MTL - Escape the Infinite Chamber-Chapter 18 Escape from the Ghost Ship (5)

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Time on pocket watch: 15:45

The note with the purple pattern was clipped on the lace edge of the female corpse's skirt. Feng Yulan's eyes were sharp and she found it at once. She reached for it joyfully, but her finger just touched one corner of the note and was suddenly passed. The coming sound scared the Eye of the Rhinoceros to be born again.

I don't know when the door of this small small room will be closed! There was a squeaking sound when it was closed—a bang was heard, and then the mossy door closed tightly, inlaid on the wall, as if it could no longer be opened.

Both Luo Jian and Feng Yulan were taken aback by this subtle change. In such a dark room, the tattered door squeaked and closed by himself. Luo Jian was wrinkled. He raised his eyebrows and walked over immediately to open the door, but when he tried to turn the door handle, he found that no matter how hard he tried, the door was still closed. The door panel was made of dark red wood material, which reminded Luo Jian In his first novice trial, the door in the back room.

"We are locked."

After Luo Jian finished, he punched the wooden door board with a punch and made a heavy sound. Feng Yulan was startled by his actions. Before asking, Luo Jian murmured to the door board. "It really is."

"What's wrong? What's so true?"

"Look ..." Luo Jian pointed at the wooden door, took out his knife, and then stabbed the door severely with the knife, but something strange happened, a door that looked shabby, Luo Jian The knife was poked, and even half of the knife marks were not scratched. The door panel was smooth, and only the moss was sticking to it.

"Oh! Amazing!" Feng Yulan took an interest, came up curiously, reached out and touched the door, and said, "How did Luo Jian do this? It looks so vigorous and poked down, and the result was even seams Did not get the full text to read [hp] Chonglian Meng. "

Luo Jian was a little speechless by his words, and he dared to show him here for a long time. People thought he was doing magic! Luo Jian, who was speechless, had to knock on Alan's stupid head, shoved his knife into his hand, and let him try the door by himself.

Feng Yulan is unknown, so he took Luo Jian's knife to make a gesture. He couldn't leave any marks on the wooden door. Feng Yulan was instantly irritable, and there was a trace of panic in his irritability. Baba looked at Luo Jian: "What is the door? Are we still out?"

"Tell you a common sense in the back room." Luo Jian stared at the wooden door and said to Feng Yulan one word at a time: "The back room will set some special items as-'cannot be destroyed in any way' -Just like this door, we can only meet certain conditions, such as finding the key to this door or killing the people who trap us! "

Feng Yulan understood Luo Jian's meaning, looked at the door, and finally turned her gaze back to the female body hanging in this small room, and said, "Maybe we can find clues from her."

Luo Jian took the note from the female corpse, held it up with an oil lamp, and Feng Yulan came over to take a look.

[Congratulations to two brave adventurers:]

[When you see this note, your adventure is coming to an end, but don't relax your vigilance, what you will face next will be unprecedentedly difficult. 】

[Want to know where the ‘last door’ is? Then ask this beautiful lady in front of you! 】

[Above, good luck! 】

Luo Jian turned the note over and over again. Sure enough, there was also a paragraph behind it, something that was creepy:

[My soul never rests — Shu Liya]

Looking at Luo Jian's words, he couldn't help but read them, but the feeling was even stranger, and Luo Jian couldn't help but utter a trance. Feng Yulan was even worse. He only felt that his back was chilly, and he tugged Luo Jian's clothes pitifully, shrinking timidly behind Luo Jian.

"What to do?" Feng Yulan was aiming at the hanging female corpse. This corpse would not rise up and attack her with her teeth and claws like before. And a corpse! How exactly do they ask the whereabouts of the door from the mouth of the body?

"What can you do as the note says!" Luo Jian swallowed, dragging Feng Yulan to the front of the female corpse, raised her head to look at the female corpse's face, the female corpse's face was only Bone boned, two black holes in his eyes, Luo Jian and Feng Yulan were trembling.

This corpse is just like the corpse in the outer box, with only a few pieces of rotten meat hanging on it, exuding a strange odor of the corpse. But Luo Jian and Feng Yulan couldn't control the smell. Luo Jian organized a language and asked the body with crappy English questions:

"Dear ... Mrs. Shu Lia, can you tell me where to leave the ship?"

Luo Jian's question was not answered. Feng Yulan thought it was normal. How could a body speak? Even if the corpse is as mobile as before, only the bones are rotten, there is no throat and no vocal cords, it is impossible to speak!

But Luo Jian persisted, raising his voice and repeating. Feng Yulan thought it was weird to speak to a corpse, but couldn't help but stare at the female body with her eyes wide open. The room was silent, just as Luo Jian and Feng Yulan thought they were doing white work, something weird happened!

The female corpse suddenly moved! She twisted her neck and turned her face slightly to the side. The black eyes were staring straight at Luo Jian and Feng Yulan! Can you imagine a feeling that the face of the skull is faintly looking at you? !! Anyway, Luo Jian and Feng Yulan were instantly rigid and could not move! Feng Yulan was almost screaming!

