MTL - Electromagnetic Tyrant-Chapter 316 First on the ladder

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Chapter 316 Ranking No. 1 on the Ladder

"We have informed various countries about the Qianyuan Society's information through diplomatic channels." Li Hui replied.

Ji Xinghuo was puzzled: "Is that it?"

"What else can we do?" Li Hui looked helpless. "The Asia-Pacific Community does not interfere in the internal affairs of other countries. It can only let each country handle it on its own. Although it is definitely too late, it can still clean up some of the remnants."

Seeing that Ji Xinghuo still looked worried, he smiled and said, "You don't have to worry too much. The Qianyuan Club is the greatest threat when it is lurking. Once exposed, the harm they can cause will be greatly reduced."

 “I hope so.” Ji Xinghuo nodded.

 Unknown enemies are the most dangerous. No matter how strong Qianyuan is, it will still be like a fly on a tree when faced with national organizations.

 No matter what the stance of each country is, whether international relations are good or bad, the existence of the Qianyuan Society will not be tolerated.

What's more, anyone with a little knowledge can guess that the person behind the Qianyuan Society is Yi Ren.

 Although the intelligence did not mention the Winged Man.

Ji Xinghuo looked through the swordsman's interrogation information again and found that except for Ye Tongjun and Su Qingqiu, no one else had had contact with the Yi Ren. They are independent of each other and have single-line connections. As a member of the Qianyuan Society, they have never heard of the Qianyuan Society, let alone what they have to do with Yi Ren.

 Even though several high-level officials of Yiren have been in contact, there is no conclusive evidence.

"If there is no conclusive evidence, we will not talk nonsense in the report." Li Hui said, "Now is not the time to be openly hostile to the Yiren."

Ji Xinghuo can understand this approach.

 So far, the Winged People of Tianyu Royal Court still maintain their aloof status and have no conflict with the earth.

  If the information is made public, it will set off a wave of public opinion that is hostile to Yiren around the world. In order to gain power, politicians in some countries will do anything to please voters and make random remarks. In the end, they will be coerced by public opinion, causing uncontrollable consequences.

 With the current power of the earth, it can only defend the earth, and it is impossible to match the Tianyu Royal Court in the star realm.

The three Shepherd Saints alone are enough to make people despair.

Moreover, it is still not clear whether the Qianyuan Society is behind the will of some Yi people or the entire Tianyu Royal Court.

It would be a mistake if it was just the behavior of some winged people that caused the earth to regard the Tianyu Royal Court as an enemy.

Ji Xinghuo turned off the information and remembered something.

“Director, Shen Yucheng said that the Qianyuan Society is likely to control an Earth star gate. Which one is it?”

 It was not mentioned in the intelligence.

“It’s not certain yet.” Li Hui shook his head and said: “We guess it is one of the ‘Immortal City Star Gate’ or the ‘Bloemfontein Star Gate’.”

 “Where is the Bhopal Star Gate?” Ji Xinghuo was a little surprised.

"There is suspicion, but the probability is relatively low, ranking behind the first two star gates." Li Hui explained: "Although the South Asian Alliance has average national strength, they have independence and are divided into three internal forces. Qianyuan will infiltrate them It’s very difficult, it’s better to choose those star gates with weak political power.”

Ji Xinghuo disagreed, "The intensity with which they attacked me yesterday, and the speed of their reaction, it doesn't look like a normal self-defense counterattack."

"Yes." Li Hui nodded, "We have also considered that there should be influence from the Qianyuan Society behind this."

Ji Xinghuo wanted to say something more, but Li Hui said: "No matter what happens to the Bhopal Star Gate, the impact will not be big. All star gates lead to Olympia. We will unite all countries to strictly control the entry and exit of the Olympia Star Gate."

 He sneered.

“The South Asian Alliance has been extremely hostile to our country since the day it was established. We will completely solve this problem. The Stargate is just incidental.”

 “Huh?” Ji Xinghuo was surprised.

 This sentence contains too much information.

Li Hui looked indifferent, "The South Asian Alliance should not exist in the first place, but the time has not come yet. This is exactly the reason. The head of state already has a plan."

Ji Xinghuo was shocked.

The full name of the Asia-Pacific Community is the "United Community of the People of the Asia-Pacific". At the beginning of the founding of the People's Republic of China, it did not have such a large territory.

Later, it expanded step by step, and Siberia, Central Asia, and Australia gradually covered most of Asia and the western Pacific coast. Now all Asia is only missing the South Asian Peninsula, and it can be worthy of the name.

The South Asian Alliance was established to resist the Asia-Pacific Community.

 The source of their hostility is self-evident.

Ji Xinghuo asked: "When will we do it?"

"The preliminary work started more than ten years ago. Now we are waiting for an opportunity. It will definitely start within three years. You will definitely be involved by then. You just need to wait for the notification." Li Hui did not hide anything.

 “Yes.” Ji Xinghuo responded.

 He felt a little excited and a little weird.

Diplomatically, the Asia-Pacific Community claims that it will never interfere in the internal affairs of other countries, but it has been secretly planning wars.

However, if other countries become our country, other countries’ internal affairs will naturally become our own internal affairs, and this will not be considered a violation of one’s own foreign policy.

 The 23rd century is a time of great contention.

Whether at home or abroad, from the top to the common people, all mankind has a consensus, that is, the earth must be unified, belong to one government, and reduce internal friction. Only in this way can the power of all mankind be exerted and rise in the star realm.

 Hence, Ji Xinghuo is not averse to war, which is an inevitable pain for global unification.

