MTL - Emperor of All Games: I Have a Tyrant Simulator-Chapter 29 The court forced the palace, the fearful civil and military officials

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"Long live, long live, my emperor."

In the early morning, in the Golden Throne Hall, the civil and military officials were still standing with their highness as usual, welcoming His Majesty Dayan's arrival.

However, it is different from the past.

At today's morning meeting, everyone vaguely smelled a different smell.

This is not some ethereal sixth sense.

It is the keen sense of smell that these Dayan officials have been immersed in officialdom for decades.

"Be flat!"

Chen Muluo sat on the dragon chair, still looking lazy.

It seems random, but the majesty is better!

After all, with the occurrence of this series of events, in the eyes of everyone, Chen Mu's tyrant temperament is about to escape!

Accompanying the king is like accompanying the tiger. The ancients did not deceive me.

"Everyone, please report if you have something!"

The one who spoke was the head of the big family, little father-in-law Li.

Today's little Li Zi is standing on the second floor of the Golden Palace, replacing the former chief of the inner court, Eunuch Li, to become the new eunuch.

Apart from looking a little immature, in other respects, Eunuch Li became more and more like a qualified eunuch.

While Chen Mu was growing up, Xiao Lizi was also making progress.

"Your Majesty, there have been many frictions between the Border Turks and the Dayan Frontier Army, and the people are miserable. I also ask Your Majesty to order more border defenses and allocate armaments!"

"Your Majesty, a group of bandits appeared in Jiangnan Road, specifically attacking passing ships, tourists and businessmen. I hope Your Majesty will allow the mobilization of troops to suppress bandits."

"Your Majesty, there has been a natural disaster in Qingbei Prefecture, and you need to send people to support it. Please consider it..."

With the opening of one person, for a while, many officials stood up and reported the recent situation.

Most of them are asking for money and people.

However, to some other officials' unease, there seemed to be too many problems this time around.

And those who stand up are too strong.

"Isn't that Lord Shang Shu always acting as a peacemaker? Why did he even stand up this time?"

"Yeah, so weird, what happened?"

"I think these adults seem to feel... forcing the palace, forcing His Majesty to make a decision..."

"Shut up, don't dare to talk about this kind of thing..."

In the face of successive remonstrances,

Some officials who didn't know what was going on were a little flustered.

Why did everyone start facing this His Majesty?

You know, the most annoying thing for His Majesty today is that others force him to make a decision.

However, what shocked everyone even more was that.

Next, more and more third-rank, and even second-rank officials came out to give advice.

As if to force the palace.

Moreover, many of the officials who came out came from the three gates and five clans of Dayan, and the relationship was complicated.

For a time, the whole morning was panic-stricken.

Finally, after the last person had finished reporting, Chen Mu, who was sitting on the dragon chair and wearing a nine-clawed dragon robe, sat up a little and looked at the civil and military officials at the moment.

Surprisingly, in the face of most of the civil and military officials, Chen Mu just said something lightly.

"All rejected!"

For a time, all the officials who entered the remonstrance were shocked, but His Majesty rejected all of them?

However, in the face of Chen Mu's dangerous gaze, the officials who just stood up unexpectedly and bravely looked at each other for a while.

Then, without hesitation, forced the palace again.

"Your Majesty, the danger of the Turks cannot be neglected, please think twice!"

"Your Majesty, it is the right thing to decree to send troops as soon as possible!"

"Your Majesty, if Your Majesty doesn't agree, then Wei Chen will be killed in this Golden Palace!

"Your Majesty, please think twice! Your Majesty!"

Looking at the civil and military officials who were obedient in the past and today as if they had eaten gunpowder.

Chen Mu was still a little surprised.

It seems that these guys are not stupid, they know how to find reasons to force the palace.

However, the reason is too lame.


Come early or late, but come today.


Not early, not late, but now.

famine? natural disaster?

Do you really think he can't see the minds of these guys?

During the second simulation, Chen Mu had already seen the true colors of these civil and military officials.

On weekdays, these people may conscientiously help Chen Mu manage the country.

But once there is a conflict of interests, these guys are like hunting dogs, clearing the way for their masters and hunting.

It is clear,

No matter what kind of Turks, what kind of famine, or bandits, all of them were for the purpose of emptying the entire imperial capital, so that the first emperor of Dayan could enter smoothly and retake the imperial capital.

