MTL - Evolved From Polluting the World-Chapter 47 Expansion and the sight of heaven

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After the general direction of expansion was set, Phoenix once again showed her decision-making ability, leadership and execution ability as the king of the world.

With the blessing of "Return of the Throne" and "Return of Calculation", all the fallen angels moved.

Offensive and defensive fronts, reconnaissance, cleaning, logistics, medical treatment... are in full swing.

A division of tigers and wolves assembled in the central region of the former South America. Even the word Tiger and Wolf Division is not worthy of such a powerful army.

The expanding fangs and claws protruded from the original barren land to the land of human civilization.

After the concept of nationality was destroyed, the human beings in the former South America were basically concentrated in the northern area close to the former Federation. Some people choose to join the current big federation, and some people follow the beliefs of some resurrected gods and fight on their own. All in all, this is a complicated and confusing place.

There are small shrimps, big fish, and giant dragons that have crossed the dragon gate.

They were originally extremely vigilant about the sudden appearance of the City of Hope, because they were separated recently. But City of Hope's diplomatic philosophy for them has always been to advocate peaceful coexistence and cooperative development. Saying it once can be said to remain skeptical, but City of Hope has always said so, and they themselves are not united, so gradually, they are not too vigilant.

Therefore, when the Fallen Angels' expansion team gathered at the junction of the central and northern plains, they did not react at all.

But they were "lucky" to see the power of fallen angels.

An extremely powerful force in itself, it has been greatly strengthened under the blessing of "Return of the Throne" and "Return to Calculation".

The fallen angel's individual combat capability is beyond the imagination of most people, not to mention that they come in groups.

Therefore, it is impossible to describe the speed of this expansion.

And the resurrection gods in this part of the region are completely unable to exert their own strength. Because they found that once they used super power, they would inevitably be attacked by the rotten breath flowing in the life of fallen angels. And this kind of rot, once invaded their power, there is only one solution left, and that is to abandon the polluted part of the power.

Yes, as gods, they have the power to protect their followers and the power to stop these invaders.

However, they have to pay the price of being polluted.

And which **** really cares about the innocuous believers that are randomly picked up on the earth? The big deal is to change the place.

Therefore, on the first day of the confrontation, many resurrection gods ran away decisively. From their point of view, fighting these fallen angels is nothing short of injuring one thousand enemies and eight hundred, or even more.

It has just recovered, and has not yet recovered to its peak. In any case, it cannot accept the loss of power being polluted and rotten.

"God betrayed believers."

This blasphemous word was played out again and again on the way the fallen angels were expanding.

The army of fallen angels led by Phoenix himself is expanding too fast. It can't even be called expansion, but a big push.

From the central region of the original South America to the occupation of the entire South America, it took one day. This is still the result of the fusion of a lot of fragmented worlds after the sublimation of the earth, and the area of ​​the continent has increased hundreds of times.

If it was South America in the past, according to the speed of the fallen angel army, it is estimated that the occupation can be completed in less than an hour.

After all, their occupation speed is only slightly lower than their flying speed.

It took only eleven or twelve years for mankind to achieve national evolution, and the humble power that has been brewed, in front of the fallen angels, a race that has occupied the entire world for an unknown number of years, it is mayflies that shake trees and ants move mountains.

After occupying the entire southeastern continent, the fallen angel did not stop.

While they organized logistics and engineering teams to build urban strongholds, they continued the Northern Expedition.

And in the north of them is the Great Federation, one of the only two countries today. It is not so much a country as it is an alliance that keeps warm. After the concept of nationality was destroyed, some people chose to join the Great Republic, while others chose to be like the Great Federation.

No one can say that they are the most correct. But there is no doubt that these two human alliances are the purest human civilization countries at present. Most of the other humans became believers of the resurrection god, or wanderers.

As a large ally, as a large ally in a chaotic situation.

The organization ability, execution ability and decision-making ability of the Great Federation cannot be compared with the fallen angels who have "return of the throne" and "return to calculation".

Even without the "regression" of these two great wills, the strength of the fallen angels themselves would be unstoppable.

At this time, human beings felt how tasteless and shabby the technology developed over the past few hundred years was when faced with super life.

Fortunately, there are native gods within the Great Federation, not those resuscitating gods who walk away in order to protect themselves, and bravely resist the front line, so that they will not collapse at the touch of a button.

But the Fallen Angels' advance was too fast and sudden, the defense line was not formed at all, and all they could do was "not to collapse at a touch".

The retreat is retreating, the territory is constantly falling, which is unavoidable and impossible to counteract.

The Human Front is vulnerable.

