MTL - Eternal God Emperor-Chapter 3958 9 great witch ancestors

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Chan Bing and Zhang Ruochen already have a deep understanding of this world. Therefore, before Afya said these words, they were mentally prepared.

Zhang Ruochen pondered, and said, "Then, who is the immortal behind Queen Shi?"

Afuya shook her head lightly, there was also confusion in her eyes.

Chan Bing smiled playfully: "Does Queen Shi not know, or is she unwilling to tell us? Or, there is no memory related to it in the awakened fragments of consciousness?"

Afuya said: "I still don't necessarily know who the immortal behind me is! I always feel that Dichen can go all the way to today, and there are immortals behind him, but does Dichen know who he is?"

This rhetorical question made Zhang Ruochen think deeply.

Then, he said solemnly: "If there is such a person, this person must have a subtle and profound influence on me, and he can accomplish what he wants to achieve without my being aware of it."

Several figures flickered in Zhang Ruochen's mind.

Afya said: "When his purpose is achieved, you lose your value, or you gain insight into his existence and your strength threatens him. That's when you die!"

"Perhaps the Fudo Mingwang Dazun back then was aware of the existence of the immortal and wanted to break the situation. Therefore, he ended up with an unclear ending, which would harm future generations."

"The chess game in the mortal world is for the benefit of a family and a country, and gods can be chess players."

"In today's chess game, in order to seek the survival of one world and one family, the heavens can be chess players."

"The chess game of the eternal river, seeking longevity, seeking eternity, and seeking to dominate everything, only the ancestors can see through one or two of the chess games. Whether they can escape or not depends on personal mental means."

She continued: "Although I don't know who is the immortal who secretly pushed me to reach the realm of the ancestors, but I do know the meaning of him letting me practice to the realm of the ancestors."

"What's the point?" Zen Bing said.

Afya said: "Find Chi's Ancestral Realm for him."

Zhang Ruochen frowned, and said, "I have a confusion in my heart. What is the relationship between the ancestor Chi and the great light Mar? Are they the same person?"

In Paradise, apart from the Temple of Light, the most sacred place is the Temple of Mar.

The Temple of Mar is the entrance to the Ancestral Realm of the thirty-six-winged angel "Zhi".

Afya said: "Let's not talk about you, even the gods who have studied history in the Temple of Light, I'm afraid they can't give an accurate answer. Most people think that Mal is Chi."

"The legend is like this. Those people and those things are too old, and many things have become blurred. Later generations can mix the deeds of two completely different people, some have changed, and some have disappeared. , and sometimes it is difficult to distinguish between black and white, good and bad.”

"What's more, this was done on purpose!"

Zhang Ruochen became more and more curious, and said, "It seems that Queen Shi knows the truth?"

Afya said: "Afya found Chi's Ancestral Realm, how could I not know the truth?"

Obviously, she doesn't think that she is still the ancestor Afya.

To take away the remnant soul is to be reborn.

She said: "Actually, Zongchi, he should be called Wu Zuchi. He is the Wu Zuchi who sacrificed the Light Cauldron in the ancient times, and he is the only one who has this ability."

"Mar, however, is a monk from the same era as Afya, and the difference from Wu Zuchi's era is unknown by how many Yuan Hui."

The era in which Afuya lived was only more than a thousand Yuanhui. It is too far away from the ancient times.

"I imagine that after Afya's death, it was Mal who tampered with history, erased everything about Wu Zuchi, attributed all the legends and remnants of Wu Zuchi to himself, and claimed to be the greatest in the history of the Temple of Light."

"But there are some things that cannot be covered up."

Zhang Ruochen said, "What can't be covered up?"

Afya said: "Marl was in the realm of the half-ancestor, the reason why he was able to confront Afya in the realm of the first ancestor was because he found the cauldron of light, or he himself, or someone else

Men helped him forge it into the Victory Crown. With the crown of victory and the source of Wu Zuchi inlaid on the crown, he mobilized the power of the ancestor, and then he has the qualifications to compete with Afya. "

Chan Bing did not fully believe in Afuya, and said, "There are at least two flaws in what Queen Shi said."

"First, with the cultivation base of the Immortal, why do you need to rely on you to find the blazing Ancestral Realm? What's the point of cultivating an ancestor just to find an Ancestral Realm?"

"Second, Great Bright Mar, why did he tamper with history, why did he erase all information about Chi's existence? Or, why did he let future generations think that Chi is him and he is Chi? What's the point of this?"

Afuya said: "I didn't understand at first! It wasn't until Wa Palace, Dragon Nest, and Yaozu Ridge were born in this era that I realized that immortals are not omnipotent. At least, the means of the nine ancestors of witches, they are Can't solve it."

