MTL - Fast Transmute Female Supporting Role: Male Lead Strategy Manual-Chapter 720 Evolution history of online game bosses (21)

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Bei Qiu's face turned black instantly, what's the matter? Can I be forcibly PKed on a mount?

The scene will be refreshed soon.

There is only one person on the other side, but all the equipment on his body are bright orange weapons.

It means that this person's level is no less than two hundred.

It's over!

It was the only word that came to Bei Qiu's mind.

"Fucking people nowadays are getting more and more shameless, and people with more than two hundred levels come to forcibly PK more than eighty people?" Bei Qiu spat hard, and his face became extremely ugly.

Qiu Shu's expression was serious, "Two hundred levels?"

At that time, he skipped 70 levels and challenged the 130-level guy. The shadow left by him seems to have not faded. If the opponent has more than 200 levels, then it is impossible to win this PK.

"What will happen if you lose the PK on the mount?" Qiu Shu looked sideways at Bei Qiu and asked.

The corners of Bei Qiu's eyes twitched, with a very ominous premonition.

'A generation of war gods soaring to the sky: Qiushen hasn't seen each other for a long time, just happened to be itchy, and wants to have a good competition with Qiushen, and didn't disturb the two of them talking about love, right? '

‘Brother Qiu takes you to pretend 13: Are you shameless? I'm only over eighty levels now, and you are over two hundred levels to forcibly PK? '

'A Generation of God of War Rankings: I thought this was Qiushen's habit. Back then, I was just over one hundred and ninety levels. Didn't Qiushen use a number over two hundred and eighty to forcefully PK me? '

Qiu Shu looked at Bei Qiu very contemptuously. It turned out that this girl was the enemy she provoked before?

The corner of Bei Qiu's mouth twitched, and she stretched out her hand to push Qiu Shu's face aside, "What are you looking at? Who doesn't have time to be an asshole?!"

‘Brother Qiu took you to pretend to be 13: Dude, you have admitted the wrong person, I am not the person in your mouth, it is wrong for you to force PK like this, otherwise admit defeat and let us go. '

"Generation God of War Ranking: Qiushen is being modest when he says that. You have more than 3,000 speakers in the world, but you have made it clear that you are Qiushen who has never been able to find a chance to PK. This time there is a chance to PK, I am sure I can't let go of this opportunity to ask Qiu Shen for advice. '

As soon as the dialog box popped up, before Bei Qiu could see it clearly, the other party issued a kill.

Bei Qiu fell down in seconds.

Qiu Shu immediately used the skill of resurrecting from the dead, and pulled up Bei Qiu who was lying limp on the ground, "I'm going, why are you so fragile? You were knocked down with one move?"

"Don't stand and talk without hurting the other party's more than two hundred levels! I don't think it's useless for you to pull me, this time I will definitely die."

Sure enough, before the words fell, the other party issued a large-scale must-kill. Qiu Shu, who was just saying that Bei Qiu was very fragile, was also knocked down in an instant!

"Damn it, don't let the best things come out this time!" Bei Qiu pursed her lips and looked at the screen nervously.

As soon as the screen turned, the mount on which the two were sitting suddenly disappeared, and both of them fell down. It was a coincidence that there was an abyss under Qiu Shu and Bei Qiufei!

Bei Qiu's expression changed. If he falls like this, he will die, right?

The speed of the fall was so fast that Bei Qiu closed her eyes nervously, grabbed Qiu Shu's hand, and held his hand tightly in the palm of her hand.

Qiu Shu was in pain from being pinched, "What are you doing? Isn't it just a game, do you need to be so nervous?! Let go, let me go!"

Suddenly, the picture in front of him turned into a whirlpool.

"Hey, hello, Mi Beiqiu!" Qiu Shu yelled, tugged at Bei Qiu, and signaled her to open her eyes.

Bei Qiu cautiously opened one eye, and saw the strange scene in the picture.

The vortex slowly dissipated.

It turned out to be a small cave. There were two tombstones in the cave. An NPC boy knelt in front of the tombstones, crying softly.

‘Congratulations to the player, Brother Qiu will take you to pretend to be 13, give your **** a big blow, activate the hidden mission, and die in love! '

A line of words appeared on the world bulletin.

Hidden mission? !

Fucking death cliff? !

Bei Qiu and Qiu Shu looked at each other, Xiao Tong stood up from the ground, and bowed to them, "My young lady fell into such a difficult situation and was forced to jump off a cliff to die in love. Present the treasure of the young lady during her lifetime. '

Then, a frame popped up in front of the two people's screens.

‘Excuse me, what is his/her favorite music, pop music, rock music, Beethoven, classical music. '

"Choose Beethoven together!" Bei Qiu said.

After the two pressed.

‘Congratulations to the predestined person, who has won the orange-level martial arts handle, and may the lover finally get married. '

"Damn it! Orange-level martial arts!" Bei Qiu's eyes lit up, that is, after more than a hundred levels, they don't need to spend money to do supernatural martial arts anymore!

The dialog box disappears.

The whole picture changes.

This familiar scene made Bei Qiu's face turn pale instantly!

Novice Village!

She hurriedly clicked on the backpack, and besides some recharged diamonds, there was also an orange-level martial arts that was never needed, it was empty!

Falling off a cliff, unexpectedly fell directly into Xinshou Village? Exploded all the hard-earned equipment?

"Qiu Shu!" Bei Qiu roared with a dark face!

After Qiu Shu saw that all his equipment was cleared, his first reaction was to run away!

But Bei Qiu moved faster, her legs wrapped around Qiu Shu's waist, her elbows hugged his neck again, and she was dying!

All in one go!

Extremely proficient!

"Tell you to force me to sit on your dragon! Tell you to fly so high?! Tell you to prefer to fly to the top of the cliff without dying! The efforts of these two people are all in vain! What are you? Those who come to help me get on the list are still here to make trouble, ah!" Bei Qiu gritted her teeth and used her hands and feet.

Qiu Shu was so overwhelmed that he almost lost his breath.

Patted Bei Qiu's arm desperately with his hands, "Let go, let go!"

"No!" Bei Qiu was furious.

Qiu Shu's face was flushed, and he said angrily: "If you don't let go, don't blame me for being rude!"

"No, not at all! I play games in class, play games after class, and play games when I get home! Do you know how difficult it is for me!" Bei Qiu angrily scolded, "I am a third-year student, and I pursue this every day! Qiu Shu! How can you compensate me!"

"Mi, Mi Beiqiu! Let go of me quickly!" Qiu Shu couldn't breathe when he spoke.

But this time, he didn't wait for Bei Qiu to answer.

Qiu Shu threw another shoulder throw!

He threw Bei Qiu directly on the bed, then fell on the bed by himself, breathed hard, covered his neck and said, "You still have the nerve to say it? If it wasn't because you have many enemies, would we have been killed?"

Bei Qiu gritted her teeth, this broken game, falling back and forth back to Xinshou Village.

If she meets a few more enemies, she will never even think about reaching a hundred levels in her life!

"Then how do I know that this kind of person holds grudges so much! Let's just forget about it?!"

Qiu Shu narrowed his eyes slightly, and said, "I hacked him!"

Bei Qiu got up, gave Qiu Shu a chestnut, and knocked **** his forehead, "Are you stupid, are you afraid that the game company won't recognize us?! Everyone who offends us will be punished. If it’s black, won’t the game company be eyeing us?”