MTL - Evolved From Polluting the World-Chapter 39 Busy, but don't know why

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The Great Republic, the former cross-strait area.

Now it is called "God's Triangle" highland.

The place is no longer what it used to be, and the changes can definitely be described as vicissitudes. With the continuous integration of small worlds, fragmented worlds, and nested worlds, the once ocean is now a scene of "reclamation and mountain building". Mountains with an altitude of nearly three thousand meters are continuous.

It was this mountain range and its derived land that connected the former Republic, Japan and the island.

It can be said that the successful establishment of today's great republic is due to this mountain range. It changes geopolitics.

As a new land, it has been in constant disputes since its birth.

Extraterrestrial life, demons, the great republic, and a group of "wanderers" created by the destruction of the concept of nationality have an intricate relationship of checks and balances in this region. And because it is close to the center of the earth today, the energy circulation of various effects will pass through this place. Therefore, many recovery gods also choose to recover here.

Just thinking about it, you can feel how chaotic this area is.

But in fact, it is not as intuitively felt. This area, since its appearance, although there are disputes at every moment, they are all painless disputes. The disputes that really involve separating this area from the Great Republic have never happened. Or rather, it happened, but it never worked.

The reason is not complicated.

Because the only **** in the republic with its own belief system is stationed here and has made great contributions to the "maintenance of stability".

God's Triangle Heights, the hinterland of the Dangerous Mountains.

A joint city of the Great Republic was built here - Dangerous City. As a new city, although it has just been established, its overall scale and advanced level are much stronger than those of the old cities in the Great Republic. On the one hand, it is newly built, using new infrastructure technology. On the other hand, it was also because the city was too important for the Great Republic.

No less than the original Zhidong city metropolitan area.

Zhidong City was turned into ruins after the evacuation, and Dangerous City was completely the second largest city in the Great Republic.

The reason for taking such a name that does not conform to the general city naming rules is also because when the city was established, this area was indeed very dangerous. It has a certain commemorative meaning to have this name.

Zhou Sibai's evolutionary grid has also achieved comprehensive coverage in Dangerous City.

It can be seen that many emerging technologies and new spells operate according to this unique evolutionary grid. Like the central city of Yandu, Dangerous City is also a city with a lot of folding space. Because it is in the middle of the mountain, the fold is even deeper.

The defense system of the entire city is also a super-large source metal barrier, and the location is easy to defend and difficult to attack.

So, compared to the "dangerous" in its name, it should be very safe.

The Central Building of the "Dangerous Persons" Branch of the Coalition Government.

in an office.

A middle-aged woman politely said to a young woman:

"Saori, it's been really hard for you this time."

Gomo Saori seemed to be in a trance and didn't answer immediately. After a while, she looked up,

"Secretary Lan, nothing, this is what I should do."

Lan Sicai opened a cognitive fragment file through the evolutionary grid,

"I have to trouble you every time with this kind of thing. I'm really sorry for the leader." She sighed, "Everyone in the city knows that you are always busy, and you never stop. It is also often sent from Yandu City. The condolence letter mentioned more than once that you must try your best to meet your personal requirements. But you never ask the city for anything. Compared with your efforts, the city will give you very little in return. So, Sayori, you Don't be polite to the city, otherwise we will feel really bad. You have given this city nearly nine years of youth, and this city should do everything for you. "

Sayuri Gomo shook her head,

"Secretary Lan. Don't feel bad for me. If I need it, I will definitely report it to you."

Lan Sicai sighed. This is the answer she gets every time she mentions it. Although Saori always said "if there is a need, I will ask for it," she never said what was needed. Like nothing is important to her except work.

Lan Sicai closed the evolutionary grid and said,

"That's it, Saxuri, why don't you take a vacation for a while? How about a month? It just happened that the investigation of hidden dangers in the city was over, and there is no threat for more than a month. This month, you can rest well and go back to your hometown to see Look, or where to travel or something."

Gomo Saori frowned slightly,

"The world is undergoing major changes every day. Today's investigation may lead to other situations tomorrow. At this time, how can I rest? Moreover, the work I do is itself very complicated. After I leave, many people are needed. But if I'm still here, then these people can go to other places to do more things. Secretary Lan, I can't add unnecessary burdens to others because of my own selfish desires. Now is the time when there is a shortage of talents. The first-round evolutionary lost a lot in the previous war, and the second-round evolutionary did not fully grow. I need to pay more power."

Lan Sicai, as an official directly dispatched by the government of the United Center, has no shortage of administrative skills. Although she admires Gomo Saori's diligence and even feels a little ashamed, but from an administrative point of view, a person who has paid so much without getting a corresponding return will have a great impact on others.

Therefore, whether Gomo Saori wants to repay or not, as a leader, she should give it.

But in the current situation, ordinary persuasion is useless. Lan Sicai raised her hand and thought about it, and asked:

"Saori, what are you working on?"

"This city, this country."

It stands to reason that if a leader asks such a question, the answer, no matter whether it is correct or not, is best to rely on the organization. Therefore, there is nothing wrong with Saori's answer.

But Lan Sicai has worked with Sa Xuli for many years, and she knows Sa Xuli's character. This kind of straight answer came out of her mouth, and it was an obvious lie.

Lan Sicai shook her head,

"Sasori. You are torturing yourself. It is true that you are willing to contribute to the country that has helped you, but your work intensity has long lost its rewarding nature. I put it badly, you are like It's like trying to save something. Sasori, you are the hope of this city, everyone cares about you. And you hardly let other people into your private life. We have no way of knowing you, not knowing what you really think But, Sayuri, you really don't seem to have any specific goals for your hard work?"

