MTL - Evolved From Polluting the World-Chapter 50 Go, catch the stars!

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"Do we really have no plans?"

Nianwei still didn't give up, and asked Qiao Xun in the world channel. She still felt that unplanned action was too stupid.

At this time, she is about to enter heaven, and her consciousness has also got a link. Qiao Xun no longer needs to provoke her emotions to prevent her from entering a state of self-contradiction. He looked at the three and said:

"Heaven is a world with a highly perfect mythological system, it can even be said to be perfect. Most of the primordial and system creators of mythical worlds still have complete personal will. But heaven is different. The Lord of heaven has completely realized the conceptualization, and Heaven and the world are deeply bound together, the will of the world can be manifested in the Lord, and the will of the Lord can be manifested in the changes of the world. Once we enter heaven, we enter into a part of his will. It is unavoidable Yes. If we have any definite, logical plan, it will also be manifested in the will of heaven."

The will of the individual and the will of the world are a bit out of line for the three of them. But the meaning of Qiao Xun's words is relatively simple. Nianwei said:

"In other words, if we have a specific plan, will it be known by the Lord of Heaven?"

Qiao Xun shook his head,

"Not knowing. But our thinking, our thoughts, will enter the will of the world and become a part of the world."

"I don't understand very well. But if there is no plan, wouldn't our actions be illogical?"

"It is to be illogical and use chaos to fight a high degree of willpower."

Speaking of big will, Qiao Xun thought of Zhenwu from the fairyland. Zhenwu is a great will. However, the great will of Zhenwu is not bound to the world, and it cannot control the entire mythical world like the Lord of Heaven. Therefore, the Zhenwu group has the idea of ​​creating the Zhenwu world. However, this idea was wiped out by him.

Qiao Xun also didn't know whether Zhenwu would come to seek revenge afterward.

Maybe not. After all, as a big will, it is difficult to be affected by such personal grievances, and probably continue to find ways to create another real martial arts world.

"To fight with chaos?"

"Yes. In short, doing nothing and wasting time."

"Then it doesn't make sense for us to go to heaven?" Nianwei still had a hard time accepting it.

Qiao Xun shook his head,

"It's not meaningless. After entering heaven, I will create a chaotic system for you to cover for me."

Nianwei raised her eyebrows,

"So, the three of us are just a pretense. You still have specific things to do, right?"


"Then it's enough for you to create your chaotic system for the two of them. I can act with you."

Qiao Xun looked into her eyes.

The firm eyes showed that she still had a hard time accepting a life of doing nothing and doing nothing.

Qiao Xun sighed,

"Why do you stress so much about your ability to act?"

"I just don't like being idle."

Qiao Xun looked at her and Goma Sayuri,

"You two are really carved out of the same mold."

"Ah? I'm not like her either." Sayuri Gomo said blankly.

"..." Qiao Xun was speechless. This is too dumb.

"It's not that you really don't do anything." Qiao Xun said, "If you don't do anything, it won't cover me."

Nianwei said,

"Then make it clear."

"Because you always interrupt me!"

"...Sorry." Nianwei sincerely apologized.

Qiao Xun continued,

"In fact, in a situation like Alcott's, after entering heaven, it will definitely cause a huge reaction. Therefore, it is impossible for you to be idle. There are seven worlds in heaven, and the popular names are the first to seventh days. , after we enter, we will first appear on the seventh day, where ordinary angels live, and those who have lost their faith, receive the least amount of glory. After you enter the seventh day, you can act separately or together, and do The main thing is to destroy the order of the seventh day to the greatest extent possible."

Nianwei is very energetic,

"So, let's fight, right?"

"Yes. With the strength of the three of you, you can do whatever you want on the seventh day before the middle and high-level angels come to support."

"Isn't there a plan? Why do you say there is no plan?"

Qiao Xun shook his head,

"You still don't understand what I mean. What I hope is that you are like criminals full of evil, without any law and logic to destroy indiscriminately, destroy wherever you want, and stop if you want to. If 'disrupting the order' If it becomes a must-do thing in your consciousness, it will definitely be interfered with, or even assimilated, by the will of the Lord, which is the basic ability of the Lord as a highly conceptualized being.”