"Just imagine, don't they want to find Wa Palace, Dragon's Nest, and Yaozu Ridge? Just like, there are immortals who want to find Chi's Ancestral Realm but can't."

Zhang Ruochen closed his eyes and meditated, and said: "This shows that the nine ancestors of witches, or the ancestors of the ancient times, can achieve higher achievements, and they will not be subject to immortals at all. At the same time... Eh... Could it be that Emperor Wa, Zulong, Yaozu Can they predict the future? Otherwise, why did they hide the Wa Palace, Dragon Nest, and Yaozu Ridge after their fall, and they were not all born until this era? What is the deep-seated reason for this?"


Chan Bing said: "Who can be sure that the Dragon Ancestor and the Demon Ancestor are the two of the Nine Great Witch Ancestors?"

Zhang Ruochen felt that Afuya's words made some sense, and said, "The Complete Book of Ancient Witches records more than a dozen ancestors who may be the ancestors of the nine great witches. Suspected to be Xuanyuan Xuandi."

"The third one is the ancestor of the witch-god civilization, the Emperor of Heaven."

"The fourth place is Empress Houtu."

"The fifth place is the Phoenix Demon Ancestor."

"The sixth place is Zulong."

"The seventh, Kassapa Buddha."

"Eighth, Emperor Wa."

"Ninth place, Pangu Chaos True Monarch."

"The tenth place is the old man who lived and died, the ancestor of the Yan Luo clan."

"The eleventh is the ancestor of the holy clan, the Great Emperor of Truth."

"The twelfth place, ancestor Yin."

"The thirteenth, the Emperor of the Underworld."

Zhang Ruochen said: "Since Dragon Nest and Yaozu Ridge were born together with Wahuang Palace, they can avoid the search of immortals. Then Dragon Ancestor and Yaozu should be the second of Wuzu."

"In this way, the identities of the witch ancestors are: Hei Qi, Bai Yuan, Long Zu, Yao Zu, Chi, Wa Huang, Huang Tian Da Di."

Afuya said: "About Emperor Huangtian, Yin, and Emperor Huangquan, I know a strange story about the relationship between these three people. I don't know if it's true or not."

Chan Bing said: "As expected of the ancestor's memory! The three of them have strange news, and this is the first time I've heard of it."

Afuya said: "Before I tell you about this strange news, I want to ask you a question. Why do you think the world destroyers in today's world want to destroy the world? They really think that the world is dark and dirty now." , greed, selfishness... want to destroy everything and rebuild a more perfect world?"

Chan Bing said: "People who really have this ideal will only change the world, not destroy it. I think it should be that the calamity is really coming!"

Zhang Ruochen said: "If it is said that 50,000 yuan will have a large number of kalpas that will destroy the universe, then this node is really coming soon!"

Both Afuya and Chan Bing showed strange expressions and looked at Zhang Ruochen.

Zhang Ruochen couldn't tell them the truth.

In fact, after he attained perfection, he used his powerful spiritual power to reverse the result of going to the past to practice first-grade holy will.

Moreover, it is only a vague result.

Seeing that Zhang Ruochen was unwilling to say anything, Afuya didn't ask, and said, "Actually, the universe has been destroyed at least twice, leaving everyone behind.

traces of knowing. "

"The first time it was destroyed, what was left was nothingness."

"For the second destruction, what is left will be left to hate the sky."

"What we are experiencing now is the third cosmic epoch. And this epoch is about to come to an end. Lihentian and the world of nothingness are the ending of the starry sky above our heads."

"I guess, in this cosmic epoch, the destructive events that will happen in the past 50,000 epochs were initiated by the immortals, in order to devour blood and soul, and extend their own lifespan in this special way. These man-made destruction is called a small kalpa.”

"Now that a large number of calamities are approaching, all the immortals want to collect as much blood and soul as possible, so as to have a chance of surviving."

"However, the number of living beings in the universe is limited, so the battle between the immortals began. They began to lay out their plans from the chaotic ancient times more than 10 million years ago, and cultivated the ancestors of their camp as helpers or senior thugs. Get rid of the opponent. The great demon god, the heavenly demon, the second Confucian ancestor, Fudo Myo lord were born one after another!"

Zhang Ruochen thought of the engraved words of the second Confucian ancestor in the treasure book of all beasts, and said: "This battle, dark and weird, should be the loser. He probably didn't cultivate the first ancestor who could help him, so he lost miserably. "

Chan Bing is a powerful person at the level of Heavenly Venerable, so he only believes in iron-proof evidence, and he is less and less interested in Afuya's deduction, saying: "Queen Shi, let's talk about something practical!"

