MTL - Fairy Tail: Start To Capture the Fairy Queen Erza-Chapter 28 Uru and Gray

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"I've been defeated! Lakuzas..."

Kanna, who was wearing a white long dress with small lace, looked at Lakuzas who was lying on the floor of the guild, looking at the ceiling and wondering what he was thinking, and laughed.

"Tch, mind your own business, Karna..."

After seeing the person coming, Lakusas turned his swollen face away from the beating.

"Hee hee hee…"

"Looking at your bad luck recently, do you want me to divination for you?"

Kana took out the card in her hand, covered her face, and snickered.

"Tch, since you insist on doing it, then I will reluctantly cooperate with you..."

"But tell you in advance, I! I don't believe in your divination!"

Lakusas turned his head and looked reluctant, but Kana was too enthusiastic, so he reluctantly agreed.

"let me see…"


"Lacusas, you are really unlucky!"

"The card shows that if you do S-level missions, you will be in bad luck!"

Kana spoke softly according to the hint she got from the card magic.

"Is there such a thing?!"

Lakuzas, who had a face of disdain, immediately turned around, with a trace of nervousness in his expression.

"Uh, I mean, I'm not feeling well today, so I won't go on the S-level mission for now..."

Lakuzas sat up from the ground as he spoke, and walked towards the outside of the guild. As for the S-level task in his hand, it was snatched away by Erza, and then re-posted on the S-level kanban on the second floor .

"Hee hee hee…"

Kanna looked at Lakusas's appearance of pretending to be unrestrained but actually left in a hurry, covered her mouth with a card, and smiled secretly.

After Lakusas left, it was Makao who earned a lot of money. At this moment, he was constantly mocking Wakaba: "Hahaha, what did I say?! I am a professional in gambling!"

"What are you proud of?! The guy who got **** luck..."

Wakaba's face was distorted. Makao made money, which made him feel worse than killing him.

"It's a bit noisy~ I can't calm down and choose tasks..."

In front of the ordinary mission board, she suffered some minor scratches, and her eyes were flashing over the missions posted on the board, looking for Erza who was suitable for her mission.

"This task seems to be suitable for me."

After a long while, Erza picked up a reward after completing the task, which was a task list of rare armor, talking to herself.

a few days later...

Yiwen had already got off the train with her luggage on her back, and in front of him was a snowy mountain range.

"Next, we must continue to advance in the direction of the northeast!"

"The air is getting colder..."

Yiwen looked at the map in her hand and talked to herself.

The Kingdom of Fiore, where Fairy Tail is located, is located in the southwest of the Ishgar Continent, facing the Western Continent, so once the Zeref Empire launches an attack on Ishgar, Fairy Tail in the Kingdom of Fiore will bear the brunt …

The place where Daliola was active was in the colder northeast of Ishgar, which was already outside the sphere of influence of the Kingdom of Fiore.


Yiwen let out a white breath, and walked towards the dark mountains according to the map in her hand. There would be no convenient means of transportation like trains on the road ahead.

at night...

When the last train arrived at Monet, a city on the northeast coast of the city, a short old man jumped off the train. He closed his eyes tightly, feeling the magic power flowing in the air, showing a bit of helplessness. Hue: "Is it still a step too late? Damn it, doesn't this brat Yiwen need to rest?!"

This little old man is the Fairy Tail guild leader Makarov who was chasing after Yiwen. Originally, he wanted to intercept Yiwen in advance, but Yiwen was advancing so fast that there was basically no gap. From the train that was transferred, it could be seen that Yi Wen had studied the train schedule before departure, and then chose the best route.

"It's getting too late, I can't catch up now, let's take a rest first..."

Makarov thought so, and came to a nearby hotel to stay.

And Ewen is still moving forward. The animal fish fish fruit · phantom beast species · blue dragon form brings Ewen strong physical and mental strength, so that he will not feel tired even if he does not sleep for five days. If Ewen is not afraid When she met Daliola, she was not in good condition, so she let Daliola go, and Yiwen chose to fly over to find Daliola at full speed...

two weeks later...

In a pale and endless snow-covered mountain, a young man is lying in the snow swaggeringly. The young man is a little embarrassed, as if he just had a fight with something, and he is falling asleep because of being too exhausted .


Not long after, a huge white bear that seemed to blend in with the whole environment found it by smell. The boy who was lying in the snow sleeping soundly, the giant bear opened its **** mouth without any hesitation. , about to bite down on the boy lying in the snow.


