MTL - Farming Together wIth Interstellar People-Chapter 253

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Nowadays, interstellar travel is commonplace, and "Hope Star" is a place that every orc who has fallen into the late stage of genetic collapse must go. Therefore, every inhabited planet has a flight to "Hope Star", which operates three times a day. Morning, noon and night.

The spaceship sailed in the universe for nearly eight hours, Bai Li woke up from Wen Xingyao, took out a pen and paper and began to write and draw on it for a long time, before the broadcast came the broadcast, half an hour later the spaceship You will be able to land on the "Hope Star". Passengers, please be prepared.

During these eight hours, Bai Li idly observed the passengers on the same flight as them for a period of time, feeling somewhat emotional in his heart.

Most of them are family units, and each small group will have a weak "cub" in his arms. And the so-called cubs are likely to be the original head and pillar of a family, or the juniors who have just grown up.

Bai Li also saw a white-haired grandfather holding a snow-white cat in his arms, huddled in a corner absent-mindedly, very lonely. The sorrowful breath emanating from him can be felt a little closer.

The people traveling with him followed Bai Li's gaze, and Hu Yi and Hu Er happened to know the old man, so they explained to Bai Li softly.

"His name is 'Bai Changsheng', and he is also a resident of our villa area. Hu Er and I met him several times when we went out for a stroll. I heard from the neighbors that their family is miserable, and he is just an ordinary person. Did not awaken the orc gene, but married an orc daughter-in-law. After marriage, they soon had two children, and the orc gene was also awakened. But the good times did not last long. His daughter-in-law broke out for the first time in the The two children entered the advanced stage before they reached adulthood, and were sent to the 'Hope Star'." Hu Yi said.

Hu Er took over his brother's words and continued: "At that time, he and the two children sent people there together. After that, he would go to the 'Hope Star' every year to see him several times. Finally, he waited for the children to grow up. , and each got married and had children, but the 'gene collapse syndrome' also broke out like a shadow. First two children, and then his grandchildren... I heard from neighbors that only the youngest one stays with him now I have a granddaughter, but she also suffers from 'gene collapse syndrome', I don't know how long she can last..."

As a result, the little granddaughter did not last too long, and embarked on the path of her predecessors. In this way, as an ordinary person, the old man sent away family members one after another. In which direction the door of "Hope Star" looks, he may be more clear than the layout of the rooms in his own house.

The old man stroked the cat's back gently with his hand, combing the soft fur every now and then. The little granddaughter turned into a cat enjoys grandpa's comfort very much, purrs delicately, and narrows her eyes comfortably. Obviously, she had forgotten who the old man in front of her was, and her body was only for instinctive enjoyment.

As if he noticed the gazes of Bai Li and the others, the old man looked up and recognized Hu Yi and Hu Er among them. So after nodding slightly towards them, he quickly turned his gaze elsewhere.

Throughout the whole process, there was no movement in his eyes, and the only thing left was the dead silence of despair.

Seeing this, Bai Li felt uncomfortable, and felt that the world he lived in should not continue to develop like this. They already have the direction of treating "gene collapse disease", and they should start the experiment as soon as possible. Even if it is a day earlier than they expected, it is still a kind of progress.

He was unavoidably agitated, and Wen Xingyao, who was sitting next to him, quickly sensed that something was wrong with Bai Li, and subtly soothed him by patting the back of his hand. Bai Li quickly came back to his senses, gathered the thoughts that were flying out, and once again reviewed the arrangements after arriving at the Hope Star in his heart.

Zhu Moling actually noticed his younger brother's abnormality, but he didn't sit as close as Wen Xingyao, nor did he react as quickly as Wen Xingyao, so he could only watch helplessly as this nasty guy patiently "smoothed" his younger brother, easily Bring my brother back to normal.

In fact, he was a little satisfied in his heart, but if he didn't say it, he couldn't make Wen Xingyao feel proud of it.

Not only that, but he also diverted his younger brother's attention with special intentions: "In fact, it is much better now than it was a few months ago. A few months ago, the spaceship to the 'Hope Star' was rarely full. At that time, about a month or two ago, this situation has obviously improved, what is the reason, I think you are the best brother, right?"

The meaning of these words couldn't be more obvious, almost as soon as Zhu Moling finished speaking, Bai Li understood in seconds. Brother's words, it is not an exaggeration to say that one word can wake up the dreamer.