"Then how can we avoid thinking about this?" Nianwei said, "Although we are gods, it is still difficult to control our own consciousness in any way."

"That's why I told you three to build a chaotic system."

Nianwei was a little embarrassed in a rare sense.

"What is a chaotic system?"

"Do you understand that the program is garbled?"


"That's it. Any life, whether it is concrete or conceptual, will follow the acquired thinking logic when thinking, which is equivalent to a program. What I do is to let the program express the results. confusion."

Sayuri Gomo asked worriedly,

"In that case, do we still have self-awareness? Can we still know what we're doing?"

"Yes. The chaotic system, with the word 'system', is because although the expression results are chaotic, the underlying logic is still perfect."

Nianwei asked,

"Will this be superfluous? If the underlying logic is perfect, won't it be felt?"

Qiao Xun shook his head,

"This is the disadvantage of conceptual life being highly conceptualized. The underlying logic followed by conceptual life is different from that of concrete life. Because conceptual life has no specific shape and composition, it is composed of conceptual clusters, so it is impossible to feel the self-will of concrete life. So, if the Lord of Heaven doesn't analyze the three of you, he won't feel your underlying logic."

"I don't understand, but you shouldn't lie." Nianwei is still convinced of this.

Although Nianwei has a close relationship with Qiao Xun because of her teacher Yihong and her own Wang Xunli, she doesn't like to see him, but she still recognizes his ability.

Qiao Xun was ashamed,

"Why am I lying to you. You are too harsh on me."

Nianwei didn't want to explain, she hugged her chest and turned her head.

Sayuri Gomo asked:

"So, we can do whatever we want?"


"I'm really not used to it. When will we meet?"

"I will notify you when we meet."

"Mr. Qiao won't do anything dangerous."

Qiao Xun shook his head,

"Don't worry. If anything goes wrong, I'll send you out first."

"It's like we are deserters." Nianwei said dissatisfiedly, "Don't underestimate people."

Qiao Xun smiled,

"Then I look forward to your performance."

Nian Wei was full of interest,

"What I'm best at is sabotage."

Joe looked at Alcott,

"Alcott, do you have any questions?"

"Ah, no. I listen to Mr. Qiao's arrangements."

"You seem to have something on your mind. Are you still worried about Phoenix?"

Alcott shook his head,

"Since Mr. Qiao said that Fei will be fine, then she will be fine. I was just thinking... Heaven should reject me very much. After all, according to Mr. Qiao, fallen angels are not to be mentioned to them. taboo."

"It is precisely when they tear apart the false glory and look directly at the sins that have been left on you that they can truly sting their proud beliefs."

"I understand. Then let's rectify the name of the fallen angel!" Alcott's eyes were firm.

Qiao Xun looked forward,

"It's coming soon. It will be more difficult to pass through the barriers of the world, so bear with it."

After speaking, he started to build a chaotic system for the three of them.

The power of the devil has all the advantages of all powers, so it is easy to build a chaotic system here in Qiao Xun.

Disrupting the performance results outputted by the bottom-level thinking of the three people instantly.

Then, whatever they do, in the sense of conceptualizing life, doesn't correspond to the actual outcome. For example, what they actually do is take a step and walk, but in the feeling expressed in the conceptual life, it may be walking, it may be resting, it may be eating, it may be sleeping, it may be may be anything.

The result of this is that whatever they do is incoherent and illogical when it is expressed.

is about to enter heaven.

Qiao Xun said,

"Okay. The chaos system has been built for you."

"Why don't I feel anything special?" Nianwei said.

"Of course not. After all, this is not to influence you, but to influence the Lord of Heaven."

"If that's the case, why don't you build a chaotic system for yourself?"

Qiao Xun said,

"Because I can interpret your desires, but I can't interpret my own desires."

"don't know."


The world barrier of heaven is in sight.

