MTL - Fantasy Farm-Chapter 27 Little Fox

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The little fox was lying on the ground softly with his eyes tightly closed. Lu Qingjiu was afraid of what would happen to it and hugged it into his arms. The fox is very small, but the size of a palm, and the fluffy hair is soft and soft, and it feels very comfortable in the hand.

Lu Qingjiu lightly hugged it and hurried home, and said as he entered the door: "White Moon Fox!! White Moon Fox!!! Is this your son?"

Baiyue Fox just came out of the kitchen after washing the dishes with his hands still wet. As soon as he came out, he saw Lu Qingjiu and the little fox cub in his arms, his eyes sharpened: "Where did it come from? fox?"

Lu Qingjiu said: "I picked it up by the road." He described the situation just now, and then asked suspiciously, "Did someone deliberately throw it at our door?" He gave Bai Yuehu a thoughtful look. .

The fox in this family is the Baiyue fox. The fox cub must have something to do with him. Just throwing it at the door is a bit in line with the story of the woman being abandoned by the beginning and ending to give birth by herself and finally throwing the child at the door of the man who is angry...but Having said that, Lu Qingjiu remembers that he had seen foxes in the animal world as monogamous animals, even if they were widowed, they would not find a new partner.

Could it be said that after becoming a spirit, this habit will also change? Lu Qingjiu was trying to make up for the drama, and he saw Baiyue Fox walking over with frowning and reaching out to pick up the fox cub.

Originally, the fox cub was dizzy and unresponsive when hit by the stone, but as soon as the white moon fox's hand touched the fox cub, the little fox opened his eyes, but his eyes were full of horror, and started to stop. He made a squeaky scream, trying to break free from Baiyuehu's hand.

Looking at it, Lu Qingjiu's heart softened, and he quickly said: "Don't carry it like this, it hurts."

Baiyue Fox stretched out his hand when he heard the words and threw the fox cub into Lu Qingjiu's arms.

"How could it be my son?" Baiyuehu directly denied Lu Qingjiu's questioning, and his tone still smelled of disgust.

"It's really not your son?" As soon as the little fox cub arrived in Lu Qingjiu's arms, he didn't say a word, and stared at the wet eyes and arched towards Lu Qingjiu's chest pitifully, completely gone into Baiyue Fox's hands. That one is excited.

"No." Bai Yuehu spit out two words very surely.

"That's not your son or your clan, right?" Lu Qingjiu said, "Is this an ordinary fox?" He remembers that only winter foxes are white. They hunt in order to integrate with the surrounding environment, but It's almost summer now, even the foxes in the mountains should not be white. And looking at the fox's body is clean, there is no dirt at all, and it really doesn't look like wild.

Baiyue Fox heard Lu Qingjiu's question, but did not directly give an answer. Instead, he glanced at the fox thoughtfully, as if thinking about something.

Lu Qingjiu waited a while, and heard him say: "Yes, it's from my tribe."

"Really?" Knowing that he was a little vixen in his arms, Lu Qingjiu got his energy right away, "Can you become a human?"

"It's too young to become a human, and it's not very delicious." Bai Yuehu said.

Anyway, Baiyue Fox will judge everything in a general tone of judging recipes, Lu Qingjiu didn't care, he said, "Can't you become a human?"

Bai Yuehu said: "I have to grow up."

"Then what does it eat? When will the parents come to pick it up?" Lu Qingjiu was a little happy. In fact, he liked these furry animals very much. Because he was at work before and there were no conditions to raise him at home, he just thought about it. Although the little black flower in the house is quite cute, but there is no hair on the pig, which still can't satisfy Lu Qingjiu's invisible fluff control habit.

Bai Yuehu said: "Pick up?"

Lu Qingjiu said, "Don't you pick it up? Just put it in our house?"

Baiyue Fox: "I think we can actually wait to be raised..."

Before he finished speaking, Lu Qingjiu understood what he meant, and said in horror: "Fuck, you don't want to grow up and eat it? It's a member of your clan, although it has no incarnation, it is also yours. what!"

