MTL - End of the Magic Era-Chapter 4 Mage

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After watching Fario's bloated figure go away, Lin Yun turned back and looked at the two thugs brought by Jimmy: "Why not leave, waiting for me to invite you to dinner?"

I have been staying like two wooden chicken beaters, and then Lin Yun was awakened: "Ah, let's go, let's go ..."

As the two thugs lifted Jimmy away, the big house became quiet again. The old housekeeper was helped by Lin Yun to sit on the chair. The abrasions on his arms had been bandaged. Zhang's face was always frowning: "Master, those eight thousand gold coins ..."

"Relax, it will be resolved." Lin Yun replied casually. He did not take the 8,000 gold coin in mind. This is not to say that because he is from the last days, there is no concept of money. In fact, the opposite is true. Yun, in fact, is more eager for money than anyone else. He has had enough of that bit of clear water that will make people fight for a world between you and me. How good it is now, as long as you have money, you can buy anything.

However, there are not many 8,000 gold coins. For a mage far beyond this era, 8,000 gold coins are not worth his troubles. He has too many ways to get these 8,000 gold coins in three days.

I just went through a deadly escape and occupied a completely strange body. Don't look at Lin Yun's clean repair of Jimmy just now, in fact, there is a mess in his mind now. A small amount of 8,000 gold coins?

But he did n’t care, but the old housekeeper could n’t help but, seeing that his young master looked indifferent, the old housekeeper was suddenly anxious: "Master, we ca n’t really take this money for the time being, this time to compensate those For the payment, we have already sold all our properties, plus the compensation of the family of the deceased, we really have no money ... "

"I remember that my father seemed to have transferred an alchemy store to my name during his lifetime?" Lin Yun searched Mamma Merlin's memory carefully and found out that this is indeed the case. In fact, the alchemy store said it was transferred to Maffa. Under Merlin's name, Roger Merlin sent people to manage it on weekdays. The reason for doing this was just to make it easier for Mafia Merlin to buy magic materials.

"That alchemy shop is still there, but ..."

"But nothing?"

"But after the master ’s shipwreck, all three alchemists are gone, and they do n’t blame them. Now that the Goldsmith Chamber of Commerce looks like this, they have to leave a trail for themselves." The old housekeeper said while shaking his head, an alchemy shop The most important thing is the alchemist. It took a lot of money for the old man to dig these three top sailing alchemists from other chambers of commerce. If they are still, they will not support the entire flash gold chamber of commerce. There must be no problem in the immediate past. You must know that it is the profitable business of Jinjin Doujin, and there is no problem in repaying the debt of eight thousand gold coins.

Unfortunately, all three alchemists are gone. Even if there are some magical materials left in the warehouse, it is still a bargain left before. Without the alchemist's ability to turn the stone into gold, the debt would not be worth 8,000 gold coins. .

"It's just fine, I'll wait and see ..."

"Master, are you going to check it out?" The old housekeeper couldn't react for a while, it was a little strange to say, since the master in his own house woke up a bit different after fainting in the morning. Before he changed, the master was in In front of that **** Fario, he must not be able to say those words.

By the way, there is that Jimmy. After the right hand was roasted, she was crying and groaning on the ground. She even felt a little frizzy even when she saw it. The master didn't even frown a bit, calm and calm, a few days ago The young master who sighed and sighed all day was exactly the same.

Master Ye really grew up, but unfortunately, the master never saw it again.

The two were talking, but there was another footstep outside the door. A young man in his twenties came into the door. He didn't look tall. He was wearing a black robe with embroidered cuffs. An imprint of a bipedal dragon, the best magic academy in the east of the kingdom, Auckland's standard robes.

There is no doubt that this is a student from Auckland Magic School and has advanced to a mage, because only the mage is eligible to wear a black robe.

