MTL - Evolved From Polluting the World-Chapter 42 The vision of the past, the love of the present

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Dangerous City was mobilized urgently, and a large number of fighters were dispatched to the place of recovery.

Pieces of evolutionary guide aircraft hovering over the land of recovery. Many guides and sentries surrounded the place to search for first-hand information.

The commander connected to the evolver grid in Yandu City and reported the situation of the recovery land as soon as possible:

"There are a lot of ground fissures in the land of recovery, and there are partial annihilation phenomena. The energy of the specific effect cannot be detected in the air. The clouds cast a light gray-green light, which is not found to be offensive. No traces of the **** of recovery have been found. At the same time, the first Combatant Sayori Gomo is currently missing and cannot be contacted."

Dangerous City quickly brought it under control.

But apart from what has been detected so far, nothing else has been found. They don't know who the resurrected **** is, where Gomo Sayuri is, and what happened here before they arrived. It's like a natural disaster that just experienced a landslide.

Lan Sicai, the commander-in-chief of Dangerous City, was very anxious after hearing that Sasori Wumao lost contact, and went to the scene to direct and dispatch.

On a lawn more than a hundred kilometers away.

The genial wind of the wilderness swept the grass waves, and the smell of grass and soil mixed together, fresh and turbid.

Qiao Xun leaned his back on a large rock, watching the grass rolling and listening to the gentle breeze.

He reached out and took a long, tough grass, and fiddled with it with his fingers.

In a short while, a grasshopper with grass folded into the palm of his hand. He squatted down and placed the grasshopper on the face of Sayori Gomo who was lying on the lawn.

This face has changed a lot from before, and I don't know how much it still looks like before.

But the gentle and strong taste between the eyebrows, eyes, nose and lips is not less than half.

After the fate node was restored, Gomo Sayori's consciousness came out of the chaos. But that conceptual life has a heavy blow to her existence. If it is more serious, it may directly deprive her of her existence, so that she will not be sheltered by the limited boundary, and escape into the void outside the limited world. a concept in .

Neither concrete life nor conceptual life can escape the shackles of "existence".

Once "existence" is lost, all meaning will be lost in the finite world. The end result will only be "exile" into the void.

That's why Qiao Xun reacted so much to that eye's way of changing the fate of others at will.

If Gomo Saori really lost her "existence" and was "exiled" to the void. Even he couldn't get it back.

This incident sounded the alarm for Qiao Xun.

His ideas gradually began to change. At this level, there will be more and more unconventional battles. It is necessary to quickly abandon the conventional combat thinking of the past. For the battle between the top powerhouses, it is definitely not "force confrontation", "magic confrontation"... but involves "existence", "causality", "net of destiny" and so on at the world level.

If you don't watch out for these, you may lose everything inadvertently.

For those top powerhouses, in order to kill a person, it is worth destroying one, several, dozens of worlds.

While he was thinking about this, Goma Sayuri frowned slightly, and her eyelashes trembled. Then, she opened her eyes and saw the sky full of brilliant light. After opening the gap over Xijing City, the sky in this world has never turned blue.

She turned her eyes slightly,

"Grasshopper... Grasshopper's"


someone here!

She shuddered, and the whole person rose into the air, quickly pulling away.

Joe Tour said:

"So cautious?"

Gomo Saori looked at Qiao Xun. She froze for a moment, then frowned. Of course she knew the person in front of her. But she wasn't sure if the person was that person.

She let go of seeing the divinity, feeling every ounce of breath and every subtle taste.

Qiao Xun patiently waited for her to confirm.

Although it can be directly proved that I am who I am. However, you might as well give her a chance to meet, prove, and meet again.

see, prove...

Every trace of breath, every ounce of taste has been perfectly confirmed in memory. Gomo Sayori can finally be sure that he is him.

After knowing the result, she found that she was not as excited as she thought.

It seems that all kinds of words have turned into a feeling of incomprehensible, and after confirming that he is him, it gradually dissipated in his heart and mind.

"Mr. Joe, long time no see."

Qiao Xun nodded and smiled,

"Well, Sayori, long time no see. You've grown up."

"Twenty-seven, soon to be twenty-eight."

"time flies."

"Really? I feel like every day is long."

Qiao Xun saw the gloom and pessimism in Wu Mao's eyes.


Gomo Saori was about to answer this question, but she immediately remembered what she had yet to accomplish. she says:

"Mr. Qiao, are you free now?"

