MTL - Fairy, Please Let Me Explain-Chapter 247 Soldier

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  Chapter 247 Soldier's dangerous move

   "Yanren. Yanren's flying monsters are attacking! Notify the chief!"

   "Didn't the king say that the Yan people's army is deep in the snow field? How dare these remnant soldiers leave the city?"

   "Don't mess up! Prepare the Holy Weapon!"

  The rough and awkward barbarian language rang out one after another in the temporary camp.

  Although the barbarians are aggressive by nature, they are not ignorant of fear.

   At the moment when the Flame Monster Beast flew out, chaos inevitably descended on the barbarian camp, and the chaos reached its peak after the smoke screen was formed.

  The long-term war has made them no longer unfamiliar with the endless ordnance of the Yan people, but when a brand-new ordnance of unknown purpose appeared, panic still spread in the camp.

   And at this time,

   "Don't panic, the king has anticipated this, act according to the king's oracle!"

   "Is the holy weapon equipment ready?!"

   "Summon the barbarian totem in formation!"

  The thick barbaric language was deafening.

  With the sound of these voices, the chaotic barbarians remembered that the king had arranged a follow-up.

   Soon, the order in the eastern camp finally overwhelmed the chaos.

  At the moment when the chaos was about to be suppressed, ferocious monsters broke through the fog from the smoke-screened sky moat, one after another, stretching like dark clouds, roaring with huge mouthparts and pressing towards the barbarian camp.


  In the tense preparations of the barbarian camp,

A barbarian young general standing outside the chief's camp looked up at the attacking monsters a little dullly, his hands trembling with **** hands gripped the holy soldier tightly, and murmured "The barbarian **** bless my holy race" between his black lips and teeth. " kind of prayers.

  As the chief's confidant, Urguitar knows much more than other tribesmen.

  Since the king unified all the tribes, the holy clan has never been stronger in a hundred years, and they used the strength of the whole clan to go south to find a place to live.

  At the beginning, he thought that under the leadership of that king, everything in the Saint Clan would go well.

   And it turns out that's true.

  Fate is in my holy race.

  The invincible Yanren army that those tribal elders said was so weak.

  Under the leadership of the king, the saint clan was victorious in all battles, and they went all the way south and successfully reached the city of Beifeng.

  Only since then, the unfavorable battle situation made Erji realize that the situation seems to have changed.

  Although those Yanren cities were difficult to fight back then, they were not invincible.

  As long as the people of the Holy Race are not afraid of death, the border towns controlled by those Yan people who are afraid of death will soon be captured.

  And this city is closed to the north.

  It's like a dead zone.

   How many people of the holy clan died, how many people died.

Without exception.

   Except for several large-scale sieges using ice beast colossi, their attacks could not even touch the city walls.

  Even so, this giant city of Beifeng is still as insurmountable as a natural moat.

  But until this time, he still believed that under the leadership of the king, the saints would still be victorious in every battle.

   What happened after that completely shattered his belief.

  The ugly Yanren princess called Wu Yuan broke this victorious battle.

   And then, the destiny of the saints seemed to be gone.

  The million-strong army of the Holy Race lost more than half in the retreat.

   It was the first time that Eguitar truly saw the strength of the Yan people that the tribal elders said.

   Not only the Yanren princess brought soldiers, but also the Yanren frontier army, which was defeated in one blow, also became invincible.

  Equal numbers, the people of their Holy Race were almost massacred one-sidedly.

  The chief and the king seemed to have expected this situation.

He even heard from the king that "the depths of the snow field can't support so many people, die more, useless people are worthless, leave the elite with war experience, and the next time they come back, they will be more powerful." Good luck" kind of words.

   This caused Ergie's faith in the king to begin to crumble.

  The performance of the king who loved the people like a son at the beginning, and the promise to let the saints win a place to live, all seem so ironic under these words.

  But as Erji's status continued to rise in the war, he found that the king was still the king who loved the people like a son.

   Survival of the fittest is the only way for their saints to continue.

  The old, weak, and poorly talented clansmen must die on the battlefield, and concentrate limited supplies to supply the stronger and more talented clansmen, so that they can remember this hatred to start the next war.

   Then it goes round and round.

   This is the fate of countless generations of their saints.

   To break this fate, they had no choice but to go south.


  Ergi looked at the big flame monsters approaching in the sky, clenched his fists so that the cuticles of his palms were somewhat deformed.

   But going south is easier said than done.

  In just a few months, Dayan's strength has been engraved in his bones.

  If it weren't for this auspicious snow, they probably wouldn't be able to surpass the giant city of Beifeng in their entire lives.

  Wang’s decision was very risky. Now counting the dead bodies of the tribe, they only had enough supplies for two months.

  But for the future of the people of the Holy Race, they must take risks, even if it is the risk of breaking the generations.

   "People of the Holy Race, follow me to fight!!"

  Looking down from the sky, the smoke and dust billowed like a sandstorm approaching the city.

