MTL - Farming, Learning Martial Arts, and Peace In the World (Farming And Learning Martial Arts To Bring Peace)-Chapter 464 3 eyes

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The old woman was short of three coins and left, and she walked neatly.

Chi Qiaosong, one scorpion and one scorpion, continued to walk along the small river. The more he walked, the more and more he felt cold. He felt cold from his bones and from the depths of his soul.

"Brother Chi, this place doesn't look like a dojo, I feel like I can't get to the end." Ling Shouzi was so cold that he shivered as he spoke.

Chi Qiaosong frowned, and he couldn't figure out the place, so he had to say, "Let's go and see, no matter what, we have to find the exit."

"Yeah, you have to find the exit, or you will be trapped in the underworld like these ghosts."

Going along the river, it didn't take long to approach the Bad Dog Ridge. Under the light of the scarlet blood moon, the mist formed red ripples, which was very terrifying.

Chi Qiaosong has been energized and pays attention to the surrounding environment.

Along the way, the ground is full of cracks, which are far larger than the cracks caused by the earthquake, as if the whole earth has been crushed: "Be careful of these cracks, I heard Ao Ling said that once you fall into the cracks, the bones will be swallowed up. Nothing."

"This crack is dark, and I don't know what's inside."

"Anyway, be careful."

Chi Qiaosong tried to illuminate the crack with the night pearl, but the dim light of the night pearl was not enough to illuminate the crack, and there was still a dark invisible object inside.

Only when the consciousness penetrated into the crack, it was shattered by invisible force, and Chi Qiaosong almost cried out in pain.

Then don't dare to pry into the cracks again.

He had to continue to explore in the direction of the stream, but when he walked all the way, Ling Shouzi suddenly noticed something abnormal: "Brother Chi, look ahead."


"Does that mountain look like the same mountain we walked before?"

After Lingshouzi's reminder, Chi Qiaosong also suddenly realized that the two mountains are not similar, but belong to the same mountain completely, and the shape of the mountain is exactly the same.

"This... is not right, we walked along the river and never made a detour!"

"Did the ghost hit the wall?"

"This is the underworld, and there are ghosts hitting the wall in the underworld?" Chi Qiaosong didn't believe in evil, and told Xiaoqing to move on, but about half an hour later, he came to the same place again.

A mountain loomed in the fog ahead, exactly the same as the previous Evil Dog Ridge.

"No, no, Xiaoqing, let's go back!" Chi Qiaosong instructed Xiaoqing to go back, while marking the way along the way, but after walking for half an hour, he still did not return to the original position, which is the dark river crossing. That mountain wall.

And when he turned his head, he saw Evil Dog Ridge looming in the red mist.

As for the feet, I could not see any marks left before.

"Is this a ghost hitting the wall?" Ling Shouzi asked.


Chi Qiaosong couldn't tell. He always felt that this space was very strange, not as simple as a ghost hitting a wall. The ghost hitting the wall is just a way of concealing the eyes, making people go back and forth in circles.

But this Bad Dog Ridge seems to be distorted in space, and it can't get out of the current node.

Seeing that he couldn't get around the river, let alone enter the Bad Dog Ridge, Chi Qiaosong took out a red bead and a white bead from the purple-red gourd.

The white beads are mandala flowers, and the red beads are mandala shahuas.

He first used his true energy to activate the mandala flower, which could guide the bridge of Tianle, but after the activation, the mandala flower did not respond except to make people feel happy.

When he used his true energy to motivate Manzhu Shahua again, there was a hint of feedback from Manzhu Shahua.

Manzhu Shahua can lead to the road of fire.

Chi Qiaosong clenched Manzhu Shahua tightly at the time, and then said: "Xiaoqing, follow the direction I am guiding. Let's go to the left...then go to the right...forward...back..."

With the guidance of Manzhu Shahua.

One person, one scorpion, and one Jiao no longer go in one direction, but change paths in a mess, one time before, one after another, left and right.

However, walking like this, it got closer and closer to the Bad Dog Ridge, and finally touched directly into the Bad Dog Ridge, over the ridge of the mountain, and the valley below was red.

"This is the road to fire!" Chi Qiaosong realized.

The direction of Hongzhu Manzhu Shahua is the direction of the road of fire. When he got closer, he suddenly realized where the road of fire came from.

It is clearly a fiery red flower on the other side.

Each tree has only one stem, and a red flower blooms at the top of the stem. The flowers are densely packed, like a sea of ​​flames.

