MTL - Evil-Natured Husband, Don’t Tease!-Chapter 1486 Extra 14

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"Where did Wang Hao go?" Bai Xueling muttered to himself. Today is the birth of Chu Muchen. When he started, he would hold a birthday banquet. Before yesterday, Chu Muchen did not think about letting Mo Qingfeng attend the banquet. The ugly one is a shame to him, and her appearance will only make him lose face in front of many high-ranking officials.

But today, Chu Muchen's neuropathic speech, to Mo Qingfeng to attend the banquet, Bai Xueling is eager to tell this news to her, but she can not find anyone.

"What is it about me?" Just as Bai Xueling was trying to close his eyes and feel the breath of Mo Qingfeng, Mo Qingfeng jumped down and stood silently behind Bai Xueling.

Her voice was not too big, but it made Bai Xueling tremble, scared a big jump, and the heart thumped and fluttered. She violently turned around, surprised and happy, and then looked at Mo Qingfeng doubtfully: "Wang Hao, You just..."

Mo Qingfeng raised her eyebrows and her face was very cold. She was very unhappy when she saw her. Can she feel happy when she sees people who are unsightly?

"Hiding in front of the big tree, deliberately playing hide and seek with you, how? If you can't see me for a while, you will be nervous." Chu Muchen is so uneasy about me?"

"Today is the birth of the prince, and when the time comes to the hai ban, the prince wants to invite Wang Hao to attend the banquet, let the subordinates come to inform Wang Hao." Bai Xue was inspired by a cold atmosphere, touched the wind The cold face, the heart could not help but shudder, looked at her with a little fear.

Mo Qingfeng’s voice was cold and cold and said: “If I don’t participate?” What is the relationship between Chu Muchen’s birthday and her? She didn't want to give him a gift, and she didn't want to tell him a happy greeting.

"Wang Wang, who is the prince, Wang Yeshengchen, Wang Yuli should be present." Bai Xueling whispered, fearing that the ink wind would hear a palm.

When Mo Qingfeng listened and sneered, she never admitted that she was the king of Chu Muchen. She caressed the world and looked at Bai Xueling coldly: "It’s the **** in my arms who is with me. If Chu Muchen admits that I am her Wang Hao, then he is a cock. Unfortunately, in my heart he is not even a cock."

Bai Xueling’s face changed slightly, and he looked at the ink wind in a strange way. He also looked at the world in her arms. “Wang Hao, the prince was also involuntarily...”

"Okay, I will attend his birthday party." When the air-cooled voice interrupted Bai Xueling, the **** was involuntarily, and it was an excuse to find an excuse to find a better excuse. At the beginning, someone took the knife holder and forced him to go to the church in Chu Muchen’s neck. He is a good man, who dares to take the knife on his neck? Still involuntarily, the **** is involuntarily, and the ink is cold and full of disdain and embarrassment.

Since Chu Muchen gave her face and invited her to attend his birthday party, how could she not give him this face?

Chu Muchen's birthday banquet, the entire eight kings palace is very lively, is a very grand banquet.

In addition to the ministers of the DPRK, there are several princesses, and some relatives and relatives, friends from the rivers and lakes.

At the beginning of the banquet, everyone was sipping a drink.

Although Mo Qingfeng is Wang Hao, but the main hall of the main hall, sitting Chu Muchen, and the side of his side is Zhao Minjing sitting, apparently her position in the Eight Kings, there is no Zhao Min Jing Gao. To be precise, in Chu Muchen's mind, she is not Wang Hao at all, not qualified to sit in the position of the hostess.

The ink of the Qing Dynasty is not rare. The position of the hostess of the Eight Kings is not rare. When Wang Chu of Chu Muchen, she will leave the Eight Kings House sooner or later.

Today, she wore a silver-red brocade dress embroidered with shepherd flowers and put on a red veil, revealing a pair of bright and cool beauty, so that she dressed up, not only bright and moving, but also full of elegance, and also exudes the innate domineering and forest cold.

Sitting opposite her is the eldest son of the Ming Dynasty, the European Union. He is a famous son of Chu Qianguo. When the ink is on the scene, his eyes will not leave her. Mo Qingfeng is not expensive, but also better than Not Zhao Minjing and a few princesses, but the smell of her body, people can not be removed from sight, even Chu Muchen was attracted by her dress, and looked at her for a moment.

The carefully dressed Mo Zishan, the pretty looks can not attract the eyes of the European Union, see Chu Muchen's gaze from time to time moved to Mo Qingfeng, see the EU squinting eyes staring at her. When the throat is slid up and down from time to time, the hunger of swallowing water, there is a sense of jealousy in the bottom of the ink purple.

Obviously an ugly woman, can she cover her ugly with a veil? Why can an ugly woman attract the attention of the whole man? Is there a fox smell on her body?

The wines and delicacies are on the same line, and Mo Qingfeng ignores everyone's eyes, leisurely eating grapes, and enjoying the dance performed on the stage. This grape is delicious, but the dance is not good.

The grapes on the table were quickly eaten by her. She glanced at the various foods on the table, or drunk the bar. She picked up the jug and poured herself a full cup.

One hand plucked the veil, one hand holding the wine glass, and slightly squinting at the wine, she frowned, this wine was very strong.

Her gentle movements are so flamboyant, the EU has seen the saliva flowing. In particular, her filigree jade is whiter than the fine white porcelain, and the blush at the fingertips makes his throat tighten.

Mo Qingfeng felt his longing and burning gaze, just glanced at him coldly, his brow wrinkled more tightly, the wine was still not swallowed in his mouth, and the cold and cold Huaihua searched for a moment. Wine...toxic!

The wine contained in the mouth, and the ink wind was keenly smelling the smell of a drug. She blinked around and they drank quickly.

The wine changed for a pot and another pot. She then looked at Chu Muchen on the high position. At this time, his Wang brothers were toasting with him, and Zhao Minjing next to him looked at him with a smile.

Mo Qingfeng smiled and let her attend the birthday banquet, just to make her complete?

She slowly swallowed the mouthful of wine in her mouth, rubbed her mouth, and the medicine was too weak. If she was the whole person, she must have the strongest medicine.

She poured a cup of her head and drank it. She accidentally went to Mo Zishan. Mo Zishan just looked at the ink side of the ink, and when she touched the eyes of the ink, she drifted away and moved to another place.

Mo Qingfeng drank four cups in a row, and looked at Mo Zishan like a smile. The woman who was so poisonous was not enough to bully her in Mofu. She came to the Eight Kings and wanted to bully her?

After drinking a few glasses of wine, the cold and beautiful eyes of Mo Qingfeng emerged as a layer of water mist, that is, charming and have a mysterious beauty. Seeing that the EU has a stock, I want to go forward and take off her veil to see her true impulse. It is.