MTL - Extraordinary Bloodline Integration-v2 Chapter 37 Gameplay Changes: This War of Mine - Kids and Old People

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The capital of the Principality of Aundair: Fairhaven, a city with a population of one million.

The regular population is more than 1.5 million, and the limit can accommodate a population of 3 million.

Although the Principality of Aundair is only a [Principality], its strength will never be too different from other [Kingdoms] [Empires]. The magically constructed vehicle with the aristocratic crest almost made Mo Cheng think that he was back in the 21st century.

This city may not look special from the outside, but the internal spatial structure of the city has been transformed. The specific numerical parameters are the secrets of the Principality of Aundair, and even the players of [Exotic Land] have not thoroughly investigated it.

"Is this the capital? It's so big!"

Pulling Lilia, who was exclaiming, on the street, Mo Cheng looked around suspiciously, trying to distinguish the way: "It's strange, I remember it should be walking this way."

Mo Cheng was looking for the path of the Licker Order, which is located between the fourth and fifth rings, but obviously his previous mission line had little to do with the Principality of Aundair, so he wanted to find a family in a super city in a strange country. Church, is it that easy?

"Brother, what are you looking for?"

"Find a licker cultivator. If we find it, our next accommodation will be settled."

Seeing Mo Cheng looking around, Lilia also stopped to help observe, but it was obvious that the two of them, who were extremely unfamiliar with this city, didn't even find out where the street signs were.

After searching for a long time, Mo Cheng finally admitted that he didn't have the talent to be a scout, and he didn't find anything except seeing the prosperity here.

"Forget it, let's solve the lunch problem first."

As a native of a province known as a province where everything can be eaten, Mo Cheng has a strong interest in the special food of Fairhaven.

While trying to find a restaurant that can meet the expectations of new food, Mo Cheng suddenly bumped into something, and the soft feeling fell down at the touch.


Papers were flying all over the sky in front of him, Mo Cheng immediately realized that he had bumped into someone, stretched out his left hand to pull the woman who was about to fall to the ground, and drew countless phantoms with his right hand to gather the scattered papers again.

"Sorry, I didn't look at the road just now."

He first apologized to the person he hit, and only then did Mo Cheng realize that he bumped into a blond nun.

Her long, smooth hair hangs down from her shawl, she wears a pair of glasses on her plain face, and she is dressed in the light blue nun's dress of the Radiance Church.

Only then did Lilia realize, "Really, big brother, you were too careless. I'm really sorry, big brother didn't mean anything malicious."

"No need to apologize, I didn't pay attention to the situation on the road just now."

The nun smiled slightly, obviously she had no intention of pursuing Mo Cheng.

After returning the stack of papers in his hand to the nun, Mo Cheng asked, "Sister, I would like to ask how to get to the Lickers Order? This is my first time in Fairhaven, and I don't know the way."

"The licker... Priest?" The nun looked at Mo Cheng suspiciously, and only then did she realize that the man who bumped into her was wearing a priest's uniform in the overly gorgeous clothes.

"Excuse me, are you..."

Mo Cheng quickly took out the [ID card] obtained in Hesen Town, "I am Priest Mo Cheng..."

Before he could finish speaking, he was interrupted by the nun's excited voice, "So it was sent by the religious order to replace Priest Albert? It's great!"

"Ah, I haven't introduced myself yet, I'm Loni Zoe, a nun from the Order of the Lickers in Fairhaven."

The Principality of Aundair is not only a royal country, but also has close ties with mages, so the Radiance Church does not have much say here, and this is why Mo Cheng chose to develop in Fairhaven.

The [ID card] he picked up is an identity that can be used for a long time in Fairhaven, a place that is not very sensitive in the intelligence network of the Radiance Church.

While talking with the two of them, Luo Ni led Mo Cheng the way.

"Priest Albert has passed away for a long time, and we have been sending letters to the church hoping to send another priest, but there has been no response. Some time ago, we finally wrote back that a priest was leaving for Fairhaven , come to work."

It is natural that there is no response. The power of the church is not strong in Fairhaven. If it is said that there is a shortage of people in the cathedral of the Radiance Church in Fairhaven, it is fine. Impossible to let it go missing.

But the Licker Order, which is located in a remote place between the fourth and fifth rings, I am afraid that those assigned to it will think it is a disguised exile.

As for the priest who was leaving for Fairhaven, there was a high probability that it was the body found in Hesen Town.

And according to Mo Cheng's knowledge, the Licker Order is in an embarrassing position in the Radiant Church.

"After the absence of Priest Albert, some donations have also decreased a lot. Others are nothing, mainly because it is getting more and more difficult to make clothes for children, and some diseases of the elderly also need herbs to make medicines."

Loni thought that Mo Cheng was sent by the Church of Radiance to take over Priest Albert, so she didn't hide the difficulties in the Licker Order at all. On the contrary, the difficulties encountered and the things that are difficult to solve are all mentioned one by one.

After listening, Mo Cheng also had a general impression of Fairhaven's Licker Order.

A combination of an orphanage and a nursing home that could not hold on and was about to close down.

When we arrived at the destination, the scenery in front of us was completely different from that when we first entered the city, with low-rise houses, blocked sewers, cross-flowing sewage, and a rotten smell.

And people with tattered clothes and daggers and short swords from time to time, with fierce eyes.

The barking of cats and dogs is shrill and ferocious, UU reading www.uukanshu. Com doesn't look like a human friend at all.

After following Loni for a while, after pushing open the rusty gate, the [Albert's House] sign on the door kept shaking, making people worry about when it would fall down.

"I am back!"

Roni's voice caused many replies, "Sister Roni is back!"

"Sister Loni, I cleaned the yard today!"

"Sister, sister, I've tidied up the room!"

"Jack and I carried Grandpa Bud out to bask in the sun."

It can be seen that in [Albert House], Roni has a high prestige and is very popular with children, or it should be said that Roni is the backbone of this place.

Under the introduction of Loni, Mo Cheng stayed as the new priest. After clearing out two empty rooms, Mo Cheng and Lilia enjoyed dinner with Loni and the entire [Albert House] members.

At night, Mo Cheng, who was lying on the uncomfortable bed, crossed his legs, thinking about it flickeringly.

There are many things to think about, but the most important thing is to think about how to make money.

Lilia's tuition needs a lot of money.

The children and the elderly in the Albert House also need money to improve their lives. Think of the eyes of the children looking at the food during dinner, and the scarce and almost clear soup. As well as the uncomfortable bed under him, Mo Cheng silently included the construction of the Albert House into his plan.

Anyway, no matter how expensive it was, the money needed to improve her life could not be more expensive than Lilia's tuition.

And there is...

Think about how to get in touch with the principal of Winterhold College, so as to understand the possibility of time travel and find the way home.