MTL - Escape the Infinite Chamber-Chapter 20 Escape From The Ghost Ship (7)

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Luo Jian finally found Feng Yulan in that lounge. When he found him, Feng Yulan was in a very bad situation. He encountered the cat-like monster unfortunately, and the skinless monster was snarling. While trying to climb towards Feng Yulan, Feng Yulan picked up a stick and poked hard at the monster, and it seemed that he could not stand it. At this time, the hunter kicked the door of the lounge and hugged him. Luo Jian made his debut by reading the personal butler of the female president.

As soon as the hunter appeared, the monster immediately shifted its target, and actually roared towards the hunter. The hunter's expression didn't change at all, throw Luo Jane in his arms on the ground, and then lifted his feet to fly the poor monster directly. The monster was obviously much more powerful. He was taken by the surrounding terrain while he was flying. The eaves of the eaves walked towards the hunter with a horrible and agile action again ... no, this time it changed the attack target again, and swooped on Luo Jian who was sitting on the ground and rubbing his butt!

Luo Jian was dumbfounded in time. His weapon was long taken away by the hunter. Without the special passive driving force of the weapon, Luo Jian seemed to change from Superman to ordinary human at once. For a time, I did n’t know what to do. Well, I can only stare at that monster and rush at him! Feng Yulan didn't have time to save him, even the hunter was just standing still without any help.

Luo Jian never thought about letting others save him. His natural self-improvement and self-reliance predestined for Luo Jian's extraordinary achievements. At the moment of a few seconds, Luo Jian tried his best to remember the kind of manipulative weapon controlled by his own weapon. That feeling, the feeling of treating yourself as a manipulable puppet, abandoning human behavior and thinking limitations, and acting with a beast's instinct to fight!

Luo Jian succeeded. He found that he could barely recall the feeling of indulgence. His body completely obeyed his instincts, and he leaned his hands sideways to the ground, avoiding the monster attack with a beautiful flipping action! The monster obviously didn't realize that Luo Jian's reaction speed could be so fast. He rubbed his head and rubbed his head, lay on the ground and rolled over, just trying to get up and fight again! At this time the hunter finally started.

The stalker suddenly took Luo Jian's saber from his pocket, and perfectly performed a standard spike operation with his knife in front of Luo Jian. The action was fast and coherent, striding straight at the monster, taking advantage of the disgusting The creature hasn't responded yet, just a knife! There was no scream, so it completely separated its head and body, and his head was different!

Perfect strength angle, accurately grasp the enemy's dead corners and flaws, like an assassin in the dark, burst out the strongest blow at the most critical time, quickly let people clearly feel that force, feel That fear!

Luo Jian was stiff, staring at the action of the hunter, he suddenly realized that he should learn to learn how to fight the hunter. After all, he and he both use the same weapon, even the sword models Are exactly the same. Unless Luo Jian had a special response to his weapon, Luo Jian could not see that the hunter was holding his knife.

The hunter also seems to have the intention to let Luo Jian learn. He demonstrated several knife methods on the monster and completely divided the poor little monster into a dead body. The whole scene was **** and terrible. The hunter held the knife face expressionlessly. Corpses, chopping monsters into pieces one by one, and turning them into fuzzy flesh.

Luo Jian stood and watched and studied carefully. Feng Yulan also shrank pale beside Luo Jian, dragging Luo Jian's clothes corner and trembling trembling ...

"Ajan, why are the hunters following? We don't want to run away?" Feng Yulan was pitiful, his eyes slowly slipping, at first he just grabbed Luo Jian's clothes corner, but soon again Let Luo take hold of Luo Jian's hand naturally, Luo Jian took Feng Yulan's hand and touched his head.

"Don't be afraid, I will protect you, your brother!"

Alan is so special and nodded.

The hunter's division was more careful and thorough than that of Luo Jian's, and he almost tossed the poor little monster into minced meat. After the completion, the hunter threw his hands full of blood with satisfaction, and his face was exposed again. That sloppy smile and the blood of the hunter made the smile even more distorted and unsightly.

However, the hunters seemed very happy, and looked at Luo Jian again with a smile. Under the almost brutal gaze of the other's red blood eyes, Luo Jian and Feng Yulan could not help shaking and couldn't help but retreat collectively. step.

Alan was terrified, shivering behind Luo Jian. Luo Jian also had to be vigilant, his eyes firmly locked on the hunter.

The hunter is the enemy. This is Luo Jian's deep-rooted concept. This is the subjectiveness he has established for himself from the beginning. No matter how strange this hunter is, he did something like this ... Strange thing, but Luo Jian made up his mind that he must not treat the other party as a companion.

It is impossible to put trust in it, and to prevent the knife behind the opponent at any time and place, although the disparity of power makes Luo Jian understand that he is not the opponent of the hunter at all. But it is for this reason that Luo Jian has to find ways to keep himself and Feng Yulan safe and sound.