After she finished speaking, she cut off the evolver grid in the office and added:

"Sasori, what we say now will not be recorded. You don't have to think of me as a leader. We can have a good chat." She smiled, "I studied psychology in college, although I didn't after I was born in society. Engaged in this area, but I have not stopped learning in this area. Maybe, you can think of me as a speech therapist."

Wumaosha ruins bowed his head,

"Secretary Lan thinks something is wrong with me?"

Lan Sicai said:

"You don't need to call me secretary at this time. If I take advantage, you can just call me Sister Lan."

Gomo Sayori did not speak.

Lan Sicai exhaled slightly,

"As for the mental issue you mentioned... Sasuri, I have been the person who has had the most direct contact with you over the years. I am not afraid to belittle myself. If anyone is in my position, you can see that you have a lot of worries. Children of your age have such great abilities, most of them have very high attitudes and lofty goals. But in you, I only feel low and sinking. You are obviously getting stronger and stronger, but it seems that More and more unhappy, more and more pessimistic."

Gomo Saori's braided hair swayed slightly.

In Lan Sicai's eyes. This woman, who is very good in body, appearance, ability and other conditions, always has shallow sorrow in her eyes and brows, and her life seems to be very lonely. Almost no friends, like a flower growing on the top of a mountain.

Even if she is not a leader, Lan Sicai is very worried about her situation.

Sayuri Gomo says:

"I... Secretary Lan doesn't need to worry about me." She finally chose to answer.

Lan Sicai felt more and more how closed Saori's heart was.

she asked:

"So, Sayori, what was your original goal of becoming an Evolver? Can you tell me?"

Gomo Sayori's eyes suddenly became distant.

She thought of the small seaside town, of the archery range, of the pavilion on the second floor behind the archery range, of the people who once lived in it, of herself at that time, an ordinary girl of fifteen or sixteen.

What led me on this endless road?

"Before, I wanted to protect everyone."

Very simple idea.

Lan Sicai nodded,

"Now you did it, and you did it well. Why not be happy?"

"I'm not unhappy."

"Saori, whether you are happy or not is not determined by words."

Sayuri Gomo was silent for a while, she frowned,

"I don't know why it's like this?"

"Then, what were you thinking when you became a god?"

"I think……"

She was thinking, could the goal in the centrifuge be closer? However, the facts told her that even if she became a god, nothing would change. She realized even more clearly that the goal in her mind had become further away.

"I'm thinking more people can be protected."

Lan Sicai expected this answer, but it was not what she wanted. Because, it was easy to feel that this was not what Saori really thought.

Lan Sicai didn't sigh. She didn't want to put more pressure on Saori. She smiled and said:

"Sasori, it may be difficult for you to express your true thoughts now. But it doesn't matter, I care about you today, I care about you tomorrow, and I will care about you every day from now on. If there is a day that can give you a little bit of relief Warm, I will probably feel that I have barely done what you should do as your elder."

These words made Gomo Sayori very moved.

She has been a person who is unwilling to cause trouble to others since she was a child, and she does not want others to worry about her.

"Secretary Lan, I'm sorry for worrying you. I may not be a positive person right now, but please rest assured that I can take care of myself. I can't promise you how I will become, but I will Try to live a better life."

Lan Sicai couldn't help laughing.

It's better to "live"... This kind of simple sentence construction in the system, probably only a flower like Sasori can say it.

"Okay, Saori. A month off is too long for you, but a week is a must anyway. I'm going to force you to take a week off even if I break the rules. Just like you said. , this week to get a good feel for your past and present."

"This..." Sayuri Gomo frowned.

Except for her school days, she never had the experience of taking a week off.

Lan Sicai took a leadership stance,

"Mandatory one week off. Whether you like it or not, there will be no work for you this week."

"All right."

Maybe it was "Heaven does not make beauty", Wu Mao Sauri just agreed, and within a minute, a rapid alarm sounded over the city of danger.

And she hardly hesitated, completely ignoring that she had just been on vacation, and left the office directly.

Like something had been written into her instinct.

Lan Sicai sat in the office chair and was stunned for a while, before realizing that the thought work she had done so much was a waste.

She knew that once Saori got busy, she wouldn't stop until she was done.

She hurriedly opened the evolver grid and asked the monitoring department about the situation, and the answer was:

"The energy efficiency of the free state in the mountains north of Dangerous City has risen rapidly, breaking through the maximum detection range, accompanied by irregular energy spell fluctuations. Preliminary estimates are that a resurrection **** is recovering."

Lan Sicai was shocked,

"Isn't the investigation report that just came out first that there will be no super performance energy for more than a month in the future?"

The monitoring department responded,

"The energy efficiency that just emerged is completely beyond our level of investigation."

In short, they have no ability to troubleshoot this resurgent god.

Lan Sicai heard this answer, and immediately walked out of the office to organize mobilization.


After Gomo Saori heard the siren, she instinctively came to the sky above Dangerous Then, she began to feel insight.

Immediately I felt the breath of God. And it's not an ordinary god, because the breath she feels is very powerful...even a kind of familiarity like blood. She handled the familiarity carefully. It didn't take long before she was sure that the familiarity wasn't her own.

Rather, her divinity—

"See you".

From the moment she became a god, Gomo Saori knew that she was not a native **** in the true sense. He is a half-revived, half-native **** with his own belief system.

Half-revival is a **** who is resurrected in her will, with only divinity and no independent consciousness.

The semi-original is that the transcendent energy required to become a **** is indeed obtained by herself.

She is a complete god, except that the divinity is inherited from a **** of the past - "the **** of seeing".

And now, that familiar feeling comes from the divinity of this "seeing".

Gomo Saori looked at the mountains north of Dangerous City,

"See... Maybe, the **** who is recovering once knew you."

After she had a reason to go in person, she rushed to the place of recovery without any hesitation.