MTL - Extreme Pampering After Marriage-Chapter 825 Looking Back Lately (44)

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  Chapter 825 Late Return to View Today (44)

  Jin Jin got out of the car with Xu Chi, walked to the elevator hand in hand, and suddenly thought of retreating, "Otherwise, I'd better go home first."

   "What's wrong?" Xu Chi raised his eyebrows and asked.

  Jijin said with some embarrassment: "Will it be bad for me to come to the company with you like this? What will the people in the company think of you?"

  I brought my girlfriend with me to work last time, which is somewhat outrageous.

  Xu Chi clenched her soft and innocent little hands, and parted her thin lips lightly, "Our company's corporate culture requires employees to treat the company as their own home, so they sometimes bring their children to the company."

  What’s wrong with him just bringing a girlfriend? Besides, he is the boss, and the people below dare not criticize what the boss does.

  After listening to this today, I felt less uneasy, and asked again: "Then I won't disturb your work?"

  Xu Chi thought for a while, "Unless you are jumping up and down the office like a monkey, I can't think of how you can affect my work."

  Jin Jin took a look at him, but happily followed him into the elevator.

  When she was young, she and her parents came to the Mo Group several times. At that time, she entered the office of her uncle. Since Xu Chi took over the company, she hadn't been to the company, and she didn't know what his office looked like.

  The elevator went directly to the floor of Xu Chi's office. As soon as the elevator door opened, he saw colleagues from the secretary's office outside.

  All of them got up at the same time and said, "Sooner or later."

  Looking at Jinjin next to him with curious and surprised eyes, especially seeing their hands holding each other tightly, the soul of gossip instantly ignited.

  Xu Chi's face was calm, he gave a faint "um", and ordered his assistant to bring him a cup of coffee and a cup of juice.

  Jijin was a little embarrassed to be seen, but he still smiled generously, which was regarded as a greeting to them.

  As soon as they walked into the office, there were immediately ebb and flow "fuck" voices outside.

  Jinjin who walked into the office vaguely heard voices outside, and immediately regretted, "I would not have come if I had known."

  Xu Chi took off his coat and hung it on the hanger, then looked back at her, "Why?"

   "It's too high-profile." Jin Jin looked around his office, and then went to sit in front of his leather chair, "What if it gets to my parents and uncle?"

  Xu Chi walked in front of her, his buttocks were just on the table, and he sat on it easily, but his upper body bent down to get close to her.

   "Are you still planning to play underground romance?"

  Jinjin is a little embarrassed to be stared at by him at such a close distance, especially his eyes are clear and affectionate, "I don't want to have an affair, but I haven't prepared myself to face them. What if they object?"

  Xu Chi's warm palm landed on the top of her head, "If they don't agree, you won't be with me?"

   "That's not possible." The little girl replied in a firm tone.

   "Then what do you want to do so much?" Xu Chi thinly curled his lips, "Even if they don't agree, I will let them agree. You don't have to worry about this matter."

   Suspicion flashed across Jinjin's bright eyes, and he deliberately asked him: "If they just don't agree, what will you do if your aunt threatens to kill you?"

   "Impossible, my mother is not that kind of person." He knows his own mother too well, she will probably be surprised, but will respect his choice.

   "I mean what if." It's probably a common problem among girls. When they are in a relationship, they can't help making assumptions to prove how much the other party loves them.

Xu Chi probably guessed what she was thinking, suppressed the smile on the corner of his mouth, frowned and said, "Then what else can I do? I can only elope with you, and wait until the raw rice is cooked and the rice is cooked to give birth to a son and a half. They just agreed."

   Jin Jin hammered his leg, "What nonsense are you talking about?"

Xu Chi held her pink fist, rubbed her thumb gently on the delicate skin, and the corners of her lips could not restrain her upward curve, "Don't be anxious about things that haven't happened, even if they did happen, we are both adults. People can take responsibility for their own actions and choices.”

  He didn't just emphasize that he would handle it, but let her recognize that she is an adult, and they already have the ability to deal with all problems.

  Jinjin understood what he said, nodded with a smile, "Got it."

   When she smiled, the pear dimples at the corners of her mouth were extraordinarily cute. Xu Chi moved his head and kissed her red lips.

  Although Jinjin was a little embarrassed, she couldn't resist his gentle kiss.

  So warm and so sultry.

  The moment her lips touched her, her mind went blank.

   Both of them were immersed in this sweet kiss, but the office door was suddenly pushed open...

   "A Sui..."

  Xu Youyou just spoke when her voice stopped abruptly.

  The two people who had lost their love for each other suddenly separated. Seeing them today, their cheeks flushed red, and they were so ashamed that they couldn't lift their heads.

   Xu Chi got up calmly and stood in front of Jinjin, took out a piece of paper to wipe the corners of his lips, and said calmly in a hoarse voice, "Mom and Dad, why are you here?"

  Mo Shenbai's face was calm, but Xu Youyou closed her surprised mouth, pointed at him, and pointed at Jinjin behind him, "You, you..."

  Xu Chi tilted his head and looked down at the shy girl behind him, and said softly, "That's what you think."

  Xu Youyou: "..."

  Son, are you that honest?

  Knowing that it is useless to hide, Jinjin got up and stood beside Xu Chi, and called out nervously, "Uncle, aunt..."

   "Jinjin..." Xu Youyou really didn't expect Jinjin and A Sui to fall in love. After all, they didn't have any tricks before, so they couldn't help asking: "When did you... get together?"

   "Last night." Xu Chi replied.

  Hey guy, confirmed the relationship last night, today at the company GHS!

   "Then your sister-in-law and uncle don't know?" Xu Youyou asked.

   "I will find an opportunity to confess to them." Xu Chi said calmly.

  Xu Youyou's little heart was still beating, she didn't know what to say for a while, she looked sideways at her husband.

  Mo Shenbai raised his eyebrows, "Tired of standing? Then come and sit down."

  Xu Youyou: "..."

   Do I mean it?

   The two of them sat down, and the assistant just brought coffee and juice in, and smelled the unusual atmosphere, so they put down their things and went out without even daring to raise their eyes.

  Xu Chi handed her his car keys, "I'll ask the driver to take you back, and I'll call you later."

  Jinjin looked at Xu Youyou and Mo Shenbai and then at Xu Chi, biting her crimson lips with her white teeth and did not speak, nor did she pick up the car keys.

"Hey, I'll talk to them alone, and I'll call you when we're done." Xu Chi stuffed the car keys into her hand, took her hand and walked towards the elevator, "Don't drive, wait in the car. The driver will be there soon."

  Before entering the elevator today, I was still worried, and asked anxiously, "Uncle, will aunt scold you? Or let me tell them, I liked you first..."


  Mo brothers and sisters seem to have the buff of being caught by their parents as soon as they fall in love^_^

  (end of this chapter)