Bai Yuehu was silent. Lu Qingjiu saw the word embarrassment in his eyes. He seemed to be thinking about whether or not to give up the meal before him. Finally, under Lu Qingjiu's stunned stare, he was still very surprised. Unwilling to give up his inner thoughts, he reluctantly said: "Then raise it temporarily."

Lu Qingjiu said: "Okay!" He directly ignored the two words in Baiyue Fox's mouth. Although Baiyue Fox is usually cold, but after getting along for a long time, Lu Qingjiu feels that he has a good personality and will discuss everything with him. , Rarely arbitrarily.

The little fox shivered in Lu Qingjiu's arms, his head almost wanted to get into Lu Qingjiu's clothes, so he left a little white **** with a fluffy tail outside.

"Fuck, Lu Qingjiu, what do you hold in your arms?" Yin Xun went to the toilet after hitting Bai Yuehu, but when he came back, he saw Lu Qingjiu holding a pitiful white dumpling in his arms. , He took a closer look, "Fox? Where did you hold it?"

Lu Qingjiu replied: "I picked it up by the road."

Yin Xun: "I can still pick up a fox by the side of the road?! Oh, this poor little, still trembling." As he said, he stretched out his hand and stroked the soft fur of the little fox with satisfaction. When the little fox grows up, its fur will become harder, and the hand will not feel so good, but the one in Lu Qingjiu’s arms is obviously still young. It has not been moulted, and it feels like plush in a toy store. Toys, the kind with temperature.

"What does it eat?" Lu Qingjiu asked Bai Yuehu again.

Baiyue Fox frowned, thinking for a moment: "Don't all foxes eat chicken?"

Lu Qingjiu: "..." He felt that his vixen seemed a bit unprofessional, and he didn't even know what his tribe ate.

The little fox was indeed hungry. The fingers with Lu Sake in his mouth began to suck, and his eyes looked at Lu Sake with a pitiful and cute expression.

Lu Qingjiu decided: "I'll try first." He and Yin Xun went to the kitchen and decided to make some minced meat for the little fox. When the two turned and left, naturally they didn't notice the disgusting eyes of the white moon fox.

Lu Qingjiu cooked the meat, chopped it into minced meat, and fed it to the little fox. The little fox sniffed and ate happily. It seemed that he was a weaned fox, otherwise Lu Qingjiu would be real. I don't know where to find milk for him this night.

The little fox was very happy to eat, but he took two bites and took a look at Lu Qingjiu carefully, as if he was worried that Lu Qingjiu would take away the food at any time. Lu Qingjiu's heart melted from his small eyes, and he reached out to touch his head, and said, "Eat, eat, until you are full, you won't take it away."

The little fox seemed to understand people. After hearing Lu Qingjiu's words, he lowered his head and continued to eat bitterly. Both sides of his mouth were covered with meat.

Lu Qingjiu was very happy when he suddenly came to the house with such a cute little one. After he was fed, he set up a nest for him in his bedroom. The little fox also seemed to be a little sleepy, and he drew back into his den obediently and began to sleep. Lu Qingjiu and Yin Xun stood by and looked at them with fatherly smiles.

"I wanted to raise a dog before," Yin Xun said, "but I think I can't raise it well, just forget it."

Lu Qingjiu said: "It's okay, we can raise foxes now."

Yin Xun shed moved tears and Lu Qingjiu held the happy hands tightly.

In the evening, after Yin Xun left, Lu Qingjiu went to wash up briefly, but when he was about to go back to the room to rest, he heard the voice of someone talking in the yard. The voice was not like Xiaohua Xiaohei's. As if Baiyue Fox was talking to someone, Lu Qingjiu was a little curious, so he looked out from the window.

At this moment, the sky was a bit dark, and I could only vaguely see the vague figure of the white moon fox and hear the vague voice.

Bai Yuehu seemed to be arguing with someone. He said, "Come here, I promise not to eat you, you will take him away—"

I don’t know what was said over there, Bai Yuehu said again: “Afraid? What are you afraid of? Didn’t I say that I won’t eat you? I’ll give you three days, but I’ll just wait to die...”

