MTL - Eternal Sacred King-Chapter 3287 Evil Extermination Supreme

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When the Heavenly Spider Palace Master saw this person, his expression changed, and he said in a condensed voice, "Supreme Evil Extermination!"

When the gray-robed old man heard this name, his expression remained unchanged, as if he had long known the identity of the person who came.

The scorpion clan Taoist heard these four words, and his whole body trembled obviously, and there was a trace of panic in the depths of his eyes!

The Heavenly Spider Palace's face changed several times before slowly saying: "Why are you not following the evil master in the northwest to fight in my Xiaoxiaohua Gaizhou?"

"I'm happy, do you mind me?"

Xie Mie Supreme sneered and looked disdainful.

The Heavenly Spider Palace Master was almost choked to death by a sentence, cursed in his heart, secretly clenched his fists, but gritted his teeth and endured it.

If this person kills the Great Venerable of the Five Poison Palace, this Great Venerable will probably die in vain.

Even if the Heavenly Centipede Palace Master arrives, and they join forces, there is not much chance of winning against this person.

What's more, there was an unidentified gray-robed old man next to him, who seemed to be of considerable background.

Just as the Heavenly Spider Palace Master was pondering, the Evil Extinguishing Supreme suddenly became murderous, turned around with a gloomy face, and said coldly: "The name of the Evil Lord is also called by you!"


The Heavenly Spider Palace froze in his heart, and subconsciously opened his mouth: "You have to do it..."

Before she could finish her question, the Supreme Being of Evil Extermination had already taken action!

I saw the Supreme Being of Xie Extermination grabbed the void in front of him, and a pitch-black spear emerged, condensing the terrifying aura of the avenue, and stabbed towards the Heavenly Spider Palace Master!

The spear broke through the air and made a whining sound!

The surrounding void is shaking and twisting, unbearable!

"You are crazy!"

The Heavenly Spider Palace Master screamed, urging the Primordial Spirit, opened his lips, spit out a large piece of spider silk, and waved his hands, constantly weaving a web in front of him.

Layers of cobwebs fell on the pitch-black spear, but as soon as it landed, it was shattered by the aura of the avenue bursting out from the spear!

The Heavenly Spider Palace Master kept retreating, distanced himself from the pitch-black spear, and then released the silk-like avenue, wrapping around the pitch-black spear.

I don't know how many layers were superimposed before trapping the jet-black spear and sticking it in the air.

The Supreme Being of Xie Extermination had already left the place and came to the Heavenly Spider Palace Master, raised his hand and slapped it down, and the surrounding void collapsed instantly!

Cultivating to the Royal Dao Realm, with every move, you can use the Dao to burst out with great power.

The Lord of the Spider Palace urged his blood vessels and raised his hand to greet him.


Hands over, a muffled sound erupted!

The next moment, the palm of the Heavenly Spider Palace Master exploded, and the terrifying power continued to spread, and her entire arm turned into a cloud of blood!


The Heavenly Spider Palace Master let out a scream.

She has cultivated the Dao, and is better at winning with poison.

This kind of frontal shock is simply no match for the opponent.

What's more, this Evil Extinguisher Supreme has cultivated the extremely fierce Dao of Collapse and Extinction, between the palms of his fists, everything collapses!

He shattered an arm of the Heavenly Spider Palace Master, and the palm of the Supreme Evil Extermination was also contaminated with a little spider poison.

It's just that he didn't care, chased and killed them, and shot one after another.

During the melee battle, the Heavenly Spider Palace Master had nowhere to escape.

After only a dozen breaths, the Heavenly Spider Palace Master had already died, leaving only a large stench of blood mist.

During the whole process, Su Zimo watched, silently speechless.

This Evil Extinguishing Supreme is indeed ruthless.

The Heavenly Spider Palace Master just said the evil master, turned his face on the spot, and killed him directly!

"Is the evil Lord in the mouth of Tianzhu Palace the evil emperor of Zhongqian World?"

