MTL - Essential Accomplishments of A Perfect White Moonlight-Chapter 76 Ann can tell if I'm male or female 19

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Although it was difficult when I made this decision, it is still more difficult than it is now.

Shao Jingyu was not afraid of the elders' scolding, but now that he was looking at Shangyan Yiming, he didn't know how to speak.

Just like what Nangong Ye said back then, no matter how much he convinced himself in his heart that he did this for Yan Yiming's good, but because of a little selfishness in his heart, his whole body was filled with unprecedented guilt and suffering.

Yun Xiao told him at the beginning that there was nothing to explain. Who would have known that she would survive if Yiming was so injured, that's why she had that letter. Who would have thought that Yan Yiming would survive after so many days.

It sounded reasonable, but Shao Jingyu was unwilling to use such an excuse to prevaricate her. He stared at Yan Yiming, and after a long while slowly said, "Yiming, if there are others by your side in the future, don't mention you again." He has led soldiers in battle."

"Why?" Yan Yiming looked up in a daze.

"Because in the eyes of the world, Colonel Yan is already dead," Shao Jingyu said directly, "I brought you back to the Shao Mansion, many days have passed, and now everyone knows that I brought a woman back home .”

Yan Yiming looked at Shao Jingyu's face blankly, as if he was too shocked for a moment to understand Shao Jingyu's words, "But I'm still alive, why do you say I'm dead? I go back to Shao Mansion?"

"Because you are a woman, Yiming, women are not allowed to join the army. If His Majesty finds out, it will be a crime of deceiving the emperor."

Yan Yiming was silent for a moment and murmured, "I can keep others from knowing."

"If you can hide it for a while, it is impossible to hide it for a lifetime. Yiming, you have to remember that you are not a man." Shao Jingyu said, "Look at the wounds all over your body. Is there any woman in this world who has such a scarred body? You always say that it doesn't hurt, is it really not hurt?"

Shao Jingyu put her restless hand back under the bed and continued, "I asked you if you would go home with me after the war, and you agreed at that time, so now I will bring you back, but the most important thing is , I want to bring you back."

Shao Jingyu said, "Yiming, I want to marry you."

The room was so quiet that the two of them could hear each other's breathing. Yan Yiming opened his mouth to say something, but couldn't utter a few words.

After a while, she suddenly covered her heart and said in a trembling voice, "You are crazy."

"I'm not crazy, I just want to marry you," Shao Jingyu said, "At the beginning I thought you were a man, but after several times I wondered if I was as good as Long Yang, but later I found out that I only treated you like this, you are a woman, I'm really happy."

Yan Yiming turned his head and said shyly, "I said I..."

"You said that you would not marry a wife. Because you are a woman, you cannot marry a wife, but you can marry a man."

Shao Jingyu looked at her, and the indelible guilt in his heart was on fire. He didn't dare to think too much about it, so he paused before continuing, "Your body cannot withstand another injury. Even if you want to go to war, I will not agree. You said that you can keep others from knowing, but you are a woman after all. Now that you have made great achievements in the war, many families will come to propose marriage, and even His Majesty will personally give you a marriage. How should you refuse at this time, there will always be a day when you will be found out if you can't hold fire with paper, and once you are found out, it will be a crime of deceiving the emperor."

Little Apple applauded, what he said really made sense.

Yan Yiming pretended not to hear Little Apple's voice, and said after a while, "I have no relatives in my family, and I am alone. If His Majesty wants to convict, I will give him my life."

"You have no relatives but you still have friends and comrades in arms. They care about you very much, and so do I," Shao Jingyu said, looking at Yan Yiming's still clean eyes, Shao Jingyu lifted his skirt and knelt on the ground on one knee, Yan Yiming Yiming jumped suddenly, "What is this?"

"A lot of facts are just excuses," Shao Jingyu said slowly, "When I was writing the notes, I was worried that you would not wake up or get hurt again, or even blame your majesty, but I was also worried that if you were willing to hide your identity or What should I do if I leave the capital in order to conceal my identity?"