While he was talking, he walked towards the gate of the courtyard. Lu Qingjiu couldn't understand what he said next, but Baiyuehu's impatient attitude was very obvious. Lu Qingjiu didn't know who he was talking to. speak.

Lu Qingjiu glanced at the little fox again, touched the soft fur on his body, and lay back on the bed contentedly and went to sleep.

The next morning, the first thing Lu Qingjiu did when he woke up from his sleep was to look at the little fox beside his bed. What he didn't expect was that the little fox was gone, and the door was opened. Obviously It was at night that the little fox slipped out through the crack in the door. Lu Qingjiu panicked when he saw this scene, and he didn't have time to change his clothes, so he hurriedly rushed out of the house.

"Little fox, little fox?" Calling the little fox's name, Lu Qingjiu searched around in the yard. To be honest, he was really a little afraid that the white moon fox would swallow the little fox in one bite. After all, what is his family's vixen right? Nobody refuses food, so you can eat whatever you can.

I didn’t see the little fox in the front yard. Lu Qingjiu went to the backyard again. But before he walked in, he saw a small animal beside the well in the backyard. The animal’s hair was exploded. It was round. It was like a ball, and when he heard his voice, he ran over here, and his mouth made a familiar cry.

Lu Qingjiu heard the familiar sound of this unknown creature, his eyes rounded instantly, and said: " are a little fox?!"

The little fox jumped to Lu Qingjiu's side and rubbed his head against Lu Qingjiu's feet, seeming to be answering: Yes, yes, I am the little fox.

Lu Qingjiu looked at the appearance of the little fox and was stunned. He saw all the fur on the little fox exploded, like a ball. He hugged it up, feeling that the hair was a lot more, and instantly he wanted to understand the little fox. What happened... It is estimated that this little brat ran out of the house at night, somehow worshipped the well, and then the hair on his body exploded in an instant.

Lu Qingjiu was a little bit dumbfounded at the moment, although this fried-haired fox was also quite cute, billowing like a ball.

He carried the fox back to the front yard and saw the white moon fox holding a hose and watering the vines in the yard.

"Yuehu." Lu Qingjiu walked to Baiyuehu with the little fox cub.

Baiyue Fox's gaze fell on the fox cub.

Lu Qingjiu said, "Can it be changed back like this?" He grasped the little fox as if it were a bunch of fluffy hair.

Bai Yuehu thought for a moment; "If it doesn't change back..."

"Can't eat either." Lu Qingjiu replied vigilantly.

Bai Yuehu directly showed regret, and he reluctantly replied: "I can't recover. Use scissors to trim it."

Lu Qingjiu glanced at the little fox. The little fox's blue eyes glanced at Lu Qingjiu innocently, although his eyes were too much to see. I have to say that the effect of the well in the backyard is really good...

Seeing that Baiyue Fox hadn't provided other methods, Lu Qingjiu had to accept his fate and carried the little fox into the back room, and picked up the scissors again.

The little fox is very obedient. He obviously found that it is safe to stay with Lu Qingjiu. He stood there obediently, and Lu Qingjiu began to trim the hair that was completely blown off.

It’s the first time for Lu Qingjiu to trim hair. He can only try a little pruning, but the more he cuts, the more he feels something is wrong. At this moment, Yin Xun is also here, and he yells as soon as he enters the house. , Lu Qingjiu, where did you pick up a dog?!!!"

Lu Qingjiu: "...not a dog."

"What is it that is not a dog?" Yin Xun stretched out his hand and wiped the little fox fiercely. "It's still a VIP!"

Lu Qingjiu silently threw away the scissors in his hand, feeling that he had become a heinous sinner. He was a cute vixen just now, and he became a poodle...

"Wait a minute, this doesn't seem to be a dog..." Yin Xun found something wrong after careful observation. He widened his eyes and said, "This... isn't this the fox yesterday? How could it be ruined like this? ?"

Mr. Lu, the culprit who ruined the fox, looked away with a guilty conscience.

