MTL - Extreme Pampering After Marriage-Chapter 767 Mingcheng Qinghuan (1)

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  Chapter 767 Mingcheng Qinghuan (1)

   There was a rustling sound of water in the bathroom, and Kang Mingcheng, who was leaning on the bed with his upper body naked, lit a cigarette with his fingertips, and put it into his mouth, puffing.

   After a while, the room was filled with smoke.

  Mo Qinghuan came out of the bathroom, and had already changed into the dress that he had ravaged and disfigured before. She frowned slightly when she smelled the smoke, "Can you put out your cigarette!"

   There is an undeniable strength in the tone.

  Kang Mingcheng raised his head, glanced at her loosely, and sneered at the corner of his mouth, but still wiped out the cigarette **** in front of the mirror.

  Mo Qinghuan walked to the bedside, picked up her handbag and wanted to leave.

  Kang Mingcheng suddenly grabbed her hand and dragged her directly onto the bed.

  Mo Qinghuan was slightly annoyed, "Kang Mingcheng, why are you crazy?"

  Since the night of Mo Shenbai and Xu Youyou's wedding, the two drank too much and slept together inexplicably, the two had no contact for more than a month.

  Who would have thought she would come to a fashion show and run into him fucking.

  Maybe the lingering love that night was too delicious, or maybe it was too lonely in a foreign country, anyway, the two of them rolled out of bed for no reason.

   But it's only about sex, Mo Qinghuan doesn't plan to turn back.

  Kang Mingcheng clasped her slender wrist to prevent her from getting up, his thin lips parted slightly, "You haven't changed at all."

  Over the years, he has also dated many women, but most of them ended up without a problem, and many of them can't remember their names, but he remembers everything about Mo Qinghuan clearly.

  So their lingering is always full of joy.

  Mo Qing smiled happily, "You have regressed a lot, why is it that you are too old to do what you want?"

  Kang Mingcheng caught the provocation and pride in her eyes, lowered his head and bit her ear

  When they were dating, both of them were young and energetic, and once they got entangled, it was difficult to separate. Kang Mingcheng was even more energetic and capable than ordinary Asians.

  Strong to...perverted.

  But that was all when he was young, so Mo Qinghuan wouldn't be afraid, so he smiled and continued to provoke him, "Can you do it?"

"You can try."

   "Just try it."

  The clothes I just wore are white again.


   When everything returned to calm, Mo Qinghuan lay on the bed and rubbed her waist, cursing inwardly at this pervert, how could she be so tough despite her age.

  Kang Mingcheng was sweating all over, went to the bathroom to take a shower, came back and saw her rubbing her waist, and walked over to help her.

   "Can I do it?"

  Mo Qinghuan wanted to say "No", but when he thought of the end, the man's expression was still unfinished, and he swallowed the words abruptly, and only gave him a cold look.

  Kang Mingcheng looked at her slender skin, she was not inferior to a girl in her twenties, even her temper was similar to when she was young, so don't be too aggressive in front of him.

   They seem to have changed a lot over the years, but it seems like nothing has changed.

   "I'm going back to China tomorrow." He came here to participate in an art exhibition. After the art exhibition is over, he will naturally return to China.

  His massage was very comfortable. Mo Qinghuan almost fell asleep with her eyes closed, and said something absent-mindedly.

  Kang Mingcheng said again: "You can go back with me."

  Mo Qinghuan didn't even open her eyes, and said casually: "Why are you going back with you? I haven't played enough yet."

   "I think we are very compatible in this aspect. Anyway, we don't have a more suitable partner at present, so..." The remaining half of the sentence was left unsaid. Everyone is an adult and understands what it means.

  Mo Qinghuan opened his eyes abruptly, with surprise and confusion in his eyes, "Are you trying to be my wife?"

  Kang Mingcheng did not answer directly, but instead asked, "I can make you very happy, can't I?"

  Mo Qinghuan sneered, "Do you know who the people who used to sleep with me were? They were either young or alive. Why do you compete with them?"

  The implication is that they are not qualified to be prostitutes.

  Kang Mingcheng seemed to be irritated by her words, and the hands that kneaded her slender waist couldn't help but increase their strength.

   "Hiss—" Mo Qinghuan gasped, then turned to stare at him: You want to murder me?

  Kang Mingcheng's face suddenly sank, "Are they as old as me?"

  Mo Qinghuan's heart trembled, and she turned her head away from him in an instant.

  I didn't want to admit it but had to admit it, so I simply closed my eyes and pretended to be dead.

  Kang Mingcheng saw her pretending to be dead, a smile flashed in his eyes, he lowered his head to her ear, and coaxed in a low hoarse voice: "Qing Huan, come back with me."

  Qing Huan...

  Qing Huan...

  Qing Huan...

  In the past, he also liked to call her that way, when he was in love, when he was angry, when he was happy, when he was helpless...

  Mo Qinghuan was sleepy and tired, and those past memories were still attacking her, so she said impatiently: "I want to sleep, so don't disturb me, we'll talk when I wake up."


  Mo Qinghuan slept until noon, but was woken up by Kang Mingcheng.

  She didn't sleep well, and she wasn't in a good mood, so naturally she wouldn't give Kang Mingcheng a good face.

  Kang Mingcheng was very angry at this time, and coaxed her like an ancestor, "If you don't go to the airport, it will be too late, and you will catch up on sleep after getting on the plane."

  Mo Qinghuan glanced at him, "Did I promise to go back with you?"

  A man who makes his own way.

   "If you still want to play here for a few days, I will refund the ticket to accompany you."

  At school, he can call to ask for leave.

  Mo Qinghuan was annoyed by his attitude, "Kang Mingcheng, I didn't agree."

  Kang Mingcheng didn't speak, just stood by the bed and looked at her, his eyes were calm and unwavering, his thin lips were pursed lightly, and he didn't speak for a long time.

  The atmosphere was silent and tense, with an invisible smoke permeating the air.

  Mo Qinghuan was very aware of his temper. If he failed to go down the steps once, he would just turn around and leave.

   When he was hesitating whether to let him go or go back with him, the man said again, "I drew a picture before you woke up."

  He turned around and picked up a piece of paper from the sofa. It was just torn from a notebook casually, but the pencil lines outlined the beautiful facial features of the woman, as well as her good figure.

  Mo Qinghuan was stunned, and took the paper he handed over, with surprise and nostalgia in his eyes.

  Although she has no clothes in the painting, she doesn't see any color, but only the beauty of the lines of her body.

  Kang Mingcheng has drawn such paintings for her before.

   "Do you have to draw a picture after you do with every woman?"

   She looked up and asked.

   "I've only ever drawn you."

  This answer put Mo Qinghuan in a good mood, "You didn't draw well, I'll give you a chance to draw with your drawing board next time."

   Kang Mingchengfei smiled, "Okay."

   "I want to take a shower and change clothes, please go out." The tone is proud, like a queen.

  Kang Mingcheng smiled and said "OK" again, then turned and left the room.


  Mo Qinghuan and Kang Mingcheng returned to Mo City by plane for more than ten hours.

  As soon as she got off the plane, she parted ways with Kang Mingcheng.

   Kang Mingcheng went home, and she booked a hotel.

  (end of this chapter)