At that time Yan Yiming was still in a coma, Shao Jingyu had convinced himself that it was because of Yan Yiming's coma that he couldn't ask her what she thought, but in fact he was clearly glad that Yan Yiming was not awake at that time.

Even if Yan Yiming could sacrifice his life to save him, he still wasn't sure whether Yan Yiming's affection for him was the same as that for her.

He ended the gamble selfishly, leaving no room for Yan Yiming to choose. When Yan Yiming woke up, he only faced this situation.

She only has him.

At this moment, Shao Jingyu knelt in front of Yan Yiming, and he told everything. Yan Yiming looked at the man in front of him, and felt for the first time that the four official statistics were wrong.

Compared with Jian Yuyan, who has the highest EQ in terms of data, Shao Jingyu's rank is clearly not inferior to Jian Yuyan, and even slightly better. After all, she controlled the rhythm when attacking Jian Yuyan, but now Shao Jingyu takes the initiative right.

One step blocked all her options, but she didn't quibble, and the frank and full confession made people wonder how to blame her.

I hide everything because I don’t want you to get hurt and I want you to live well, and I bring you back selfishly just because I want you to rely on him and be with him.

If it is really affectionate, this behavior is really hard to resist.

Yan Yiming should have known a long time ago how an invincible general is a simple person who only knows how to read military books and fight.

Little Apple said before that in the original plot, Shao Jingyu stood by Jian Yuyan's side to help him restore the country. Even if Nangong Xuan was really killed in the end, it is still a mystery whether that position belongs to Jian Yuyan in the end.

Yan Yiming was a little curious about how Jian Yu'er persuaded Shao Jingyu to give up helping Jian Yuyan restore the country. Since it was still Nangongxuan who ascended the throne in the end, what happened to Jian Yuyan in the end? Tell her someday she will know.

Yan Yiming thinks about it too. After returning home, maybe the game has come to an end, and it won't be too late to watch it then.

Thinking a little far away, this is not the time to think about these things, but in Shao Jingyu's view, it was only because Yan Yiming was frightened that he didn't think it was strange.

Yan Yiming came back to his senses, met Shao Jingyu's eyes again, stretched out his hand and paused in the air, and finally helped Shao Jingyu up, then turned his face to the bed and said in a muffled voice, "I want to be alone Later."

"Okay", Shao Jingyu said softly, tucked the quilt on Yan Yiming's body, and then turned and left.

Yiming's attitude was much better than he had imagined. She was hesitating, which meant that she also had feelings. She was wavering at the moment, and it was only a matter of time before she agreed.

What he has to do is to resolve the conflict with his family as soon as possible and let them accept Yiming as soon as possible.

It’s okay if you insist on not accepting it. After this battle, His Majesty will not be able to reward him again, so he gave many rewards to Yi Yonghou, but Yi Yonghou is no longer here. I still want to reward him but can't reward him.

If he couldn't help it, he went to the palace to ask His Majesty to marry him. Judging from the achievements in this battle, even if His Majesty didn't like it, he would not refuse.

Shao Jingyu thought that the worst outcome would be to sever ties with his family, but his parents would definitely not do this to this extent. After they got married, they would only see that Yiming was good, so naturally they would not object like they are now .

He insisted on leaving today because what his father said yesterday was too harsh, but from the bottom of his heart, Shao Jingyu still hoped that his family would accept Yiming, and now that he really took her to the General's Mansion, it made his father feel even more displeased with Yiming. Broken feelings.

Shao Jingyu needed a step to cover up what he did today, and he didn't need to take the initiative. Mrs. Shao, who had been waiting outside, came up to her son when she finally came out.

Shao Jingyu had an idea for a while.

Mr. Shao has a violent temper, but Mrs. Shao has a rare good temper. Shao Jingyu has a very good relationship with his mother. If the only thing that bothers him is his mother's family, Shao Jingyu's grandfather's family.

From the grandmother to the cousins, Shao Jingyu disliked all of them. He really didn't understand why such a gentle and virtuous mother would have such an unreasonable, domineering and bullying mother's family.

Shao Jingyu smiled and sat beside Mrs. Shao and said, "I kept my mother waiting for a long time."