The young mage walked in hurriedly. When he saw the old Paveza covered with bandages and dust, his face suddenly changed: "Maffa Merlin, look at your good deeds, my father is in your Merlin. The family has been working for more than thirty years, and now I still need to help you clean up this mess. Is it worthy of your Meilin family? How can you be so sorry for my father?

"Raymond, shut up ..." The old housekeeper yelled at his son, trying to explain to his young master.

The problem is that Raymond is now angry, how can I listen to any explanation? My father has worked in the Meilin family for more than 30 years. It can be said that it is hard work and resentment. Master, what's the result ...

After the news of the shipwreck came out, Raymond was always worried. For fear of what happened to his father here, he tried every means to apply for a ten-day vacation, and then rushed from the shore of Xingxing Lake to Qianfan City. I heard that Rogmelin's cousin, Fario, brought Jimmy for debt.

Raimeng grew up in Qianfan City from an early age, how could he not know who Jimmy was, and rushed all the way to the Meilin's house, seeing the appearance of Old Pavi, the anger of his stomach naturally fell on Lin Yun.

Honestly, Raymond has always been a little dismissive of this young master. Before, it was because the other party had a rich and powerful father. From exposure to magic, he enjoyed the best conditions. He worshipped directly under the Master's door. , Need magic materials for experiments, his father simply gave him an alchemy shop, each year alone consumption, at least more than 100,000 gold coins.

However, enjoying such a superior condition, but always hovering outside the door of the mage, after so many years have passed and consumed so much money, now they are still only a level nine magic apprentice. Raymond even thought about it more than once. These superior conditions fall on himself, and he must be far more than this achievement.

Later, Raymond became a mage himself, and then went back and looked at Malfay Merlin. There was no such envy and jealousy at first, and it was impossible for the mage to envy and envy a magic apprentice because of the gap in that step. It is destined that they are people of two worlds, and there will be no intersection in the future. In the words of the professors in the academy, there is no such low-level existence of magic apprentices in the eyes of the mage ...

"Master, I'm really sorry, this little bunny yells at you without knowing anything, wait, I'll teach him a meal before letting him apologize to you."

"It's okay, Raymond is still young, and her impulse is normal ..." Lin Yunke had no time to control what he was thinking, and after saying a few words to the old housekeeper, he went straight out of the door, before leaving He greeted: "By the way, Raymond, your father is injured and needs to rest. You are here. If nothing is wrong, accompany me to a gilded rose."

"I ..." Raymond almost didn't breathe again, this **** wanted to die, the ninth-level magic apprentice, UU Reading actually instructed the mage with this tone!

It's a pity that the dignified mage hadn't gotten angry yet, but the old housekeeper next to him got angry first: "Little bunny, do you want to be mad at me?"

"Okay, I'll go ..." Raymond had no mother since he was a child, and was raised and raised by the old Pavi. Raimon can be said to be respectful and afraid of his father. Now when he sees the old man getting angry, the master ’s Immediately, dignity was thrown behind his head, and he asked Lao Pavi's injury with a smile, and after confirming that there was nothing really wrong, he picked up his wand and chased Lin Yun away.

From Meilin's house to the gilded rose, it was about twenty minutes away. On the way, Raymond really didn't show Lin Yun a good look. I wanted to see that I do n’t know anything about you in my father ’s face, but if you do n’t know it, No wonder then, I will give you a great embarrassment.

I want to come in Raymond, this is almost certain.

A magical apprentice who has been stuck in the ninth grade for several years, and finally has no chance to contact a mage, how can there be more sets of truths that do not seize the opportunity? Besides, his experience of forming a magic vortex alone is enough for him to take countless detours, not to mention the various details involved. As long as this Master Merlin is not a fool, he will definitely come to ask Questions and answers.

I was waiting for you to come close, when that time Lao Tzu swayed his face and sternly sneered at you a few words to see if you dare to order a mage in that tone.

Nice, just do it!

So Raymond started waiting ...

Hmm ... Look, all four chapters have been updated, should n’t they mean something, do n’t force me to roll around ...

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