"It's not a spiritual root, and these other's flowers are like souls." Chi Qiaosong reached out and touched it, and passed directly through the stems of the other's flowers, without touching the entity at all.

At this time, Lingshouzi suddenly pointed forward: "Brother Chi, do you see a small village over there?"

But at the end of the fire road, in a valley, there will be a small village hidden in the red mist, and there are still some lights, as if it is inhabited.

"There will be villages in the underworld?"

Chi Qiaosong looked at the small village not far away and always felt weird, but when he came, he had to go to the small village to explore the way.

First, this is the way that Manzhu Shahua pointed. Second, if you want to find the exit of the underworld, you have to walk out of the Bad Dog Ridge—perhaps there is information about the exit hidden in this small village.

Going forward along the road of Huo Zhao, one person, one Ao and one Jiao quickly stepped into the small village.

As soon as they entered the small village, Lingshouzi and Xiaoqing suddenly stopped, and then, as if in a daze, one went left and the other went right.

"Lingshouzi, Xiaoqing, where are you going?"

Chi Qiaosong was asking when he saw a flame gushing out from his body. It was the true fire of Samadhi flashing from top to bottom, like a defense caused by some force.

Lingshouzi didn't answer, and Xiaoqing didn't answer either.

Combined with the true fire of Samadhi in himself, Chi Qiaosong understood in an instant: "Evil evil or magic, Lingshouzi and Xiaoqing are definitely caught in a nightmare."

He grabbed Ling Shouzi and shouted, "Return to God!"

Ling Shouzi didn't struggle after being pulled, but his eyes were lost, and he was indifferent to Chi Qiaosong's roar. Chi Qiaosong dragged him, caught up with Xiaoqing, and stopped Xiaoqing.

Seeing that Ao Yijiao couldn't wake up no matter what, he simply slapped him.

The two big ears scratched, and Ling Shouzi's face was swollen, but Ling Shouzi was still confused, and there was no sign of waking up.

"It's going to be a little tougher!" Chi Qiaosong raised the real fire of Samadhi directly in his palm, then raised it high, wrapped in the real fire of Samadhi, and pulled out two big ear scraps.

The true fire of Samadhi exploded on Lingshouzi's face, and then Lingshouzi woke up for a moment and exclaimed: "Chi..."

Before finishing a complete word, Ling Shouzi fell into dementia again, even if Chi Qiaosong fanned blood from his mouth, he still could not wake up.

The same is true for Xiaoqing, who was punched a few times by Chi Qiaosong and was unconscious.

"Something!" Chi Qiaosong glanced around the small village, his consciousness was still blocked by the red mist, and he couldn't spy on the real scene of this small village.

He dragged Lingshouzi and Xiaoqing abruptly out of the village, waved the slap wrapped in the true fire of Samadhi again, and slapped Lingshouzi's face with a few big ears.


Ling Shouzi still only recovered for a moment, and then continued to fall into the state of Nightmare Town.

Chi Qiaosong frowned: "After leaving the small village, this Nightmare Town spell still cannot be solved? Something is wrong, it seems that the problem has to be solved from the source!"

He simply sacrificed the Taobao Pagoda and put Ling Shouzi and Xiaoqing into the bottom layer - as long as the magical powers on each floor were not activated, the Taobao Pagoda was a prison.


He stepped into the small village again, and soon the Samadhi real fire burned on his own, resisting the invasion of some kind of magic power.

Relying on the protection of the purple and green gourd, Chi Qiaosong quickly searched the small village, first walked to the wooden house with lights, and kicked the door open.

A table in the room is lit with an oil lamp, and a couple seems to be eating, but they are motionless.

"Huh?" Chi Qiaosong looked carefully, what kind of oil lamp was it, it was clearly a bug disguised as an oil lamp, and the bug's **** emitted a light similar to a lamp.

At this time, the motionless couple suddenly turned their heads, their numb, pale faces, without a trace of life.

And in an instant, the couple's forehead split open with a third eye, staring at Chi Qiaosong with a strange look, the greed in their eyes is almost ready to show.

"What the hell!"

Chi Qiaosong's left hand condensed a purple and yellow gourd, and the Sword of Immortal Slaying was instantly unsheathed.

The white light flashed by, and Chi Qiaosong had already chopped off half of the couple's heads diagonally. No blood came out, only black qi like Gu worms escaped.

(End of this chapter)