"Poor little boy." Yin Xun said, "Did you cut it?"

Lu Qingjiu could only helplessly explain that the little fox was affected by the well in the backyard, and unfortunately it froze.

Yin Xun looked at the little fox who still didn't understand what was happening, and comforted: "It's okay, Mao will get up in two days, and then I will repair it again..."

Lu Qingjiu thought that it could only be so.

There are more fox cubs in the house, but it is a lot of fun. Xiaohua Xiaohei warmly welcomes her new partner. Although this partner cannot speak human words and was repaired like a poodle by Lu Qingjiu, it is a furry creature, still Very flattering.

The chicken in the yard has grown into a big chicken. At first, he was hostile to the little fox and tried to peck its hair. After being reprimanded by Lu Qingjiu several times, he gave up and gave up on pestering the little fox.

So when Lu Qingjiu was cooking in the kitchen, two pigs and one fox were paralyzed in the front yard, and a vixen was sitting on the chair. The four were in harmony under the shade of the trees.

Because of the white moon fox, the vines in Lu Qingjiu's house also grew extraordinarily fast, crawling the entire courtyard along the shelves, blocking the hot sunlight and making the courtyard very cool. The most delightful thing is the bunches of grapes hanging on the vines. You can imagine what a gratifying gesture when the grapes are ripe. After calculating the number of grapes, Lu Qingjiu decided to make a barrel of wine by himself, and sold the rest to Chao Qianyu. Since knowing that his family grows grapes, Chao Qianyu called Lu Qingjiu almost every day to buy grapes and gave A very high price.

Lunch is the fresh lamb meat that Lu Qingjiu bought before. The lamb chops inside are taken out and used for braising. The lamb meat is very tender and the smell is not strong. The stewed lamb chops are very delicious. After making lamb chops, he boiled another pot of pumpkin and mung bean soup to cool off the heat, thinking about making some meatloaf and pickles to eat at night.

People's appetite will be affected in hot weather, but this problem does not exist in their family. Lu Qingjiu put the lamb chops on the table and picked a few pieces to feed the little fox. He didn't know if the little fox could bite, so he just gave it a try.

The little fox was very excited when he smelled the scent of lamb chops, his mouth kept chuckles, and he refused to let it go, but it was a bit too small, and the bite was very laborious. It took a long time to eat a piece.

Lu Qingjiu originally lowered his head to look at the little fox, but suddenly felt a gaze, raised his head, and found that the white moon fox was watching him.

"It just ate two pieces." Lu Qingjiu knew that his vixen was protecting the food, so he could only coax him, "I won't give him the meatloaf at night."

"Hmm." Bai Yuehu reluctantly accepted Lu Qingjiu's answer.

After dinner, when it was time for everyone to rest, Lu Qingjiu went to the kitchen to take out the ice powder seeds, planning to rub some ice powder to eat. Ice powder is their cool tool here. Rub the ice powder seeds into the water, and then add gypsum water to form a transparent jelly-like mass, and add brown sugar and hawthorn to it. The taste is refreshing and appetizing. It is very popular for everyone to relieve heat and cool down.

Although the white moon fox prefers meat a little bit, in fact, he is not picky about these sweets.

Lu Qingjiu rubbed a large bowl of ice powder and put it in the refrigerator to freeze. The little fox followed his feet when he was doing things. He was so obedient, because it was so small that Lu Qingjiu almost stepped on it several times when he walked.

"Hey, go find a pig in the yard to play." Lu Qingjiu said, "I'm doing something." After he almost stepped on it again, Lu Qingjiu could only squat down to discuss with the little fox.

The little fox looked at Lu Sake pitifully, his little paw grabbed Lu Sake's trouser legs, and he whispered twice. The reluctance in his wet eyes seemed to say that he should not go.

Lu Qingjiu touched its small head: "There is still something to eat in the yard...what? Are you scared?" Seeing it like this, it is obviously unwilling to go to the yard.

The little fox seemed to understand Lu Qingjiu's words, and his body silently shrank into a ball.

