of good fortune are to target them, the consequences will be disastrous.

"Guests, how are you thinking?" The proprietress smiled, with a kind of urging in her tone, as if patience had disappeared after a few explanations.

"No, I just said, open a guest room for me, don't you understand?" Lin Chen seemed not to listen to the proprietress from the beginning to the end, without any wavering.

This caused the faces of all the ghosts to change slightly.

After thinking for a while, the old ghost said to Lin Chen, "Brother ghost, there are many hidden dangers in the ghost market. Why don't we form three rooms as a companion?"

Lin Chen was taken aback, and looked at the old man and raised his brows.

Is there any delivery?

But after thinking about it, Lin Chen still shook his head and refused.

He naturally understood what the proprietress meant, but the so-called danger was in his favor.

Lin Chen didn't believe that there would be ghosts and gods coming to him tonight.

Other ghosts... come and catch one, he will not be polite at all!

If one of the five ghosts enters the room with him, even if he captures it directly, maybe there will be no more ghosts entering the room.

One, or many, Lin Chen naturally chose the latter.

"I still like to rest alone, sorry."

The old man's eyes widened immediately, and he even suspected that he had heard wrongly. He really couldn't understand why Lin Chen was so confident.

Could it be that he is really high-handed and daring?

Not afraid of this dark danger at all?

Or is this a complete stunned young man, the kind who can't survive the next morning in this kind of place.

Although he couldn't see Lin Chen's specific strength, he knew that in the ghost market, even the Tongtian ghost would have hatred here, and when he died inexplicably, otherwise he wouldn't be so cautious.

The other two men and two women also turned a little ugly.

One of the male ghosts even said: "Brother ghost, you are an outsider just like us, don't you understand what's going on here? This is a ghost market, a place that is rumored to be as dangerous as a dungeon. There are too many sins and ghost blood buried under the buildings here, why do you still insist on going your own way when you know there is a problem?"

"Because I am not afraid of what you are afraid of. I am more dangerous than those so-called dangerous things."

With this sentence, Lin Chen's voice suddenly became louder, as if he was saying it intentionally to someone.

"You!" The male ghost's face changed, and he was about to say something, but was stopped by the old ghost, and finally, he shook his head and snorted softly.

Lin Chen ignored the five ghosts and turned his attention to the proprietress.

The proprietress also had a look of surprise on her face, but soon, she pursed her lips and smiled: "In that case, Leng Ying, you can help this guest officer open a room."

With a sneer on his face, Leng Ying shook his head and said: "In this case, you can stay there after paying 100 million ghost coins. The hotel's daily accommodation fee is 100 million ghost coins. If the guest officer is alive tomorrow, remember to pay again. "

Without further ado, Lin Chen took out 300 million ghost coins and said, "Lead the way."

Lin Chen followed Leng Ying and passed by the proprietress. Instead of looking at each other, he also smelled a strange fragrance emanating from the proprietress.

The space on the second floor is not too small, it looks like there are sixteen rooms.

When passing by, you can see that ten rooms are in a closed state, which means that there are already ghosts living in them.

Lin Chen probed with mental strength, and his face became a little surprised.

He found that he couldn't detect the situation inside the door, and his mental power was cut off by an invisible barrier.

And this kind of power actually made him feel a little familiar!

"Protection stone? No, it should be the power of rules, but why is it so similar to Yuan's power of rules? Isn't it set by the ghosts and gods in the ghost city?"

Lin Chen's heart skipped a beat.

"Guest officer, the room is here." The little ghost Leng Ying said quietly, in the dark corridor, he looked extraordinarily gloomy.

"Although the environment here is ordinary, it has a lot of resources. It can be said that as long as it is something that exists in this world, you can buy it in the ghost market. In addition to accommodation, this store also provides catering, whether it is rare wine or precious human flesh and blood. , player flesh and blood, as long as you have money, you can provide it."

Lin Chen couldn't help showing a sneer when he heard this, and said:

"Can the flesh and blood of eight-star players be bought?"

"Yes, but it will take some time. If the guest officer has enough ghost coins, we can help you buy them. You can get them within a day. Of course, we only provide food. If the guest officer needs other things, you have to wait three days." It will be a ghost city in the future."

As soon as these words came out, Lin Chen's expression changed suddenly.

What he said was just to ridicule this ghost, but unexpectedly, the other party actually nodded seriously.

This shocked him too.

Blue star players were only six-star players before, so how did the flesh and blood of these eight-star players appear!

