MTL - Evolved From Polluting the World-Chapter 61 phoenix ellman, my friend

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Heaven, the sea of ​​stars on the second day.

"You are back."

Seeing Nianwei and Wuma Sayuri floating down from the sky and landing on the platform at the tip of one of his horns, Alcott condensed a miniature version of the shadows to meet them.

Gomo Saori was still a little dazed, and tightly hugged the nameless book that Ares gave her in her arms. To be precise, this should be a notepad.

Nian Wei said,

"Well, that 'home' isn't quite what we thought."

Alcott looked at Sayori Gomo, then asked Nianwei,

"Can you tell me?"

Nianwei recounted what they had seen and heard from beginning to end.

Afterwards, Alcott thought for a while. She could probably think of the reason why Ares said "later, everything in heaven changed", maybe this is the common reason for the birth of fallen angels. she says,

"Ales said that heaven can no longer baptize dead souls. It should mean that the circulatory system of heaven has collapsed."

Nianwei opened her eyes wide,

"That's the reason!"

"Well, it should be."

Alcott had previously learned a lot about the world from his sister Phoenix. At the same time, she is nibbling away at Heaven, gaining a concrete understanding of its world structure. She can also feel that the current heaven looks full of glory on the outside, but in fact, the inside is like a rotten tree gnawed by termites, crumbling.

"Does Xiao Ao know why?"

Wu Mao Sa Xuli was hooked back by the word "Xiao Ao", she looked at Nian Wei strangely,

"Don't you think the name 'Xiao Ao' is strange? Why do you still call it?"

Nianwei pretends to be stupid,

"Is there? Didn't I say 'O'?"

Wu Mao Sauri nuzzled, not wanting to argue with the fool.

Alcott smiled and said:

"The collapse of the circulatory system of will is nothing more than two reasons. One is that the level of matter and energy in the entire world is not enough to support the circulatory system of will, and the other is that it has been destroyed by external factors. As far as I feel, the level of matter and energy in heaven is very high. There is no problem in supporting the circulatory system of the will because it is huge. Nine times out of ten, it has been damaged by external factors.”

"To be able to destroy the circulation system of heaven's will... What a powerful force. Also, don't the angels in heaven practice cultivation?" Nianwei wondered.

Sayuri Gomo couldn't help but say,

"You really listened to Mr. Ares' story in vain. Although he didn't say it directly, he clearly revealed that the current heaven cannot solve this problem at all. If it can be solved, wouldn't it be solved earlier?"

"You're smart!" Nian Wei rolled her eyes at her.

Alcott rounded up and said,

"It's really hard to understand this question as an outsider. Ahem, let me tell you something quietly."

"What?" The two women came up and pricked up their ears.

Alcott said,

"Mr. Joe is here."

Nianwei laughed,

"Oh, he also forgot us. I thought we had been forgotten long ago."

"You really don't want to be so hostile." Sayuri Gomo said, and asked, "Did he say something?"

Alcott shook his head,

"He just looked away for a while and left. I wanted to stop him at the time, but he disappeared before I could react. I thought it was just my illusion, and then I thought that he probably didn't want to disturb us."

Gomo Saori thought for a while,

"According to Mr. Qiao's character, if he doesn't want to disturb us, he shouldn't let you notice his presence."

Alcott hehe smiled,

"Yes, but Mr. Joe seems to have overlooked something."


Alcott said shyly,

"I have become stronger, and I am much stronger than before. I have basically mastered the second day, so when he appeared here, I felt it all at once. There is still more!" The child whose basket of good deeds kept shaking, "There should have been a very powerful angel who came to stop me and judge me. However, a miraculous force suddenly appeared and took that angel away. Thinking about it now, it should be Mister Joe did it too!"

Gomo Saori seemed to have caught something worth showing off, and said to Nianwei proudly:

"Look, I am Mr. Qiao, who is a very responsible person. He just doesn't say anything, but he will definitely take care of everything."

Nian Wei rubbed the tip of her nose,

"Okay, then I'll reluctantly increase my impression of him from 0 to 1."

Gomo Saori raised her left hand to show her little thumb, expressing contempt,

"The tongue is not strange."

Nianwei turned her head away and pretended to look at the scenery.

Alcott smiled happily, then said,

"I'm going to eat the next day in one go, it may be a little bumpy, you guys sit tight."

After speaking, her huge body began to change, gradually transforming from the previous "beast shape" to a form between mecha and architecture. The limbs gradually disappeared, and huge symmetrical wings grew on the back. Each wing carried a complete world.

