MTL - Elixir Supplier-Chapter 1003 Hurry north

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"Mom, where are you uncomfortable?" Su Xiaoxue hurriedly asked her mother to cough. She remembered that she was still good when she got out in the morning. How suddenly she coughed up?

"Nothing, I feel that my chest is a bit boring." Song Ruiping waved his hand. "You call and Xiaoyao, let him be careful, that Guo Zhenghe is too deep."

"Oh, okay."

Su Xiaoxue immediately called Wang Yao.

"What, went to Beijing to find you?" Wang Yao was very surprised after listening. I didn't expect Guo Zhenghe to give up. The aversion to Guo Gongzi was deeper.

Some people, shameless faces, are really annoying.

"Yes, I am still here."

"Go to your home, have you found out that he has something unusual?"

"Exception, well, it means that the smell on his body is weird, yes, his face is not quite right." After Wang Yao asked, Su Xiaoxue carefully recalled that Guo Zhenghe’s face was indeed not very good. Like ordinary people, it feels like a special makeup.

Keke, next to Song Ruiping coughed up again.

"Auntie is next to her, what happened to her, she is not feeling well?"

"I just feel that my chest is stuffy, and it is still good when I get up in the morning."

"It’s still good in the morning. Is it that I feel uncomfortable after Guo Zhenghe has been there?” Wang Yao hurriedly asked.

"It seems to be." After Wang Yao said so, Song Ruiping thought about it as if it was really the case.

He stayed in his home for less than ten minutes and didn't say anything important. The main thing was to chat. The taste on his body was a bit strange. He felt uncomfortable after he left.

"I know, I immediately rushed over, you said to the aunt, don't go out." Wang Yao shouted on the phone.

"what happened?"

"Nothing, I will talk later."

Wang Yao is now worried about what Guo Zhenghe got from the Miao Xihe and brought something toxic to the Su family. If this is the case, their family members are very dangerous.

He called Zhong Liuchuan and Jia Zi, and arranged the things at home.

"You have to keep some gods at home, and you have to pay more attention to Guo Zhenghe. He has a deep heart."

"Know, sir, you can rest assured."

"Well, you are also careful, I will give you Yanshou Dan at a critical time, you can save your life."


After explaining the things at home, I told my parents that I had to go to Beijing to find something about Xiaoxue. His parents didn’t ask much, just let him pay attention to safety on the road. He also told him not to rush home, stay in the capital, stay well. Stay with Xiaoxue.

Wang Yaoding’s nearest plane, divided into Beijing, arrived at the Su family that night.

When he arrived, Song Ruiping was already lying in the hospital bed, his chest was stuffy, he kept coughing, even coughing up blood, Chen Zhouchuan was also next to him, Su Xiaoxue was very anxious.

"Sir, you can count it."

"I look." Wang Yao did not talk much, and reached for a try.


"Poison, Guo Zhenghe brought?"

"It’s him in all likelihood. This thing is also put aside for the time being. I will treat the aunt first."

The treatment is simple,

Half-leaf "detoxification grass", half-leaf "grass", and then use "guiyuan" to reconcile the drug.

After serving in a bowl, it will take less than half an hour.

No more coughing, no more chest tightness,

"It's better, aunt?"

"A lot better." Song Ruiping long breathed a sigh of relief. "Thank you, rushed over."

"Oh, what you said, this is what you should. You should lie down and rest, and I will prepare a medicine to supplement your body." Wang Yaodao.

"it is good."

Several of them left the bedroom.

"Sir, my mom is okay?"

"Nothing, the poisoning is not deep, there is me, no problem." Wang Yao comforted Su Xiaoxue.

"I don't think that the son of Guo's family can actually do this kind of thing, for what purpose?" Chen Zhou preached.

"Maybe he didn't mean it." Wang Yao thought for a moment.

But if he still has a little rationality, he will not do such a thing. When people have just been there, Song Ruiping will go down. This is not the scorpion on the bald head - is it clear? What's more, their Su family is not an ordinary person. This kind of behavior that is harmful to the door is a naked provocation! But anyone who has a brain will not do such a thing.

Wang Yao has just diagnosed it. It is poisoning, not a mites. It should be because Guo Zhenghe cured the mites in the blood through the Miaoxi River and brought some side effects. Su Xiaoxue felt the strange feeling is this. He is also a drug person now, and it is a poison.

"In any case, it is what he caused, and there is no good heart!" Su Xiaoxue said coldly.

Her impression of Guo Zhenghe was originally good, and then generally, and then did not like it, to the disgust, and now hate.

"This kind of person should be punished!" This is already very heavy from Su Xiaoxue's mouth.

"Punish, is his punishment coming soon?" Wang Yaodao.

The blood of Miaoxi River is so easy to drink.

Accompanied by Su Xiaoxue, he talked about a conversation, and then he ordered a "Peiyuan Tang". This time, the medicine he brought before he came was quite adequate. He was in the grid of the system. After doing this, he did not realize it. At night, Su Xiaoxue stayed with him. After Song Ruiping took the medicine, she gave her a review. After confirming that there was no problem, they went back to the house and rested. This time, Wang was living in Su.

The next morning, Song Ruiping started very early. He felt that there was no problem with his body. He was very comfortable. He walked two laps in the yard and then went into the house to personally make some breakfast.

Wang Yao is also very early.

"Auntie, do you feel better?"

"A lot better, not boring, no pain." Song Ruiping smiled.

"Come, I will give you breakfast."

"What breakfast, I smelled the fragrance." Su Xiaoxue shouted upstairs.

"Then hurry and eat."

Wang Yao did not really rush to eat breakfast, but gave Song Ruiping a simple check to make sure that her body had no problem before sitting down and dining with their mother and daughter.

"Mom, you should eat more." Su Xiaoxue stripped a tea egg to his mother.

"Thank you, my daughter, you can eat more."

After eating the meal, Wang Yao accompanied Su Xiaoxue to go to school. There was Song Ruiping alone in the room. After waiting for a while, Chu Lian came in from the outside.


"The boy of Guo Jia is too disrespectful!" She said with a calm face.

Regardless of whether the other party is intentional or unintentional, it is practical to let yourself endure the pain. This is provocation, and the provocation of finding a door is unbearable.

"What does the lady mean?"

"Looking for someone to stare at him, I see, he has to make some tricks."

"Yes, ma'am."

This morning, Su Xianghua went home.

"Is it going to be exhausted this time?"

"Fortunately, get used to it." Su Xianghua washed his face.

"Yue Yao came yesterday."

"Yeah, I called home at noon. I haven't seen him for a long time." Su Xianghua said that when he got to this step, it was really involuntary. Many things were not done when he didn't want to do it. Time All are arranged.

"Do you know why he is here?"

"Why?" Su Xianghua listened afterwards.

"for me."

"You, what's wrong with you, sick, uncomfortable?"

"I was almost poisoned by people. If Xiaoyao rushed over, I expected you to see me in another place." Song Ruiping said.

"What's the matter?" Su Xianghua's face changed after listening. He knows what kind of temper his wife is. He will never make such a joke.

Song Ruiping immediately said what happened yesterday and he said it carefully.

"Too bad!" Su Xianghua listened.

"Xiao Yao definitely has nothing to say, I will talk to him later."

"it is good."

Su Xiaoxue and Wang Yao were very happy at Yanjing University. They went home at noon because her father came back.

After eating lunch, Su Xianghua called Wang Yao to his study room. The two people talked for a long time. Wang Yao told Su Xianghua that he had nothing to do with the things he knew. In the section of Nanshan, the province was also saved.

"He killed?"

"I have no evidence, but I can't think of anyone except him!"