MTL - Female Official In the East Palace-Chapter 101

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Kangxi personally issued an imperial decree that the wedding date of Prince Yinren was scheduled for the tenth day of the tenth lunar month this year.

The wedding date is only less than five months away, which is a bit rushed, but Kangxi is filial. as satisfied as possible.

It is so hard for the ministers of various ministries, the most difficult thing is to ensure that the wedding of the prince and the prince is in accordance with the ritual.

, then reported to Kangxi, and Kangxi decided.

Into a stagnation period, no progress.

After entering the Mei, the Zhili area continued to rain and flooded. The governor of Zhili and Prince Shaobao Yu Chenglong and other officials did not manage the river well, resulting in disasters for the people and heavy losses for the court.

Even when the eldest brother got married, Kangxi did not delay political affairs. Now, for the prince, he always takes some time to finalize the prince's wedding.

The prince saw that Huang Ama had woken up before the **** crowing and fell asleep late at night. He felt distressed, knowing that it was not right, he still opened his mouth and said: "My son is willing to share some chores for Huang Ama."

Simply Kangxi did not think that the prince was impatient to enter the dynasty because of this.

Rong Xin was grinding ink for the prince, his eyes swept the content of the memorial, and the corners of his mouth twitched uncontrollably.

No one is serious!

The censor of Zuodu has an obsessive-compulsive disorder. He sent books to Kangxi, and the first volume was sent. He must find the second volume and send it over.

The Governor of Fujian and Zhejiang is keen to send local specialties. Today, eggplant and watermelon, tomorrow's mango, and the day after tomorrow have been rotten in Beijing;

The governor of Zhili is a weather forecaster, there is rain today, it will rain tomorrow, it will rain the day after, and it will rain every day;

"These ministers, whether they are governors or governors, are all important officials of the imperial court, and there is nothing in the book! Really... Really..."

The prince was almost incoherent.

Rong Xin saw that he was so beaten when he was criticized for the first time, he couldn't help laughing and said, "It's just been like this for a few days, and the emperor is facing this every day. "

It can be seen that she is well-mannered, Rong Xin feels that she has found the source, otherwise why can Kangxi endure her?

The prince took a deep breath, raised his pen and made a book list for the censor of Zuodu, ordered the governor of Fujian and Zhejiang to test the transplanting technique, and taught the governor of Zhili to pay attention to the river bank, while the governor of Fujian and others wrote neatly He wrote a big "have read" word.

Rong Xin finished grinding the ink, and when the ink on the memorial was dry, he put it away and put it aside, the efficiency was acceptable.

"Boom, boom."

Xiao Tangzi's voice sounded outside the study, "His Royal Highness, Suo and other lords have arrived and are waiting in Dunben Hall."

Prince didn't stop writing, and replied without looking up, "Please come over."

When Rong Xin heard this, he opened the door and ordered Xiao Tangzi, then turned around and said to the prince, "His Royal Highness, I'm going to prepare tea."

The prince nodded.

And Lu Chen brought the little palace maid with tea into the study, and not long after, together with Lu Chen came out of the study, and said to Rong Xin: "Master Suo said that he has something important to discuss with His Royal Highness, Prince He ordered me to wait and leave."

Rong Xin nodded and taught them to be busy, not to guess what was discussed in the study.

In the evening, the prince said to Rong Xin, "Auntie, it won't be long before Mingzhu can no longer support Concubine Hui."

Rong Xin frowned slightly, "But what did you say to Master Suo? You shouldn't be directly involved in the fight between them."

"I didn't imply anything to him." The prince explained, "Today they are the progress of negotiating with me."

Before Kangxi toured outside the fortress, he originally appointed Mingzhu as the chief officer in charge of negotiating peace, but after returning to Beijing, he did not mention the appointment of Mingzhu again, but handed it over to Prince Gong Changning and Suoertu.

The prince ignored this and continued to talk about Mingzhu: "The former Zhan Shi Xu Qianxue of the Prince Zhan Shifu, do you remember?"

Rong Xin nodded, "You don't like his villainy behavior, so when he is in charge, he is not close."

, "I just ordered someone to send some evidence out."

Rong Xin realized that after the prince grew up, he gave the prince some of the things he had accumulated, which was nothing more than some money and money, so as to teach the prince to act without restraint.

And what he did, Rong Xin almost never inquired about it, thinking that he could not trust Suo Etu and others, this time he used that person.

"But the Pearl is powerful and has many followers. It's probably not easy to overthrow Fulun and Yu Guodong, a minister of punishment and a minister of personnel."

The prince said indifferently: "There are many ministers in the court who do not share the same cause with the Pearl, Xu Qianxue is incompetent, and there are others."

"It's just..." Rong Xin said with a bit of concern, "If Mingzhu really falls, wouldn't Suoertu be the only family?"

This involves the way of balance that Kangxi has always adhered to.