Three doors and five valves, huh.

At this time, the prime minister, who is the head of the civil and military officials, could not stand a little. He stepped forward and took a step, trying to persuade the officials.

However, Chen Mu's next sentence made the prime minister, the head of civil and military officials, stop abruptly.

"Let Patriarch Xie and Patriarch Huang come in!"

Little Eunuch Li, who was standing beside Chen Mu, immediately understood and shouted loudly:

"Xuan Xie Patriarch, Huang Patriarch enters the hall!"

Hearing the names of Patriarch Xie and Patriarch Huang, I was extremely confident, and all the civil and military officials who wanted to force Gong Chen Mu to stand still in the next moment.

What? Patriarch Huang, how could Patriarch Xie come here!

In their opinion, if the current His Majesty is the master of the entire Dayan Ming Dynasty, then the family is the master of this imperial capital.

The king should not see the king!

At this moment, everyone looked back in amazement.

However, the truth hit them in the face.

I saw two figures appearing at the gate of the palace, both of them wearing the official uniforms of Dayan's official court.


This is not the Huang and Xie Patriarchs they know at all.

For a time, the official who had just forced the palace immediately jumped out and said:

"Excuse me, Your Majesty, who are these two people?"

"Your Majesty, these two are not the Xie family, the head of the Huang family!"

"Dare to ask Your Majesty, where are the Huang Family and the Xie Family Patriarch?"

"Your Majesty, why did you find two strangers..."

At this time, the civil and military officials on the field seemed to be stressed.

However, in the eyes of everyone eating people, Huang Chao and Xie An who walked in calmly knelt down to His Royal Highness Jin Luan and respectfully said suffocating news.

"Your Majesty, last night the Huang family's old family was planning a rebellion, which was seen by Wei Chen, and now all the Huang family's lineage has been executed! Please make a decision!"

"Your Majesty, last night, the head of the Xie family led the main line in an attempt to rebel, and Wei Chen has detained all the main lines of the Xie family. Please make a decision!"

For a time, the entire Golden Palace was in an uproar.

The Huang family is all killed?

The main line of the Xie family was imprisoned?

Dayan three doors are now removed two?

It's over, this Dayan's day is about to change!

All the people who stood up just now felt cold all over.

It turns out that His Majesty already knew everything?

Therefore, the two new heads of the Huang family and the Xie family will appear here this morning.

Thinking of this result, all the officials who forced the palace were like a bolt from the blue.

It's over, it's over!

This time, the civil and military officials who stood up to force the palace are expected to all die.

sitting on the dragon chair,

Chen Mu watched with interest standing at His Royal Highness Jin Luan, UU reading www. On the heads of the civil and military officials on, countless numbers appeared crazily.

[Tyrant value +7]

[Tyrant value +5]

[Tyrant value +9]

[Tyrant value +5]

In just a few minutes, Chen Mu's tyrant value soared from more than 12,000 to 23,000 in an instant.

Good guy, it won't be all drained.

However, this was an unexpected bonus.

Just when everyone thought that His Majesty in front of him planned to liquidate the remaining Chen family, the five clans, and their chess pieces in one fell swoop.

Something unexpected happened.

"Huang Chao and Xie An have made great contributions. From today onwards, you two are the patriarchs of the Xie family and the royal family, inheriting all the honors and titles of the two families."

"Chen (Chen) leads the order!"

After handling it gently, Chen Mu once again looked around at His Highness's civil and military officials, but this time, no one dared to look directly at His Majesty.

The only thing they can do is,

I pray that I will not be executed by the emperor in front of me like he killed Eunuch Li!

However, their serious wolf-like majesty was unexpectedly tolerant once.

"Okay, I'm not a tyrant. When I remonstrate in the future, give me some brains, don't talk nonsense, and all retreat!"

On the other side, Xiao Lizi also shouted to His Highness with sweat all over his head:

"Your Majesty has a purpose, retreat!"

The civil and military officials who escaped the catastrophe all said with fear in their hearts:

"Long live my emperor! Long live!"

Presumably, this is the most sincere time of all.

However, among them, Huang Chao and Xie An, who were ready for battle, showed doubts.

Your Majesty, did not attack the Chen family?