MTL - Fairy Tail: The Nameless Grim Reaper-Chapter 316 mpf

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"Hee hee, Achill is really working hard~" Sitting on the guardrail with two bare feet, Mavis suddenly said with a smile, not knowing what he was referring to.

"No way, he's just such a person, try his best to resist everything he can do." Hearing this, Makarov said with the same feeling, "Even if sometimes he doesn't do this because he wants to train others." , but it will also weaken the matter to the extent that others can just bear it, so that people can use it to exercise and improve without taking too much risk, he is just such a man..."

"But what I have to say is that this is very trustworthy, isn't it!" Mebis said with a smile on his face, shaking his little feet, with the hair on his head curled up.

It's really unexpected that it feels reliable, the first generation, no, it should be said that it is the first generation. He muttered a few words in his heart, expressing his amazement and gratitude at the fact that a certain unscrupulous person finally became serious occasionally, and at the same time, Makarov smiled and nodded.

"Meow~" A certain white cat person laying on the hairy Lolita's head yawned boredly, then turned over and changed into a belly-up position and continued to sleep late.

In this regard, the surrounding crowd has cast amazed gazes more than once. It is said that they can’t see the first generation of Silly Lolita. What they can see is only one suspended in mid-air in a sleeping position, which seems to be sleeping more comfortably. It's just a white cat!

But when I think of a blue cat (Happy) flying around and even talking, I feel relieved.

"Okay, okay! Achill of the Holy Ten, he really deserves to be the powerhouse of the era who enjoys the name of true death—" The pumpkin man wiped the cold sweat from his chin, looked at the fairy tail spectator area and was sitting Achill, who was resting with his eyes closed (from the perspective of flowers in the mirror and moon in the water), the pumpkin man announced loudly into the microphone, "The third day of the Great Demon Fighting Martial Art Competition! Completely suppress the Fumo Temple! Challenge all 100 monsters successfully! Fairy Tail b The team, on the basis of the original total score! Once again won the highest ten points—”

"Hooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo—" just as the pumpkin man finished speaking, the audience suddenly burst into cheers like waves! Lines of sight filled with fanaticism and admiration converged on Achill (pseudo) in the Fairy Tail area!

Only the faces of Fairy Tail and the others were a little strange, because they all knew that Achill had left the 'War' Flair Bird Arena long ago, and what remained in his position was only a strange and illusory It's just a fluctuating moon white long knife.

"Of course, although the first place in today's competitive competition has been decided, the final ranking of the remaining players will still be determined." While speaking, a machine with a different shape appeared in the center of the venue, and everyone The pumpkin man continued to open his mouth and explained, "The name of this machine is the magic power tester mpf. The method is very simple. Only the remaining contestants need to test it individually. This machine releases a unique move! Then this machine mpf will read out the power data of your respective unique moves. Although it is a bit boring, according to the discussion of the organizer, the next ranking will be based on the scores obtained by everyone on this machine Let's start ranking!"

After the pumpkin man finished speaking, there was naturally another discussion in the field. Although it was just like what he said, such a simple competition is a bit boring, but if you think about it carefully, it is still a bit interesting. Isn't it a trick?

"Okay, now the remaining people continue to draw lots, and then come up to measure the magic power data according to the order of the lottery! Cough cough, of course~" Speaking of the pumpkin man, he seemed to think of something and coughed lightly. Then he said in an erratic voice, "If you draw lots, you don't need to use your abilities anymore. Anyway, it's just to decide the order of measurement. It doesn't make any difference whether you go first or last."

"..." Hearing the words, the scene was speechless for a while, apparently recalling the scene where Achill casually got the first position and then wiped out the entire Demon Demon Temple in an instant.

"Ahem, that, this has nothing to do with us." Makarov coughed twice, trying to clear up the suspicion of the relationship, and said dryly to himself, but anyone could hear the silliness in his words. Feeling guilty, facing the strange sights from all around, the little old man's rare old face blushed.

"It's so embarrassing... It feels like doing something wrong and being used as a negative teaching material..." A certain unscrupulous man also huddled into a ball and covered his face with his hands, and the wings on both sides of his head were still flapping.

"Speaking of which, you don't have to do this! First generation!" Seeing Fairy Tail, everyone complained in unison, "Others can't see you at all—"

"Hmm..." Angel hugged her head with her small hands, and made an incomprehensible grunt.

"~~~" Mira patted the little guy's head amusedly, and there was a flash of laughter in his eyes.

