MTL - Fairy Palace-Chapter 17 Pay and return

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Two strong figures, shuttled through the leafy jungle, quietly approaching an area with an open frontal view. When the figure is hidden in the bushes, the eyes are visible through the gaps of the grass and the leaves are clearly visible. The scene of strangulation.

One man and two women.

The handsome man is abnormal and the woman is delicate.

The three men were already scarred at this time, and they were besieged by more than a dozen black men in uniforms. The situation was dangerous and there was a fatal injury at any time, and then they were killed.

"It's him?"

The drug slave snorted and his face showed a hint of pity.

Ye Hao listened sharply, faintly heard the snoring of the drug slave, and lowered his voice and asked: "Who do you know?"

The medicine slave played with a smile: "Zipao youth, I went out with the owner a few years ago, and I have had a relationship with him. He is the second son of the Zifu County King, and is known as the most outstanding in Zifu County. The cultivation of genius, Mu Xiaochen, a few years ago, when he was only 18 years old, he broke through to the innate realm. Compared with the celestial princess of the Tianwang Empire, there was only a half-year gap."

Mu Xiaochen?

The second son of the king of Zifu County?

Ye Hao’s eyes flashed through the light, and the smile of his mouth swayed. He hated his buddies, but he didn’t hate the elite genius, especially the son of the Zifu County King. If you can make some friends, you will be in this Zifu County in the future. Should be able to run rampant, to see who is not good, who is going to fight?


"You can't be arrogant, that's a trick."

Ye Hao smiled and groaned in the bottom of his heart, his eyes re-opened through the gap between the branches and leaves, looking at the scene of the killing in front.

The best way to make a fortune is to send charcoal in the snow and save people from danger. After all, the grace of life is greater than the sky, but Mu Xiaochen knows the drug slave. Even if he saves the other person’s life, even if the other party knows his decision, I am afraid it will still be Most of the kindness is recorded in the poison devil Huo Lanqiu.

Saving people, making friends, um, is also a technical job.

Ye Hao chewed three words, then patted the shoulders of the drug slave, grabbed a blade of grass, bite into the bush at the corner of his mouth, and stopped not far from the battlefield.

Although the drug slave didn't want to show up, he couldn't change the decision of the little master. He could only look at the leading cane. It looked like a smoldering year, and he slowly followed him.

Mu Xiaochen was trapped in a shackle, and the injury became more and more serious, which made his heart fall like an ice cave.


Gradually occupy his heart.

However, his heart can't bear it, and the two confidantes are afraid to accompany him to death. At the same time, he also hated the killers of Zuoying.

The appearance of Ye Hao and the drug slaves caused some people to change slightly in the place, especially the only black man who did not do it. The eyebrows provoked and the eyes were cold.

This time intercepted.

After many deductions, they finally chose to be in the tenth mountain without any traces. However, the two people who suddenly appeared were beyond their previous expectations.

"It's him?"

The beleaguered Mu Xiaochen, after seeing the people, although he did not know Ye Hao, he recognized the identity of the drug slave. A few years ago, he met the poisonous devil, and even the old slaves of Huo Lanqiu. Extra attention.

this moment.

Mu Xiaochen saw a glimmer of hope.

Ye Qiu mouth biting the blade of grass, holding his arms and smiling, said: "I came to this deep forest, I felt bored. I never thought it was very lively. Hey, so many people are killing three people So much time, it’s stupid.”

Mu Xiaochen forced back the black killer in front of him and said loudly: "The two are the people around Huo Lanqiu's predecessors? I am Mu Xiaochen, the son of the king of Zifu County. I have had a meeting with Huo's predecessors and the drug slaves. I wonder if the older slaves can still remember?"

The drug slaves look at the nose and nose, silently, and the right is not to hear each other.

Mu Xiaochen’s face changed slightly, and he once again said: “The drug slaves, please ask for help. After I resolve this crisis, I will thank myself.”

The drug slave is still silent.

Ye Hao came to the interest and spit out the leaves of the corner of his mouth. He smiled and asked: "I like the word "re-thank you" that you said. Of course! The grace of dripping water is reported by the springs. This is a matter of no doubt. However, I am very curious about what is your so-called re-thankness, to what extent?

Mu Xiaochen couldn't figure out the identity of Ye Hao, but he was smart enough to realize that the drug slaves seemed to be looking at this young boy. Suddenly, he asked aloud: "What do you need?"

what do you need?

Ye Xie smiled in his heart, and after taking out the silver crystal in his arms, he played a little in his hand, and then deliberately let go of the hand and fell to the ground. Suddenly, Ye Hao seemed to be incarnate, and the fuss was stunned and his face was distressed: "Hey, this little master has such a silver crystal, how can he still fall to the ground? I..."

"Ten silver crystals."

Mu Xiaochen’s eyes lit up, and he was excited to see the broken leaves and his heart promised.


Ye Xie’s heart was hot and he immediately made a gesture to prepare the drug to save people.

