MTL - Extreme Pampering After Marriage-Chapter 818 Looking Back Later (37)

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  Chapter 818 Late Return to View Today (37)

  The man turned his head and saw the security guard in black uniform, his eyes were full of doubts, "What are you doing?"

  The security guard ignored him, but asked Jinjin, "Miss Mo, is he bothering you?"

  Jinjin nodded, "Well, please throw him out. We Lanhuo don't entertain this kind of rubbish."

   "Okay, Miss Mo." The security guard said respectfully.

  The man's face was full of disbelief, "You... what do you want to do? I am a customer, and the customer is God, do you understand? If you dare to throw me out, I will complain to you..."

   Before the man could finish his yelling, the security guard had already grabbed the back of his neck and lifted him out like a chicken.

  The bartender shook his head sympathetically, "I really don't know what to do. It's not good to provoke anyone. I must provoke you, Miss Mo."

  Jinjin turned around and raised his glass to him, "Thank you."

  If he hadn't informed the security guard, the security guard wouldn't have come so quickly.

   "Miss Mo is being polite, this is what I should do. Otherwise, if Master Mu knows that Miss Mo has been wronged here, he won't take our skin off!"

   The bartender joked.

   "How could it be so exaggerated..." When Jin Jin was chatting with the bartender with a smile, three people suddenly came over and patted her on the shoulder.

   "Mo Jinjin, it's really you."

  When I looked back today, I saw a few familiar faces, all of whom were her classmates who were studying in Australia.

   "Long time no see." She greeted politely but unfamiliarly.

   "It's been a long time, I didn't expect to meet you here." A girl with dyed blonde hair said, "We came here to play. I remember that your home seems to be in Mocheng."

  Jinjin nodded, "Yes, I am from Mexico City."

   "I just saw the security throw a man out because he flirted with you?" Another girl with short hair said.

   Jinjin glanced at her and didn't answer.

   "Jijin, could it be that you are afraid of being seen by the donor and get angry and don't want you?" The blond girl asked in a joking tone with a smile on her face.

   "How is it possible?" The short-haired girl answered, "I've been so close to Klaus in a foreign country today, and the benefactor wasn't angry at all. How could he be angry now because he was accosted by a man?"

"Maybe it's because the benefactor doesn't know about Jinjin's overseas affairs." The girl in the white dress looked at Jinjin with an innocent smile, "Don't worry, Jinjin, we won't talk nonsense about your stay in Australia .”

   The bartender looked at the three girls with the eyes of the alien, with words written all over their faces: Are you all right?

  Knowing that they were deliberately trying to embarrass themselves, Jinjin didn't answer, got up and said: "I have something else to do, excuse me."

   When she turned to leave, the blond girl grabbed her arm, "It's rare to see old classmates today, why are you leaving in such a hurry?"

   Jin Jin frowned, looking at the hand on his arm with some displeasure, "Please let go."

  The blond girl let go, "Today, we are all old classmates, you won't be really angry if you make a few jokes?"

   "That's right, besides, we haven't seen each other for a long time. After you returned to China, Klaus often came to us to inquire about your situation."

  Ask them?

   Did they treat Klaus as a fool or themselves as a fool, and they would believe their lies.

   "Today, we think Mocheng is not bad, it would be great if we can settle down."

  The girl in the white skirt smiled and said, "It's just that it's too hard to find a good job. As a native of Mexico City, you must have some solutions, right?"

  Jijin finally understands that they want to use themselves as a big grievance.

   "I think the Mo Group is good, but unfortunately their recruitment requirements are too high." The blond girl mentioned Mo's eyes with a flash of annoyance.

   "Although I have already passed the initial test of Xiaoyun Group, I am not sure about the second interview. Today, do you know anyone from Xiaoyun Group?" the short-haired girl asked.

  Girl in white: "I want to go to the Xie Group. I heard that their president lacks an assistant. I think I am very suitable for this position."

  Jinjin: "..."

  There are so many company groups in Mexico City, it’s not good to go anywhere, I have to go to three companies that I have a relationship with!

   "Today, if you know someone, please help us." The blond girl said bluntly.

   Jin Jin looked calm, "I think it's better for you to work **** your own when it comes to finding a job."

  One sentence directly changed the faces of the three girls.

   "Mo Jinjin, you mean you don't want to help us?" The blond girl was the first to speak, with an accusatory tone.

  The short-haired girl followed closely behind, "Jijin, could it be that your benefactor is actually incapable?"

  Although the girl in the white skirt had a gentle voice, her words were sharper. "Today, I think girls should help each other. If you help us today, if something happens to you another day, we will help you too."

   "That's right, you won't be young for a few years. When your benefactor gets tired of playing, maybe you will ask us to give you a hand." The short-haired girl said sarcastically in a cold and hard tone.

   "Thank you for your concern, but she doesn't need it."

   A deep and cold voice sounded, and several people turned their heads at the same time. When they saw the man in black suit pants and white shirt approaching, they couldn't help but stare blankly.

  Now he is much calmer, "Brother Xu Chi, you are here."

  In addition to Xu Chi, there were also Xie Yumu and Mo Jiayue who met at the door and came in together.

  Xu Chi nodded, "Sorry, the company suddenly had a meeting, so I came a little late."

   "It's okay." Anyway, there are a few monkeys performing, and watching the show is pretty good, so it's time to pass the time.

   "Why don't you go to the box?" Xu Chi walked up to her, and when he looked down at her, his eyes were full of tenderness and affection, "Drink?"

  He notices the empty wine glasses on the bar.

   "It's too boring to be alone in the private room." Jinjin explained, "I just drank a glass of low concentration."

   "Let's go, let's go to the box."

  Jijin nodded, and when he was about to go with them, the blond girl finally came back to her senses and couldn't help calling him back, "Wait a minute."

   Xu Chi paused, his eyes were calm and cold when he turned his head, "Are you calling me?"

  The blond girl couldn't help swallowing, "What's your relationship with her?"

  Xu Chi did not answer and asked, "What does this have to do with you?"

   His voice was cold, and there was even impatience in his eyes.

  The blond girl could feel his love and care for Jinjin, and felt jealous, "Do you know that she is being taken care of by an old man and has a financial backer?"



  Xu Chi looked down at Jinjin.

   Jinjin shrugged innocently, who knows how this rumor came out.

   "She was still entangled with other men in Australia, and her private life was particularly messy." The short-haired girl made up the knife.

  Another boy?

  Xu Chi frowned, but instead of questioning Jinjin immediately, he said coldly, "I don't care."

  Jinjin: "!"

   You don't care about anything you don't have.

   "You don't care?" The blond girl's pupils quivered in surprise, "She has affairs with many men, and you don't care? Are you still a man?"

   "That's right, she simply treats you as a spare tire, a fish kept in her bathtub! Be sober!"

  Xu Chi tilted his head, his deep eyes were full of affection, "Sorry, I can't wake up."

  In front of everyone, he said in a serious and determined tone: "As long as she is willing to be with me, whether it is a spare tire or a fish in her fish tank, I am willing."

  Three girls: "!"

   Now that good-looking men are so in love with brains? ?

   Xu Chi: I'm just a love brain =w=see you tomorrow.



  (end of this chapter)