"Yeah, there is."

"Then I'll take you to my house first, and you wait for me for a while. I still have some work to do."

"Is it the eyes thing?"

"You know."

"Haha, have you never thought about how you got here?"

Only at this time did Sasori Wumo come back to her senses, and the child's hole enlarged,

"Mr. Qiao, you saved me!"

"Saori, the response is too slow."

"Sorry sorry...I think too much about work."

Qiao Xun smiled,

"It's still the work that matters. You can deal with it first, I'll wait for you in the city."

"But, you won't leave suddenly, will you?" asked Sayori Gomo.

"Why do you think this way?"

" don't always leave suddenly?"

Qiao Xun thought about it for a while, then denied it and said:

"No, I don't usually leave without saying goodbye."

Gomo Sayori smiled apologetically,

"Maybe we have different understandings of leaving without saying goodbye."

"I will wait for you in Dangerous City."

"Okay, please be sure to wait for me to come back!"


Qiao Xun was helpless, because he was so afraid that he would suddenly leave.

Gomo Sayori turned around and left.

Watching her disappearing back at a high speed, Qiao Xun sighed in his heart.

This girl has obviously stepped into the mud of the cold winter of consciousness, and has not yet come out.

Dangerous City, a living folding space, an open-air tea room next to the pedestrian street.

Qiao Xun sat here and waited after ordering a cup of tea.

About half an hour later, Sasori came over. She changed into casual clothes and looked elegant.

"It's not wrong." Qiao Xun said.

Even though Saori is twenty-seven years old, it seems that the shyness of her girlhood has not completely faded away. She had pink on her face,

"Mr. Qiao didn't cover up his whereabouts, of course I'm not wrong."

"As expected of seeing God."

"See you..." Saori recalled the previous conversation with her eyes. She shook her head, intending to put these aside, and just wanted to talk about light topics with Mr. Qiao today. She said, "Twelve years ago, Miss Lu found me and told me the fact that you left."

"It's her..."

"Well, Miss Lu also told me that you were in a relationship before."

Qiao Xun nodded,

"A relationship at the wrong time."

"However, she still cares about you. Although she didn't say what she was going to do, I vaguely felt that she might be looking for the traces you left on the earth. She found me again more than two years ago. . She told me that she is leaving the earth too, because the earth is no longer unfamiliar to her."

"Did you say where to go?"

"No. But I asked her if she would be reluctant. She said, she was reluctant, but she had to leave. I asked again, do I want to go to other worlds to find you? She shook her head and said, not to find you, but to be with you. You walk side by side to find the end of the world together."

It was raining regularly in the folded space outside. Not much, just squeak.

Gomo Saori looked into Qiao Xun's eyes, trying to see his emotions. Trying to interpret from his emotions, his current attitude towards Lu Xianyi.

But unfortunately, nothing could be read.

It seems that he is more able to hide his emotions and inner fluctuations than before.

Gomo Sayori only felt a sense of staring into the endless deep space. Her hands that fell on her lap were clenched into fists, rubbing her skirt into a wrinkle. A little sad, and heartbroken. After reuniting with Mr. Qiao, she was not as happy as she imagined, but more deeply aware of the fact that the distance between them seemed to become more distant.


Qiao Xun's low voice was like a dull thunder.

Saori woke up startled.

"Mr. Joe."

Joe Tour said:

"Sasori, do you remember the day you became a god?"

"Remember. It was raining that day."

"What were you thinking?"

"I was thinking..." Saori hesitated to answer the question.

Qiao Xun's breath became more and more stubborn. He said softly:

"Are you thinking that after you become a god, you can learn more about the world I live in."

For Qiao Xun, he accurately stated his thoughts at that time. Saori was sad and frightened,


"But you find it's not. It's even more clear that the world is so complex that it may not be known for a lifetime."


"So, you lost your target."

"Yeah." Sasori's eyes became dull, machine-like.

"So, you become a puppet of power and paranoia, trapping yourself in an inner prison, refusing to engage with the world. So, you choose to turn yourself into a workaholic, obsessed with being as busy as you are with alcohol, and even... you even There will be mental withdrawal."

"..." Sasori bowed her head and said guiltily, "I'm sorry, I betrayed your trust. I didn't become the person you said with my own self."

Joe exhaled,

"No need to apologize, Saori. In fact, it's my fault for not taking care of your problem before I left. Do you know what your problem is?"