On the night of the second combat day when the Fallen Angels began to expand, the commander of the Human Alliance Federation stood in the command room of the Supreme Command Building, looking at the grid map on the big screen. There are red dots flashing on it.

Those are the front nodes that are under attack and requesting support.

The flashing red dots almost converged into the headlights of the ballroom, illuminating the faces of the commanders in front of the screen flushed.

Frontline nodes that cannot be supported will turn gray after almost an hour. That means total fall.

On the grid map, there are already hundreds of gray dots, and they are still increasing at a very fast rate.

A commander asked:

"Will they stop?"

This question was the last straw that broke everyone's confidence.

Could it be that the end of the war can only be hoped that the enemy will take the initiative to stop? But if the enemy will take the initiative to stop, it may not be aggression.

But what can we do?

All the methods I could think of were used, but I couldn't stop it.

Source metal weapons, super-level combat units, and even some nuclear weapons that are not suitable for the big environment are used. Those huge and rotten super-life are like the "unbreakable shield" in the contradiction. Any attack will do very limited damage to them, so limited that you can't tell whether the injury on their body is actually carried by them. rot.

"Is surrender useful?"

"They don't communicate at all, it's like fighting for the sake of fighting."

"Are you planning to wipe out humans?"

"Is there any support from the Great Republic?"

"A request has been made, but... this kind of enemy, maybe it's useless for them to come."

There was pessimism in the command room.

Some people have already started to discuss the escape plan. After all, no matter how you look at it, this is a battle they can't win at all.

Perhaps, the eastern country's saying "Leave the green hills without worrying about no firewood" is the only way.

The massive expansion of the City of Hope shocked the world.

Of course, the world here is limited to only two forces that have the concept of a country. Great Republic and Great Commonwealth. Except for these two places, there are almost no communication tools like the Internet in other places. This also leads to the fact that there are still quite a few people in the city who do not know the existence of the Fallen Angels in the City of Hope.

However, this is not important, and this part of the people is not important either.

The Fallen Angel's expansion strategy is not a bandit invasion like killing and looting. It only controls key places such as traffic fortresses, material distribution points, folding spaces, equipment warehouses, and command centers, but does not damage human living areas and public facilities. They even organize the evacuation of refugees to safe areas because of the conflict.

From the point of view of behavior, it may be called "the teacher of justice".

But nothing could hide their motives. As new people, the fallen angels try to be the center of the world.

After Alcott broke with Phoenix, he left City of Hope. She watched the expansion of the fallen angels along the way.

When she saw that the fallen angels even took good care of the refugees, she realized that, probably, in Phoenix's heart, humans had already been regarded as one of the races to be governed. Just like those goblins, greys, dwarves, and crystals in the world of fallen angels.

She didn't know why Phoenix suddenly became like this. Or that he has never understood the true thoughts of this sister at all.

Everything that happened suddenly made her feel pain and sadness.

Whether it's the split with the only relative, or seeing the fallen angels now become complete invaders. They were all slammed into her heart.

She knows that if there is no special turning point, with Phoenix's determination, the flag of the fallen angel will be planted all over the earth sooner or later.

But... what if the grand unification is completed?

If Phoenix doesn't think about solving the root problem of decay, sooner or later Earth will become the next fallen angel world. Decay sooner or later takes over the soul of every life on earth. Then, this vibrant world will soon become lifeless.

Could it be that, at that time, he went to another world and continued to invade like this, never ending?

This is still an ideal situation.

More crucially, the Earth is a place that has attracted the attention of the gods of different worlds. Wouldn't Phoenix's behavior really set him up one after another formidable enemy?

No matter how powerful the fallen angel is, he faces many gods in many worlds, that is, a large ant.

Destruction... sooner or later.

Alcott didn't quite understand why Phoenix would go into something that he could understand without hesitation?

She hid in the clouds in pain. The huge body is a terrifying shadow in the sky.

Until the arrival of a giant meteorological species like the Kun of the Sea of ​​Clouds.

It was the weather species that carried Qiao Xun and Nianwei.

For ordinary life, Alcott's real body is indeed the most evil and filthy shadow. The moment the weather species saw her, she immediately lost her mind and began to go mad.

Qiao Xun first covered Nianwei's sight, and then calmed down the weather.

Nianwei asked strangely:

"What's wrong?"

"Close your eyes and wait a moment."

Having said that, Qiao Xun quickly revised her perception of Alcott.

In Nianwei's eyes, Alcott looked like a giant white bird.

Qiao Xun brought Nianwei to Alcott.

Alcott, who was in a trance, was startled at first, and then said excitedly:

"Mr. Qiao, you are finally here!"

Qiao Xun greeted with a smile,

"How are you doing, Alcott?"

