MTL - Fairy Tale-Chapter 637 sea ​​lice

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   Chapter 637 Sea Lice

   These black flying insect-like things, according to Julian, were only the first time he had seen them today, but for Jia Peicheng, he was not completely unfamiliar with what these things were.

When    was out of the city, when Lian Yi and the Oyster Clan were fighting, Jia Peicheng did not have a chance to intervene, but he saw it.

   ran all the way, he did not forget to tell Lian Yi about this.

  These black flying insects look like ordinary flies, but they are obviously not.

  Because it's too small, during the battle, I didn't even look at it carefully.

   But Jia Peicheng has never seen them, but he knows what they look like.

  This thing is terrifying, he also has personal experience.

   This thing is only the size of a fly, but under the wings, there is a layer of damp and fishy downy, that's all, as everyone knows, there is another layer of hard shell that wraps the entire body under the downy.

  The hard shell is also black, with eight feet, and the feet are also full of black fluff. If the whole body is not black, only the slightly gray face is bigger than the sesame.

   Of course, the face is not big, but a pair of insect eyes occupy most of the face.

   is the black shape of an inverted triangle. When you see those eyes, it is like being stared at by those eyes anytime, anywhere, and the feeling of coldness, chills, nausea and fear will follow.

   It's still bearable to be stared at by one person, but if there are such eyes and such things all over the place, the terrifying feeling that goes deep into the bone marrow will simply make people collapse.

   Not to mention a timid person, he is a big man who prides himself on being upright and can't stand such a thing.

  It looks different from ordinary creatures, and while it is disgusting, it involuntarily breeds three-point fear.

   This thing is also poisonous, and their mouthparts will spit out mucus, including the layer of fluff all over their bodies with venom.

Those venoms have the property of corroding all things. One is not to be feared, but there are hundreds or thousands of them. They are very poisonous. If they encounter a human body and have wounds, and let the venom penetrate into the skin, that place is convenient. It will grow fluff like these disgusting things.

   This is not the most terrifying thing. The most terrifying thing is that as long as you have been contaminated with these venoms, you will be slaughtered and deboned, and fluff will grow in that place forever, and you will never be killed.

   If you leave it alone, it will spread.

  This fluff is a breeding ground for these disgusting things, and at some point in the fluff, worm eggs will grow.

  Insect eggs feed on flesh and blood, and every now and then, these disgusting insects and flies will burrow out of the flesh and blood under the fluff.

   From now on, there will be more and more!

   Until the end, the person who has been hit by the fluff will be exhausted into a skeleton, and the flesh and blood inside will become the blood food for the breeding of insect eggs.

   On the contrary, it is not the case that every person who is caught by this insect poison will end up in this kind of ending. The key lies in whether they can be ruthless against themselves.

  If you can guarantee that every time those black fluffs grow, the meat will be deboned.

   Then it will be fine.

  This kind of meat deboning is probably going to last a lifetime!

   "This thing is called sea louse, and this thing is only owned by the oyster tribe, and it is a weapon in their hands."

   Having said that, Jia Peicheng's complexion can be expressed as gray and solemn.

"This sea louse is not entirely without weaknesses. First of all, this thing does not breed indefinitely. They are indeed owned by each oyster family, but each oyster family has only one female louse, and this female louse is said to be born with them, They live with each other, but whether this female louse can give birth to an army of sea louses is not always the case."

  According to Jia Peicheng’s many years of observation, he has some understanding:

   "Today, I also saw the sea lice army for the first time. In the past, everyone in the oyster tribe had this female lice, but I never saw a female lice give birth to other sea lice."

   It is because of its rarity. When he first heard about it, Jia Peicheng paid attention to these things called sea lice. However, because he only heard about legends, he had never seen the real sea lice army.

   Therefore, after a long time, it is really forgotten.

   After all, how do you know if such fabled, unreal face of legends really exist?

   until today.

  The overwhelming army of sea lice approached densely, and Lianyi naturally couldn't resist it.

  Don't say it, the legend has made her speechless and even nauseated.

  As a vine demon, I hate bugs, no matter what kind of bugs they are.

   Now, a group of people have come, they are going to disgust her to death!

   However, the reason why Fuji Xian Lianyi is Fuji Xian Lianyi is that she is different and maverick!

   When other people see the fearful thing, 80% of their legs are soft, and it is normal to panic.

   When it comes to Lianyi, it is not.