It was also at the moment when the giant bear opened his mouth that the boy opened his eyes.

"What are you doing?!"

The young man looked at the giant bear with its **** mouth wide open, and frowned. For a moment, there seemed to be a red light, with an overwhelming aura, bursting out from the young man's eyes.


The giant bear, which was nearly five meters tall, showed a look of fear when he saw the young man open his eyes, and beads of sweat continued to flow from around his nose and lips.

For a moment, the boy in the eyes of the giant bear changed drastically. In the eyes of the giant bear, the boy was no longer a child the size of a bean, but a head hundreds of meters long, and the head alone was a horror the size of a small house. The Shenlong is opening its mouth wide enough to swallow him in one gulp, roaring continuously!

Fear arising from biological instinct! Let the giant bear turn over directly, like a puppy, with its limbs facing the sky, sticking out its tongue, and showing a flattering expression at the same time.

"Good boy!"

The boy gently stroked the giant bear's head, then took out a piece of charcoal from his pocket, and placed it in front of the giant bear's nose.


The giant bear seemed to understand what the boy meant, and immediately sniffed vigorously, then got up and adjusted his direction.

"Set off!"

The boy jumped lightly, came to the giant bear's body, and then patted the giant bear's big head lightly.


Like a happy husky, the giant bear headed towards the direction where the smell on the charcoal the boy fed him was the strongest.

As for the boy riding the giant bear, it was Ewen who followed Daliola almost across the entire continent of Ishgar.

In a city in the north that is always covered in ice and snow...

A beautiful woman with short black hair, a delicate face, and a curvy figure is wearing underwear, practicing ice modeling magic in the ice and snow.

Behind her are two teenagers who look about eight or nine years old, wearing underwear, practicing magic with her.

The three of them seemed to ignore the biting cold wind, and let the cold wind blow on their bodies, but still didn't feel any discomfort...

A few hours later, after the three of them finished practicing...

A young man with short black hair sat in the white snow, looked at the beautiful woman and said, "Ulu, I found out where Deliola is, and I want to seek revenge on him!"

"Touch!" The beautiful woman punched the boy on the head and said angrily, "Idiot! Your current strength is still too immature in front of Deliola, and you want to seek revenge from Deliola!" ? Let’s talk about it when you defeat me!”

"Ulu, I'm already very strong!"

The boy looked at the beautiful woman stubbornly, his eyes were full of anger, Deliola destroyed his town, killed his parents, and he had a blood feud with the demon.

"No, just don't!"

After the beautiful woman finished speaking, she didn't give the boy a chance to continue talking, and put on the clothes on the ground by herself. She planned to go to the town to buy some delicious food for her two apprentices.

Dozens of minutes later, when the beautiful woman walks away...


The boy covered his head with tears in his eyes.

"Grey, calm down..."

"Uru is for our own good!"

By the side of the black-haired boy, UU reading www.uukanshu. The boy with short white hair who looked older than the black-haired boy softly persuaded him.

"Leon, you don't understand anything..."

"Even without Ulu's help, I can kill Daliola by myself!"

The black-haired boy named Gray pushed away the white-haired boy Leon, who was persuasive, and rushed towards the direction he had inquired about, where Daliola was haunting.


"It's not good, I have to tell Ulu about this..."

Leon looked at Gray, who was advancing at full speed, his eyes were full of anxiety. After thinking for a while, he decided to go down the mountain to find Ulu.

"Hey, can it be cheaper?!"

"This is already the cheapest price, okay?"

"This is really difficult..."

In the town, Ulu is negotiating with fruit vendors, because it has been covered by ice and snow for a long time, there is no shortage of fish and meat, but there is only a lack of fresh fruits and vegetables, which are all brought from the warm south. It will be very expensive to get here.

"Ulu! It's not good, Gray went to find Daliola!"

Just as Ulu was thinking about how to buy what he wanted cheaply, Leon's voice suddenly came from a distance.

"What?!" Wulu panicked when she heard the words, and she frowned, "Grey is an idiot!"

"Leon, you stay here!"

"I'm going to find Gray..."

After Ulu finished speaking, he directly threw the purchased food in his hand to Leon, and then ran towards the town where it was rumored that Daliola had passed by with a panicked expression.

the other side…

Yiwen, who was riding a white bear, also came to the vicinity of the town where Daliola was located...