  Except for the northern side of the huge northern seal, the remaining three sides are almost completely shrouded in thick smoke.

  Even standing on the mountain-like city gate, Xu Yuan's gaze was still completely white.

  The sound of hooves on the ground below the tower became Xu Yuan's only way to perceive the battlefield.

  His bosom-loving fiancée should be out of town.

   Having been in this world for so long, Xu Yuan's mentality has changed a lot, but facing the war still makes him a little nervous.

   During the silence,

  Suddenly there was a series of huge roars in the distance.

  Xu Yuan glanced sideways, Lieutenant Cang, whose face was as heavy as water, broke the silence with a voice:

   "The barbarians, do they have anti-air means?"

   "Of course there are."

   Lieutenant General Cang raised his eyes and glanced at the direction from which the explosion came from: "This group of monsters probably won't come back after they go."

  Hearing this, Xu Yuan sighed softly when he thought of the flying monster that had just left the city like covering the sky and covering the sun:

   "War is about making money. The cost of training a flying monster is at least two thousand taels of silver. These flying monsters count the ordnance they carry, and they cost millions at a time."

   Lieutenant General Cang also seemed to sigh, but then shook his head slightly:

   "Mr. Xu, this trip is also a helpless move for the princess. The Zongmen's warehouse in the city has been destroyed, and it can no longer support such a large group of monsters. Although most of these are military monsters, there is still a risk of riots without food."

  The monsters are huge in size, and consume more food than ordinary cultivators, and they cannot afford to support them at all.

  Xu Yuan's eyes flashed, and he suddenly asked:

   "So, with so many flying monsters leaving the city, wouldn't they provide meat to those barbarians?"

  If a thousand-headed and various flying monsters are used as ingredients, they can basically be measured in tens of thousands of tons.

  Hearing this, Lieutenant Cang grinned:

   "If the barbarians dare to eat these monsters, it will save us a lot of things."

  Xu Yuan instantly understood:

   "Did you take the drug?"

   Lieutenant General Cang cupped his hands:

"What Mr. Xu can think of, Her Royal Highness naturally also considers it. The feed of these flying monsters this morning is all mixed with Heding powder. This drug can stimulate the animal nature of the monsters and make the meat poisonous. "

  Xu Yuan looked at the smoke screen that had spread to the edge of the city wall, shook his head and stopped talking.

  War, by any means.

  He had already seen the cruelty of war in Shengshan City, it was a horrible scene of blood and flesh.

  Stepping on those flesh and blood, you can even feel the warmth that was once alive.

   And that was just a small battlefield that couldn't even get on the table.

   In the next days in the north, he may be able to see real mass graves, or even 100,000 graves.

  I was thinking,

  Seven loud bells rang throughout the entire Beifeng City.

   Lieutenant General Cang naturally looked towards the south of the city.

   And Xu Yuan followed suit.

  As Li Qingyan expected, the barbarians started their counterattack in the south of the city.

  On the other side, the smoke and dust released by the "blocking the sun" was suddenly punched out by a strong gust of wind into a huge hole, and the smoke rose high, even covering the towering city walls.

  Climbing up and looking far away, with the vision bonus brought by the Blood Origin Heart Falling Art, Xu Yuan could vaguely see the large protective formation on the south side flickering for a moment.





  The trembling sound like an earth dragon turning over made the tough city wall tremble slightly.

  Xu Yuan looked down at the slightly trembling gravel on the city gate, and frowned slightly:

"This is."

   Lieutenant Cang's voice is dignified:

   "Ice Beast Colossus, that lunatic Barbarian King actually used the Ice Beast Colossus directly."

  Xu Yuan thought for a while, exhaled a mouthful of white mist in the cold wind, and asked:

   "General siege, they won't use it?"

   "No, it would be very difficult for the barbarians to break through the city wall without the ice beast colossus. This kind of colossus is extremely precious to the barbarians, and there are only two palms in total."

   "Lieutenant Cang, do you mean that the barbarians will consume human life first when attacking the city?"


   Lieutenant General Cang nodded: "There is a shortage of supplies in the bitter cold land. As long as the population of these barbarians is overpopulated, they must be consumed in the war. However, the Colossus is different. This is their biggest reliance when they go south to attack the city, and the price of taming one is extremely high."

   There was a hint of thought in his expression, Xu Yuan suddenly grinned:

   "Lieutenant Cang, can I ask you a question?"

   "What?" Lieutenant Cang looked surprised.

  Xu Yuan carefully chose his words and asked in a low voice:

   "Although the barbarians are not my human race, they also have wisdom. Their morale may not be very stable when they cross the mountains and detours. If you were a barbarian king, how would you deal with Wu Yuan's attack on the camp?"

  Deputy General Cang stared at Xu Yuan for a few breaths, and answered truthfully:

   "Well, if I were the barbarian alien king, based on the current military information, there is a high probability that I will send troops to pretend to attack Nancheng and force the princess to return to defense. The elite reserve team is on standby at any time."