The hunter saw Luo Jian's hostility, but he didn't care at all. He threw away the knife that originally belonged to Luo Jian, and Luo Jian reached out and firmly caught the knife. The **** dagger was a gorgeous flip in his hand.

Unexpectedly, the hunters did not do anything detrimental to Luo Jian. They turned around and left the lounge. Luo Jian paused, and pulled Feng Yulan to follow up. He can only find the exit with him, Luo Jian thinks so.

The hunter scrambled around in the darkened cabin, but could see that he was very familiar with the terrain, as if he were really the crew who had always lived on the ship. Luo Jian and Feng Yulan always kept a distance of several meters away and silently followed the hunter. Luo Jian was extremely tired, but he still had to fight hard, but A Lan's condition was obviously not good, his face was pale with cold sweat, and his lips were dry. By the time he cracked, almost all Luo Jian dragged him forward to warm his heart: after the passionate mother.

"Alan, hold on, we can go out soon." Luo Jian encouraged him softly.

Feng Yulan raised her head with a stiff neck, and glanced at Luo Jian with her dark, black eyes, seemingly dim: "A Jane, am I useless?"

"Say this again ..." Luo Jian smiled, although he was also exhausted: "I came to the back room for the first time and performed worse than you."

Feng Yulan bowed her head again, and bit her lip, forcing herself to force herself up without adding extra burden to Luo Jian. He knew Luo Jian was comforting him. It's so useless ... Feng Yulan's heart is bleak, and she laughs at herself.

The hunters took Luo Jian and they walked to the bottom of the cabin-the bottom. And they found a worse situation, the bilge was leaking! There seemed to be a small hole in the bottom of the ship, and there was a continuous flow of seawater from there. The entire bilge was flooded with water, the water level did not cross the knee, debris from tables and chairs and other debris floated on the water. Swaying and swaying along the hull.

"Looking at this trend, don't expect the entire bilge to be completely submerged in 20 minutes, and the boat will begin to sink. I guess if we ca n’t escape after staying on this boat for six hours, then the boat will be in six hours. It will sink, and we will die no matter what. "

Luo Jian was certain of the situation, he took out his pocket watch and looked at it, 16:12. Less than an hour left.

Luo Jian carefully touched the key in his pocket, still, there was no sudden drop of the key, and the house was scrambling around, which made him slightly relieved, so he followed the hunter into the bottom Cabin, stepped into the water without knees.

The sea water and its coldness, and the coldness of his heart and spleen, Luo Jian felt that his two legs were as heavy as lead in an instant, and he was so numb that he was numb. Looking back at Feng Yulan, his condition was not much better, and his pale face was even paler.

The hunter in front of him looked ignorant, and the cold heavy waters did not affect his mobility at all. Luo Jian wonders how powerful this hunter is. Strong enough to have broken the limits of living things, and ignored the existence of the laws of nature?

The hunter would not answer Luo Jian's doubts. He took Luo Jian and Feng Yulan into the innermost floor of the bilge, walked through a corridor, crossed the cold water, and finally stopped in front of a door.

Luo Jian raised his head and raised the oil lamp to observe the door in front of him. Suddenly, Luo Jian found out that he found that all the doors with the property that cannot be destroyed in any way were made of crimson materials. It was reddish black, smooth and without any scars.

The hunter stood in front of the door, turned to look at Luo Jian, and Luo Jian noticed, came up and took out the key, inserted / entered the keyhole, turned, and then heard a click, the door opened.

Luo Jian was a little excited, as was Feng Yulan. Both were a little excited. Qi Qi came up and stood in front of the door. Luo Jian turned the door **** and pushed the door open. Not an exit at all.

The door was just a small, closed room.

It was just a small, dark room that was also filled with water, empty.

Luo Jianyu's mind was completely blank, and suddenly the mind flashed the words that the female corpse repeated twice--the ship had no exit.

He went back and wanted to see the hunter and Feng Yulan behind him, but he heard Alan scream. The hunter lifted his feet and ran Alan and Luo Jian into this closed room, and then The door was closed again in a quick motion, followed by the sound of the door falling locked.

Luo Jian splashed twice in the water, splashing water, and the oil lamp fell on the water. Fortunately, the oil lamp had a glass cover so that it would not go out. Luo Jian got up from the water and rushed to the door. This crimson door was like a nightmare in Luo Jian's life, and seemed to be able to deprive him of all his hopes instantly! Luo Jian opened his mouth to call the hunter outside, but he opened his mouth and found out that he didn't know the name of the hunter, and there was no communication between them!

"Are we locked up?" Feng Yulan was all over his body, chilling until his teeth trembled, and fear appeared on his face. He looked around the enclosed environment. This is a stricter closed room. There is no window except the door. There is also seawater without knees in the room. It is estimated that it is flowing under the door.

Luo Jian knocked **** the door and made a heavy noise. He put his ears against the door. He knew that the hunter was still outside and stood at the door. He felt that way.