He had been struggling with how to stop the orcs suffering from "gene collapse" and developing towards a later stage, but he forgot that the things that troubled him had actually started to change inadvertently.

The holographic farming game "Leisurely Farm" was born, and the interstellar people showed unprecedented enthusiasm for this game. Then, the relaxed pastoral life, various delicacies with rich tastes, interesting and free gameplay, green mountains, green water, blue sea, and blue sky are all things that do not exist in reality.

...It can't be said that there is no such thing, it's just that they have been completely abandoned on the planet where the interstellar people live.

But it is such a world that makes the interstellar people feel the individual life that has started to rejuvenate. The previous decades seem to have been in vain, and they actually found the true meaning of life in the game!

Although no detailed report has been issued yet, Bai Li can clearly feel that the proportion of orcs suffering from "gene collapse disease" has entered the late stage, and the proportion of regressing to infancy is steadily decreasing.

"I see." Bai Li showed a relaxed smile, looked at the others, and said, "Don't look at me like that, I was just a bit of a **** man just now, but I'm fine now."

After finishing speaking, he changed the topic directly, got up and ran to the viewing platform not far away, and watched the scene of the spaceship landing on the "Hope Star".

Bai Li probably knew what "Hope Star" looked like, but when he looked back from the corner of his memory, it was far less shocking than what he saw with his own eyes.

There is a large area of ​​green in the eyes, only a light blue appears in the distance, which is the color of the sea. Almost all land is covered by green grass, and the land undulates on the planet like waves, and steep terrain is rarely seen.

As a planet that needs to accommodate all the orcs in the entire empire who have regressed to infancy, "Hope Planet" undoubtedly has a huge volume. Previously, Bai Li had seen from the purchase information of this planet sent to him by Zhu Moling that the whole planet was five times bigger than the "Sweet and Sour Spare Ribs Star". What a great deal to buy this planet, he made a lot of money!

Such a big planet, how long will it take him to plant it all, hehehe~

Seeing the "Hope Star", Bai Li probably knew what the other agricultural planets were like, and he felt a little anger in his heart that the people of the empire were throwing away everything. They were so close to the correct answer, yet so far away. .

There is only one boarding desk on the "Hope Star", which is located in the warm south. When they get off the spaceship, they first need to register their purpose of the trip.

Those who were visiting relatives and friends, and those who brought their family members to apply for the right of residence, among them, Bai Li and his party were the most special. They came to inspect the "fixed assets" under their name.

There are members of the Tianhu clan stationed here on "Hope Star". After seeing this special registration application, they guessed that the patriarch Zhu Moling might be coming, so they hurried over, but when they arrived, they were attracted by another person beside the patriarch. Attention gone.

"Little, young master??" The visitor wiped his eyes in disbelief, almost turning his eye sockets red, before he believed that this was not his hallucination.

The young master they had been looking for for three years was standing right next to their patriarch. The young master seems to have grown a little taller, and his face looks a little more rounded than before. It can be seen that he is living a good life, which is really gratifying.

etc! Why is the young master in human form? ? If his memory is correct, when the young master sneaked away from "Hope Star" three years ago, he seemed to have regressed to his infancy?

So what's the situation now, why did the young master revert to the human form from his infancy?

Is this a miracle that only happened to the young master, or is it a healing method that all interstellar people can have?

Thinking of this, the heart of this Tianhu clan couldn't help stirring up. On this planet, there are quite a few fluffy members of the Tianhu family, including the parents and relatives of the patriarch and the young master, as well as his own relatives and friends... If everyone can return to their human form, what will happen? A reunion scene huh?

To become the steward of "Hope Star", this clansman must have a flexible mind. Although there are many thoughts in his heart, he doesn't actually show much on his face. He just looks a little excited, which can be regarded as a sign of seeing himself The emotions displayed by the patriarch.

Bai Li smiled slightly at the other party, and greeted him slightly with his right hand. He still remembers that when he was sent here, it was this clansman who received him.

Hope the other party has forgotten about it.

"Find a quiet place, let's sit down and talk first." Zhu Moling greeted the clansmen.

"Okay, okay, I'll make arrangements right away, patriarch, young master and all the guests, come with me!" The steward hurriedly responded, leading a group of people to the office building built by the Tianhu clan here.