MTL - Fairy Tail: The Nameless Grim Reaper-Chapter 312 1 vs 0! Moment Fumo Temple - Part 1

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Feeling the gazes of most of the audience present, although he felt a little inexplicable, Aqier probably could understand the meaning contained in their gazes.

"You're back, Achill." Mira walked up holding Angel with a smile on her face, glanced at the audience who were watching, and said with a meaningful smile, "But it seems that you are in the limelight again. It's over~" The implication is that everyone basically already knows about the whole saber-toothed tiger thing that you provoked.

"Those guys, just ignore them." He glanced at the audience indifferently. Under Achill's indifferent gaze, the people looking at this side couldn't help shrinking their necks, and then turned their heads to one side. I dare not look here again.

"Hold~hug~" Little Anqi waved her hands, giggling and twisting in Mira's arms, and she held the fluffy ball in her left hand.

"Be good, Angel." A hint of doting flashed in his eyes, and Aqier reached out and touched the little guy's head. Seeing the little guy squinting his eyes like shallow crescent moons, he let out a gurgling sound in enjoyment, Aqier Qier smiled lightly, "I'll come back to hug you later, now, I'm going to play the game."

"Oh huh~" Looking up at the faint smile on Achill's face, Angel nodded with a vague understanding.

"Are you still planning to take over the competition this time, Achill?" Seeing that the family had finished communicating, Makarov couldn't help but turned his head and said with a smile, "At least we should give others a chance~ If you take out all the competitions in one go, other guilds will be very depressed."

As he said that, he nodded his chin in the direction of several other guilds. Sure enough, he saw the suspicious and fearful eyes from other guilds.

But that being said, anyone can see the pride and joy on the little old man's face. In fact, if he could, he would even wish that Achill would go up and take out all the competitions~

In this case, 30 million can be secured. The above are the true feelings of a certain little old man. To be honest, he didn’t want Achill to agree to his proposal, not to participate in the following competitive competitions, and to give other guilds a chance to perform~

"I'll give them a chance, and I've done the same thing." Unexpectedly, Achill nodded directly, and said thoughtfully, "I believe I can get what I want if I experience it again this time." Information, in this case, it is true that I will not be required to play in the following competitive games.”

Hearing this, Makarov was dumbfounded, and when he finally realized what Achill said, he wanted to cry, and wondered if he was shooting himself in the foot. . .

"And the timing is about the same. After all, if I always perform alone, it will cover up the light of other members of the guild." Where did not know the little old man's mind, Achill explained in a timely manner, "It should also be seen by others." Seeing the true strength of our Fairy Tail, let them have a good experience, what is the real number one strength in the kingdom—"

"Let them see how powerful they were seven years ago! After all..." Raising his head, Achill said in a deep voice, "We are not useless waste like saber-toothed tigers."

"That's right, let everyone take a good look at it! Only a guild with strong beliefs..." A flash of admiration flashed in his eyes, and Makarov nodded and raised his arms and shouted, "It's worthy of it." For the truly powerful guild—”

"We are the strongest!" As soon as the words fell, everyone in Fairy Tail raised their arms and roared with high morale!

Undoubtedly, it attracted the attention of most of the audience.

"Okay, okay~! Everyone who came here, the time is up now. If there are no other questions, then let's hurry up and start today's third day of the Great Magic Fighting Competition!" The pumpkin man held The microphone said loudly, "Now, let each guild team send their own representatives! Go to the front stage where I am, and the first competitive match of today will begin—"

All of a sudden, there was an endless stream of lively discussions in the arena, and there were only two things discussed, one was what the topic of today's competitive competition was, and the other was the players sent by each team.

Well, maybe there's a third one, that's why the Saber Tooth Tiger contestant Yukino, who just finished the competition yesterday, now appears in the area of ​​Fairy Tail? Of course, there are definitely quite a few people who are curious about this, but few really dare to speak out loudly. Although everyone has noticed this since the time Fairy Tail entered the venue, until now they have only pressed It was just the curiosity in my heart, but I didn't dare to ask.

After all, I just found out that Lord True Reaper wiped out the entire Saber-toothed Tiger Guild by himself yesterday. Although I was curious whether the reason had something to do with that star spirit wizard named Yukino, but for the sake of my own life, Since the other party is unwilling to take the initiative to answer (in fact, Achill is just too lazy to explain~), then it is better not to ask casually and discuss...