The prince groped for the knuckles of his index finger and said slowly, "Yes, I want to attack Suo'etu's arrogance before he becomes mad." He could never be taught to threaten imperial power.

Kangxi will certainly not let the power of Suoertu grow...

Rong Xin pondered, seeing the prince lift his foot from the foot basin, and subconsciously handed the foot cloth to the prince.

Usually, the little palace maid waited on the prince to wash and wipe his feet. At this time, there were only the two of them in the room. She handed it smoothly, and the prince grounded naturally.

The prince raised his hand to stop it and said, "Let's leave it alone for the time being, and a maid will take it away later."

"It's okay."

Rong Xin took the foot basin outside the door and handed it to the little palace maid, and after returning, while serving the prince to bed, she casually said: "The personnel palace maid arranged by the Ministry of Internal Affairs will come to Yuqing Palace tomorrow. , what are your orders?"

The prince didn't care much and said, "It's all up to my aunt's placement."

Rong Xin was not surprised that the prince had this answer, so he did not make any changes to the previous arrangement.

On the second day, as soon as the crown prince left, the personnel court lady arrived at the Yuqing Palace. Rong Xin only explained Qian Hang, and did not wait in the East Palace to greet her specially.

Rong Xin accompanies the Empress Dowager and the Empress Dowager in Cining Palace to talk to the Empress Dowager.

Qianhang immediately replied: "Female officer, the palace maid has been placed in the backyard, can you ask her to come see you?"

Rong Xin shook his head, "I'll go over there."

And as soon as she took a step forward, Xueqing came over and begged with a hilarious smile: "Female officer, can you take me with you? When she came just now, I was not in the Yuqing Palace, so I didn't see you. on."

"It's not a rare treasure, and I'll see it sooner or later. There are several people behind me, and I will scare the little palace maid."

"If you are scared, you will be scared. Before the princess married, she was making waves in the backyard of Her Royal Highness."

make a mess.

But Rong Xin still did not refuse Xueqing, and finally appeared in the house of the little palace maid, followed by Qianhang and Xueqing.

Both of them are squeamish, as soon as they enter the house, they begin to put on a pretence, and they all look like they are arrogant.

Lv Shen respectfully said to the personnel palace maid: "This is the maid of honor of our Yuqing Palace."

Xue Qing was even more exaggerated, her face was sullen, and she said seriously: "Don't say hello?"

The little palace maid didn't know what happened to Rong Xin after entering the palace, so she immediately knelt on the ground, her voice trembling nervously: "Slave Lan'er, see the female official Rong."

Rong Xin staggered slightly and didn't accept the salute. While she couldn't see, she glared at Lu Chen and Xue Qing before calling Lan Er warmly.

Lan Er stood there with her head lowered, wishing to bury it in her chest.

Rong Xin saw her face just now, a fifteen-year-old girl, with a medium appearance, but she was still very immature, and she was going to waste the rest of her life in the palace.

And she hadn't made a sound for a long time, Lan'er became more and more flustered, trembling uncontrollably, as if she might faint at any time.

Lu Chen and Xueqing looked at each other, and both saw smiles in each other's eyes.

Rong Xin slowly approached her and asked softly, "Afraid of me?"

"Don't be afraid." After Lan'er finished speaking, she seemed to sense something was wrong, and hurriedly shook her head again, panicking, "No, no, slave, slave..."

There was a cry in her voice, looking very pitiful.

Rong Xin didn't come to embarrass her for no reason, so he raised his hand and put it lightly on her thin shoulder, ready to comfort her, not wanting the little palace maid to tremble.

Rong Xin: "…"

Is she that scary?

Xue Qing laughed silently, and pursed her lips before the female officer looked over, but the smile in her eyes did not diminish.

"I'll just call you Lan'er." Rong Xin withdrew his hand, and stopped doing extra things, and went straight to the theme, "The princess will marry in a few days, she should have Rules, don't I need to say more?"

Lan'er answered "yes" in a low voice, as if her voice was squeezed out of her throat.


"Yes." Her voice was not severe, and Lan'er responded with a little more courage.

Rong Xin looked around and saw that there were few mistakes and omissions, so he wanted to leave, but before leaving, his voice reminded lightly: "If you are safe, everything will be fine, Yuqing Palace No one in the world can treat you badly, but if you cause any trouble for His Royal Highness…”

"This room is your cold palace, and death is your destination."

Lan'er's face turned pale, and immediately knelt down, saying that she did not dare.

The three of Rong Xin left directly, Xue Qing snorted and said with a bit of regret: "I'm so timid, it's useless for me to come here to see her."

Lu Chen made a mistake and was more cautious, and said, "Don't relax because of this, His Royal Highness should not make a single mistake."

"I saved it."

The noon sun was a little dazzling, Rong Xin raised his hand to cover his eyebrows, and whispered: "She will serve the prince at night, you can arrange it."

She never thought of preventing the prince from having a concubine, and even promoted the young prince to marry in advance...

Even if she doesn't want to admit it, she has to admit that she has really changed...