Mu Xiaochen didn't know what the strange voice of Ye Hao was. But when he saw Ye Hao's gesture, he said with a slap in the face: "Twenty twenty, we can't hold on, come and help."


Ye Hao’s face was stagnation and his eyes were a few times.

Immediately, his gaze moved to his raised finger. This position... is "yeah", it seems to be "two"! Ye Hao reacted, and suddenly he was a little bit sorrowful, but the misunderstanding between the wrong and the wrong can make him get ten silver crystals, which is naturally a good thing.

"Pharmaceutical slaves, save people."

The only black man who didn't do it, the footsteps were swaying, and the figure was already in front of Ye Hao and the medicine slave. He was like a sword that was unsheathed, exuding a fierce momentum, and Senran said: "Left camp, Are the two really going to intervene?"


The drug slave was slightly discolored, and as his body gradually became straight, the sigh of breath erupted from him. Ye Hao may not understand Zuoying, but he was clear, because he... was also from Zuo Ying’s blood. The embarrassing role of coming out of the sea corpse.

The faucet cane is raised and the thumb touches the slightly raised button.

In the left hand of the drug slave, there are six willow-shaped flying knives. Each blade of the flying knife is covered with a faint blue luster, which is a trace of the poison.


In the black man, the tyrannical violent spurt, the layers of knife light, in an attempt to cover the drug slaves.


The three willow-shaped flying knives were spurred in a "good" shape. Although they were blocked by the long knife in the hands of the black man, they also broke the attack of the black man.

"If you are quiet, you can take off your rabbit."

This sentence is reflected in the drug slaves. When he is not moving, he is coveted by the old man. He is a long-lost man, but when he moves, he suddenly becomes sharp and sharp.

The black man was born in a four-fold realm, which was even higher than the repair of the drug slaves. The two men immediately became a group, and under the guidance of the drug slaves, they gradually got closer to Mu Xiaochen’s position.


The medicine slave's thumb is strong, and the bottom of the faucet crutches the half-foot long-pointed cone. The sudden killing strokes, scratching the cheeks of the black man, when the other pupil shrinks, the body shape retreats, he enters the flock, the remaining three The willow-shaped flying knife hit three black-handed sieges who besieged Mu Xiaochen, and the leading cane also brought a shadow of the road, piercing the three people.

The sound of the East hit the West, the effect is immediate.

Ye Hao stood in the distance and secretly applauded the tactics of the drug slave. When he had played against two saber-toothed wolves, this kind of tactic was included. As a porcelain bottle was thrown out by the leafhopper, the toe kicked and kicked. Fly to a dozen meters away.

"There are two quarters of time left."

Ye Hao looked at the black man and furiously, and once again rushed toward the drug slave, his mouth whispered softly.

Use poison!

Very powerful and powerful!

This is the most toxic poison prepared by Ye Hao, which is colorless and odorless, and spreads in the wind. According to the formula, even the innate innate, inhaled in the body, will be poisoned.


He did not want to put all his hopes on the poison, and concealed his hand into his arms, and then sacrificed the birth book to the black page. With the input of the real yuan, more than a dozen names appeared on the black pages.

Ye Hao studied life and death. He found that as long as he injects himself into the real element, he can display the name of the person around him. Of course, this distance can only be maintained at more than ten meters, and it will not be far away.


Ye Hao observed the moment and locked the name.

After a hundred years of research, he has already known the name on the book of life and death. Which one is deeper in writing, it means that the strength of the other party is stronger. Then he only needs to re-write the name again, and then inject the vitality, he can extract the strength of the other party, and the black man, the repair is the strongest in a dozen black clothes, so he can judge The identity of the other party.


Looking for opportunities!

Ye Xie needs to kill the drug slaves and Umbato to a critical juncture, and bring the wounds unexpectedly. Even if he can't kill him, he can be greatly affected.

The strong man smothered, a little poor pool, it is the end of the dead.

Three black-handed killers were killed, and Mu Xiaochen's three men's pressures plummeted. Even if they were bruised and bruised, they could be self-protected for the time being. The killing of the drug slaves and Umbatto has also intensified. In just a few minutes, the drug slaves are bloodstained and scarred, while Umbato is better than the drug slaves, but the drug slaves. Once experienced in battles, the battle experience is extremely rich, and Umbato has suffered a lot of trauma.


The drug slaves vacated, the faucet crutches were difficult to find traces, and the layers of images flooded into Umbatto like the tide. He has done his best, even the last cards, the most powerful moves.

The strong meets the brave and wins.

When Umbatto was killed by the drug slaves, he was shocked to find that some of the killing methods of the drug slaves were almost exactly the same as the means of killing he learned in Zuoying. Although this situation made him puzzled, he stifled the situation. He also broke out the strongest move, and the knife and shadow swept through it.

"It is this time."

Ye Hao’s eyes barely locked the two, and finally found the opportunity at this moment. Without hesitation, he quickly entered the real yuan into the book of life and death and quickly wrote the name "Umbato".