  Xu Yuan nodded:

   "Indeed, for the barbarians, the eastern camp can be lost, but for us, the northern and southern cities must not be lost."

   Lieutenant General Cang continued to analyze and deduce the battle situation:

"If Nancheng gains something, then I will invest in the reserve team and continue to raise the bet, trying to break through the city in one fell swoop. If Nancheng is in a stalemate, I will use the reserve team to cooperate with the soldiers from the eastern camp to strangle the princess's Habayashi army who is going out. The harvest may not be huge, but no matter what the situation is, it will be beneficial to the barbarians."


  His tone was serious: "After all, the morale of the army in Beifeng City is now on the verge of collapse. The longer the delay, the better for them."

   "Yes, the absolute superiority of troops makes the barbarians more calm."

  Xu Yuan listened to the sound of explosions in the east camp, and replied in a low voice: "In this case, why did the barbarian king put all his eggs in one basket just like Wu Yuan, directly using the ice beast colossus to attack the city?"


   Lieutenant General Cang frowned, hesitantly said:

   "Now Beifeng City is empty. The barbarian king may have captured Beifeng as soon as possible. After all, how long this blizzard will last is completely unknown."

  Xu Yuan counted his breath quietly and shook his head:

   "I'm more inclined that these barbarians don't have enough food and grass. The Black Scale Guard has summed up the various supplies that the barbarians robbed, a large part of which is difficult to carry."

  The biggest problem that plagues the 700,000 elites who have penetrated into the northern border is how much supplies the barbarians can bring.

  If it is less than the supplies carried by the 700,000 army in the northern border, they will directly fortify the wall and clear the wilderness, and the barbarians will be destroyed without attack.

   Lieutenant Cang took a few breaths quietly, hesitatingly said:

   "Master Xu, you mean they are going to use the ice beast colossus as food?"

  Xu Yuan stared at the trembling stones on the top of the city gate:

   "We can't afford to feed such flying monsters. There shouldn't be less feed for a big guy like the Colossus, which is tens of thousands of tons?"

   Lieutenant General Cang frowned:

   "The daily food of the three ice giants is really hard to afford"

  Xu Yuan slowly took out a lens from Xumijie.

  He used the ones in Mixc City before. There are two pieces in one type. One side explodes, and the other side can sense the communication equipment.

  Seeing this thing, Lieutenant Cang frowned:

   "Mr. Xu, you are"

  Xu Yuan shook his head helplessly:

   "This kind of offensive should be unstoppable with my family's more than 5,000 black scale guards and 30,000 frontier troops?"

   Lieutenant General Cang looked slightly contemptuous, but concealed it well:

   "Young Master Xu has a noble status, if he wants to leave, he will naturally not stop him."

  Xu Yuan shook his head and said in a low voice:

   "Don't worry, it's not time to leave yet. This is not to save my life, but to inform the Black Scale Guard of the animal farm in Beifeng City."

   "The animal farm?" Lieutenant Cang raised his eyebrows.

   "Naturally let all the flying monsters in the Black Scale Guard Animal Farm go to reinforce my fiancée."

   "But such a large-scale monster beast should be enough."


  Xu Yuan stared at Lieutenant Cang with a strange expression for a few breaths, then suddenly shook his head:

   "Lieutenant Cang, you have been with Qing Yan for so many years, and you still don't know her as well as I do."

   "What do you mean?" Deputy General Cang frowned.

  Xu Yuan didn't speak, looked around at the smoke screen that enveloped the entire Beifeng City, and said faintly:

   "The act of tactical house-changing is indeed a lunatic, but Qingyan is not an ordinary lunatic, she is a lunatic woman who is crazier than the barbarian king."

  Hearing this, Lieutenant Cang's slightly wrinkled face showed a look of astonishment:

   "Xu Gongzi, what do you mean"

  Xu Yuan shook his head and looked towards the south of the city.

  There, the war colossus is already approaching the city.

  Behind the colossus, there is an army of barbarians who have drawn out their totems.

  The huge body of the bear-shaped colossus was carrying countless defensive equipment, **** and bloody, it slammed into the city wall with a bang, and then fell straight down.

  The huge shock wave spread at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the large defensive formation above the sky began to loom.

   While at the same time,

   This impact also sent a large area of ​​smoke and dust from "Blocking the Sun" outside the city to the sky.

   Also at this time,

  A large habayashi cavalry formed an army formation, covered by smoke, abruptly burst out from the period, like a sharp arrow blade rushing into the barbarian army!


  On the upper floor of the city gate,

  Xu Yuan looked at the chilling sound over there, and smiled helplessly at Lieutenant Cang:

   "You guessed it right, it seems that my princess is really crazy."

   After finishing speaking, he crushed the lens in his hand.




  (end of this chapter)

Read Defiance of the Fall
Read The Storm King
Read My Doomsday Territory
Read The Martial God who Regressed Back to Level 2