"Hmph, it seems that my old friend is still going to compete this time, so let me take care of this competition." Looking at the Fairy Tail area in the distance, he stretched out his hand to stroke the long beard on his chin , Jura took a step forward and said with a smile, "No problem, President Auba."

"Hmph, just go up if you want." With a soft snort, Auba fixed her eyes on Jura's body tightly, and said in a rare serious tone, "But you have to remember, don't be brave!" The meaning is that if there is no possibility of victory, then don't face the real **** of death head-on—

"Don't worry, I know my level." Jura smiled and said, "In short, let's see what the competition is about, maybe as long as it is not too linked to strength, you can still beat your old friend by a little bit. possible."

After finishing speaking, amidst the cheers and cheers from the guildmates, Jura walked towards the huge competition venue in front of him.

"Then, this one is up to you, Obra." Ivan's eyes were flickering and he didn't know what he was thinking, and he said to Obra who was standing on the shoulder of the puppet of the opposite sex, "No That reckless fighter, as long as he and other people's sights are paralyzed, don't forget, our goal is not just a mere martial arts competition—it's something more important!"

"In your case, I think you will be able to attract that guy's attention if you play as the dragon slayer named Wendy who attacked Fairy Tail and was caught on the spot!" Speaking of this, A trace of excitement flashed in Ivan's eyes, "Then take this opportunity to paralyze him! To cover up our next purpose—"

"Obey, leader!" Although he secretly complained about the job of attracting the sight of the terrifying **** of death by himself, it seemed that there was indeed no one in the guild who was more suitable for this job, so although his scalp was numb and his feet were trembling, But Obra had no choice but to bite the bullet and control the puppet-shaped props under him, and walked towards the middle of the meeting place.

"It's all up to you~! This competitive match~ is so fragrant~" Yiye, together with the rabbit doll costume and the other two younger brothers, said poes to the ring who were about to go on stage.

"Okay~ Everyone, look forward to my performance." He also posed in what he thought was the most handsome posture, and walked towards the gathering place arrogantly.

"Come on! The soul must be wild at any time~!" The four-headed hound contestant also came to the venue amid the voices of his guild members and president.

"It seems that they are very confident." Looking away from the teams of other guilds, Achill said lightly, "Then, I will be a little more serious next."

"..." For a moment, Fairy Tail, including Makarov, was led by a certain unscrupulous and stupid loli Mebis, and they unconsciously made an Amen gesture to express their rest in the chest rush. , eyes full of pity~

"Since the nameless brother is on the court, then I will also compete in this round!" Ersha, on the other hand, looked very excited, waved her clenched fists, and said with high spirits on her face, "It's like being on the same stage as the elder brother. Let's compete! Let's see who gets the most points in this—"

"Khan... you really deserve to be Erza..." Hearing that, everyone was sweating profusely, "I guess she is the only one who dares to challenge Mr. Achill, who knows he is invincible..."

"Hmph~ I will do my best! Brother Wuming, don't let the water go—" Seemingly not feeling anything wrong, Erza waved her hand excitedly, "Let's have a good fight with this one." Let’s go! The loser is in charge of treating guests tonight and taking everyone out for a big meal~”

"Hehe, since you're so interested, little Erza, let's compete~ But I remind you in advance..." A faint warm smile rose from the corner of his mouth, and Aqier couldn't help teasing softly, "Don't forget to bring enough Pay the bill~”

"Haha!" Hearing this, everyone couldn't help laughing.

"Hmph, it doesn't matter who wins or loses!" Wrinkling her cute little nose, Elusa waved her fist in displeasure, and couldn't help humming in a demonstrative manner, "If I win See if I don’t eat you poorly!”

"If you have the ability, you can come here as much as you want." Aqier couldn't help but continued to tease, "Although I really want to say, even if you are given a few years, you still can't finish my small private coffers..."

"Hahahaha—" The crowd couldn't help laughing even louder, attracting curious glances from the surrounding audience.

While joking, Achill and Erza also came to the meeting place in the middle of the venue.

"Hey, is the nameless brother and little Ailu both participating~ so Kagura~ this game—" The corner of her mouth under the cloak was slightly raised, Milianna licked her lips, and said in a slightly excited tone, "it's up to you I'll come on meow~!"

After silently watching the figures of Achill and Erza in the field, Kagura nodded slightly just now, and said coldly: "Yes."

So, wearing her own cloak to cover up her appearance, Miliana walked towards the venue in a bouncing manner.

(ps: It seems that many characters have forgotten to describe, is it really going to be a stand-alone world?)