The wing on the left is the first day that has been formed, and the wing on the right is the second day being formed.

After the second day in heaven is completely devoured, the second day in her body is fully formed.

After devouring the first and second heavens, Alcott's body was so huge that it could not be measured by conventional scales.

Perhaps, think of her as a finite world with a specific shape.

After all, she has all the elements that make up the finite world in her body.

As after the first day was completely devoured, after the second day disappeared, the limited boundaries of heaven continued to shrink. Heaven's world structure continues to change.

The matter and energy of the entire two heavenly realms have completely disappeared, making the already riddled and crumbling heaven even weaker.

Only at this time did the ordinary angels living in the heavenly realms clearly realize that something was wrong!


October 27, 2049.


The last node city of the Great Federation Human Front was occupied by the fallen angel army led by Alpi, which declared the complete failure of the Great Federation Human Front. Fallen angel cities have sprung up one after another within the original territory of the Great Federation, and the fallen angels are advancing the post-war work in an orderly manner.

Every fallen angel knows that this will be their new home, not for burning, killing and looting, so they strictly implement Queen Phoenix's soft-hearted policy, tolerate the aborigines, do not harm humans who have nothing to do with the war, and settle them properly daily life, and has even begun to preach the Phoenix Elman faith. Their Queen's Faith.

Seeing that, the brilliance of Queen Phoenix is ​​about to shine on mankind.

Wyoming City Node.

In a bar, a man with a sturdy body like a bear was drinking with his head down. After drinking a glass, the bartender consciously handed him another glass. He is a frequent visitor here, and his drinking habits in bars are basically adjusted. Anyway, he just drank his head down, and in the end he paid a lot of money for the drink, and no matter how much he drank, nothing would happen.

So, let him drink as much as he wants.

It's just that he has to endure his unexplained babbling.

"Fuck, **** Harry, **** Mary, **** Jiang You... where are you... fuck, fuck... team leader..."

Another series of unexplained chatter. After that, the man fell down on the bar with his head down, snoring like thunder.

Most of the guests in the bar are also used to this special guest, and his snoring has become one of the unique "music atmosphere" of the bar.

After all, this is not a high-end bar, but a drinking and resting place for ordinary people in the middle and lower classes.

As a shrill noise swept over the bar, the large screen above the bar lit up. When someone saw this, they called out:

"Coming to the Internet!"

Everyone looked at it, and the news was being broadcast on the big screen.

Some people picked up the communicator they carried with them to check, and sure enough, the Wyoming city node was connected to the Internet.

After the war began, the entire Great Federation Human Front has been in a state of disconnection, so that most people are not very clear about the war situation. Also because the battle between modern high-powered people is not the kind of large-scale shock caused by hot weapons to bombing in the past, many people's feelings about war are not clear.

Moreover, when the fallen angels occupy the human city nodes, they only take over public institutions such as the local government, resource guarantee, news media, etc. They are not designed for private use, and their impact on the civilians is very small.

So, it can be said that this is a very major and very minor war.

The major thing is the complete change of the whole world pattern, and the minor thing is that the basic ecology has not been damaged.

The news is broadcast on the big screen,

"The City of Hope, led by Phoenix Elman, is now stationed in the Great Federal Human Front and has become the head of government decision-making..."

The content of the news is also very ambiguous. It did not mention that this was an invasion war from beginning to end. It described the fallen angels led by Phoenix as if they had joined the Great Federation Human Front and were elected as a new president.

The scope for discussion is very large, but the public opinion involved is very slight.

So much so that when people in the bar heard the news, they didn't act too radically, but just talked about who this Phoenix Elman was.

It can only be said that the time when the fallen angels came to the earth is too short, so that the Great Federation Human Front has not carried out systematic propaganda to the citizens at all, and the citizens still do not know the so-called Phoenix Elman, the so-called City of Hope , what is the so-called fallen angel.

However, soon the first radical person appeared in the bar.

The sturdy man who was lying on the bar and was drunk suddenly straightened up, his bloodshot eyes bulging out, his face flushed red, and his brown beard was still soaked in wine.

"Fei, Phoenix?"

He stood up abruptly, and the whole person was sober for a moment, seriously watching the news broadcast on the big screen, and once again confirmed the name:

Phoenix Elman!

Phoenix Elman!

The bartender at the bar was startled by his sudden action and asked nervously:

"Sir, what's wrong with you?"

The man seemed to have become unpleasant again, grabbing the bartender's collar,

"Phoenix, Phoenix!"

