MTL - Extraordinary Bloodline Integration-Chapter 17 My laptop can’t carry the old man’s ring, I can only use code words for entertainment

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Walking outside Lilia's room, knocked on the door to remind her, "Lilia, I'm going out to do some errands, and I'll be back at night at the latest. Don't run around."

After explaining, Mo Cheng left the tavern with his suitcase. The suitcase that traveled with him seemed to have the same changes as the clothes on his body. The savage life in the forest for nearly a month caused the suitcase to withstand huge impacts and dents several times, but it always recovered quickly.

It's not that Mo Cheng didn't think about the upper limit of the experiment, but he quickly dismissed the idea. The suitcase and the things inside are one of the few things brought from [hometown], which is of great significance.

Walking out of the hotel, Mo Cheng didn't rush to the place in his memory first, but observed on the street, and after a while, he chose to walk into a blacksmith shop with several high-quality weapons hanging at the door.

Ordinary, Excellent, Excellent, Epic, and Legendary, the quality of weapons in the middle and early stages of [Exotic Land] is very simple, and it goes without saying that it is ordinary, and excellent is a military-grade weapon that only elite troops are equipped with. Starting from excellence, it involves constant magic attributes magic weapon.

As for epics and legends, Mo Cheng never considered seeing them in blacksmith shops.

A fine-level weapon is already the pinnacle work of a blacksmith with average qualifications. There are excellent weapons hanging outside this blacksmith shop as signs, which may have been produced by this blacksmith shop for several months or even years.

Walking into the blacksmith's shop, Mo Cheng was the first to be greeted by a roiling heat wave. An apprentice was constantly beating the iron embryo, trying to knock out impurities with forging.

And in the place where the weapons are hung, there are several customers looking at the goods.

"Knock hard, hard! How can you be a blacksmith with this strength?"

The burly boss found a customer coming, and kept scanning Mo Cheng who was dressed in a priest's uniform with puzzled eyes, "Customer, you have to go to [Gold-plated Rose] on another street for magic-related items. There are only simple weapons here."

He wondered if Mo Cheng had gone to the wrong place. Although there were paladins in the Radiance Church who held a sledgehammer to beat people's brains out, Mo Cheng's body was not particularly strong, and he didn't look like one at all. It's the group of paladins who can pinch a wild boar to death with their muscles.

Mo Cheng put several steel ladle spikes on the table, "Steel spike spikes, do you want to take it?"

The boss picked up a wolf tooth and observed: "There is no damage or fracture, and it is not the tooth of an old steel storm wolf. The collection time will not exceed one month, and the quality is very high. Are you planning to sell it?"

Mo Cheng nodded, "How much do you want?"

"Five, I will buy one gold griffin for each one. If there are twenty, I will buy each one as a metal griffin, and I will also help you strengthen your equipment for free. If you have less than five, you don't need it, and you can collect it in a short time." If you don’t buy enough, it’s a waste.”

The number of steel storm wolf fangs is too small, and after the death of steel storm wolf, the tooth activity can only be maintained for two to three months. Once the effect is greatly reduced, it can only be used as a defective product.

Only when a certain amount is met, the blacksmith shop will pay for the purchase. And this number often depends on the level of the blacksmith's craftsmanship and how many spikes it takes to make a good weapon.

Each country in [Foreign Land] has its own coinage system. The basic currencies of the Principality of Aundair are the copper eagle, silver lion, and golden griffin.

The exchange rate of money changes frequently, but most of the currencies used by ordinary people are copper, silver, and gold. The purchasing power of a gold griffin in Hesen Town is about 500 to 1,000 in Mo Cheng's hometown.

Because it is located in the border area of ​​the Principality of Aundair, and there seems to be rumors of conflicts with neighboring countries, it is normal for prices in this place to fluctuate greatly.

There are also currencies whose value is higher than that of the Golden Gryphon, which is used for large transactions and has something to do with magic.

"Twenty fangs, you count. You don't need to strengthen it for free, just pick a common weapon for me."

Mo Cheng didn't bargain. The price the boss offered was not high, but it was still within the average line. In real bargaining, the price can only be increased or decreased in silver units. Although the steel storm wolves are the tyrants of the jungle, if they go out of the jungle environment and face the indiscriminate bombing of spellcasters on the plains, or the cavalry group charges, they will become meat.

If there is a wolf king leading a group of more than 10,000 people, it can pose a serious threat to Hesen Town. But that's impossible, the resources of He'an's forest can't support a group of tens of thousands of steel storm wolves.

Money and goods are cleared, and a hundred gold griffins are quite heavy, but this weight is nothing to Mo Cheng. At the same time, the other hand held a one-handed sword with a scabbard, which was a gift from the boss.

"That's right." When he was about to walk out of the blacksmith's shop, Mo Cheng turned around and asked, "What price do you offer for the teeth of the Steel Storm Wolf King?"

"I can't get out." The boss shook his head, "My skill is not enough to use the teeth of the steel storm wolf king. The wolf king's teeth are several levels stronger than the ordinary steel storm wolf, enough to be one of the main materials of excellent weapons. It's just a waste to come to me."

"I used to be an apprentice in the city of Haitham. At that time, I saw the price of buying the teeth of the wolf king, at least five hundred gold griffins." The boss shrugged helplessly, "I don't have that much money here."

Seeing that the boss didn't have the money to buy it, Mo Cheng had no choice but to leave.

The teeth of the ladle wolf king are used as the main material for making weapons, which can guarantee the two characteristics of [sharpness] and [armor-breaking], and at the same time, there is a higher probability that the weapon can obtain abilities such as [wolves howling] and [wolf king momentum] .

Seeing Mo Cheng leave, the boss's eyes showed a trace of pity, he knew that Mo Cheng had the wolf king's teeth in his hands. But just as he said, the boss is not capable of forging the wolf king's teeth. For a blacksmith, it's like winning a lottery with a five million jackpot but having no way to redeem the prize.

When the boss turned around to ask the apprentices to hammer and forge harder, he caught a glimpse and found that a few people who had been looking but not buying on the weapon rack had left at some point. UU Reading www.

The boss' expression changed immediately, and he wanted to catch up with Mo Cheng, but he couldn't see Mo Cheng as soon as he stepped out the door.

There was no other way, the boss had no choice but to shake his head and go back to the blacksmith shop, "[Blood Fang]'s brat wants to bully foreigners for money again."

The boss knew who those few [Blood Fang] minions who often came here to look at the weapons but had no money to buy were, and also knew that they would probably go back to shake people and ambush the priest to rob them.

In this regard, the boss had no choice but to sigh helplessly, "I hope you will be lucky and don't really meet that guy."

Although the other party tried its best to hide it, the experienced boss could still tell that the **** smell that couldn't be concealed, as well as the large number of steel violent fangs that had been picked off within two months, all indicated the danger of the other party.

"To rob a butcher who smells of blood to that extent, people with blood teeth shouldn't be so stupid, right?"

On the other side, Mo Cheng, who just got a sum of money and greatly relieved the financial pressure, walked out of Hesen Town humming.

Although the pursuer sent by Viscount Joestar had some money on him, and Lilia also had the savings accumulated by her brother as a mercenary, the total sum of the two was not too much.

The former is because the pursuit mission doesn't bring too much money with him, and in order not to cause trouble, Mo Cheng didn't even take the ring from the caster. In this remote place, it would take a lot of time to find a suitable route to sell the magic equipment.

Although my elder brother had some savings as a mercenary, he didn't have much savings. The rewards and dangers of a mercenary were always equal. Even if he got a large commission, after going through the healing, supplies, and Lilia's study expenses, there wouldn't be much left.

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