MTL - Exile the Whole Family! The Koi Girl Farms and Flies the Whole Family-Chapter 31 move in

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  Chapter 31 Move in

  In the past, based on their identities, Widow Qu would not have been able to climb up to them no matter what, but now that they are in Yancun, how can they be so particular?

  Zhao Xiang and Deng are not pedantic people, so why not do it if they can justifiably save an innocent woman?

  The next day, when Widow Qu heard about the Zhao family's decision, she smiled happily. How could she be unhappy? Immediately, he nodded and agreed, and he was so anxious that he was going to worship on the same day, so as not to have long nights and dreams.

  The Zhao family has no objection either.

  So, this thing is done!

   Widow Qu was beaming, and the whole village announced it publicly.

After all, the gourd hasn't been proposed to the Qu family yet, and the news hasn't spread yet. Everyone heard that the widow Qu and the new wife of the Zhao family made a contract. It's a special feeling, when Widow Qu mentioned it, she just casually congratulated her.

   After all, this is not my business.

  The Zhao family attached great importance to this matter. That night, those who slaughtered chickens to buy meat made a special table of delicious dishes. They called Widow Qu and Qu Yutao, and the family ate a good meal lively.

  Qu Yutao has already heard Widow Qu say that marriage can't be done. Although it's embarrassing, her mother told her that Hu Ling didn't know about it, and she felt much more at ease.

  In addition, the Zhao family is helping her family sincerely, and she can only be grateful.

  When they recognized their relatives, they kowtowed and offered tea. Now Zhao Xiang and Deng are all uncles and aunts, Zhao Liya and others are all cousins, and Hu Ling is a cousin.

  Although Qu Yutao is mild-tempered, she is by no means ignorant of good and evil. She can only be grateful to the Zhao family for helping her not be afraid to get involved.

  The Zhao family is very friendly, and after having a meal together at night, they seem even more intimate.

  Widow Qu was especially happy, grinning tightly.

  After dinner, Qu Yutao took the initiative to clean up the dishes and asked to help wash the dishes.

   Seeing "Oh", Mrs. Deng quickly laughed and said, "No need, I'll just come, how can I let you come!"

   Is it a guest after all?

   Qu Yutao smiled: "It's okay, auntie, I'm used to doing this."

   Mrs. Deng wanted to stop her, but suddenly saw the eldest daughter winking at him, so she didn't stop her, and agreed with a smile.

   Qu Yutao was very happy, and her movements became much lighter.

   Widow Qu also smiled with relief, and greeted Deng Shi: "Sister, come and sit down, our Yutao can do it!"

   "Mother, go and sit down, and Aunt Eleven will sit down too." Zhao Liya smiled and cleaned up with Qu Yutao.

  Since they are married into a family, naturally they shouldn't be too polite and see outsiders, it will inevitably appear too estranged, and everyone will feel unnatural.

   Qu Yutao is good at housework, and Zhao Liya is a soy sauce maker. The two quickly washed the dishes and cleaned the kitchen, and went to the main room together.

  The family chatted lively for a while, and Widow Qu and Qu Yutao were about to leave and go back.

  Zhao Liya suddenly said: "By the way, wouldn't it be too deserted for my aunt and cousin to live together? Why don't you move in and live together, it will be more lively if there are more people!"

  Since you have made up your mind to help others, of course you have to think carefully and help to the end.

  If that gourd really had the support of the Gu family to make this marriage, even if it was declined by Widow Qu, she would not give up.

  The mother and daughter live together, so it is not safe.

   No matter how high the courtyard wall is, it cannot guard against villains.

  If the gourd really climbed into the wall in the middle of the night, no matter whether he did anything or not, both the widow Qu and her daughter would be finished.

  A widow, a young girl, no matter in what era such a family is the most likely to provoke gossip, once provoked, no one can argue.

  If the parties must want to prove their innocence, perhaps death is the only way.

  Widow Qu was stunned: "Would this—won't bother you too much!"

  Deng said with a smile: "Don't bother, don't bother, we have a vacant room upstairs in the west wing, clean and bright, you should move here."

   Qu Yutao's eyes were dewy and prayed to look at Mrs. Deng.

  She wants to come too.

  She didn't dare to tell her mother to make her worry, and she was so scared that she didn't dare to fall asleep these few nights. She is afraid.

Seeing her daughter's expression, Mrs. Deng also understood a little bit, her heart softened, and she nodded gratefully: "That's too much trouble for you! We will move here tomorrow, and after this, my sister, don't treat us as outsiders. What's the matter?" We can do anything."

  Mr. Deng nodded with a smile: "We don't see the outside, we don't see the outside."

  The two parties were courteous for a while, and then the widow Qu, mother and daughter left.

  After they left, Deng said: "Ya'er, are you afraid of what those rascals will do? This—isn't it so bold?"

  Forcibly breaking into houses, isn't that something only robbers and bandits would do? This is not the same as petty theft and taking advantage of petty gains in ordinary times. If you sue the government, you will be punished and jailed.

  Zhao Liya chuckled lightly, and said in a calm tone, "Mother, don't forget, this is Yancun."

  Yan Village is the original sin, as long as there is no big hole, the government will not take care of it.

   Deng Shi was slightly stiff and sighed softly.

  Zhao Xiangdao: "Madam, don't think too much, our family will be fine."

  Mr. Deng nodded and sighed, "It's not easy. Since I've taken care of this matter, let's help to the end."

  Aunt Li Shiyi smiled and said, "Your family are all good people!"

  Everyone laughed.

   Originally, Zhao Liya and Hu Ling were going to Zaihu Village today, but after a day's delay, they decided to go tomorrow.

  The season waits for no one. If there is any further delay, it will be too late to plant sugarcane.

   Then this year is equivalent to wasting a year in vain, which is not acceptable!

   After breakfast, Mrs. Deng and Aunt Li Shiyi took their two children to help the widow Qu and her daughter move, and Zhao Liya and Hu Ling went to Zaihu Village.

Widow Qu and her daughter discussed it all night, and it has already been discussed. Since they will live in Zhao's house, naturally they can't live in vain. The food will be paid on a monthly basis, and the vegetables in the vegetable garden will be counted as family members in the future. Buy some meat, eggs, snacks, etc., and do the work in the family field together.

  In short, just because the Zhao family takes in, you can't just live there without paying anything.

  Ms. Deng originally refused to let them get food, but Widow Qu insisted.

  Zhao Xiang understands that this is good, so that they may live with more peace of mind.

   Besides, they won't live forever, it depends on when the Gu family's matter is resolved.

  Both Zhao Liya carried a basket on their backs. Zhao Liya's basket contained two bolts of dark green muslin cloth, two catties of snacks, and twenty eggs, while Hu Ling carried two jars of wine, each about five catties.

   After walking for less than an hour, we arrived at Zaihu Village.

The village of Zaihu Village is located on a hillside with a small undulating slope. Behind the village is a gentle rolling hill, but in front of the village is a flat river, with large stretches of paddy fields and a small river running along the village. The foot of the mountain made a big bend and flowed away.

  (end of this chapter)