   For this kind of thing, she will only be aroused by ferocity, vowing to destroy these disgusting things.


   From the information given by Jia Peicheng, we know that the relationship between this thing and the oyster clan is almost the same as the relationship between Shimo Yuanzun and Earth Demon.

   is an associated relationship.

   But since it is called sea lice, it is not a sea thing.

  Thinking about it this way, the salty smell does have the taste of the sea.

  Thoughts are just a moment, and even the thoughts are more about their associated relationship.

  This world is very strange, and some creatures will have companions to accompany them.

   And the oysters are undoubtedly the most lucky ones among the races with associated creatures.

   For nothing else, they are inherently ferocious, not good, and the accompanying creatures are still such things, which further fuels their ambitions and evil thoughts.

   Of course, it is bad luck in the fairy world, or even any place invaded by this kind of thing.

   With bad luck, you can only rely on your ability to turn misfortune into good luck, and disaster into auspiciousness.

  In the forest, sea lice flew over, and the forest, which was originally covered by the sky, looked very dark!

   This dimness was nothing, of course, but unknowingly, the two people in the target disappeared suddenly!

  In the quiet forest, there seems to be nothing left.

   Behind him, the oysters headed by the three oyster clans were unmoved at all. This was just the trick of the vine fairy, how could it not know.

   Yes, in the battle at the gate of Zizai City, it saw through Fuji Xian Lianyi's disguise.

   Under that seemingly real demonic energy, it has nothing to do with demonic energy at all, but fairy spirit energy.

   And the black thread that the chaotic thread generally wants to wrap around it is the pattern line of Fuji Xian Lianyi.

  It's a pity, no matter how good the camouflage, what can it be.

  The oyster shark touches its chest, where its companion louse lives.

  The female louse is the most sensitive. As long as the sea louse touches those fronts, the female louse feeds back information such as breath to it!

  The oyster is the uncle of Li Mu, and he is also one of the candidates for the next Lizun. How could he not know the meaning of Fuji Xian.

   Even, it is much more sensitive than the dull-witted Oyster.

  Others despise Fuji Xian Lianyi, and even fear Veng Xian Lianyi, but this is not what it thinks.

   This vine fairy has a lot of strength, and I will not comment on it. The realm is different. If it is someone else, a little monster from a small place, no one cares at all.

   Of course, this vine fairy has a lot of intentions, is witty and cunning, and also comes from the Guangmei star field, which cannot be tolerated by it.

   This is a variable enough to subvert all.

If    is not removed, when she grows and develops, it may shake the foundation of their oyster tribe.

   Therefore, if it is said that originally, it came to take revenge for the oysters, and by the way to get back the crystal shells that belonged to them, then since it knew that it was Fuji Xian Lianyi, Fuji Xian Lianyi had to die.

   What's more, this woman is too cunning, the crystal shell of the oyster tribe falls into her hands, and she doesn't know what will happen.

   So, this time, it did it without hesitation, and it was the strongest killing move as soon as it came up.

   Even in the upper third heaven, the number of oysters worthy of dispatching its sea lice army is less than five fingers.

   However, this vine fairy connection deserves its extreme caution!

   It quickly swiped its fingers from its heart, and several black lights flew out of its heart and fell into the sea lice.

   It was probably some order, but these sea lice suddenly turned into a little panic that the target had just disappeared!

   suddenly regrouped.

   All of a sudden, they are divided into seven or eight teams, interspersed between the gaps in the forest, it seems that no gap is spared!

  Lianyi and Jia Peicheng did not go far, but slightly hidden their figures through the formation.

  Although they had different ideas, both Lianyi and that oyster had the intention of killing each other, so how could Lianyi flee without a fight.

Although Jia Peicheng said that the number of sea lice is limited, as long as there are female lice, this thing can't be eliminated. If all those female lice have the opportunity to give birth to countless such oysters, wouldn't they want to Bad luck.

   Therefore, she is going to kill these sea lice today, but unfortunately, how much she can kill is uncertain!

   At this time, they were divided into several teams to act, but it also coincided with Lianyi's intention to defeat each of them.

   Among them, there are three groups of sea lice, who have been ordered to search for the whereabouts of Fuji Xian Lianyi, but they are too close to Lianyi.

   is also stepping into the trap that Lianyi dug for them.

  A silent and colorless spiritual thread suddenly stretched out from the branches of various plants and trees. In just a moment, a sealed cloth bag array was assembled, and a whole group of sea lice was completely wrapped in it.