Su Zimo thought to himself, and looked at the gray-robed old man not far away.

From the beginning to the end, the gray-robed old man stood idly by.

Sensing Su Zimo's gaze, the gray-robed old man smiled at him and nodded.


Su Zimo murmured in his heart, but he still did not relax his vigilance. He was ready to hide in the Qiankun Fortune Map when he was ready to see that the situation was not good.

Heavenly Desolate Continent, Zhongqian World has experienced too much, and he will be wary of any strangers.


Seeing this, the scorpion Taoist fell to his knees directly on the ground, trembling, and begged: "I beg the Supreme Being of Evil Extinguisher to spare my life, and I beg the Supreme Being of Xie Extermination to spare my life..."

Xie Mie Supreme squinted at the man, raised his eyebrows and said, "I didn't want to kill you, what are you asking me to do?"

"Yes Yes Yes!"

The scorpion race Taoist was so frightened that he quickly said: "I don't ask, I don't ask!"

While speaking, the scorpion clan Taoist stood up, without the image of a Taoist, and fled to the distance with rolling and crawling, obviously scared to the extreme.

The gray-robed old man bowed his hands slightly towards the Supreme Being of Evil Extermination, and said, "Daoist friend has become more and more refined, so the poison on your hand will not be a problem, right?"

"Don't call me a brother."

The Supreme Being of Xie Mie pouted and said, "What's the matter with you when I'm hurt?"

The gray-robed old man had good intentions, but he was repelled by two words from the Supreme Being of Evil Extermination.

The gray-robed old man didn't get angry, just smiled.

Xie Mie Supreme shook his slightly red and swollen palm, which had just been poisoned, and said, "If I had known that the old man like you was protecting him, I would not have come here."

After he finished speaking, the Demon Dao Zun turned around and left, without even looking at Su Zimo from the beginning to the end.

Su Zimo was confused.

The 'he' in the mouth of the Supreme Being seems to be alluding to him.

Su Zimo faced Xie Mie Supreme's back, clasped his fists and said, "Thank you for your help, senior."

No matter what, the Supreme Being of Evil Extinguisher stepped in to help, and I would like to thank him.

The Xie Mie Supreme was about to leave, but when he heard these words, he suddenly stopped, turned around and walked back, looking at Su Zimo's eyes with some malicious intent.

Su Zimo was a little hairy when he saw it, and secretly urged Qiankun's fortune map, ready to run away at any time.

This person is neurotic, as if saying a word is wrong, it will cause him to fight and hurt people violently!

Moreover, if you don't know which words at all, it will touch the nerves of this person.

Xie Mie Supreme came to Su Zimo, looked up and down, and smiled: "Don't thank me, I don't want to save you."

"You'd better practice slowly and live longer."

"If you step into the imperial realm, be careful, I will find you at any time, kill you, and take back that thing!"

"Like a dream?"

Su Zimo asked tentatively.

Xie Mie Supreme murmured: "I really don't know how the Master will give you the Rumeng Token, but it doesn't matter, I will grab it back for the Master in the future."

Hearing this, Su Zimo was sure of one thing.

The Evil Lord in the mouth of the Heavenly Spider Palace Master should be the Evil Emperor, and also the master of the Supreme Being of Evil Extermination!

In this way, it should be the Evil Emperor's order to let the Evil Extinguishing Supreme come to protect him.

Xie Mie Supreme smiled and threatened: "In addition, I won't wait for you to cultivate to the consummation of the Royal Dao before I find you. I like to do things like bullying the small."

"I gave you this opportunity because of the respect of the master, and I will wait until you reach the Imperial Dao Realm. Otherwise, I will take action now and grab Rumeng Ling!"

Xie Mie Supreme stretched out his red and swollen palm, as if he wanted to make a few gestures in front of Su Zimo, but found that his palm became more and more swollen and not very good-looking, so he retracted it a little unfortunately.

Then he turned his head and left, and soon disappeared.

Read Ms. Doctor Divine