  I just hope that the intensity of the war will be reduced as much as possible and unnecessary losses will be reduced.

Ji Xinghuo talked with Li Hui for more than an hour and learned a lot of confidential information that ordinary people had no access to.

"I still have to deal with the Qianyuan meeting. Let's talk about it next time." Li Hui stood up and said, "If you have ideas, you can come together. If you are not interested, just go home and rest."

 “Then I’m going back.”

Ji Xinghuo did not hesitate and chose not to intervene.

  Anyway, the head of state said that he, as deputy director, is only in name only and does not need to participate in daily work. Ji Xinghuo said goodbye to Li Hui and said something to Zhou Yishang before leaving.

 “I’ll send you down.”

Zhou Yishang went downstairs with him and suddenly said: "I have been notified that you have been promoted to deputy director and will be on the same level as me in the future. Congratulations!"

Ji Xinghuo noticed Zhou Yishang's envy and some emotion, fearing that his heart would be unbalanced, so he smiled and said: "Zhou Bureau, you know that I am just in name and don't care about anything, just treat me as a Xuanyuan swordsman. "

 “You, boy, are so comforting.” Zhou Yishang was relieved to see that Ji Xinghuo’s attitude towards him was the same as before.

 After being silent for a few seconds, he couldn't help but sigh: "I really didn't expect that you could reach where you are now in less than three years!"

 Three years ago, Ji Xinghuo was just a junior alien.

 Now, Ji Xinghuo has stepped into the core of the country's power, and his status is obviously above himself.

"I will always keep Zhou Ju's care for me in mind." Ji Xinghuo said seriously.

 Zhou Yishang patted him on the shoulder and said nothing.

As Zhou Yishang watched, Ji Xinghuo got on the maglev and drove out of the parking lot of the Sword Bureau headquarters. It wasn't until the speeding car disappeared that Zhou Yishang sighed softly, with a complicated expression, and returned upstairs.

 Ji Xinghuo returned home and was greeted by Zhao Manying.

 “Have you met the Führer?”

"Hmm." Ji Xinghuo nodded and didn't talk much about the head of state. Seeing that she had put on a neat training uniform and was in excellent condition, he asked: "Are you going to use the expansion magic item and fuse the alien species tonight?"

 “I can’t wait any longer, help me protect you.” Zhao Manying’s face was full of anticipation.

 “Okay, let’s get started.”

 Zhao Manying entered the training room, while Ji Xinghuo sat outside and waited, with electromagnetic induction scanning the surroundings at all times, just in case.

 In fact, there is no danger.

His biggest enemy, the Qianyuanhui, has been eliminated, and he no longer has to worry about his safety in the country.

Ji Xinghuo turned on the projection screen in silent mode while paying attention to Zhao Manying's progress, and browsed information on the Internet.

 Hand in on the phone, chat with your family in the group.

 Seeing Ji Xinghuo appear, the whole family was very excited and said they would come over immediately. Ji Xinghuo did not refuse. Before his family arrived, he took some things out of his dimensional stomach bag, put them in a shoe box, and placed them on the table.

 Not long after, everyone arrived.

 “Third brother!”

As soon as Ji Xinghuo opened the door, he heard Liang Qiu Feiyan's happy cry and said with a smile: "Here we come, come in quickly."

The eldest sister Ye Dongyun, the second brother Zhong Ming, and the fourth brother Wang Zizhen all arrived.

 Five members of the family arrived.

Sitting on the sofa in the living room, Ji Xinghuo brought them drinks. He found that everyone was looking at him intently, their eyes full of curiosity, and he couldn't help but laugh: "Why do you all look at me like this?"

 The four of them looked at each other, and Zhong Ming sighed: "We all have an unreal feeling."


Liangqiu Feiyan nodded like a chicken pecking at rice, "Third brother, you are so powerful now, it feels like you are in a dream."

 Ye Dongyun and Wang Zizhen also hold the same view.

"What's wrong?"

Ji Xinghuo was a little confused.

  When you came back last time, didn’t the brothers and sisters already know their own strength and talents? It feels baffling why it suddenly became like this again.

"Don't you know yet?" Zhong Ming reacted, "On our way here, the ladder to heaven was updated."

Ji Xinghuo immediately realized something.

 He ​​logged into ADC’s ​​official website with his mobile phone, opened the ladder, and found that the first name on the ladder rankings was Ji Xinghuo!

 Zhao Manying, who was originally at the top of the list, became second.

“Third brother, you are now number one on the ladder!” Wang Zizhen, who has always been reserved, seemed very excited. He used to be addicted to virtual games. Almost every game has a ranking list, and countless players desperately want to be on the list.

Wang Zizhen is an "advanced player" and is a frequent visitor to the rankings no matter what game he plays.

 He knew very well how amazing it felt to see his name on the list.

Those rankings are just virtual games, and they are nothing compared to the real ladder. But the third brother has climbed to the top of the ladder, which will defeat tens of billions of ordinary people and billions of strangers around the world!

 Being No. 1 on the ladder means the first person below Legend.

 However, in this ladder update, ADC marked a sentence on Ji Xinghuo's information: the first person below the King of Heaven.

  with a video attached at the end.

Ji Xinghuo opened the video and knew the source after just two glances. This is the process of breaking out of the Bhopal Stargate Fortress, breaking through the air defense system of the Kingdom of Indy, and flying back to the country. The process was captured by a high-speed camera.

I don’t know from what channel ADC got the video. After analysis, he ranked himself first in the ladder.

Now on the global Internet, the popularity has exploded.

   Sorry for being a little late today.



 (End of this chapter)

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