"You are a person with excellent character. According to the original rhythm, you will become stronger little by little, until after experiencing all kinds of ups and downs, you become a true god. At that time, you are not afraid of the cold winter of consciousness, and you are not afraid of becoming a **** queen. More hardships. You will leave the earth one day to find your dream. But... After the change of Xijing City, your rhythm has changed, not just you, the rhythm of the whole earth has become abnormally chaotic. You It is too early to become a god, and the will is not strong enough to face the flood of information in the world."

Gomo Saori listened to Qiao Xun in a daze, and then asked carefully:

"So, I became like this, not because I am a pessimistic person?"

"Well. A variety of factors have led to your current result."

"So, in fact, I still have a chance to be a person with myself?"

"Well, as your leader, this is my duty."

"So, will Mr. Joe instruct me as he did before?"


Gomo Sayuri's tense sigh was let out all at once.

Qiao Xun quickly cheered her up,

"Of course you are not suitable for the kind of guidance that you used to be, and you need to use a more direct approach."

Gomo Sayori's mood rose again,

"In what way?"



"Venting to be precise. You have to vent the anguish that has accumulated in your heart."

"Depressed...I don't actually know what I'm distressed about."

"It's normal. A person's life is complicated and determined by many factors."

"However, after talking to Mr. Joe, I feel better."

"That's good."

Sayori was silent for a while, then said:

"I was just thinking about what you would think when you heard what Miss Lu said to me before she left. I was going to guess from your reaction. But you didn't respond at all. So I think it's better to ask you directly. ."

"Want to know?"

"Yes. I want to know whether Miss Lu's choice is correct for Mr. Qiao."

"I'm not qualified to judge whether someone else's choice is correct or not. It's not a math problem, there's a set answer. It's enough for her to be right."

"Are you worried about her?"


"Mr. Joe... honestly surprised me."


Sayuri Gomo looked at her head,

"I always think that Mr. Qiao is a very restrained person, and he won't show his weak side. And a person's feelings are often weak. Therefore, I was surprised that Mr. Qiao directly said that he was worried about Miss Lu."

Qiao Xun smiled,

"You did give me a mental hygiene class."

"No, just telling the truth."

"You can tell the truth about other people's affairs, but what about yourself?"

"Myself..." Sayori Gomo dodged her gaze. But then, she took a deep breath, feeling like she couldn't always be a teenager. There has to be a new look. She held her breath and said, "Mr. Qiao used to ask me what my goals are, and Coach Zhou also often asked. But I can't always say why. In fact, my goal is very simple, just I just don't want to live up to Mr. Qiao's teaching and want to be as reliable as you are."

"Reliable... You're the first to say that to me."

"At least, in my eyes, Mr. Qiao is reliable. At that time, I was looking forward to you very much, I really wanted to get your approval, and I wanted to have the opportunity to fight side by side with you. It's just... There has never been such a chance." Shigeru Osamu shook her head, "I can't tell if it was a girl's ignorant love, but that is the past. I want to say the present."


"Now, I may be able to tell you boldly. I still look forward to you, and I still hope to fight alongside you. No matter what path Mr. Joe will take in the future, and what kind of person he will become, now sit in front of you. My longing for you is written in my heart. UU Reading"

After finishing speaking, Gomo Sayori took a deep breath.

It was easy, she felt so relieved. It seems that the soul has been sublimated.

Turns out, that's what it feels like to say what's on your mind.

She looked at Qiao Xun, her thin brows were still weak, but her eyes were very firm,

"The last time I saw you, I didn't say anything that I couldn't say. I'll tell you now."

"Suddenly it's so stressful." Qiao Xun said with a smile, "I'm afraid of doing something wrong and making your vision disillusioned."

"No. Unless..."


"Unless Mr. Joe becomes a villain who wants to destroy the world!" Saiori Gomo said half-jokingly.

The reason why she said this was because she felt from the bottom of her heart that Qiao Xun would never become like that anyway.

"It's so stressful..." Qiao Xun said softly.

"So when did Mr. Joe come back?"

Wu Mao Sa Xuli made a confession, and after revealing her heart, the whole person lost the restraint and became free to speak, like a curious baby, asking what Qiao Xun was doing during the time he was away.

In the folded space, under this half of the rain shelter, two people who haven't seen each other for a long time are dangling time.