MTL - Fantasy Family Simulator-Chapter 295 Rhett under suspicion? (Ask for a monthly ticket, recommended ticket)

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  Chapter 295 Leiter under suspicion? (Ask for a monthly ticket, recommended ticket)

  After that, Leiter first went to the alchemy workshop to receive his own alchemy potions, whether it was healing potions, detox potions, or the special poison of the King of Jinlun—the Kiss of the Python, they were all equipped with a certain amount.

Originally, he also wanted to take this opportunity to visit Master Assad, because he remembered that in the simulation, the other party was attacked by the commander of the third army, so he was going to ask the other party if he felt that he was in the alchemy workshop during this time. What anomalies.

   But after arriving, it was discovered that Assad was not in the alchemy workshop. Leiter guessed that he might have performed other secret tasks, so he could only leave, and come back later when he finds an opportunity.

  The weather at this time has entered early winter, and in just a few days, it is much colder than when he first came to the cold current defense line.

  The fallen leaves on the street have long since fallen clean, and the occasional few, but evergreen leaves, are blown down sporadically by the wind.

  Leite was close to the icy wind, all the way to the prison gate, looking around, the layout inside was similar to the canyon defense line, and there was still an execution ground outside.

  The bricks and stones on the ground of the execution ground were reddish from the long-sprayed blood. These were originally pure white and hard ore, but because the history of existence here was much longer than the defense line of the canyon, the accumulated influence over time eventually changed the color.

The cold wind blowing from the east was mixed with a faint smell of blood. Leiter sniffed it lightly, and he noticed that the smell of Yalong blood was the strongest, and there was also a trace of the blood of Shadow Tiger. However, because he was relatively restrained, It actually smells imperceptibly.

   What makes Lei Te feel a little strange is that although it is obvious that ordinary orcs die the most, it may be that the bloodline is not as good as the royal bloodline, so the smell seems to be suppressed, and the smell is not strong.

  Hundreds of guillotines are scattered vertically and horizontally in the execution ground, and they are neatly arranged at a glance. At this time, there are about dozens of people executing the execution at the same time. Some knights swing giant axes, and some magicians cast magic to destroy the lives of orcs.

Leiter glanced around inside, and at the back of the execution ground, he saw his youngest son, Thales, surrounded by a row of orcs with mutilated limbs. Weaker than Thales, a second-level magician.

  Maybe they were worried that Thales was in danger. Most of the executioners standing in front of the guillotine around Thales were earth knights, and they could guarantee timely support in case of emergency.

   At first, these people didn't understand at all, why did a little second-level magician come to be an executioner?

   But after hearing that Thales' father was a great magister, they all kept their mouths shut. Even at the request of the warden, they were also responsible for Thales' safety.

   "Today, this night owl is a Tier 5 prisoner of war. It was tortured to the brink of death, and it was tightly bound. It has been sent to you according to your request."

   A sturdy knight with broad shoulders and bare upper body in the cold weather looked at Thales and said.

   "Oh, Interrogator Cheri, thank you very much!" Thales said with a smile, his eyes lit up, and then he turned and glanced at the long line of orc captives, feeling a great sense of fulfillment.

  The burly knight named Cheri shook his head and said, "You're welcome, since Abiruto and I will take care of you, this small matter is nothing more than a little effort."

   Then, he looked at Thales with strange eyes, "But then again, you seem to be very keen on executing these captives? You especially have a special liking for those with higher strength. Do you have any hobby?"

  Thales scratched his head in embarrassment, and said: "Of course not, I just want to find something exciting to do. Since I can't go to the battlefield, I can only execute more senior orc captives..."

   "Well, what you said makes sense." Sherry frowned and said, "There are a lot of orcs here at the Cold Current Defense Line. I hope you can keep this passion..."

  At this time, there was a shrill cry, and the fifth-level night owl man was bound to the ground, pressed on the guillotine, and suddenly shook his body violently.

Leiter observed this scene from a distance, and saw Thales immediately turn around and cast a shadow arrow at the night owl who was struggling for the last time. The dark arrow quickly shuttled and shot into the night owl man's head .