Alcott said dejectedly:

"It's not good, it's not good. Fei, I have completely broken with Fei. Moreover, she will bring the Fallen Angel to expand in an all-round way and completely occupy the earth."

Qiao Xun was not surprised.

"Don't be sad. From the moment you entered the earth, it was doomed."

"I don't understand. Mr. Qiao, why did we come to this point."

"Deformed interdependence will eventually drag down to the point of splitting." After speaking, Qiao Xun glanced at Nianwei.

Nian Wei was stunned,

"Look at what I mean? I've said it several times. My relationship with Xiaohong is normal!"

Qiao Xun shrugged and said nothing.

Only then did Alcott notice Nianwei, startled, and immediately wanted to hide. Of course, it's not that she is afraid of Nianwei, but she is afraid that Nianwei will be scared by herself. But Qiao Xun immediately said:

"Don't worry, Alcott, she's fine."

Alcott looked at Nianwei and did not see any signs of fear or disgust. This is a polite greeting:

"Hello, my name is Alcott Elman."

In Nianwei's eyes, Alcott was a huge, beautiful white bird. This image naturally carries a sense of affinity and conviction. She nodded kindly and said:

"Hello, my name is Nianwei. Um... it doesn't matter?" She looked at Qiao Xun and asked.

Qiao Xun shook his head,


After Alcott finished greeting, he immediately said to Xun Qiao eagerly:

"Mr. Qiao, what should I do? Fei, I can't persuade her. I can't stop the fallen angel. Are you watching her go astray on the road to destruction?"

Joe asked:

"Why do you think Phoenix's road is the road to destruction?"

"Isn't it? The earth has always been a place that has received a lot of attention, and many gods in many worlds are paying attention. Her grand unification behavior will definitely attract strong backlash."

"Oh, do you have shiitake mushrooms? Why does Phoenix take such a risk to expand? Is she born to like war and is a total warmonger?"

"I... The Fei I know is kind and smart. Not that kind of warmonger."

"So, why did she do this?"

Alcott was in pain.

"If I knew, I wouldn't be in such a hurry."

"You told me before that Fei's biggest goal is to solve the decay problem and get you back to normal."

"Well... But now, I can't say whether it is right or not."

"You don't trust her."

"I can't trust her behavior!"

"But, you didn't think about whether she made you think so on purpose."

"I don't understand." Alcott looked at Qiao Xun in confusion.

"After you broke with her, she didn't hesitate, and immediately launched an expansion war. This seems to show that she was ready. Perhaps, she had figured out how to continue before she came to Earth."

"But why doesn't she want to tell me?"

"Because the way she chooses is very dangerous. It is so dangerous that she may die in the process."

Alcott looked horrified.

Qiao Xun continued,

"Although I'm not here, I've been watching here. Phoenix's expansion is not destruction. Everything is organized in an orderly manner, innocent people are not harmed, and what can be captured is never attacked, and what can be expelled is never attacked. Captive. She tried her best not to destroy the original ecology of the earth."

"But she killed a dragon. You're welcome."

"Is that a monster? Yes, as Phoenix, she does it cruelly and arrogantly. But as a king, it's a demonstration of deterrence, and it's paving the way for expansion. I can't agree with her, but for what she's going to do , which is reasonable in terms of the way to go.”

"What's the matter? What way?"

"You also said that her behavior will attract the attention of different worlds. Among the many limited worlds, there are always people who recognize your identity as fallen angels, and there are always people who know that you originally came from heaven. And heaven, of course, will Know……"

"Is she so high-profile on purpose to attract attention?"

Qiao Xun looked under the sea of ​​clouds,

"Phoenix is ​​a desperate choice. She can't find a way to cure the can only draw everyone's attention to the rot. She was very successful, she did it."

Qiao Xun took a deep breath,

"But the price is that the source of decay, in order to bury this secret, will choose to destroy her."

"So, she split with me on purpose?" Alcott asked tremblingly.

Qiao Xun shook his head,

"No. The reason why she split with you is that your deformed interdependence cannot tolerate the slightest flaw. Your concealment from her is the beginning of the flaw. The gambler's path she chose is to push you to the end of the break. A straw."

Alcott was in pain,

"I should understand her better. Maybe, so that we won't be like this."

"Oh, there's no need to blame yourself. Separation from each other is the best outcome for you. There has never been a relationship with anyone, it's destiny, it's an absolute one."

Alcott fell silent.

The sky suddenly became quiet.

Nian Wei didn't quite understand the conversation between Qiao Xun and Alcott. But she felt that Qiao Xun might be vaguely explaining something to herself.

After a long time, Alcott took a deep breath and said firmly:

"Mr. Qiao, please cut off my blood connection with Fei."

"Have you considered?"

"Think about it."


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