  Not even a single sound!

   At the same time, in the formation, fireflies descended into the sky, with different but identical scorching auras, leaping down, hitting each sea lice precisely!

  The tongue of fire spread on those sea lice, the sea lice struggled, their eyes popped out, their wings kept flapping, and countless mucus suddenly poured out from the whole body.

   Water and fire are incompatible. At this moment, it is still uncertain whether the water is overpowering the fire or the fire is overpowering the water.

   Of course, Lian Yi has no time for such ink!

  In the process of the flame and the sea lice sticking together, in those fires, at the same time, lightning flashed!

  Those fires were actually covered with thunder force. Under the struggle of the sea louse, the thunder force was released, just in the wound where the sea louse was burned by the flames!

  Under the lightning strike, it shattered in an instant, vanished into ashes, and not even a bit of **** remained.

  The fire, thunder, and lice are extinguished at the same time, and at the same time, the formation will resolve itself.

   The speed is fast, the means are fierce, and it is pretending that nothing happened. Jia Peicheng, who has witnessed it with his own eyes, does not know what happened.

   All he knew was that Lian Yi had something behind him and rushed all the way, but he also made preparations.

   But what kind of preparation, Jia Peicheng has no idea.

   However, I also know that Fuji Xian Lianyi must have taken the opportunity to form an array.

  If it weren't for the fact that Lian Yifei was so fast that he was dragging Jia Peicheng together, Jia Peicheng would have formed a formation if he was alone.

   Array masters, the formation is the foundation for them to settle down.

   However, what kind of formation was, how it formed, how it disappeared, and what happened in the formation, Jia Peicheng was clearly standing with Lianyi, but he didn't find out.

   There were three sea lice that fell into the "trap".

Although   Lian Yi did it silently, how could the oyster not find it?

  At the beginning, the oysters did not find the three waves of sea lice that stepped into the trap.

  However, the death of the sea louse, the mother louse warned, at the same time, because of the damage of the sea louse, the mother louse also rolled in its heart!

   Not only caused the qi and blood to surge, but the female lice and the sea lice army were also connected. Too many sea lice died, the female lice were in pain, the female lice rolled in pain, and the sea lice army was also in chaos.

   I don't know how it happened. Suddenly, sea lice suddenly started running around in the forest, and some even hit the mountains and trees by themselves, and let them deal with the enemy. It's a nonsense!

  The oysters hate it, this vine fairy is really evil.

   But it further encouraged it to kill her.

   From its chest, another black awn came out.

  Meanwhile, those remaining sea lice seemed to be summoned, turned their heads, and headed in the same direction!

  Lian Yi was still hiding in the dark, squinting slightly at all this, and found that all the sea lice were heading for the oysters, and they were condensed into a ball, as if they were completely collected by the oysters.

   She sighed softly, knowing that her chance had been lost, and the remaining sea lice probably couldn't catch it for the time being.

   But in the next moment, she frowned, grabbed Jia Peicheng, and the two of them swayed, and they had already retreated a hundred feet away.

   And where they were hiding, the oyster and the other two oysters were already standing there.

   The unknown black aura on his body was surging, like a black condensate, thick, salty, and full of indescribable danger.

   This push, although Lian Yi and Jia Peicheng escaped the sudden attack of the oysters.

   but also exposed his position.

   However, this is nothing!

   They had already been discovered. Perhaps there was something strange about the sea lice that could guide the breath of the two of them.

   So much so that, even though they were separated by an array, the oysters seemed to be in a no-man's land, and they attacked in the blink of an eye!

   One can imagine that if she hadn't been vigilant just now, at least she would have been entangled at this moment, and maybe there would have been a few more blood holes.

  The oyster cockroach stared at the two men gloomily, and suddenly, it moved its fingers.

   The two oyster tribes behind it suddenly left the team and rushed in the direction of Lianyi.

  The oyster oyster was a beat slower, but not too slow, followed by teleportation!

  Lian Yi sighed when two of the Oyster Clan attacked, and the Oyster Clan at the head was obviously angry.

   It's time to part ways!

   These two oyster clans should be going to tie Jia Peicheng, and for her connection, the oyster clan leader obviously wants to clean up himself.

   Thinking of the sea lice in his hand, he knew that Jia Peicheng couldn't deal with it.

  In that case, it is better to fight separately!

   (end of this chapter)