"Soon, the girl will be able to wake up and mother will be happy too," Mrs. Shao said softly, "I have sent someone to send the imperial doctor over, and now I just woke up, so it's better to take care of her carefully."

"Yes," Shao Jingyu said, "Mother is still thoughtful."

"Women can't help but have a more delicate mind. They are careless and hot-tempered like you old men, especially like your father, who is so annoying. After half his life, he still hasn't made any progress. I told him a long time ago that children are too old now." Now that he is an official, he must not be beaten or scolded like before, but he just wants to act like a father in front of you to make you obedient, but in fact he just wants to hear a soft word from the children."

After finishing speaking, he smiled and glared at his son, "It's just that your father and son have too similar tempers, neither of you will admit defeat."

"The son was impulsive," Shao Jingyu said with a smile, "I'll go and apologize to my father in a while."

"What kind of guilt is it? It's clear that he made a mistake first," Mrs. Shao feigned anger, "I will tell him later that I will not let my son be wronged. Since the child you brought back must be good, I can't help it. It sounds uncomfortable even to me, let alone you."

Mrs. Shao's words reached Shao Jingyu's heart. She saw her son's gentle face suddenly when she heard the girl in the room, but she still said calmly and softly,

"I haven't had time to ask since I came back, this child..."

"She..." Yan Yiming's name could no longer be used, Shao Jingyu paused and said, "Mother can call her Ah Ming."

"A Ming, that's a good name." Mrs. Shao looked softly, took the tea handed over by the maid and poured a cup for Shao Jingyu, "You went to the north, I wanted to send you some good tea, but I was afraid If no one pours tea for you, why not wait for your mother to make it for you when you come back."

Shao Jingyu took the tea that Mrs. Shao handed over, took a sip of the tea, and then praised, "It's okay if it's sent by my mother. Ah Ming's way of pouring tea is very good. When she gets better, mother will try it."

"This kid still has this ability. Even so, if he has the chance, he must try it." Mrs. Shao said pleasantly, but she was surprised as if she had discovered something. Tea for you?"

Shao Jingyu put down his glass and said solemnly, "I didn't want to tell others, but it's okay if my mother didn't tell others. Ah Ming's family was killed by the Mongolian army by accident and left her alone. In order to save her life, she pretended to be a man. It was a coincidence that she stayed by my side. After all, her daughter should not be in the army, and it would be troublesome if others found out. My mother will keep it a secret for me when she finds out today."

Shao Jingyu never told what happened to Yan Yiming in the barracks, as a woman stays among men, she knows that she won't think too much about it, so it's hard to guarantee that others won't look down on her because of this.

"Since you told me that it must be kept secret," Mrs. Shao nodded and said, "Then how did she get injured? I heard from the imperial doctor that she was seriously injured."

Speaking of this, Shao Jingyu suddenly looked pitiful, and after a while he said calmly, "She is here to save me."

Mrs. Shao was startled, and finally her expression changed slightly.

"She blocked an arrow for me, but I didn't protect her well and nearly killed her, leaving a fatal wound on her back. I was able to come back alive from this battle because of her."

Mrs. Shao was terrified when she heard it. At first, she heard Yun Xiao say that the Yiyonghou had saved his son twice, and countless soldiers died in battle to protect the general, but now unexpectedly this woman is also his son's savior.

Mrs. Shao was a little scared for a while, the battlefield is ruthless, but fortunately someone rescued her, if it was her son who died, she couldn't even think about it.

The hand holding the teacup couldn't help shaking before he said in panic, "So that's the case, then... you are grateful to her..."

"That's not the case. Ah Ming reads a lot of poetry and books, and she is an outstanding female celebrity in calligraphy and painting. My son wants to marry her not because she saved me, but because she is really good. Mother will know her when she gets to know her well in the future." it is good."

Mrs. Shao smiled a little reluctantly, "You said it's good to make sure, but now, should you move to the General's Mansion?"

"A Ming said it's better to stay together as a family. I've already ordered someone to move the things back..."

Little Apple returned to the house after hearing this, and told Yan Yiming the conversation between Shao Jingyu and Mrs. Shao just now.