"We ... we got out, the water level was rising ... soon, here will soon be submerged, before the boat sinks, we will be drowned." Luo Jian was also cold, freezing and talking intermittently, The water level has gradually spread over the waist.

"I ... feel ... before being drowned, we ... will be frozen to death." Feng Yulan dragged his heavy body and walked to Luo Jian, two people leaned together to warm up, but it was useless and the water was too cold, Heavy enough to make them all want to close their eyes forever and never open again.

The outside hunter suddenly struck the door with his hand and made a rustling sound. Luo Jian was frozen and stiff, and even his thinking seemed to be stiff. He did not understand the meaning of the action of the hunter, but could only lie down. At the door, listen to the sound of his knocking.

It's weird. It was obviously pushed by this hunter. The other party's intention was obviously to trap him and Alan, but Luo Jian felt no hatred or even anger at the moment. He was just a little disappointed.

The enemy ... can it really be the enemy?

"Ajan, are we ... will we die?" Feng Yulan asked intermittently, his lips were pale, his face was ashamed, as if he had become a stiff body.

Luo Jian knew that his face and Feng Yulan couldn't be any closer, and his heart was sad: "It seems ... will die ... now ..."

The stalker was still knocking at the door, and the bell rang continuously.

Feng Yulan frowned: "It feels like I'm in a hurry to let us open the door ..."

"The key was in his hand, and the door was locked from the outside. Let's open the door ... It's not very ..." Luo Jian said, and suddenly stopped.

Let's open the door?

Suddenly, Luo Jian opened his eyes widened, focused his listening, and continued to listen to the knocking sound of the hunters outside. The sound was very rhythmic, not anxious, impatient, or slow. There was no interval, no pause, and it was ringing.

Luo Jian suddenly thought of his own note, and the third tip above flashed into his mind:

[If you can't take a shortcut, then be silent. 】

There is still a chance, it is not over yet! Luo Jian laughed suddenly, he pushed Feng Yulan, the water level had reached the chest, the two were almost floating, Luo Jian hugged Feng Yulan and shouted: "Let's sink!"

"What?" Feng Yulan was unknown.

"Alan, take a closer look at the sea water in this room!"

Feng Yulan obeyed Luo Jian's words and observed the enclosed room again. The water level rose very fast, it was incredible, it seemed as if a hole had been broken in the floor, and water was pouring in continuously.

"The hole in the bilge is in this room!" Feng Yulan found a subtle point. It turned out that the water didn't flow in through the door gap, but flowed out of this room!

"Find that water point! That's the exit!"

"But I can't swim!" Feng Yulan panicked, the water level had reached the neck! Too fast, Feng Yulan kept rushing, and took a few sips in a hurry. Luo Jian supported Feng Yulan's waist to maintain his stability.

"Then hold me, don't let go!" Luo Jian said, "Take a deep breath, hold your breath, dive with me!"

Alan was very obedient. He took a big breath and filled his lungs. Luo Jian took a breath, bit his lip, and dragged Feng Yulan into the water!

Luo Jian was never fortunate that he had learned to swim, and even swimed well. He participated in the provincial and municipal swimming competitions in high school. He was the first from the preliminary to the final. His teacher also asked him to participate in national competitions. But in the end Luo Jian gave up.

But the skill of swimming was left behind, even if he dragged a big man, he could do it easily. If the water was not too cold, he could swim faster.

Luo Jian quickly found the water inlet in this room. It was a boxy door on the floor. This valve was opened a small gap, and water was constantly poured into the room from here.

The water had an impact, and Luo Jian struggled for a long time before barely grasping the handle of the valve. The door was heavy, Luo Jian could not be opened, time was getting less and less, and the feeling of suffocation surged up, leaving Luo Jian to die soon a feeling of.

Feng Yulan is even worse, he has almost rolled his eyes, but he is too trusting in Luo Jian, he firmly believes that Luo Jian will take him away from here, so Feng Yulan did not even struggle, hugged Luo Jian quietly, his Loss of consciousness, there is only one conviction in his mind-hold Luo Jian and don't let go.

Luo Jian pulled the handle of the valve hard, and the gap in the door opened a little wider, but the water was filled more fiercely. The impact force made Luo Jian unprepared, and the left hand holding the valve handle slipped and released. It's up! Luo Jian's heart was cold, and it was difficult for him to let go again! The water is too cold. If he escapes without opening the door now, he will have no extra strength to continue swimming!

But just at the moment of this round, the snake wrapped around Luo Jian's left hand suddenly didn't know what was going crazy. Half of his body was still wrapped around Luo Jian's arm, but his tail was tightly wrapped around the handle of the valve. , Firmly fixed Luo Jian and Feng Yulan!

Almost forgot this snake! Luo Jian gave Xiao Snake a startled look, but he didn't miss any chance, grabbed the doorknob again, and Snake swung back into Luo Jian's sleeves. Then Luo Jian pulled it hard and the valve was opened! The water poured in fiercely! Luo Jian struggled to grab the edge of the door, dragged Alan, who was hugging him, and swam out!

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