From the world of three sublimation to the world of five sublimation, a huge sense of repulsion squeezes every inch of their flesh and blood.

Nianwei felt that the blood all over her body was about to evaporate. The invisible giant force constantly pushes itself out again.

She struggled to resist.

Until forcibly crossed the world barrier and escaped the shackles of limited boundaries. That feeling of rejection completely disappeared.

She looked forward. The vast expanse of bright starry sky shone brightly.

Just a moment of feeling made her realize that this place is completely different from the earth.

Looking from a distance, you can vaguely see seven galaxy belts, which divide the entire starry sky, and countless stars revolve in the galaxy belt. A huge breath of life blows.

This is a very mature world, and it is also a world where the sum of life is far greater than the earth.

Nianwei's eyes became very hot.

At this moment, she finally realized what freedom is. After leaving the earth, it seems to have gotten rid of the barriers and shackles that he had set for himself.

Never had such a wonderful feeling.

It's so wonderful that she wants to have the ultimate destruction right now.

But soon, the amazed voice of Gomo Saori interrupted her boundless reverie.

"Mr. Joe is gone!"

Nianwei looked around and did not see Qiao Xun's voice. she asked:

"Did he say what day he was going to come?"


"That guy, really! Sometimes it's reliable, and sometimes it's outrageous. At least say something before you leave."

Wu Mao Sayuri chuckled, she was somewhat used to Qiao Xun's habit,

"Actually, it's nothing. If there is anything that needs to be ordered, he will leave after the order is finished. If he leaves without saying anything, he definitely doesn't need to say anything more."

Nianwei said dissatisfiedly,

"At least say hello."

"Mr. Qiao has always been free and not bound by such things."

"Isn't that rude..."

Sayuri Gomo wanted to defend Qiao Xun, but thought about it. There is nothing worth defending, and Qiao Xun himself will not care about this.

After leaving the world tunnel, Alcott's huge size was revealed. Her huge body is like a cosmic monster. She stared at the stars in the galaxy belt in the distance, feeling inexplicably hungry, and felt like she wanted to eat it.

She thought it was abnormal, so she took a deep breath and tried to adjust.

However, as a giant beast, the battle of taking a deep breath is a bit too big. A huge storm surrounds him.

This startled Nianwei and Sasuri, thinking they were attacked.

"What happened!"

Alcott was a little embarrassed to say that it was caused by his own breathing, so he said:

"I'm hungry."

The two were even more shocked.

"Is the scene where you're hungry so exaggerated? Starry sky storm, that's it!"

Alcott bowed his head shyly,

"Excuse me."

Seeing Alcott, who was as big as a mountain, bow his head shyly, Nianwei and Sasuri were both very cute.

Nianwei finds it cute because Alcott's image is very beautiful in her eyes, a huge bird.

Sasori felt that although Alcott was huge and terrifying, there was nothing more clean and pure than her heart. This contrast is very "cute".

Sasori naturally has a great tolerance for is almost comparable to a mother's tolerance for her child. she asked softly:

"Then what do you want to eat?"

Alcott became even more shy, raised his huge claws, and pointed to the seventh galaxy belt, that is, the stars on the seventh day,

"Those stars."

Sayuri was stunned for a moment. As a human being, she has never had the consciousness to regard the planet as food.


"No, I don't usually eat this, I only eat rotten breath and negative emotions. It's just that after coming here, I want to eat it for no reason."

Sayori heard that Alcott usually eats "rotten breath" and "negative emotions", and her desire for protection and motherly love suddenly erupted. Are those things edible? I'm so sorry for this child. Now that I'm back in heaven, I have to give the child something to eat.

"Okay, let's go catch the stars and eat them!"

Sayori's tone was indeed coaxing a child.

This made Alcott feel weird. But few would be so nice to Alcott. So, she was still very happy.


Nianwei took a deep breath and said brightly:

"Since that's the case, then it's decided! Let's eat the stars on the seventh day first! Let's go, catch the stars and eat them!"

The three-person team, with high spirits, went straight to the seventh day hanging in the deep space.


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