On the other hand, Le Qi, unmoved and accustomed to it, was shaking a bright small carving knife in her hand, looking seriously at a certain fluffy dumpling (huh?) in the other hand, hey, hey, what are you talking about? What is this for? ? Planing? (So ​​cruel~~), sculpture? ! (It’s weirder to say that, right?!), or…

Well, it turned out to be shaving it~ (Let’s make it clear earlier, bastard!) The white hair of this fluffy dumpling is indeed a little longer, and even the already small eyes are now covered, no wonder it was on the ground recently When wandering around and looking for food, I always bump into something~~It seems that it really needs to be cleaned up~! At least show your eyes. . .

During the conversation, almost all the people in the field have drawn lots, except for one person—

"Contestant Erza, why didn't you come up to draw lots?" Seeing that everyone else had already drawn lots, only Ersha stood there unmoved, the pumpkin man blinked strangely at first. Blinking his eyes, he suddenly said, "I understand. It's because there are only seven draws in total. Since the others have already drawn, so as long as you stand at the end, you really don't need to draw any more! Because there is no doubt that I know what the lottery number is after thinking about it, and I really don’t need to draw it again~ right!” After speaking, he lowered his palm.

It is true that there are only seven lottery cards, because we all know that Saber-toothed Tiger can't come today, so the organizer will naturally not make eight lottery numbers in a stupid way~

"That's not the case." Unexpectedly, to the surprise of the pumpkin man, Erusa shook her head slightly, and then said seriously, "I just want to explain that no matter who plays first or who gets what, I don't have to do it again." I'm going to draw the order, because no matter what the other people's numbers are, I have decided that I will be the last one to play—"

"What?" Everyone was stunned.

"Didn't I say it all? Anyway, the order of ranking will not affect the next magic power test." Erza explained solemnly, "Then, in order to show our Fairy Tail's respect to everyone, Since the nameless brother is already the first person to qualify, then I, who is also a Fairy Tail wizard, will be the last one to test!"

After Ersha finished speaking, there was a burst of praise and applause in the field, although everyone knew that Ersha's decision on the order of her last appearance would not have any impact on this small competition, even though she herself Having said that, "This decision was made based on the fact that the ranking order does not affect the competition", but everyone still couldn't help admiring her courage! In addition, the opinion of the Fairy Tail guild has already risen a lot due to the excellent performance of the competition in the past few days, and once again won a lot of applause and promotion!

"Elusha is also a very good wizard." With one hand, the cat who was lying on his head and sleeping late was lifted off with a meow, and he hugged him in his arms and rubbed his face vigorously (from the perspective of others, It was the cat that only knew the magical skill of flying and sleeping late, and suddenly seemed to have a convulsion, meowing and screaming in mid-air, and the terrified look on its face, trying to escape really caught people who didn't know the situation for a while. Feeling a burst of horror, and weird~), regardless of the desperate struggle of the cat, the unscrupulous first-generation loli squinted her eyes and rubbed the soft hair of the pet (the cat) comfortably, while the golden hair on her head He snorted comfortably and said, "It seems like she is doing useless work, but it can often bring some unexpected gains, uh, Le Qi, you don't have to shave my beloved pet anymore... .”

Swipe... Le Qi was holding a shiny sharp knife, and saw that she was staring unblinkingly at herself, or the direction of the cat pet in her hand, glasses, sparkling!

Seeing this, Mebis hurriedly said: "I still prefer the fluffy texture with a little more fur!"

"Meow~" Even with that, the white meow that was struggling non-stop didn't dare to move and struggle. Instead, UU read books with a shy face and an extremely cute and cute face, and took the initiative to rub it with its head. The smooth face of the dumbfounded loli.

What a pity... Seeing this, Le Qi shook her head regretfully, then had no choice but to put away the knife, turned her head, and took the fully processed (hey, ie, what is this kind of vocabulary that is very dangerous when you hear it? What's going on??!) The plush dumpling was handed back to the little guy.

"Woohoo~!" The little guy happily hugged his beloved pet, huddled in Mira's arms, giggled while rubbing the back of his head against Mira's mouth, and held his beloved pet's fluffy ball high in his little hands., a certain cat and Unscrupulous were relaxing after a big sigh of relief, and then continued to "fight"—

Mebis: I rub, rub, rub~

Catman: Meow~! Meow meow~~ woo meow woo—

So, everyone enjoyed a terrified, hellish, weird convulsion of a flying cat in the air for free...

(ps: Ask for a recommendation ticket—)