  The next moment, a light curtain appeared in front of his eyes at the right time.

  【Family members surpass the third level and kill the enemy, fate value +3】

  Seeing this, Leiter's original hanging heart also fell. After thinking about it, he did not go to the execution ground, because now it seems that it is completely unnecessary to ask the people around him to give Thales more prisoners.

  After all, he has already learned that there are too many prisoners waiting to be executed behind Thales, and he probably doesn't need others to let him go. He can't kill them all by himself.

Then, Leiter called up his system panel again, glanced at the [Fate Value: 4829] column, and recalled that after coming to the cold current line of defense, in just a few days, the fate value increased by several hundred. It can be said that Keep him to his heart's content.

  Following this trend, it is estimated that in a few months, it will be over ten thousand...

  In the execution ground, seeing Thales react quickly and execute the fifth-level night owl man neatly, Cheri praised:

   "Yes, I can see that you have had solid spellcasting training, so I can rest assured."

  Tales smiled without saying a word, quietly listened to Xie Li and asked a few more precautions before leaving, looking at the back of the other party, he sighed in his heart:

   "When will such a day be the end, I hope my father can give me another good novel after I go back.

  Well, I have worked so hard, father...should agree to this trivial request, right? "

  While sighing, he glanced at random, and suddenly saw a familiar figure leaving on the street outside the fence of the execution ground, and quickly turned around the corner and disappeared.

   "Huh? That seems to be the father? He just came?"

  Thales blinked, and just as his thoughts were about to spread, the orcs behind him were chased up and pinned to the guillotine.

   Helpless, he could only stop thinking about it and devote himself to work. But every time he executes an orc, he will habitually glance outside to see if his father is outside...

On the other side, after Leiter left, he wandered around the barracks to familiarize himself with the structure and distribution, and then had a simple meal. It was not until nightfall that he returned to Frost Fortress again, mainly to ask, How is the progress of the other legion support he applied for half a day ago.

As a result, the deputy commander Bomir told Leiter with a smile: "I have already communicated with the commander of the Fourth Army, and they expressed their willingness to join forces with you, because according to the information you reported, the dead team is very likely to be the Fourth Army. From the Legion. They managed to create an elite scout team, and they sacrificed it like this. After learning about the situation, it can be said that they were quite angry, so they simply agreed to your request."

   "That's great!" Leiter's eyes lit up, and he asked, "Where are they now? I'll meet them right away. The fighter plane can't be delayed, and the orcs may still be wreaking havoc everywhere."

"Hey, well... because they didn't contact you immediately, they have already set off for the Sixth Army's stronghold. When they left, they told me to meet them as soon as possible after I contacted you." Bomir Said with some embarrassment.

   "Well, this is indeed my mistake, I shouldn't be walking around in the camp." Leiter said with shame.

"It doesn't matter, the commander of the Fourth Army has learned that you have mastered Xuan'ao, especially since he just won a battle, he admires you a lot. If it wasn't for that guy Ledros who has a hot temper, I'm afraid he wouldn't even try to poach people." Got it." Bomir shrugged and said with a smile: "I didn't expect you to hide this trick. If I knew in advance that you had mastered two kinds of mysteries, I probably wouldn't be willing to arrange you in the legion. I would give you some other responsibilities. .”

  Rett said with great interest: "Another duty? For example?"

   "I can't tell you this. In fact, it's a bit out of order to say these things to you." Bomir smiled and shook his head.

   "Well, you are right, confidentiality is important." Leiter raised his eyebrows and said: "In this case, I should go back, see you next time, Chief Bomir."

   "See you next time, I hope to hear the news of your victory."

   "I'll try my best..." Leiter turned around, waved his hand, and then left Frost Fortress.

  Ledros looked at Leiter's back gradually leaving, and his expression calmed down.

  He just stood there, motionless, and the hall fell into an eerie silence for a while.

   A few seconds later, an abrupt voice broke the atmosphere.

   "I've been monitoring him since he arrived at the Hanliu defense line, and I haven't found any trace of the so-called mysterious person at all..."