"Aren't you lying to me? As far as I know, Chen is the only eight-star player in Blue Star. Did you catch Chen as well?" Lin Chen asked with a straight face.

"Chen, the ghost of the world, even if it is a ghost market, everyone has heard of his deeds, but it is not Chen. Although the ghost market is weird, it is definitely genuine. If you don't believe me, you can take it The money is here to buy it, if I can’t get it out, you will be held accountable.”

The little ghost said with a smile, without the slightest panic on his face, he was very confident, and he didn't seem to be lying.

Lin Chen took a deep look at the kid.

It has to be said that before his eyes, this ghost market was once again covered with a layer of mystery, full of weirdness everywhere.

"If the guest officer is fine, then I will leave first."

Seeing that Lin Chen was silent, the little ghost smiled strangely and was about to leave.


The kid was taken aback, wondering why Lin Chen would stop him suddenly, but just as he was surprised, Lin Chen's two hands had already grabbed his head.

"You just said five sentences without turning your head. It seems that you forgot. Let me turn your head around for you."

As he said that, Lin Chen exerted strength with his hands, and directly turned the kid's head around five times, before finally letting go of his hands and walking into the house.

The little ghost who turned too much and felt a little painful, with a confused face was left behind.

Lin Chen sneered as the door closed.

They're all foxes, why are they playing Liaozhai!

His heart has calmed down, he is not as cautious and vigilant as the five ghosts downstairs, but he is happy to see Liexin.

The ghost market is indeed becoming more and more mysterious and dangerous, but this also makes him more interested in this ghost market.

Moreover, all major forces outside are looking for him and are on guard against him.

As a result, he needs to be **** in the city outside, but the dark area of ​​this horror world is more suitable for him.

In the room, the environment is still ordinary.

There is only a simple wooden bed, and a wooden table and chairs.

The surface is all red, as if poured with blood.

There was a damp and moldy smell in the air, and it seemed to contain the smell of ghost blood and human blood, which was very vicious and gloomy.

Lin Chen swept away the donations around him.

After feeling the situation of the room, I soon understood why the proprietress would say the rule that two people should be in the same room.

First of all, in the inn here, every room has the power of rules.

It does have the ability to protect the residents inside.

However, in comparison, the power of rules contained in Lin Chen's room is very rare, completely different from other rooms.

If Lin Chen wants to use this kind of power of rules, he can use his mental power to explore at any time without being hindered.

In other words, this room doesn't even have privacy, so it's not difficult for a ghost to break in.

"It's not that the rooms are different. It should be that the conditions for perfect activation of the power of rules are not achieved, because I only have one person." Lin Chen whispered.

I became more and more curious about the mysterious ghost city.

Where did the eight-star flesh and blood come from?

Why is there the power of rules.

What the **** is this place?

Lin Chen thought about it, and vaguely made some judgments, but for a while, he couldn't be sure whether it was true or not.

He smiled, waved his hand casually, and laid down a barrier formed by mental power.

This kind of spiritual power can only isolate the detection of other ghosts' spirits and vision, but if a ghost breaks in, it will not form a barrier.

Privacy is still necessary.

Not long after, the sound of walking was heard outside.

Lin Chen sensed the situation outside.

It was those five ghosts who came up together with the little ghost Leng Ying.

It seems that they still chose to stay in this store.

Except for the old ghost who was still calm, the other four ghosts all had obvious uneasiness on their faces. The rules the proprietress said and the environment of the inn made them feel very depressed.

Leng Ying, the little ghost, laughed strangely, and recounted what he had said to Lin Chen.

When the five ghosts heard the words, they were all interested in human flesh and blood, but after thinking about it, they still refused temporarily, as if they wanted to wait until they settled down. UU reading

The two female ghosts are in one room, and the old man ghost lives with the two male ghosts.

When they entered, Lin Chen immediately used his mental power to investigate, and immediately found that the old man ghosted the room where they lived, and the power of rules was also very weak.

Contrary to the other rooms, there was no barrier to his mental power at all, and it was easily broken through.

The old man ghost also seemed to notice the difference. With an ugly face, he waved his hands and set up a mental barrier. After that, he took out various ghosts and performed several ghost tricks before he could breathe a sigh of relief.

"It's the only way to avoid danger as much as possible."

Only then did Lin Chen withdraw his mental power. All the old man's methods had no effect at all under his mental power.

"These ghosts are still too timid. If you are so timid, you may be more likely to be spotted by the dark existence." Lin Chen shook his head, stopped paying attention, and waited quietly for the arrival of night.

My heart is full of expectations.