Afya said: "What do you think, if there are immortals who live to the fourth cosmic era with their monks who follow him, what kind of identity will they take?"

Zen Bing said: "Nature is the master of the new era... Queen Shi means that in our current cosmic epoch, there are also immortals from the previous cosmic epoch?"

Zhang Ruochen's heart skipped a beat: "The five major relics of prehistoric civilization?"

Chan Bing shook his head and said: "If there are really immortals who lived from the last era to this era, they should be ancient creatures. Moreover, among the first three tribes born among the twelve ancient tribes, the Hongmeng tribe and the Chaos tribe , Absolute Beginning Clan. No, Primordial Creatures are born with nature!"

Zhang Ruochen looked into Afuya's deep eyes, and said, "What Queen Shi knows, you might as well tell me."

Afuya said: "Didn't Dichen discover that the two prehistoric creatures, the **** green dragon and the golden burial tiger, have something in common with the royal families of the ancient twelve clans?"

"Could it be... the mark between the eyebrows? But the mark is completely different." Zhang Ruochen said.

Afya said: "That's because the royal families of the twelve ancient clans have all transformed into human appearances. In the ancient times, they were not like this."

"As far as I know, the father or mother of the **** green dragon and the gold-burial white tiger are immortals who survived in prehistoric times."

"At the end of the ancient times, the rules of heaven and earth changed, and it was difficult for the ancient creatures to continue to reproduce. The strength of the prehistoric immortals also declined. On the other hand, many witch ancestors were born one after another, which suppressed the ancient creatures below the dark abyss."

: It can be said that throughout the ancient period, and even the subsequent period of Qi refiners, it was the primates of various races who were fighting with ancient creatures. The reason why ancient creatures cannot be exterminated is because there are immortals.

"It wasn't until the birth of Ming Zu that the immortals among the ancient creatures were completely killed, or the immortals who survived the previous era. It will be difficult for the ancient creatures to rise again!"

"Speaking of this, you two should understand! The paradox I mentioned at the beginning should have started from the ancient Ming era opened by Mingzu."

"Prior to this, the reason why immortals like Mingzu did not suppress the birth of the first ancestor was because of the threat of the prehistoric immortals from the Abyss of Darkness."

After a long silence, Zhang Ruochen asked, "Is this still Queen Shi's inference?"

"This is Afya's memory, and it is her research discovery as the ancestor." Afya said.

Zhang Ruochen said, "The Hongmeng people are probably descendants of prehistoric immortals?"

"This answer needs to be solved by Di Chen going to the ancient nest of gods. I think there must be some connection between the Hongmeng tribe and the ancient nest of gods, a relic of prehistoric civilization." Afuya said.

Chan Bing said: "I am more interested in the strange news you mentioned."

Afuya said: "Legends say that Empress Houtu is not a demon race, not even a monk from our cosmic era, but an immortal from the last cosmic era. She fell in love with Emperor Huangtian, one of the ancestors of witches."

"After Emperor Tian died, Empress Houtu turned into a piece of white blood and was buried with him. After endless years, the first ancestor Yin crawled out of that piece of white blood and became the first undead blood."

"Another legend is that after the death of Emperor Huangtian, the shadow was collected by Empress Houtu and cultivated to become Emperor Huangquan. Empress Houtu originally wanted to send love with the shadow, but Emperor Huangquan was no longer the emperor of Huangtian at all, so The heartbroken Empress Houtu came to the burial place of Emperor Huangtian, shed all her cultivation and turned into that piece of white blood, and wanted to give birth to the new life of Emperor Huangtian. That is, the ancestor Yin!"

Zhang Ruochen smiled knowingly. This rumor was somewhat different from the legend about the birth of the ancestor Yin that he had heard. However, it seems to be more reliable.

Because back in the Abyss of Darkness, when UU Reading passed by Baicang Ridge, Yuan Sheng said that Baicang blood soil is related to a certain great ancestor of ancient creatures.

"If the sky has love, the sky will grow old. If the immortal is emotional, he will die."

Chan Bing snorted softly: "Queen Shi still didn't seem to tell us why Mal wanted to cover up Wu Zuchi's existence?"

"The cover-up is to deceive the monks of later generations."

Afuya looked at Zhang Ruochen and said, "I think Dichen can go to Wa Palace and Dragon Nest to find the answer. Since Wa Huang and Long Zu have predicted the future, they have avoided immortality by hiding it from the sky, so they will go to Wa Palace and Dragon Nest. Precisely sent to this era, it should tell us something. Chief Ancestor of Chi, it is impossible to find the answer again!"


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