  Ledros looked serious, bowed solemnly to the air in front of him, and waited respectfully: "Mr. Ankus, you are here!"


  The air gradually twisted, and a majestic wind blew past. A majestic middle-aged man in light armor appeared, nodded to Ledros, and then turned his gaze to the stairs.

  The next moment, the figure of Hogus appeared and walked down the stairs, and behind him was a middle-aged man with a heroic face—King Milan.

  King Milan walked slowly to the center of the hall, faced the majestic middle-aged man in light armor, and said slowly:

   "Ankus, are you sure you haven't sensed any abnormal clues?"

  Ankus, the commander in chief of the Cold Current Defense Line, has a shallow scar on his face, which makes his face look a bit vicissitudes. He replied:

"I'm sure, unless that person has fully realized the mystery of the dark system's invisibility, it is absolutely impossible for him to slip the so-called note to Lei Te under my nose, not to mention, I have never seen Lei Te take it out. note..."

Hogus listened quietly from the side, and couldn't help but speak: "In this case, it means that that person may really be a person who has realized the mystery of 'invisibility' to perfection, or... Leiter himself is a strong man in the sanctuary? He grew up Excessive strength is actually exposing the original ability step by step?"

  Hearing his son's guess, King Milan frowned slightly, glanced at him, and thought about it, but finally shook his head and said: "This sounds a bit of a fantasy, so outrageous that it is second only to him who can predict the future."

  Ankus also fell silent, but he didn't look at the other party's prediction of the future at all. He led troops to fight for a long time, which made his thinking more rational. What's more, he is already a strong man in the sanctuary, and he has a thorough understanding of the world. He thinks he has more information than ordinary people, so he is only willing to analyze the reason why Leiter got the clues within his own framework...

"Then do we have to believe the information this time?" Hogus asked: "Could Rhett be a spy for the orcs? I think we need to consider this possibility, although the information he provided the previous few times is not It is true, but the results of our previous battles are nothing compared to the possible impact of this intelligence.”

   "You have to believe it." Ankus said in an unquestionable tone.

   "Oh? Tell me what you think." King Milan said very calmly.

"Because I've been spying on Lei Te for the past few days. Although I didn't see the so-called mysterious person appearing to pass on information to him, I also observed Lei Te's words and deeds. The blow to the orcs is definitely a shock. From the bottom of his heart, all the details show that he will not join forces with orcs." Ankus said firmly: "I will never be wrong about this, and his source of information may have other reasons."

   King Milan fell silent, and said after a while: "Since you have such an evaluation of him, then continue to carry out the plan according to the information he provided this time..."

   "Also, the task of contacting other sanctuaries is also entrusted to you. Next, I will secretly monitor Leiter."

  Ankus nodded, did not express his opinion on this, but said: "How many sanctuaries do you think it is more appropriate to ask for assistance?"

   "...Ten people, and try to find the king, and other people who the king trusts. We don't know if there is a second traitor in the sanctuary."

   "Understood, then I will go to King Rim first."

   After Ancus finished speaking, his whole body disappeared into the air, turning into a wisp of wind and floating outside from the window.

  The hall fell into silence again. Bomier looked at the king and prince in front of him, and didn't dare to speak casually. Finally, he found a reason to inspect the training ground and left the hall.

   A few minutes later, Hogus asked from the side: "Is Commander Ankus gone?"

  King Milan nodded, but did not speak.

  Hogus pondered for a moment, and said, "Father, do you have doubts about Leiter?"

"Basically no."

   "Huh? Why? You just said that..."

"That's because there are no absolutes in the world, and the necessary investigations are still necessary." King Milan said lightly: "Actually, after listening to the information you said, I thought about it carefully. Sherman, the strong man in the sanctuary, is famous for his insight into the movements of orcs, but if some orcs are willing to sacrifice and cooperate, it will be too easy to achieve his reputation."

   "Moreover, in recent years, Sherman has shown less and less time and frequency in Huilu Kingdom, often disappearing for several months at every turn. Combined with intelligence, his actions are indeed full of doubts."

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  (end of this chapter)