MTL - Extraordinary Bloodline Integration-v2 Chapter 40 When our factory lands, let you know what cruelty is!

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After preparing the translucent ointment exuding violet color, Mo Cheng put it into jars according to the color, and then took a bottle of the ointment with the worst color to the backyard.

"Wait here for me, don't touch things first."

After exhorting the children, Mo Cheng came to the backyard. At this time, Loni had just sent away the person who brought the chickens and ducks, and looked at Mo Cheng suspiciously, "Master Mo Cheng, you are..."

"I'm doing some experiments, so don't worry about me."

Pick out a strong rooster and use the steel storm wolf king's teeth as a knife to slash lightly, making several wounds of different depths under the control of strength. After applying the ointment and waiting for a while, soon there were several wounds of different depths, and only a shallow white scar remained.

Seeing the effect, Mo Cheng smiled.

"It seems that my craftsmanship has not regressed."

In the days when players were generally struggling when the server first started, Mo Cheng also made healing ointment by himself, but the purple blood vine he used as the main material was not very old at that time, and it was not as extravagant as it is now. blood vine.

"Master Mo Cheng, this is?"

Loni, who was watching the whole process of Mo Cheng's drug testing, couldn't help asking, she could see clearly that Mo Cheng had scratched several wounds on the rooster just now, and they healed up quickly after applying the ointment.

As a nun of the Order of the Lickers, Roni seemed to realize something.

"You're talking about this?" Mo Cheng pointed to the jar in his hand and explained, "A friend taught me the formula, and I'm going to see if I can sell it."

"The Albert House needs some income, rather than relying on donations from others. I just taught the children the basic tricks. I will go out tomorrow and try to sell. If it is successful, we will not need to worry about funds for a long time. question."

Loni shook her head quickly when she heard this: "This can't be done, it's too expensive. Priest Mo Cheng just arrived, we can't let you..."

As a nun of the Lickers Order, Roni, who knows a little bit of herbal healing methods, understands the rarity of the ointment in Mo Cheng's hand better than others.

The micro-effect healing potions sold on the market are all therapeutic potions mixed with water, the effect can only speed up the scarring of wounds cut by swords, and they are used for emergency bandaging and hanging when injured in the wild. But for such a minor healing potion with not that great healing effect, the market price is around five gold griffins.

Because healing potions are prepared by mages and alchemists, for ordinary people, things related to magic cannot be separated from [precious].

And the price of five golden griffins was due to the fact that Fairhaven had enough spellcasters, and a considerable number of apprentices used to refine potions in exchange for tuition fees in order to work and study. In other countries, the price of minor healing potions has doubled.

It's just that Luo Ni's refusal and Mo Cheng didn't take it to heart at all, and even didn't listen to it, "That's the decision, I can't last long if I throw the money in the donation box? Will you go out to collect donations by yourself?"

Although Mo Cheng threw a lot of golden griffins into the donation box, the children and elderly people taken in by the Albert House had no source of income. The pure expenditure might last for a while, but it definitely couldn't last for a long time.

For things like fundraising, the Licker Order is just one of the branches of the Radiance Church, and it is not well-known. Both nobles and commoners agree with the Radiance Church itself, and even the Radiance Church itself has a team of paladin honor guards dubbed the [Cowherd Brigade] by the players, who specially attend noble receptions to raise donations.

As for the Order of the Lickers? It even has to rely on funding from the upper-level Radiance Church to maintain itself.


"No but, Sister Loni, look."

Following Mo Cheng's fingers, Loni looked over, "The house is already leaking, the children are growing up day by day, they need to learn instead of doing nothing, until they become adults without any skills and finally run to become the lowest gang members. "

"The elderly people who live here are getting older and they need a cleaner and more comfortable environment, adequate dinners, better medicines and treatments."

Through the glasses, the priest looked into the nun's eyes quietly, "And all of these need money, not to mention we are getting money through crimes? No! Even if the glory falls in front of us, I can say loudly that we are It is money obtained by obeying all laws and morals."

"Okay..." The blond nun nodded, "Then the Albert House will be handed over to you, Priest Mo Cheng."

After Sister Loni agreed, Mo Cheng went back to the front yard to pack up the things, and moved several finished products back to the room.

On the way back to the room, Mo Cheng couldn't help but ponder: "Am I acting too eagerly? In order to gain the right to speak, such a direct and oppressive decision may cause backlash in the future."

Mo Cheng needs to get the right to speak in the House of Albert as quickly as possible, so that he can rely on this [legal] identity to do something, and what he does is not completely unrequited. It's just that the Albert's House will have enough income, the children will be able to have a skill, Lilia will receive tuition fees for admission, and Mo Cheng will also be able to get some convenience through the Albert's House. UU Reading

It's not selfish, but it's a win-win situation for all parties.

But Mo Cheng is also worried that his eager behavior today will cause a hidden danger when Roni reacts one day later. After all, a person who intends to establish the right to speak on the second day of his arrival is indeed suspicious to some extent according to such an environment.

"It's too hasty, but it shouldn't be a big problem."

Back in the room, put today's finished product under the bed, together with Mo Cheng's suitcase, this is the only place to hide things in this simple room.

"The interests of the House of Albert are deeply tied to me. They don't need their unconditional support. As long as a community of interests is formed, there is a lot of room for maneuver."

Lying on the bed and recalling his previous behavior, although he seemed a little impatient, he also got the right to speak from Loni. But this is not the end, on the contrary it is a beginning, he needs to improve his life with the Albert House in a short period of time.

Only in this way can the people of Albert House be willing to believe in themselves.

"What a nuisance."

Although he was talking about trouble, there was a smile on Mo Cheng's face that couldn't be concealed, a wanton and arrogant smile that belonged to [player]: "Forget it, I don't think so much. Tomorrow, I will go find a sales place for the healing ointment."

Mo Cheng has absolute confidence in the demand for healing ointment. Not only players need healing ointment, but also mercenaries and even the army who go out to explore and perform missions will not reject high-quality and cheap healing ointment.

Even when the player's production capacity of the healing ointment was exploding, the micro-effect healing potion with an average price of ten gold coins was abruptly driven out of the market.

"Let's just dry out that money-losing micro-effect garbage!"