Shao Jingyu tried his best to help her increase her favorability in front of the Shao family, but what Mrs. Shao said just now seemed to care about her every word, but in fact it was a deliberate guide.

This lady seems gentle and virtuous, but she is actually Shao Jingyu's biological mother.

The mother and son acted on each other, as if they were real.

Yan Yiming's back felt a little numb after lying down for a long time, turned around and immediately felt a lot more comfortable, Shao Jingyu who had finished talking with Mrs. Bu hurried over and asked her anxiously, "How bad is the pain?"

In fact, it doesn't hurt, after all, there is no pain after all, but after all such a serious wound, Yan Yiming buried his face in the pillow with a bitter face and remained silent.

Although she has regained her daughter's body, she still keeps silent no matter how much it hurts as before. Shao Jingyu is angry and distressed.

The maid outside notified the imperial physician to see the girl, and Shao Jingyu hurriedly welcomed him in.

The imperial doctor calmly checked Yan Yiming's pulse. After a while, he stroked his beard and stood up and said to Shao Jingyu, "General, don't worry, this girl is recovering well. Wait for me to prescribe some prescriptions to make up for it. It will come back someday."

Shao Jingyu breathed a sigh of relief, "Thank you."

"As for the trauma on the girl's body," the imperial physician took out three small bottles from the medical box and handed them to Shao Jingyu, "This medicine will help the wound recover faster, the general can ask someone to apply it on the wounded, don't scratch it. "

Shao Jingyu wrote down one by one, and then he sent the imperial doctor out.

Turning around, he asked the maids to go to decoct the medicine, while he came with the medicine bottle. Yan Yiming blushed when he saw the medicine bottle, "You ask the maids to come here."

"When I took care of your wound a few days ago, the little maids were so scared that they didn't even dare to look at it. How could they dare to apply medicine for you?" Shao Jingyu said with a smile. Undressed clothes, how did you think you changed your medicine and took a bath without a maid by your side all the way back to Beijing?"

Can't let others know Yan Yiming's identity, and there is no woman around, Shao Jingyu did everything by himself, he took care of this scarred body for two months, but Yan Yiming just woke up and couldn't accept it for a while.

Shao Jingyu watched her turn her face away and struggled for a while before finally giving up. The base of her fair ears was stained with a blush, and she finally had a woman's shy look. The beauty I have seen.

Although he had helped her many times, this was the first time Yan Yiming was awake. Shao Jingyu thought he was used to it, but now that he undressed her, his hands trembled slightly.

Taking off his middle clothes, Yan Yiming lay on the bed, hiding his face as if he was extremely shy, leaving only scars interlaced with the snowy back.

Shao Jingyu opened the bottle, and the light scent of the medicine was inhaled into his breath, and the slightly viscous liquid dripped on Yan Yiming's back, perhaps a little cold, Yan Yiming's back trembled uncontrollably, but he kept saying Not sent.

This pair of body is very thin, the back is narrow, and the waist is full of grips. He wears armor every day, so he never knew that there is such a weak body under the heavy armor.

When the medicine was applied to the waist, Yan Yiming suddenly trembled again, Shao Jingyu was taken aback, and then understood that Yan Yiming's waist was too sensitive.

It was clearly applying medicine, but maybe because he liked it, or maybe the body lying on the bed was too charming, Shao Jingyu's cold hands just now gradually became hot, and he was reluctant to take it off even though he had finished applying it.

Yan Yiming didn't notice it at first, but finally noticed it later, he wanted to turn over in a moment of anger, but maybe he pulled the wound when he turned over, he groaned and hurriedly pulled the quilt beside him.

Shao Jingyu quickly removed the quilt, "Don't rub the medicine on the quilt just now, if I don't move you don't move."

"You go out", Yan Yiming was injured but his strength remained unabated, he reached out and grabbed the pillow next to him and threw it out.

Shao Jingyu grabbed the pillow, hugged it and smiled for a long time, "I'll go out after all, can you come in after the medicine dries up?"

Putting the pillow back to its original position, closing the window and pulling down the bed curtain, he reluctantly retreated out and sighed faintly,

"A Ming, get well soon."