The strength of the man is outrageous, and the bartender has no ability to break free. He said in a trembling voice:

"Sir, I don't know any Phoenix... According to the news, she is the leader of the City of Hope... Now, now... should be our leader too."

The man felt that his head was about to burst, and he asked:

"What does she look like? What does she look like?"

"This, I don't know either. She has never shown her face. Besides, we have just connected to the Internet here, and we have no idea what happened outside."

Only then did the man regain his senses, put the bartender down, and said repeatedly:

"sorry Sorry……"

The bartender was frightened after a while,

"It's all right, sir. Would you like something to calm down?"

The man shook his head, threw a handful of money at random, then turned around and left the bar.

The bartender looked at the man's back and loosened his tight neckline.

"What a weirdo..." He looked up at the news on the big screen, "Phoenix?"

Forget it, it's none of my business. The bartender didn't think much of it.

After the man left the bar, he put on his hood, put his hands in his pockets, and walked forward against the cold wind on the street.

From time to time, a group of fallen angels flew across the sky.

He didn't take a second glance, he was already used to this kind of scene, anyway, those strange birdmen didn't have much impact on their lives.

In this chaotic era, war, it's normal for you to sing and I'll come on stage.

Ordinary men think so.

But today, it's different. He is going somewhere.

At the end of a street to the southwest of the Wyoming City Node is the former City Evolver Resource Mobilization Department. After the Wyoming city node was occupied by the fallen angels, it was also taken over there, but the fallen angels only took over the management in an all-round way, and carried out a regular management silence, and did not do other things, very low-key, so it is time to go there and work It's better to go there to work. After all, in this era, you have to find some way to make money.

The purpose of making money, in the era of national evolution, is mostly to buy source metal rune fragments to help evolution. Rune fragments are already necessities of life other than water and food.

After the Fallen Angels took over the city nodes, the wages of public institutions changed from currency to rune shards. This is straightforward for ordinary people.

The man is an Evolver and has a high rank, and has a record in the Urban Evolver Resource Mobilization Department, so he has a legitimate reason to go there.

It's just that this past time, it's not about the evolutionary resources, but the name:

Phoenix Elman.

His pace grew faster and faster, and soon it became a gust of wind in the street, sweeping everything.

Soon, he reached his destination.

The previous City Evolutionary Resource Mobilization Department was very lively and crowded every day, but now it has been deserted a lot because of the silent management of the Fallen Angels.

The man walked straight in, and the general window was still a human working. He walked through the front office with ease and into the back courtyard.

Here, two fallen angels are stationed.

The figure of a man is quite outstanding among humans, but in front of the fallen angels, he still looks like a dwarf.

A fallen angel with a spear flapped his rotting wings and asked:

"Is there a problem?"

Quite polite. The good attitude of the fallen angels is one of the reasons why they are not excluded.

the man said,

"I want to know what Phoenix Elman looks like."

This request... made the two fallen angels a little confused.

A stranger suddenly ran over and asked them what the queen looked like?

The fallen angel who spoke became vigilant,

"What's your purpose?"

"I once had a friend with that name. I wonder if it was her."

"You are human, Her Majesty is a fallen angel, it cannot be the same person."

"But that friend of mine disappeared twelve years ago."

The two fallen angels were stunned, because in their memory, Her Majesty Queen Phoenix returned twelve years ago.

They looked at each other with suspicion in their eyes.

Then, the fallen angel with the spear asked:

"What's your name?"

"Pergmont. Pergmont Forens."

After thinking about it for a while, the fallen angel stretched out his right hand, and a halo appeared on his palm. Gradually, a face gradually condensed in the halo.

This is a portrait of Her Majesty Queen Phoenix. He also did not see Her Majesty the Queen with his own eyes, so he had to condense this portrait that he had seen on the wall of the This is our Her Majesty. "

Maybe the hair color has changed, maybe the face has grown, maybe the appearance has matured a lot.

But Pergmont still recognized at a glance that Her Majesty the Fallen Angel was the Phoenix Elman who disappeared for twelve years.

Begmont exclaimed excitedly:


Then, he rushed out excitedly, leaving only the two fallen angel guards looking at each other.

"'s not really the same person..."

"It's hard to say. After all, Her Majesty's life is a mystery. Maybe she really returned from the earth to the world of fallen angels."

"Also, Her Majesty also proposed to come to Earth. We have never heard of Earth before."

The two fallen angels had different thoughts in their hearts.