Probably at the beginning, the white moon fox did not hide his appetite for the little fox, which caused the little fox to be afraid of the white moon fox from beginning to end. As soon as he approached him, he began to tremble.

Lu Qingjiu thought for a while, picked up the little fox, walked into the yard, and shouted, "Yuehu."

Bai Yuehu was still closing his eyes to rest his mind. He half-opened his eyes when he heard Lu Qingjiu's cry, and said, "Huh?"

Lu Qingjiu said cheeky: "You hug the little fox."

White Moon Fox: "..."

Lu Qingjiu said: "It's afraid of you, so you hug it and tell it that you won't eat it, okay?"

Baiyue Fox's eyes moved down and fell on the little fox. The little fox he was staring at instantly shook up again.

Lu Qingjiu looked at Baiyuehu expectantly. Baiyuehu was silent for a moment, and finally heaved a sigh of relief, and stretched out his hand to the little fox: "Come."

Lu Qingjiu smiled immediately and carefully handed the little fox cub to Baiyue Fox's hand.

The little fox was no more than a slap, and looked more compact in the white and slender hands of the white moon fox. It screamed and didn't dare to struggle, so it could only look at Lu Qingjiu with pitiful eyes for help.

"What are you afraid of?" Bai Yuehu said coldly at it, "I won't eat you again."

The little fox understands people's words. After Baiyuehu finished speaking, the tremor on his body was obviously smaller, but when Lu Qingjiu was about to breathe a sigh of relief, Baiyuehu added: "At least Not now."

As soon as the words fell, Lu Qingjiu saw a strange water stain on the palm of Baiyue Fox's hand, and the little fox rolled his eyes and fainted--the little fox was scared to pee.

When Lu Qingjiu saw this scene, he finally couldn't hold back, he burst into laughter. Of course, his next action was to quickly pick up the little fox from Baiyuehu's hand, and then rushed to the side and dragged the water pipe over to recognize it. Seriously, she really washed her hands for Baiyue Fox.

The white moon fox hadn't moved after being **** on by the little fox. The whole fox seemed to be frozen in place.

Lu Qingjiu washed and wiped Naiyuehu's hands clean. Seeing that he hadn't moved, he carefully touched the back of his hand and called out, "Yuehu?"

A thick black mist instantly rose up behind Bai Yuehu.

Lu Qingjiu was not very nervous when he saw the black mist. In fact, every time he saw the black mist, he was rescued. He quickly persuaded him: "Don't be angry, don't be angry. It's just a child. Children don't rely on anything. Don’t care about it."

Baiyue Fox raised his eyes.

"Tomorrow I will go to town to buy you a head of lamb, and on the weekend we will roast the whole lamb." Lu Qingjiu can only use food to buy his angry vixen, "Just be full."

Hearing Lu Qingjiu's promise, Bai Yuehu slowly lowered his hand. He glanced at the little fox who had been taken back by Lu Qingjiu just now, and was still hiding in the pocket of Lu Qingjiu's clothes. He was very dissatisfied. Said: "Why are you so courageous."

Lu Qingjiu wanted to laugh a little, but felt that the atmosphere seemed inappropriate, so he abruptly held back.

It took a long time for the scared little fox to relax. After he woke up, he became even more frightened. He shrank into Lu Qingjiu's palm and refused to move. Lu Qingjiu touched its hair and said: "Look, you have offended him so much. If he wants to eat it, you must have taken it a long time ago, so don't be afraid, he will definitely not eat you."

The little fox moved for a while, and his eyes looked at Lu Qingjiu with suspicion.

"He needs my permission to eat." Lu Qingjiu said, "Don't be afraid or not, there are other delicious foods at home, you have so little meat, he won't be interested."

The little fox stopped shaking now, and made two chuckles.

Lu Qingjiu smiled and said: "Right, just think it through, it's okay, Yuehu is very gentle."-Except when protecting food, "So you really don't have to be so afraid of him."

The little fox didn't say a word, just stuck out his pink tongue and gently licked Lu Qingjiu's fingers, as if telling him he knew.

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