What is even more surprising is that the female corpse actually moved her chin and answered Luo Jian's question with an ethereal voice. Her voice sounded weird, and the ethereal feeling sounded like that ... … Not human voice.

"This ship has no exit," said the female corpse, repeating it again: "This ship has no exit."

Although he didn't understand why the other party had to say it twice, Luo Jian asked a different way. He showed the key that he had taken so hard from the observation deck, and continued to ask in a polite manner: "Then you know this Which door is the key to? "

The female corpse was silent for a while, and when Luo Jianfeng Yulan thought she would not answer, she spoke: "This is my husband's key-only he knows which door the key is."

After the female corpse said this sentence, Luo Jian and Feng Yulan couldn't help but look at each other, and they were inexplicable in their hearts. Didn't the woman's husband die at the beginning? Do they have to run back to the deck and ask the corpse lying on the deck?

At this moment Luo Jian suddenly had a bad conjecture, which made him ask the female corpse so: "I want to ask you again, Mrs. Shu Liya, your husband, are you still alive?"

Shu Liya ... This female corpse seemed to laugh suddenly, her teeth trembled, and the sound of gums collided. Listening became more infiltrating. Luo Jian was nervous enough to stiffen her whole body. Jane is gone. But then they heard the female corpse answer:

"My husband? Of course he is still alive, that is why he hung me here."

Luo Jian was even more shocked by this answer. He was so surprised that he forgot to keep the etiquette and shouted, "Isn't the one on the deck your husband?"

"Do you mean the poor guy in the box on the deck? Oh ... Of course not, he is a poor stowaway. As my stand-in by my husband, everyone thinks the box on the deck is my husband."

I guessed wrong? Did I guess wrong from the start? !! Luo Jian was stunned, and only felt panic at that moment in his heart! He hurriedly took out the English notebook and the cross from his pocket, and eagerly asked, "What about these? Are these not your husband's?"

The female corpse creaked and trembled with a smile: "Those are all. He discarded what he didn't need. He gave up on himself and decided to live as another person!"

"Then can I ask you?" Luo Jian felt himself sweating all over, and his face was pale and almost unorthodox: "Where is your husband now?"

The female corpse no longer smiled, and two black holes in her face stared at Luo Jian.

"My husband ... he's behind you now."

This sentence made both Luo Jian and Feng Yulan turn their heads and looked back like a conditioned reflection. Behind them was the closed door, but I didn't know when that door would open a gap again. And it was creaking, and slowly and slowly opened on its own ...

The person standing outside the door was very familiar with Luo Jian and Feng Yulan, the hunter.

The man squinted with beautiful red eyes, a smile on his face, and a beautiful smile. He was wearing the same black combat suit that Luo Jian had when he first saw him. He also had a short knife in his hand, which was exactly the same as Luo Jian's.

Luo Jian took a step back in horror, even with Feng Yulan, but they couldn't go back. There was a groaning female body giggling behind her. Her body was hanging on the rope and her skirt was there. With the shaking, the dust on the clothes fell down.

"Is this man your husband ?!" This situation scared Feng Yulan so much that she couldn't help but also spoke to the female corpse in English, and the female corpse was still chuckling and laughing again and again and again and again: "Oh -I don't know, he looks different from my husband, but he is indeed my husband! "

"What does this mean?" The female corpse's words made Feng Yulan very confused, but Luo Jian interrupted him and said:

"This guy is not her husband, but he does play the role of this woman's husband."

"roles played?"

"The hunter will replace some characters in the back room and appear in front of the players." Luo Jian repeated what Boss had said to him to Feng Yulan, and he raised his weapon with his teeth, Face up with the man in front of you.

"What is a hunter?"

"People who keep killing us in the back room."

Luo Jian pushed Feng Yulan aside and said:

"Alan, stand still and run when you find a chance, leave me alone!"

"But ...!" Feng Yulan just wanted to say something.

Luo Jian interrupted Feng Yulan's words, and said, "I will find a way to ask where the 'door' is from his mouth, but you cannot stay here, you cannot deal with him! Once there is any contingency, I cannot take care of it. you!"

Feng Yulan is not an indecisive person. He understands the seriousness of the matter at this moment, so he compromises one step. "Well, I will leave, but Luo Jian, you must follow! I will never wait for you in the same place!" "

Luo Jian nodded and understood: "Alan, there may be a monster running outside, no matter what you have to be careful, survival is the most important thing."

The hunter in front of him seemed to be impatient with his prey murmured here, raised his feet and walked towards Luo Jian, he seemed very interested in Luo Jian, bright red eyes staring at Luo Jian As if it was lighting up, Luo Jian shuddered in fear, stepping back and walking around the female corpse, and the hunter slowly followed him.

Luo Jian ran his knife across his chest, suddenly he seemed to have gathered all the courage, and slashed across the hunter, at the same time, Luo Jian yelled, "Run!" Feng Yulan got the order and immediately turned around. Almost hit the door of the house, and rolled out of the door! 2k novel reading network

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